Exercises with a kettlebell: Complex for all muscle groups (photo and video)

You can pump up your biceps using various sports equipment - barbells, dumbbells and horizontal bars. Athletes who want to get the most effective workout possible use kettlebells. Exercises with kettlebells for biceps differ from others because they have a higher load and faster results with regular pumping.

Kettlebell training is suitable for endurance athletes. Exercises with apparatus pump up the muscles of the arms, back, legs and buttocks.

Bodybuilding and hypertension

Hypertension is the scourge of our time.
I remember the times when only gray-haired old men talked about problems with blood pressure. And now everyone is talking about it. Stress, smoking, alcohol, excess weight, physical inactivity (lack of physical activity), excess salt in the diet - these are the main causes of this disease. Almost all adults have problems with blood pressure. Therefore, a person who comes to the gym in adulthood needs to build his exercise routine taking into account this disease. I touched on this topic in more detail in my book “Bodybuilding for Adults”; I highly recommend reading it. For people involved in bodybuilding after 40 years of age, I strongly recommend avoiding exercises performed upside down. There are few such exercises, but they exist and some of them are extremely popular:


Barbell press, dumbbell press, overhead flyes

In my deep conviction, these exercises are not only dangerous, but completely useless, since the vast majority of those who train in the gym lag behind the upper chest, but not the lower one.

Upside down barbell press

I recommend (forgive me my heresy) that people in adulthood give up not only overhead presses, but even flat bench presses. They can be successfully and with greater benefit replaced by exercises performed on a bench with an upper slope.


Bend overs with a barbell or body extensions in the simulator

Both versions of this very old exercise came into the bodybuilding arsenal directly from weightlifting. They are aimed at developing the strength of the lumbar muscles and back extensors. But thanks to the advent of modern inertial simulators, it is possible to load the same parts of the back completely safely.

Extension (torso extension)


Incline sit-ups

In addition to problems with blood pressure, these exercises can also cause spinal hernias. In addition, they are ineffective for building abs. Instead of doing abdominal exercises, a set of exercises for a person over 40 can include crunches on a fitball or hanging leg raises.

Roman chair sit-ups


French press on a reverse incline bench

This is a truly great exercise and has long been the crown jewel of my collection of the best triceps exercises. But research shows (and I agree) that the most effective triceps exercise is the rope-handle extension. And all varieties of the French press, oddly enough, occupy only fifth position in the hit parade of the best exercises for triceps.

French press on a reverse incline bench


Forward and reverse wrestling bridge

A powerful, pumped-up neck is the main sign of physical strength and athletic physique. But most neck exercises are potentially dangerous for the cervical spine, not to mention the pressure. For a beginner, in the first 6-12 months of training, you don’t have to work your neck at all, since it takes an active part in many presses and deadlifts. And in the future, I recommend using only movements that can be performed in a vertical position.

Bortsovsky Bridge


Vertical leg press

The carriage of a conventional leg press machine is located at an angle of 45° and is absolutely safe for people with high blood pressure. But recently, exercise machines with a vertical bench press path have begun to appear. Over the past year, two new sports clubs have opened in my city and each of them has such equipment.

Vertical leg press

This is strange to me, since these types of bench presses were popular in Arnold's time, almost 40 years ago. Not only are the knees ungodly loaded during the vertical leg press, but also the blood rushes to the head in a very strong way.

Conclusion: you can always find an equivalent replacement for any physical activity performed upside down. Therefore, such exercises when doing bodybuilding after 40 years old simply should not happen.

Pros and cons of kettlebell lifting

Modern athletes are accustomed to considering the kettlebell a relic of the past. In fact, this equipment is greatly underestimated, and kettlebell lifting has a number of advantages:

  1. Versatility. With kettlebells you can do exercises on your shoulders, arms, chest, back and any other muscle groups.
  2. Minimum inventory. This is a definite plus for home workouts. For a beginner to get a full workout, 1 piece of equipment will be enough to start with. This saves not only the budget, but also space in the apartment, since unlike barbells and exercise machines, weights do not require much space for storage.
  3. Simultaneous development of strength and endurance. When training in the gym, we increase either one or the other, varying the weights and the number of repetitions. Kettlebell lifting involves long-term exercise with fairly heavy equipment weight, which has a positive effect on both strength and endurance.
  4. Cardiovascular health. This benefit is also explained by the duration of strength training, during which the heart is subjected to positive stress.
  5. Development of coordination.
  6. Integration with other sports. To improve their skills, representatives of various martial arts, track and field athletes and other athletes turn to kettlebells.

With all the advantages, kettlebell lifting also has its disadvantages:

  1. Inability to gain impressive muscle mass. A champion weightlifter in terms of volume will lose to an ordinary amateur athlete from the gym. This sport is for those who are interested in the functionality of the body, and not just appearance.
  2. Injury hazard. Incorrect technique when exercising with a kettlebell can very easily lead to injury. However, the risk is not much higher than using free weights at the gym.

Thus, the advantages of kettlebell lifting significantly outweigh its disadvantages. Classes with kettlebells are ideal for those who do not strive for huge muscles, but want to become strong and resilient. However, you will still look more athletic than the average untrained person. And the intensity of the exercises will help you get rid of excess weight in a short time, which makes kettlebell lifting attractive for women. In addition, here ladies definitely should not be afraid to “swing”, since the possibility of gaining muscle mass is limited.

Swing as the art of sex3

According to supporters of swing, its whole point is not just having group sex, but thus maintaining interest in each other. Some people find this experience incredibly exciting, for some it is a way to revive a marriage, and for others such games end in divorce.

Despite the fact that modern society condemns swinging, the number of official swingers clubs is growing like mushrooms after rain. By the way, in such establishments everything happens by mutual consent of the partners. There is no coercion, there is a list of permitted and prohibited actions. There are no separate rooms for privacy, the process of love and pleasure takes place in public, those who wish can join at any time. There are special sites on the Internet where couples can find people willing to engage in lovemaking.

The benefits of warming up before exercise

You warm up your muscles, ligaments and tendons, this improves their elasticity and reduces the risk of injuries and sprains.

Warm muscles contract and relax better during training, which means your strength capabilities during exercise will be higher.

Warming up before exercise improves blood circulation, which will saturate your muscles with oxygen and nutrients. This will help increase your endurance during exercise.

During a warm-up, your body increases the production of hormones responsible for energy production.

Training is a kind of stress for the body, so a high-quality warm-up will prepare you for stress from a mental point of view, improve coordination and attention. During light warm-up exercises, adrenaline is released into the blood, making your body better able to cope with physical activity.

During light warm-up exercises, adrenaline is released into the blood, making your body better able to cope with physical activity.

Warming up speeds up metabolic processes.

A good warm-up before training will help you not only avoid injuries and problems with the cardiovascular system, but also make your workout more effective. If you want to skip the warm-up and save time so you can focus more on increased loads for quick results, then this is the wrong way.

After warming up, your body will work better, you will be more energetic and resilient, which will give you much better results in the long run.

A dynamic warm-up should be carried out before any workout, regardless of the type of load: strength training with weights, running, cycling, kickboxing, plyometrics, split stretching, crossfit and any other sports direction. Warming up before training is necessary both when exercising in the gym and at home (outside).

Five of the Best Kettlebell Abdominal Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are great for building core abdominal strength. But if you want to get rock-hard abs with clearly defined six-pack abs, then you need to add weights to your workout. One effective way is kettlebells.

We have already talked about the most effective abdominal exercises and want to expand the list with movements with additional weight.

“I use kettlebells because they are versatile. They allow you to perform both basic exercises and exercises for all muscle groups, they are suitable for both beginners and professionals, they can be used both in the gym and at home,” explains Ashton Turner, co-founder of a fitness club in London, strength-increasing specialist. “Exercising on one side disrupts balance by forcing the body to use more muscle to stay in place. Any movement behind the head, such as the Windmill, also requires core engagement in addition to balance.”

How to perform

Do three sets of ten reps, resting 45 seconds between sets, 90 between exercises. To increase the load, add one repetition per set to each workout until you reach 15. Then move to heavier weights, while starting again with ten repetitions.

Why does it work

These exercises help you develop your anti-rotation abilities, which helps you stand stronger on your feet. Also, this training program will allow you to achieve rock-hard abs and effectively work out your oblique abdominal muscles and lower back.

Kettlebell bench press

Lie on the floor, holding a weight in each hand at chest level. Straighten one arm and push the kettlebell upward, lifting your shoulder off the floor and twisting your torso. Having lowered one arm, straighten the other using the same principle.

Tip: “By lying on the floor, you increase core stability, thereby reducing the risk of injury,” explains Turner. “I encourage my clients to “slam” their lower back into the floor. This helps prevent arching in the lower back and disabling of the abdominal muscles.”


Starting position: standing straight, holding the weight in an outstretched arm above your head, feet wider than shoulder-width apart. The weight distribution should be biased towards the hand that holds the weight. While looking at the weight, lower your body down until your other hand touches the floor.

Tip: The Windmill exercise looks intimidating, but it's worth doing for core strength and shoulder stability. This exercise is also a great stretch for the hamstrings.”

Lateral press

Starting position: kettlebell at shoulder level. Tighten your core and lower your body to the side while straightening your arm. Try to keep the kettlebell as still as possible, instead move your body. Having reached the bottom point, return to the starting position.

Tip: “A great exercise for the obliques because you need to maintain balance while pressing the kettlebell away from your core. The lower you go, the greater the intensity of the exercise and the center of gravity shifts.”

Curl Press

Holding two weights above your head, sit on the floor with your knees bent. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, moving the weights toward your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles to rise to the starting position and push your arms up.

Advice: “While sitting straight, tighten your pelvis, and when you lower yourself, twist your back, trying to touch the floor with each vertebra in turn. The slower you move, the harder your abdominal muscles work.”

Moving the weights in the plank

Stand in a plank position with your arms straight, your body in a straight line from the top of your head to your heels, and place a kettlebell on your right side. Move your left arm under your body, grab the kettlebell and move it to your left side. Switch hands and repeat the movement.

Advice: “A good way to diversify the bar. The further away from your body you place the kettlebell, the more difficult the exercise becomes. To make the exercise even more challenging, you can lift the weight slightly off the floor.”

Benefits and harms

There are few advantages of kettlebells over other sports, since all equipment is considered effective and is created for one purpose - training our body. However, there are a couple of advantages that are worth mentioning.

  • Cheapness.
  • Practicality - with one kettlebell you can actually work out your entire body.
  • The shoulder joint is strengthened, grip and arm strength develops.
  • Coordination training - even with a classic bench press, you need to strain and maintain balance of the whole body.
  • A positive side effect is that when training only the shoulders, the back, arms, abs and legs are also trained.

However, along with these seemingly significant advantages, there is one main drawback that can cause enormous harm - the load on the lower part of the spine (lower back).

All exercises (except for the role of additional weight) are performed in a standing or sitting position. This causes a shocking effect for the vertebrae, since the weight of the projectile is added to the mass of the torso. If 16 kg is not yet so terrible, then 24 and 32 can, after a while, make a person crippled. Proof of this is the very frequent complaints of weight lifters about pain in the spine after 40 years.

Biceps with kettlebell in video format

Also read how to do goblet style kettlebell squats.

Looking for workouts that will help you develop body functionality? The kettlebell is exactly what you need.

Ask any trainer and they will tell you that kettlebells are a versatile, effective tool. Here's why: Kettlebell exercises are typically multi-joint exercises that work all the major muscles in the body. When performing multi-joint exercises, a much greater amount of energy is expended than when performing isolation movements.

"Kettlebells are also effective because they target all of a person's physical attributes, including strength and strength endurance," says Mike Bell, personal trainer at willSpace, a New York City gym. So if you haven't picked up a kettlebell before, now is the time.

Here are five simple, core kettlebell exercises that are easy to learn and sure to update and refresh your routine:

1. Deadlift with a kettlebell

The weight is on the floor in front of you. The legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the legs are slightly turned out. Squat down and grab a kettlebell, then stand on your heels, keeping your chest up and out. Squeeze your glutes at the top and lower back to the starting position.

10 reps, 3 sets

What muscles work: biceps and thighs, buttocks, back

Start by standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing out to the sides. Take the weight in front of you. Keep your arms relaxed as you drive your hips back. From here, bend your knees slightly and use your lower back and hips to swing the kettlebell forward, then pull it back between your legs. Swing forward again until you push the kettlebell out until your arms are parallel to the floor.

10 reps, 3 sets

What muscles work: lower back and hips

3. Truster Giray

Hold two kettlebells, one in each hand, in a standing position: that is, grasp the handles firmly and pull your hands toward your chin, keeping your elbows straight down. The weights will rest on the outside of your forearms. Keeping your arms close to your body, squat down and stand up, raising the weights above your head. Return to a standing position and repeat.

10 reps, 3 sets

What muscles work: shoulders, quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks

4. Kettlebell row with one hand to the chin

Feet shoulder width apart. Hold the kettlebell in front of you with your right hand and let it hang freely in front of your body, keeping your arm straight. Bend your knees slightly and use the strength of your legs, shoulders, and traps to quickly yank the kettlebell up toward the middle of your body, bringing your elbow to eye level.

10 reps; 3 sets for each hand

What muscles work: latissimus dorsi, biceps, buttocks, trapezius, shoulders.

5. One-arm kettlebell clean

Feet shoulder width apart. Grab the handle of the weight with your right hand. the hand should be parallel to the legs, not across the body, and the thumb should point forward. Using the strength of your hips, do a clean, keeping the kettlebell close for better control. Holding the handle throughout the movement, bring the kettlebell to your shoulder and rotate your arm so that the kettlebell rotates from the inside to the outside of your body. Return to the starting position.

10 reps, 3 sets each side

What muscles work: arms, shoulders, lower body

This simple workout will help you get in shape, build strength, endurance and flexibility.

Hello friends. On this page we will look at a very effective and very interesting exercise such as the kettlebell squat with biceps curl. I think that not many people have heard about this exercise, but this does not change the fact that this exercise exists and is included in their training programs.

You will really like it if you prefer to train with kettlebells and like to train at home. In general, you can do this exercise in the gym, but in any case we are talking specifically about training with a kettlebell.

We will only need one weight that we will use. The weight of the kettlebell at first should not be more than 16 kg. It would be nice if you had an 8kg kettlebell. We need a light weight of the kettlebell to practice the technique and understand the biomechanics of the exercise. When all your muscles work as they should, you can take a heavier weight.

Squats: https://goo.gl/CrhCYt

With this exercise you can pump up not only your legs, namely quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, but also your arms, and in particular your biceps. We will look at the details of the technique below.

For a man, not only biceps are very important, but also leg strength

The biceps are often a calling card and are always worth paying attention to. As for the legs, any squats increase testosterone levels, improving its synthesis, and thereby improving muscle hypertrophy

Features of kettlebell training

The Western world has fallen in love with kettlebells because they allow you to train your entire body in just half an hour. Each exercise involves the back and legs, these are the largest muscle groups that expend the maximum amount of energy, so exercises with kettlebells help you lose weight better than any other type of activity.

The main features of kettlebell training:

  • Loads both the muscles and the heart at the same time, combines the benefits of cardio and strength work;
  • Helps save time on individual aerobic exercise;
  • Increases endurance;
  • Serves as a good physical condition for runners, cyclists and swimmers;
  • In 30 minutes, it burns as many calories as an hour of regular exercise in the gym;
  • Works the muscles of the back of the thighs and buttocks, as well as the arms, shoulders and back;
  • Can be universal. Some exercises with dumbbells can be adapted for kettlebell training to further pump up the chest, back, and muscles of the front of the thighs;
  • Evenly develops all muscles of the body, does not lead to pronounced muscle hypertrophy of any individual regions;
  • Helps activate the posterior chain muscles, preparing the body for more intense strength training;
  • Improves performance in running and regular cardio;
  • Helps get rid of tightness in the hip joints, improves overall mobility.

Standing one-arm kettlebell lift

If you have two identical weights, you can perform lifts alternately. In this version, let's look at one-arm lifts.

  1. While standing, hold the kettlebell by the handle with one hand using an underhand grip. For fixation, you can rest your elbow on the side of your body, slightly tilting your body forward.
  2. Exhale: bend towards the shoulder without turning the hand at the top.
  3. Inhale: lower smoothly.
  4. Repeat on the other hand, performing 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps each.

This technique can also be performed while sitting on a bench at an angle of 90 degrees.

Five of the Best Kettlebell Abdominal Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are great for building core abdominal strength. But if you want to get rock-hard abs with clearly defined six-pack abs, then you need to add weights to your workout. One effective way is kettlebells.

We have already talked about the most effective abdominal exercises and want to expand the list with movements with additional weight.

“I use kettlebells because they are versatile. They allow you to perform both basic exercises and exercises for all muscle groups, they are suitable for both beginners and professionals, they can be used both in the gym and at home,” explains Ashton Turner, co-founder of a fitness club in London, strength-increasing specialist. “Exercising on one side disrupts balance by forcing the body to use more muscle to stay in place. Any movement behind the head, such as the Windmill, also requires core engagement in addition to balance.”

How to perform

Do three sets of ten reps, resting 45 seconds between sets, 90 between exercises. To increase the load, add one repetition per set to each workout until you reach 15. Then move to heavier weights, while starting again with ten repetitions.

Why does it work

These exercises help you develop your anti-rotation abilities, which helps you stand stronger on your feet. Also, this training program will allow you to achieve rock-hard abs and effectively work out your oblique abdominal muscles and lower back.

Kettlebell bench press

Lie on the floor, holding a weight in each hand at chest level. Straighten one arm and push the kettlebell upward, lifting your shoulder off the floor and twisting your torso. Having lowered one arm, straighten the other using the same principle.

Tip: “By lying on the floor, you increase core stability, thereby reducing the risk of injury,” explains Turner. “I encourage my clients to “slam” their lower back into the floor. This helps prevent arching in the lower back and disabling of the abdominal muscles.”


Starting position: standing straight, holding the weight in an outstretched arm above your head, feet wider than shoulder-width apart. The weight distribution should be biased towards the hand that holds the weight. While looking at the weight, lower your body down until your other hand touches the floor.

Tip: The Windmill exercise looks intimidating, but it's worth doing for core strength and shoulder stability. This exercise is also a great stretch for the hamstrings.”

Lateral press

Starting position: kettlebell at shoulder level. Tighten your core and lower your body to the side while straightening your arm. Try to keep the kettlebell as still as possible, instead move your body. Having reached the bottom point, return to the starting position.

Tip: “A great exercise for the obliques because you need to maintain balance while pressing the kettlebell away from your core. The lower you go, the greater the intensity of the exercise and the center of gravity shifts.”

Curl Press

Holding two weights above your head, sit on the floor with your knees bent. Slowly lower yourself to the floor, moving the weights toward your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles to rise to the starting position and push your arms up.

Advice: “While sitting straight, tighten your pelvis, and when you lower yourself, twist your back, trying to touch the floor with each vertebra in turn. The slower you move, the harder your abdominal muscles work.”

Moving the weights in the plank

Stand in a plank position with your arms straight, your body in a straight line from the top of your head to your heels, and place a kettlebell on your right side. Move your left arm under your body, grab the kettlebell and move it to your left side. Switch hands and repeat the movement.

Advice: “A good way to diversify the bar. The further away from your body you place the kettlebell, the more difficult the exercise becomes. To make the exercise even more challenging, you can lift the weight slightly off the floor.”

Preparing the body for such training

It is important to make sure that the body is ready for such a load. You should not engage in such gymnastics if there are health-related contraindications.

For example, these are people with problem joints, bones, blood vessels, and heart. They can replace or partially replace such training with simpler and less dangerous ones. For example, the Bubnovsky simulator will help.

However, even if a person is completely healthy, this does not mean that he is ready for such activities.

It is important that the abs, arm and back muscles, as well as leg muscles, and the cardiovascular system are already developed

This can be done using the following methods:

  • race walking;
  • run;
  • swimming;
  • vertical and horizontal pull-ups;
  • push-ups from the floor and on parallel bars;
  • press classes

After such a complex, performed for at least a month, the body will become stronger, and it will be possible to begin strength training with a weight of 16 kg. At the first signs of discomfort, you should stop exercising and consult with a trainer and sports doctor.

Hammer Grip Dumbbell Curls

This exercise is mainly aimed at developing the small muscle between the biceps and triceps - the brachialis.

It gives the arm a more impressive, athletic shape, so to speak, increases its thickness and has a good effect on the development of overall strength of the shoulder and forearm.

We perform the exercise standing, shoulder blades retracted, elbows held in a natural position at body level, do not move forward, perform a peak contraction at the top, do not relax the arms at the bottom.

You can raise both arms at once or alternately, without fully extending them at the bottom. In the latter case, we maintain a slight tension in the “resting” hand.

Tips for choosing weights

When purchasing or selecting a kettlebell, you need to pay attention to some of its parameters.

  • Material - an excellent option is black cast iron with a rubberized bottom.
  • Handle - it directly affects the comfort when handling the projectile. Try to choose a long staple of such thickness that it fits comfortably in your hand.
  • Size - small volume will reduce wringing of the brush.
  • Weight - men and teenagers need to choose at least a pound, and for girls and women up to 16 kg.

The best decision regarding weight determination is to consult with a trainer. But you will have to select the handle and size yourself. The main thing to remember is that the smaller the volume and the larger the bracket, the more convenient the projectile.

How to choose kettlebells

Whereas previously kettlebells were sold in weights of 4 kg, 16 kg, 24 kg and 32 kg, now you can find almost any kettlebell weight you want. The greater the weight of the weight, the higher its cost. Depending on the material used, weights are divided into plastic, neoprene, cast iron and steel.

Plastic weights

Ideal for training at home, they do not create much noise when colliding with a surface, and the furniture and floor will remain safe and sound. The downside of plastic weights is that their service life is shorter compared to, for example, cast iron or steel. Although if you buy plastic weights from trusted brands, they will last you a long time.

Cast iron weights

These weights are worth choosing for those who value reliable quality. Cast iron weights have high anti-corrosion properties, they are time-tested and will serve you for a long time. But if used carelessly, cast iron weights can scratch the floor or even cause injury to the user.

Steel weights

Weights made of chrome steel have a pleasant appearance and reliable construction. In addition, such weights are also available with a collapsible design, which is very convenient from the point of view of weight regulation. The price of steel weights is slightly higher.

Neoprene weights

The special feature of this type of weights is the soft neoprene coating. Such weights are not so often found on the market, but they are quite practical and safe. Especially suitable for beginners.

Plastic and neoprene weights are safer to use, they are better suited for home use and are cheaper. Cast iron and steel weights generally last longer and are more reliable over long periods of use.

If you are planning to purchase all-metal weights, it is better to get one that is covered with a rubber or vinyl coating to avoid scratching the floor and not creating too much noise. Weights are filled mainly with sand, cement and metal shavings.

Kettlebell training video

We offer you a selection of 15-40 minute workouts with a kettlebell for home that will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of excess fat.

1. Full body kettlebell workout (40 minutes)

2. Full body kettlebell workout (30 minutes)

3. Full body kettlebell workout (15 minutes)

4. Interval training with kettlebells for girls (35 minutes)

5. Interval training with kettlebells for girls (20 minutes)

Kettlebells are simple, but very effective sports equipment for strengthening muscles, burning fat, increasing endurance, strengthening the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. Kettlebell exercises are a great addition to your workout routine, whether you're working on losing weight or building muscle.

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Differences between kettlebells and dumbbells

Now the main sports equipment for most athletes are barbells and dumbbells. Kettlebells have somewhat lost popularity, and it is worth recognizing that this is a rather unique projectile. Dumbbells are, of course, much easier to use and with their help you have the opportunity to work out almost all muscles, not only large ones, but also, what is much more important, small ones.

When you lift a kettlebell, almost every muscle in your body is involved in the movement. This significantly complicates the task of working on targeting muscles. In addition, using dumbbells, especially collapsible ones, it is extremely easy to progress the load. Kettlebells are now available in only four weights: 8, 16, 24 and 32 kilos.

However, kettlebells are also very easy to use, and even with just one piece of equipment you can get an effective workout. Moreover, by performing various movements you can perfectly pump up the muscles of the whole body. A little later we will tell you which exercises with kettlebells for biceps at home should be performed first.

We are not trying to figure out which of these two shells is better. It is simply not correct to pose such a question, since they do not affect the muscles in the same way. Of course, if you train exclusively with kettlebells, you will never become a pro-builder. But you can definitely improve your physical fitness.

As we said above, due to the specifics of this sports equipment, by performing exercises with kettlebells for biceps at home, you will be able to develop other muscles: shoulders, triceps, deltoids, lats and pectoralis major.


Arm curls

As part of home workouts, this is the main biceps exercise. It is performed as follows:

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, exercises in your arms.
  2. There are options for grip. The first is a neutral grip, with your palms facing each other. In this case, when lifting, you need to supinate the hand - turn it away from the body so that the weight hangs in front of the hand. The second option is to initially take such a grip so that your palms point away from the body, and do not change the position of your hands while lifting. Both options are good, it is recommended to alternate them from workout to workout.
  3. As you exhale, bend both arms, lifting the exercises to your shoulders (you can lift them one at a time, but this will give the biceps time to rest). Make sure not to help by rocking the body, and also do not move your elbows forward - they must be fixed. If it doesn’t work, then you took too much weight and you need to lower it or lift one weight with both hands at once.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower the exercises, but do not fully extend your arms; keep your biceps under load the entire time.

nastia1983 — stock.adobe.com

Option with lifting one weight with two hands:

Nomad_Soul - stock.adobe.com

You can also do the exercise first with one hand (all repetitions), and then with the second:

Nomad_Soul - stock.adobe.com

Concentrated curls

Even the possibility of cheating is excluded here; the biceps are worked in isolation, so the working weight will be slightly less.

The technique is:

  1. Sit on any comfortable support, spread your legs wide and firmly rest them on the floor.
  2. Take the weight with one hand, rest its elbow on the thigh of the same leg.
  3. As you exhale, lift the projectile by bending your arm. Don't lift your elbow from your hip.
  4. As you inhale, lower your arm under control without fully extending it, and immediately do the next repetition.
  5. Do the exercise for your second hand as well.

akhenatonimages - stock.adobe.com

Reverse grip curls

This option works the brachialis (located under the biceps) and brachioradialis muscles. Their hypertrophy is no less important for large arm volumes, which is why curls with a reverse or hammer grip must be included in the program.

The technique is identical to regular curls, only this time the grip will be straight, that is, the palms are facing back. This will make it harder to lift the shells, so take less weight. You can perform it with both hands at once, or alternately with each.

ifitos2013 – stock.adobe.com


These are the same bends, only the grip should be neutral throughout the entire exercise - palms facing each other:

ifitos2013 – stock.adobe.com

Start simple: an ode to the horizontal bar

This device makes it possible to quickly pump up your biceps, especially if a beginner (or experienced) athlete does not go to the gym. How to do it:

  • Pull yourself up with a reverse grip, giving the biceps maximum work.
  • Straight grip pull-ups.
  • Pull-ups with a neutral grip - when your hands are placed with your palms facing each other.

These exercises allow you to work your biceps from different angles.

Before training, a warm-up is necessary to avoid injury.

The grips on the horizontal bar alternate during the training process:

Rest between sets for no more than two minutes. The number of repetitions largely depends on the preparation of the athlete. If it allows, then you need to do 10-12 per approach, and the last repetitions, which are difficult, can be done at half the amplitude.

You should monitor your breathing. Exhalation occurs during the most difficult phase of the exercise, that is, during the rise. It is when you exhale that it is easier to create a load on the muscle. In addition, proper breathing is the key to an athlete’s health.

Alexander Shestov

TRX Certified Trainer

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A narrow grip puts more strain on your arms, while a wide grip puts more strain on your back.

It’s very good when you have the opportunity to do push-ups on uneven bars, even homemade ones. In this case, pull-ups alternate with push-ups, allowing the antagonist muscles, that is, the triceps, to work. An allowance should be made for the fact that this is not recommended for completely untrained people at first.

In the absence of parallel bars (for example, at home), push-ups can be successfully used.

Kettlebell exercises for women at home

Girls do not focus on training their biceps, which is understandable. It is much more important for them to work out all the muscles of the body in order to eliminate fat and tighten muscles, making the figure more attractive

It should be admitted that many girls are afraid of strength training, and even more so of training with kettlebells. But don’t let this alarm you, this is not the most common sports equipment. With the right approach, the kettlebell can be a very effective exercise for girls, not just guys. You need to choose the right working weight and perform several effective movements in accordance with the technique. Now we will introduce you to a small set of movements that will help to effectively tighten the muscles of the buttocks, shoulder girdle, arms and thighs. As you can see, you will be able to work out all the most problematic areas of the female body.

  1. The first exercise will be squats
    , which are very effective for the gluteal muscles. Raise the sports equipment to the level of the shoulder joints. After this, perform a half squat, and then straightening your legs, push the weight up. To start, it will be enough to do three sets of three repetitions.
  2. Lunges to the side.
    This exercise should be familiar to those girls who are not afraid of strength training. The starting position is similar to the previous movement. Lunge with the leg opposite the kettlebell arm. If, for example, the projectile is in the left hand, then we lunge with the right foot. At the same time as the lunge, lower the weight down and transfer it to the other hand. Returning to the starting position, repeat the movement in the opposite direction. It is enough to perform ten repetitions in each direction.
  3. Overhead press.
    Hold the sports equipment at the level of the shoulder joint, but with both hands. Perform a half squat, and while moving up, push the weight in a vertical plane. At the end point of the trajectory, pause for a couple of seconds and lower yourself into a half-squat again. However, at this moment, lower the weight to the second shoulder joint. Make seven to eight pushing movements in each direction.
  4. Lateral row in a prone position.
    The starting position is similar to classic push-ups, but the working hand rests on the weight rather than on the ground. After this, you need to turn around on your working hand and lift the projectile vertically upward.

In principle, this complex can also be performed by men using heavier weights. This is a fairly versatile projectile that can be effectively used by both sexes. In order for your body to actively burn fat, you should also remember about cardio exercise. It is the combination of strength training and aerobic exercise that will force the body to actively use fats for energy. To maximize the results of your workouts, first do a cardio session, and then start working with kettlebells.

It is very important to choose the right weight of the shells. This recommendation applies more to guys, since there is no point in girls using heavy weights, because you are pursuing different goals compared to men

However, excess weight can slow down your progress and lead to overtraining. This must be avoided at all costs.

How to train biceps with a 16 kg kettlebell, watch this video:

Basic mistakes

Let's look at a few common mistakes that beginners make when performing chest exercises with a kettlebell.

  1. Reluctance to start training with light, feasible loads. Suddenly lifting too heavy projectiles with jerks can result in injury.
  2. The spine is not fixed in a static position. If you do not keep your back straight, there is a fairly high risk of vertebral displacement and painful pinched nerves.
  3. Train to the point of absolute exhaustion. Regularly exhausting himself completely with chest exercises with kettlebells, the athlete does not allow the body to recover properly. Accordingly, the increase in muscle mass in the target zone occurs slowly.
  4. Introducing your own improvisations into the correct technique for performing exercises. The desire to fantasize is incompatible with strength training. The desire to adjust activities according to individual ideas increases the risk of injury.
  5. Grip the kettlebell too tightly. The projectile should oscillate freely in the hand while swinging. Otherwise, the ligaments and joints of the limbs may be damaged. When training with a kettlebell, it is advisable to loosen your grip somewhat, holding the device more with your fingers than with your palms.
  6. Using shoes whose soles have a low degree of grip on surfaces. Sneakers sliding on the floor can cause an athlete to fall during the inertial movement of a heavy weight in space.

Biceps exercises with barbell

They are best used at the beginning of the complex, since it is easier to perform the exercises with maximum weight. This serves as a fairly powerful impetus for muscle growth.

Lifting the bar

Allows you to pump up your biceps, while being anatomical. Don't let your elbows come forward, don't swing your body, keep it collected. There is no need to lift the barbell above chest level - otherwise the main work will be done by the shoulder muscles. Remember about proper breathing: exhale when lowering your arms, inhale when raising your arms.

Curved Barbell Lift

This is done in the same way. It is believed that such a projectile allows you to quickly make your biceps voluminous. Follow the same rules as in the first case.

Reverse grip barbell lift

Exercise for experienced athletes. Choose a light weight projectile, hold it with your palms facing down, and perform the same as described above. Remember that the outer part of the biceps is being worked here.

The most common mistakes when pumping up biceps

Not all pumping work is effective. Some errors in the training:

  • Involuntary cheating. This happens when lifting dumbbells or a barbell is carried out not with smooth movements, but by throwing the projectile in the upper direction using body swing. At the same time, the biceps is not loaded as efficiently, and other muscles involuntarily “work on the side.”
  • The elbows are spread out to the sides, rather than pressed to the body. In this case, as in the previous one, there is no required degree of isolation to work only one biceps.
  • Unjustified raising of the elbows in the upper direction.
  • Amplitude too short. This technique is appropriate for well-pumped biceps, when the goal is to give it a ball shape.

Reference. These errors at the beginning of training even make sense, since the body of a novice athlete must get used to general loads, and not to focusing on a specific muscle.

What is a kettlebell?[edit | edit code]

Kettlebells 8, 12, 16, 24 and 32 kg

Emblem of the Kettlebell Lifting Federation
  • Sports training theory
  • Strength endurance
  • Aerobic endurance
  • Muscle strength
  • Endurance
  • Kettlebell training: technique basics
  • Kettlebell training program for beginners
  • Kettlebell training program for the pros
  • Crossfit with kettlebells
  • Load Models
Competitive exercises
  • Long cycle kettlebell push (LC) - for men
  • Kettlebell snatch - for women
  • Classical biathlon Kettlebell push
  • Kettlebell Snatch
Preparatory exercises
  • Overview of kettlebell exercises
  • Kettlebell rows
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Turkish kettlebell lift
  • Chest clean
  • Kettlebell Presses
  • Swings with a kettlebell
Nutrition and recovery
  • Nutrition for martial artists
  • Sports nutrition for strength
  • Pre-workout complex
  • Fat burners


- a sports equipment of a given mass, which has a special shape in the form of a metal core with a handle and other design features.

The word kettlebell first appeared in the Russian dictionary in 1704 (Cherkikh, 1994).

Artistic weights, with faces

Weights by weight

Russian weights are traditionally measured in pounds. One pud is an old Russian unit of measurement equivalent to 16 kilograms (about 35 pounds). The most popular weights in Russia: 1 pound for beginner men; 1.5 pounds, or 53 pounds - the standard weight of an army weight; and the so-called “dvuhpudovka”, 2 poods, or 70 pounds. The two-pudovka is used by experienced weight lifters.

Competitions in kettlebell lifting are held with kettlebells weighing 16, 24 and 32 kg. During training, weights of a more varied gradation are used.

According to the rules of the MSGS, MFGS, VFGS, sports competitive weights must have the following parameters:

height - 280 mm16 kg - yellow
case diameter - 210mm24 kg - green
handle diameter - 35 mm32 kg - red

Approximate conversion of poods and kilograms to pounds

11635For beginners
1,52453Popular army option
23270For experienced weightlifters

Heavy kettlebells are traditionally called "bulldogs"

. “Heavy” is a relative concept; usually weights heavier than 32 kg are included in this category. 48 kg is the maximum weight for a kettlebell, but it did not stop Russian strongmen. Weightlifting legend Yuri Vlasov was upset when someone stole his custom-made 56kg weights.

Dragon Door produces high-quality classic Russian-style rubber-coated cast iron kettlebells ranging from 26 to 106 pounds and women's kettlebells from 9 to 18 pounds.

Kettlebell workouts

Kettlebells provide complete and comprehensive development. Multifunctional strength, power and flexibility. They get rid of fat without necessarily doing aerobics. In just 1-2 hours of training per week. All you need is one compact and literally indestructible projectile that can be used anywhere.

What kind of weights do you need?

Start with one weight, the table will help you choose the right weight. If funds allow, buy a set of three or four weights presented in the table.

Start with the right kettlebell
Who are you?Kettlebell to start (kg)Ideal set (kg)
Average girl88, 12, 16
Strong girl1212, 16, 20
Average man1616, 20, 24, 32
Strong enough man2020, 24, 32
Very strong man2424, 32, 40

Do you need two kettlebells of the same weight? Not yet. There are great double kettlebell exercises, watch senior kettlebell trainer Mike Mahler do them, but they're not for beginners. Start with one kettlebell, work on strength imbalances, and train the snatch and press.

The average person should start with a 16kg kettlebell. What does "average" mean? If the bench press is used as a standard test to evaluate strength (which is incorrect), then a man lying on a bench pressing a barbell weighing 90 kg should start with 16 kg. If you bench more than 90 kg, then try training with a 20 kg kettlebell. If you are a powerlifter or strongman, start with 24 kg.

A woman with average physical fitness should start with 8 kg. A strong woman can try 12 kg. Most women should aim for 16kg. Few stubborn women will go further. Katherine "Catherine of Steel" Imes, a master kettlebell lifter, can bench press a 32kg kettlebell five times, putting many men to shame.

You've probably noticed that the weight of kettlebells, unlike dumbbells, increases in larger increments. There is simply no need for additional hardware. Inventive weightlifters don't need a ton of weights to progress their workouts. You save money and space.

Recommendations for effective training

To achieve results in the shortest possible time, you need to follow several recommendations. They are especially useful for beginners.


  1. Training should begin with a weight of 8 kg.
  2. The most important thing is the correct technique. The number of repetitions is not that important.
  3. Periodically alternate sets of exercises, gradually increasing the load.
  4. The optimal frequency of exercise is 2-3 times a week.

It is equally important to maintain a healthy diet by drinking at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

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