Cindy Crawford and her set of exercises “The Secret of the Ideal Figure”

  • 934
  • 05-09-2019
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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An ideal body is not a dream, but quite a reality, and it is not necessary to constantly go on diets for this. Nowadays, various physical exercises for body shaping are especially common. One of the most popular is still the set of classes of supermodel Cindy Crawford.

Principles of training Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford is a famous American model who has been recognized for many years as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Even now, at 53 years old, she looks much younger, she is also slim and fit. This is thanks to the physical exercises that Crawford developed to correct her figure.

Before you start the exercises, you should familiarize yourself with the principles of the exercises that the model provides us with:

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  • Principle 1: You should not exhaust yourself with exercise;
  • Principle 2: you need to love yourself and your body (everything about yourself);
  • Principle 3: Diet should be followed in addition to exercise;
  • Principle 4: Exercise regularly;
  • Principle 5: movements in exercises should be smooth, reminiscent of a dance.

In her lessons, Cindy repeatedly reminds you that you need to gradually get used to the load and not try to complete the entire volume of training at once. The body must adapt slowly and smoothly, otherwise it may simply not withstand intense physical activity.

Efficiency and results

Cindy Crawford claims that the weight loss system she developed allows you to lose from 3 to 5 kg in a week.

The model’s two-week diet not only effectively fights excess pounds, but also cleanses the body well, due to the high content of healthy foods in the menu. If you wish, you can alternate different sets of exercises from the top model, which you can easily find on the Internet, and then it will be easier and faster to lose weight.

Cindy Crawford diet results - before and after photos:

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Workout Features

Despite the fact that this complex was developed more than 15 years ago, it is more relevant than ever! The effectiveness of exercises has been tested and proven by many world-famous stars.

The complex includes:

  • Strength exercises;
  • Elements of aerobics and callanetics;
  • Fitness;
  • Pilates;
  • Cardio training.

The undoubted advantage of training according to the Cindy Crawford program is that you do not need additional exercise equipment or sports equipment to perform the exercises.

The main classes last for half an hour, and the warm-up (1st lesson) is only 10 minutes. Moreover, lessons 2 and 3 should not be completed on the same day. Workouts should be alternated, starting with simple ones. More experienced and trained ladies can combine the entire complex at once, but it should be performed no more than 3 times a week.

How to make your workout more effective

Reviews indicate that to increase the effectiveness of shaping with Cindy Crawford, you need to follow a few simple rules. You should start your workout with a warm-up. It will help warm up your joints and muscles and prevent sprains and injuries. Movements during warm-up should be smooth. You need to perform rotational movements with your head and pelvis. It also doesn’t hurt to bend to the sides and stretch up and down.

To properly work out your muscles, you can alternate between doing plie exercises and squats. You need to start training with a minimum level of load, increase the intensity of training gradually. To make the task more challenging, use dumbbells. You can also increase the number of repetitions, but in no case should you speed up the pace of the workout.

The best proof of the effectiveness of Crawford’s “Ideal Body” program are photos of the model in her youth and now in 2017. The star looks as good as she did at 25 years old, she is slim, fit and young, full of vitality and energy, her height and weight are completely harmonious. The complex is used by many Hollywood celebrities.

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Pros and cons of exercise

The “Secret of a Perfect Figure” program from Cindy Crawford may seem like a real panacea for excess weight. However, like any workout, you first need to determine the pros and cons of the complex.

People with any level of physical fitness and regardless of health status can train in this program (simply by reducing the load).

Among the advantages are:

  • Slow and calm pace, moderate rhythm;
  • Involvement of all muscle groups;
  • Simplicity and clear presentation of exercises;
  • A striking example of the result of exercise is Cindy Crawford;
  • No fatigue or harm to health.

Among other things, each workout ends with a good stretch, which helps tone the muscles. However, there are several disadvantages to the program:

  • The need for systematic training, you cannot skip a single exercise;
  • The complex provokes muscle growth, which can visually increase your figure;
  • Monotonous training.

Of course, this is not a reason to give up exercise. They are best suited for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, so only in combination with a diet will the complex lead to pleasant results.

How to achieve perfection?

No, this is not a weak-willed question that torments every girl/woman, but a ready-made answer that is offered to us by the famous supermodel of the 90s, the face of the famous fashion houses Versace and Escada - Cindy Crawford. And let the skeptics rest a little.

Cindy Crawford is famous for more than just her famous mole. It was the training program that brought her commercial success, selling in huge quantities all over the world.

And today she still remains a kind of pioneer and trendsetter in the field of home fitness and aerobics training.

Anyone born in the 80s probably saw the cassette version of this video. But progress does not stand still, and today, thanks to high technology and high-speed Internet, you can train with charming Cindy at home at any convenient time.

Complex “The Secret of the Ideal Figure”

The “Secret of an Ideal Figure” complex includes three classes:

  • Lesson 1 - duration 38 minutes;
  • Lesson 2 - exercises for 36 minutes;
  • Lesson 3 - 10 minute workout.

Although the shortest part of the complex is listed last, it is best to start doing it at the beginning. This is necessary for the body to get used to the load, gradually becoming accustomed to the desired rhythm of exercise.

Lesson 1: “Perfect body in 10 minutes”

The first lesson is also called “exercise from Cindy Crawford.” It is suitable for beginners, for those who do not have time for full-fledged exercises, and as a warm-up before other exercises.

This complex is excellent for maintaining muscle tone.

The lesson includes:

  • Rotation of the head, body;
  • Lunges and squats;
  • Push ups;
  • Press swing;
  • Twisting while lying down.

Some of the exercises can be performed even on the go and in a small space. In total, the exercises are designed in such a way that in 10 minutes they will help you cheer up and prepare your body for serious sports.

Lesson 2: for toned thighs

The second lesson of the complex consists of 5 parts: warm-up, stretching, exercises for the muscles of the buttocks, chest and back, repeated final stretching to warm up the muscles.

The main focus of the lesson is getting rid of fat deposits in the thighs.

To perform the exercise, you will need a chair with a backrest, a pair of dumbbells (can be replaced with bottles of water or sand) and a yoga mat.

In this lesson you will need to do:

  • Rotations of the head, arms,
  • Tilts;
  • Lunges and squats;
  • Swing your legs;
  • Swings with dumbbells.

Lesson 3: for a flat stomach

Lesson 3 of the complex will be especially useful for those who want to get rid of fat deposits in the waist and abdomen. The emphasis in the exercises is on the abs, which contributes to more efficient and rapid burning of belly fat.

The items required for the lesson remain the same as for the 2nd lesson. The exercise regimen changes slightly: warm-up, stretching, exercises for the legs, shoulder girdle and arms, abdominal pumping, final stretching.

The lesson includes the same lunges, squats, bends and swings. To these are added abdominal pumping exercises and more exercises to develop the shoulder joints.

Warm-up is required!

Be sure to warm up before each lesson! The simplest warm-up is done standing, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, movements are very smooth. Start your warm-up with your neck, gently twisting your head in both directions. Then, make circular movements with your shoulders three times and then simultaneously pull both shoulders up.

To stretch your torso, first bend in both directions, then rotate your upper body and rotate your pelvis.

You can complete the warm-up with some stretching. Place your feet parallel to each other, slightly wider than your shoulders. You need to lean forward so that your torso is located at approximately 45° relative to the floor.

Place your hands on your hips just above your knees and stretch your stomach toward the floor, leaning forward and arching your back.

AiF infographics

Reviews about the complex “The Secret of the Ideal Figure”

This phenomenal set of exercises could not go unnoticed and has been finding its supporters from different parts of the world for decades. More than one generation of our compatriots is also actively involved in the “Secret of an Ideal Figure” program and shares their impressions and results with others.

Evgeniya, 28 years old:

I’m no stranger to sports, I’m not a professional, but I love to practice. I have a tendency to be overweight, so I always attended different classes and gyms. The latest hobby was stretching exercises, where they told me about the “old” program from Cindy Crawford. I decided to try it because the fat on my stomach didn’t want to go away. As a result, after a month of training, my tummy tightened, and elastic hips became a pleasant bonus! I have perseverance, so I will continue to train, I really liked the effect!

Ksenia, 33 years old:

I have always suffered from excess weight, always on diets and malnutrition. I was already very tired of this lifestyle, but the kilos still didn’t disappear, quite the contrary. I decided to try sports, but the coach chose the wrong classes, and as a result I got a sprain and a complete reluctance to even go near the sports equipment. Not long ago I accidentally came across an old post with lessons from Cindy Crawford. Out of boredom I decided to try it; there was nothing else to do. And I got involved! In just three weeks, I not only lost several kilos, but my figure changed noticeably. It turns out I have a waist! This is amazing, I recommend it to everyone!

Yulianna, 24 years old:

I tried training with Jillian Michaels, but after two weeks I got tired of it, it was too difficult. I recently remembered that there were some exercises from Cindy Crawford. Her exercises really suited me. Everything is simple, easy, I even forgot why I was training. Then I looked at the scales, and the fat was gone! I am satisfied and happy to share with others.

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"How to achieve perfection"

This program is designed for recovery after childbirth. It contains 3 complexes that will help you get into shape consistently. The program is short, and for workouts not related to recovery, only complex C can be recommended. Although it is designed as a mix of cardio and strength, the cardio segments are not too intense, I never reached my “fat burning” zone. For “continuers”, it makes sense to repeat complex C a couple of times to achieve a visible effect. To summarize, it must be said that the training sessions themselves are filmed in a very tempting way, and the exercises are explained in an accessible manner. Simply watching a video gives aesthetic pleasure and is very motivating for systematic exercise. So for beginners, Cindy is the one. Those who continue need to diversify their training menu with more intense aerobics on weekends from Cindy, and with the programs of the famous model, work with the maximum possible weight for themselves. Then the muscles will be sculpted and the fat will disappear faster.

Anastasia Abramova specially for Copying the author's article is prohibited!

Suggestions for improvement from Cindy

  • Proper nutrition is the key to success . Food should be taken separately in small portions 5-6 times a day. You should exclude unhealthy foods from your diet: baked goods and sweets (only dark chocolate is allowed), fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty, fried and salty foods. When compiling your diet, pay the most attention to boiled veal and poultry, fruits, vegetables and grains. It is necessary to maintain a water-salt balance - drink from one and a half liters of clean water per day.

  • Regular training . Only systematic exercises will help you create an ideal figure and keep your body young and beautiful.
  • Adequate sleep and rest . To restore the body and accumulate vitality, you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Psychological self-training . You need to love, but at the same time not feel sorry for yourself and be ready to work hard on your body.

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