Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides at home

Why fat accumulates in the lower abdomen

This is primarily due to the characteristics of the human body and centuries of evolution. Once upon a time, fat reserves were necessary for survival in harsh natural conditions. As part of the modern development of society, fat no longer performs such an important function, but our ancient brain continues to accumulate reserves for a rainy day.

This is interesting: women are characterized by the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, while in men it is deposited in the visceral areas. At the same time, estrogens play a huge role in the production of fat deposits: during menopause and after it, when hormonal changes occur in the female body, you can notice an increase in the volume of the waist and hips.*

In addition, modern lifestyle is often associated with sedentary work, unhealthy diet and regular stress. All this contributes to improper distribution of subcutaneous fat and the formation of pronounced deposits in the lower abdomen.

Reason 2. Posture

If you have poor posture, it may appear that you have extra pounds in the abdominal area, even if in fact you do not. If you strongly protrude and lower your pelvis, hunch your back, a bend appears in your spine, which seems to push your stomach forward. As a result, you look fatter and shorter than you are. If you think this is the reason, try correcting your posture. There are a large number of exercises for this.

Another life hack for women who are used to hunching over is heels. Even a small heel will automatically make you straighten your back, and your gait will become lighter, more feminine and graceful.

Organization of proper nutrition

To burn fat, first of all you should worry about changing your diet to a healthier one. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go on a strict diet: moreover, most of these methods of losing weight have a negative impact on health. In addition, after you return to your normal diet, the volume will return. Therefore, in order to remove fat from the lower abdomen with maximum efficiency, it is necessary to improve your diet. First of all, exclude trans fats and free sugars from the menu. This means that you should give up fast food, store-bought sweets and snacks. Also, sweet soda and packaged juices should disappear from the diet. They can be successfully replaced with fresh fruits and berries, homemade compotes and decoctions. When losing weight quickly, you need to adhere to the two most important rules.

  • Diet.
    Include more protein in your regular menu. This can include lean meat and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, soy, legumes and nuts. If you don't want to spend a lot of time preparing delicious and healthy food, pay attention to Formula 1 protein shakes from Herbalife Nutrition. One glass of this product replaces a full meal, providing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. In combination with physical activity, protein shakes help you quickly get rid of excess fat and effectively work muscles. In addition, this product is additionally enriched with a vitamin and mineral complex of 23 elements necessary for the human body. This is an excellent alternative to strict diets with a calorie deficit: you will not suffer from hunger and lack of nutrients, and with the right exercise schedule you can quickly get rid of lower belly fat.
  • Mode.
    To effectively lose weight, nutritionists recommend sticking to a nutritional schedule. You should try to eat at approximately the same time, and the break between the main meal and snack should not exceed three hours. This will prevent you from constantly feeling hungry and not overeating during dinner. By the way, the advice “not to eat after six” is relevant only for those who go to bed at nine in the evening. In other cases, the last meal should take place three hours before bedtime: this way you will not go to bed on an empty stomach, but most of the nutrients will already be absorbed. For those who are accustomed to overeating at night, it is recommended to replace their regular dinner with Formula 1. Evening Cocktail from Herbalife Nutrition. One serving of the cocktail contains a lot of pure protein and a complex of microelements, as well as L-tryptophan, which helps normalize sleep.

If necessary, you can contact the Healthy Lifestyle Club. A nutrition consultant will provide proven information, optimize and personalize the program, and provide support. The specialist will also take the necessary measurements and record the results to see the dynamics. This way, it will be much more pleasant to watch your figure in a friendly and warm atmosphere.

Walking and running

It is impossible to remove the lower abdomen quickly without cardio training. They form the basis of weight loss complexes.

The results of aerobic training are:

  • increasing endurance;
  • reduction of cellulite symptoms;
  • increasing resistance to various diseases;
  • optimization of body proportions;
  • increased lumens in blood vessels and their tone;
  • weight loss;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • increase in the volume of the heart and lungs.


The most gentle and least expensive way to lose weight, both in monetary terms and in terms of strength, is walking. Walking does not require any additional conditions other than time and is easy to dose.

Nordic walking

The main recommendations for organizing walking for the purpose of losing weight are:

  • The choice of route for walking should include differences in elevation.
  • Movement at a speed of 5-6 km/h with a heart rate of at least 120 beats/min.
  • Control of correct foot placement when moving (smooth roll from heel to toe using the entire foot).
  • Systematic change in the pace of movement.
  • Go uphill at a high pace, go down slowly.


Running is the only type of natural physical activity with the maximum beneficial effect for all types of weight loss and strengthening the body.

To quickly achieve your goals, you must adhere to certain training rules:

  • use comfortable and lightweight sneakers;
  • when moving, do not allow your feet to “slap” (landing on the heel, rolling over the entire area of ​​the foot, pushing with the front third);
  • after a 10-minute light run, a warm-up is carried out (a set of morning physical exercises);
  • carry out the main part of the workout at an average pace (the upper limit is determined by the “wobbly” state of the legs, at which the pace should be slightly reduced to a comfortable state);
  • during the training, do maximum acceleration three times (the longest is at the end of the distance);
  • Always complete the workout with a set of breathing exercises.

Effective physical activity

Cardio exercises will help reduce your waist size and get rid of your belly. For girls, they are not limited to running: you can easily choose the optimal type of training:

  • swimming and water aerobics;
  • dancing;
  • yoga and pilates;
  • bodyflex;
  • Hula Hup.

Any chosen load will help correct your figure not only in a certain place. After just a few weeks of active exercise, you will notice a decrease in waist and hip size, as well as weight loss. In order to achieve quick results, do cardio exercises for at least twenty minutes a day. And as an additional workout, make it a habit to walk up and down stairs. By the way, an evening walk at a comfortable pace will not only help get rid of belly fat, but will also reduce stress levels and give you a restful, healthy sleep.

Breathing exercises

To quickly and effectively lose weight, perform the “vacuum” exercise. This is a yoga asana aimed at improving peristalsis and normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. However, in addition to this effect, it has a lot of other advantages, including helping to work out all the abdominal muscles, quickly getting rid of a bulging belly and strengthening the corset. To do the exercise:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms along your body and relax as much as possible. Start breathing slowly from your diaphragm.
  2. Exhale smoothly, trying to get all the air out of your lungs. After exhaling, pull in your stomach, trying to press it as close as possible to your spine. Hold the position for 10–15 seconds.
  3. Slowly begin to inhale, releasing tense muscles.

Top exercises for a flat stomach

For a pronounced effect, you need to devote at least three days a week to classes, and then quick results will not keep you waiting. What exercises can you do to work your abdominal muscles and get rid of excess fat in this area?

Raising extended legs.

One of the most effective options for working out the abdominals and thighs, which helps to achieve pronounced results in the shortest possible time. To perform the exercise, lie on the floor with your arms extended along your body. Legs should be straight. Start lifting them up, squeezing them together and tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible. As a result, your legs should be at an angle of 90 degrees to your body. Hold at the top for a few seconds, then slowly lower back to the starting position. Repeat 15 times, 4 sets. Over time, the number of lifts can be increased, and the legs can not be lowered to the floor, leaving them 10–20 cm above it.


A relatively simple exercise that helps get rid of fat in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs. In addition, it perfectly increases endurance. To perform the exercise, lie on your back with your arms extended along your body. Raise your legs so that your hips form a right angle with your body. Bend your knees and begin to straighten them one by one, as if you were pedaling a bicycle. Make sure that your back does not come off the floor and your abs remain tense. Do the exercise for 2-3 minutes until you feel tired.


One of the most effective ways to quickly get rid of fat in the lower abdomen, as well as achieve a thin waist and beautiful muscle definition. To perform the exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent. Place your hands behind your head or cross your chest. Begin to lift your upper body, alternately leaning to the right and left. Repeat 15 times on each side, 4 sets.

It is important! Perform all exercises only after warming up: this will prevent possible injuries and also saturate the blood with oxygen, increasing the effectiveness of the workout.**

Weekly training program for girls

To plan physical training classes, a conditional time period “typical week” is used.

The weekly program includes those sets of exercises or workouts that are recommended for the problem of cellulite in the lower abdomen. With a weekly program, it is easy to adjust it to your menstrual cycle: on critical days you should not engage in physical activity.

The weekly program should include the following workouts:

Days of a typical weekExecuted complexes
  • Run 1 km.
  • Abs pumping.
  • Speed ​​running 3x200 m.
IICardio training (5-6 km)
  • Accelerated movement 5 km;
  • Gymnastics.
  • Fitball exercises.
  • Gymnastics complex.
YICross-country 5 km, speed run 3x100 m.
YIIWater procedures and wraps

Removing the lower abdomen quickly is a feasible desire, but the period is usually at least 3 months. This period is determined by both the timing of the use of exercise complexes and the duration of therapeutic diets.

The correct choice of therapeutic nutrition plan is of fundamental importance.

Alternative Methods

Alternative techniques aimed at combating excess weight and skin imperfections can provide additional assistance in losing weight.


Lymphatic drainage or anti-cellulite, it helps to launch microcirculation of blood and lymph, normalizing metabolic processes. It is best to turn to professionals, but if you wish, you can perform this massage yourself. Do it at least three times a week to improve the condition of your skin and quickly get rid of fat in the problem area.

SPA treatments.

Another way to improve blood flow and speed up the breakdown of fat cells. Wraps work best: they tone the skin, improve its condition and help with weight loss.


Exposure to exfoliating particles not only rejuvenates the skin, but also nourishes it. In addition, the scrub helps accelerate blood flow in the treated area, which leads to faster breakdown of fats. For maximum effect, it is recommended to use products with natural ingredients: for example, Herbalife Nutrition Instant Skin Renewal Berry Scrub.

Water treatments

When cellulite manifests itself, you can and should carry out all the water procedures that are available (only foam and other warm baths are not recommended).


  • hydromassage;
  • Charcot's shower;
  • oxygen baths;
  • swimming;
  • Russian bath;
  • hamam.

There are many remedies to combat cellulite. To do this quickly and remove fat folds in the lower abdomen, you need to use them correctly.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

Additional recommendations

The effectiveness of weight loss depends on many factors. In particular, on sleep and stress levels. To quickly get rid of fat in the problem area, do not forget about your daily routine. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day, in a well-ventilated area, avoiding overeating at night. Sleep is the best friend of a beautiful figure. So, if you want to lose weight faster, do not forget about an integrated approach. Eat more protein and fiber, exercise regularly, get outdoors, and get enough sleep. Within a few weeks you will notice positive changes not only in your figure, but also in the general condition of your body.


* Sexual characteristics of the regulation of adipose tissue // https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/polovye-osobennosti-regulyatsii-zhirovoy-tkani/viewer

** New encyclopedia of bodybuilding // https://bookscafe.net/read/shvarcenegger_arnold-novaya_enciklopediya_bodibildinga_kn_2_programmy_trenirovok-224653.html#p1

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