Interval training on an exercise bike for weight loss

An exercise bike has the main advantage over a treadmill - there is no pressure on the joints and bones, so you can set quite strong resistance and speed on it. In the entire process of burning fat, there is one important rule - the absence of monotony. Excess calories and fat will go away very slowly if you exercise at the same pace, even for an hour a day. Add to this the inconsistency in maintaining a proper diet, and getting rid of extra pounds will become an unattainable goal.

Before you start riding a stationary bike, running on a treadmill, or any other cardio activity, you need to calculate your workout. For beginner athletes who have not done cardio before, you need to first train your heart so as not to faint or feel discomfort when increasing the load.

Interval training is considered an ideal way to get rid of extra pounds, stay in shape and increase the endurance of the whole body, but, unfortunately, they are not suitable for everyone. First of all, such aerobic activity should not be performed by people with heart problems, as well as by those who are contraindicated for intense contrast load. Beginners should not start with interval training, and these are not rhetorical warnings at all. People with an untrained heart may simply faint, since their main muscle will not be able to pump blood at the same speed that occurs during interval exercise. At worst, there will be a constant feeling of discomfort and pain, which no longer indicates any good result.

The effectiveness of interval training on an exercise bike

Interval training, as the name suggests, is training that consists of intervals. They consist of alternating a work phase and a rest phase.

During the active interval, the body works at its maximum, and during rest it recovers.

Such workouts are much better for burning fat and training the heart muscle.

Interval training is not for everyone. Those who are new to the exercise bike should practice a little before moving on to interval classes. People without good physical fitness or with health problems should not do them either.

The transition from regular training to interval training should be gradual, starting with low speed and load. Also, interval training should be shorter in time than usual.

Errors during classes

The most common mistakes are usually made by beginners. Usually there are several of them:

  1. Neglecting a cool down. This leads to muscle clogging, soreness and the inability to continue training due to pain.
  2. Excessive pressure on the pedals and, as a result, excess energy consumption and overexertion.
  3. Sharp relaxation after intensive training. Leads to knee injuries and hip pain. After a heavy load at a fast pace, your legs should not dangle limply on the pedals.
  4. Overvoltage. You can't waste your energy clinging to the steering wheel. The goal of the training is to control your movements and use the correct technique.
  5. Unauthorized exercise. Cycle training programs are specially designed for specific cycles. Violation of the built system leads to harmful mistakes, injuries and lack of results.

Option for interval cycling on an exercise bike to burn fat

Training rules

Interval training on an exercise bike consists of active work phases and rest phases. The shorter the rest intervals, the more difficult the workout itself becomes. But it is not recommended for unprepared people to conduct such training.

Next we will talk about programs for beginners.

For people who want to lose weight, it is best to focus on your pulse. In the active phase it should be about 75% of the maximum, and during rest intervals it should be about 50%.

This way, the body will have the opportunity to fully rest. Nowadays, most models of exercise bikes have a built-in heart rate sensor, but if it is not there or it does not work correctly, then you need to purchase such an accessory.

Also, if you are obese, then first you need to lose a little weight and consider training on a recumbent exercise bike. Find out what types of exercise bikes there are.

It is also important to maintain a proper exercise routine. You should do interval training for weight loss for at least 20 minutes. In the future, they can be increased to 30 minutes.

  • Interval training should be done every other day.
  • Watch your body position during training.
  • Adjust the seat relative to your height, so that when your foot with the pedal is down, your leg is bent at an angle of 135-145 degrees.
  • Keep your back straight, tilt your body slightly forward.
  • Do not put your body weight on the steering wheel.
  • The main load should fall on the leg muscles.
  • The arms and back simply help maintain balance.
  • Sit up straight, do not fidget or shift your body weight from one leg to the other.
  • Be sure to warm up before your workout. It can be 5-10 minutes. Include bending, twisting, or simply pedaling at 20 km/h. within 10 minutes.

Correct seating position on an exercise bike
Select the correct load level. If you are just starting interval training, then it should be minimal. Then gradually increase it. If during training you begin to choke or breathe through your mouth, or your muscles begin to ache, then this is a signal to reduce the load.

Also, be sure to cool down, that is, after the main workout, reduce the speed to 10 km/h. and pedal at minimum load for at least 5 minutes. This will help restore breathing, thereby the body will understand that the main workout is over.

Weight loss program

  • As already mentioned, you should start the program with a warm-up for 7 minutes.
  • Then increase the speed at medium or maximum load and pedal for a minute.
  • Then slow down and reduce the load, this stage lasts 75 seconds.
  • Repeat the previous 2 steps 8-12 times depending on your preparation.
  • Then finish your workout with a cool-down for 7-15 minutes.

Beginners should start with 8 repetitions of each stage, choosing a low speed and light load. Then gradually increase it. But at the same time, choose one thing, either speed or load. You can first increase the speed, then the load, or vice versa.

How to choose an exercise bike for home weight loss

Cardio equipment is manufactured with different types of load, which affects the ease of use and cost of the device. There are:

  • mechanical - they are set in motion by a person when he rotates the pedals;
  • magnetic - with permanent magnets that are located inside the flywheel;
  • electromagnetic - operate from the mains, the smoothest and most functional type.

By design or type of planting there are:

  1. Horizontal - the pedals are placed in line with the seat, due to which the legs are straightened. Cardio machines minimize stress on your back, neck and joints. A striking example is Oxygen Apollo and Svensson Body Labs Heavy G Recumbent.
  2. Vertical - classic models, the fit is identical to the fit on a real bicycle. The pedals are located under the seat, the steering wheel is equipped with comfortable handles. Vertical models can be found in the lines of such manufacturers as DFC, Spirit Fitness, Sport Elite. Size and functionality vary, but many modern machines come equipped with a computer with training programs.

Interval Cardio for Beginners

What to pay attention to

People just starting their journey in cycling should not start straight away with interval training. An interval training program on an exercise bike is only suitable for trained users. You should also train with minimal loads, then gradually increase them.

First try to work out according to some program, then listen to your body, maybe after that you will correct something in it.

Pay attention to how you feel the next day, analyze whether you can do this every other day. You can create a study schedule for yourself.

Choose the right time to exercise. It should be an hour after eating and 2 hours before bedtime.

Conduct the preparation phase 2 weeks before starting interval training. During this period, the speed on the exercise bike cannot be lower than 25 km/h, and classes are shorter than 10 minutes.

Track your workout results and record your maximum speed intervals. You will use them to track your performance and progress. But we can talk about progress 1-2 months after the start of classes. Use a training diary to make it easier for you to track your results.

After class, be sure to do a cool-down. Include exercises for your abs, chest and shoulder muscles.

Cardio training program

  • Warm up at low speed for 15 minutes.
  • Then pedal at high speed and medium load for 20 seconds.
  • The next stage is rest for a minute with minimal load and speed.
  • For the next 20 seconds, pedal at high speed and high load.
  • Again a rest phase at low speed and low load.
  • Repeat these steps 6 times.
  • Then cool down for 10-15 minutes at a speed of no more than 15 km/h.

Over time, the number of interval repetitions can be increased.

Heart rate monitoring during training

Like any other sports activity, an exercise bike allows you to control your heart rate. The pulse should be continuous, for this you should not only constantly monitor your blood pressure, but also work hard on your physical fitness. Your heart rate is normal if you exercise on an exercise bike every 15 minutes. You can safely give preference to strong and effective physical activity if sport brings you real pleasure. We suggest not only increasing the load on the exercise bike, but also monitoring your heart rate. The optimal heart rate during training should be 120-140 beats per minute; if your heart rate rises to 200 beats per minute, it means your workouts have become overly intense.

Monitoring your heart rate is very important; excessive exercise can cause particular harm to the body. An exercise bike is a means of training the muscles of the body, and not a way to weaken the human body. If you want to make your classes effective, contact a professional fitness instructor, they will write an individual program and give ideal recommendations for the correct functioning of your pulse.

Option for advanced users

What you need to know

Try to give your all at the stages of work, it is very difficult, but it gives amazing results and progress will be noticeable.

Also, train at least 2 times a week. Interval training on a stationary bike is also good for runners; they diversify the load on the body and help improve results.

Lesson outline

People who have been involved in sports for a long time are already well versed in programs and can independently choose a suitable program for themselves, or create a new program for themselves. This can be done based on the workout presented below.

  • Warm up 5 minutes - ride at an average pace.
  • The next ten minutes you need to drive at different speeds.
  • Drive for half a minute at the highest possible speed.
  • Half a minute at medium speed.
  • After 10 such approaches, set the speed and load at which the heart rate will be 75%-85% of the maximum possible and train at this pace for 20 minutes.
  • In the next 2 minutes, the pulse should be at 90%-95%.
  • Then alternate a minute of driving at a speed of at least 25 km/h. and 2 minutes at a speed of no more than 20 km/h.
  • Do 4 such repetitions.
  • For the last 6 minutes of your workout, reduce your speed and load.
  • Then cool down for 10-15 minutes with measured rotation of the pedals.

For those wondering how to burn fat, the answer is to do interval training. This training program on an exercise bike is great for losing weight and helping to build muscles; it gives amazing results, but it’s not suitable for everyone. For beginners and people with health problems, it is better to avoid them.


You should not believe the misconception that when using a cyclic trainer you can only pump up the muscles in your legs.
This is a stereotype that is based on examples of professional athletes who participate in cycling throughout their lives. When cycling, training on an exercise bike gives a different result. Not only the calf and gluteal muscles are strengthened and tightened, but also the entire body, including the lower and upper abs. At the same time, the muscular frame of the body acquires beautiful relief, getting rid of excess fat deposits, and this is the desired goal - slimness and endurance. The combination of strength and cardio training in cycling leads to rapid weight loss, reduces fatigue and creates a release of endorphins, known as “joy hormones,” into the blood. Considering that classes are held in a group format, there is always a spirit of competition and teamwork in the room. The benefits of cycling can be felt already in the first three weeks, but it should be remembered that during exercise, as in any sport, regularity and supervision by a specialist are necessary.

The main advantages of cycling training:

  • strengthening muscles and increasing immunity;
  • stabilization of the lungs and cardiovascular system;
  • weight loss without saggy skin;
  • reduction of cellulite;
  • loss of calories (per workout – 800-1000 kcal);
  • normalization of the body's metabolic processes;
  • “drying” the body;
  • increase in muscle mass during PRO category exercises.

In one session, more calories are burned than the established norm for other workouts. This direction of physical activity is suitable primarily for those who set a goal to get an ideal body in a short period of time. In addition, this type of training is more advantageous than acyclic types and allows you to quickly correct, maintain and improve the existing result.

At the Moscow LaSalute fitness center, clients can not only receive professional help, but also watch a special selection of training videos about cycle training. This non-standard approach will increase the productivity of classes and achieve excellent results on sports scoreboards that record results.

High Speed ​​Training

By the nature of the movement, the athlete seems to be descending from a mountain; the program is aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system.

How to exercise on an exercise bike:

  1. Use the adjuster to set the minimum flywheel resistance.
  2. Take a basic sitting position and gradually master the fast pace of pedaling.
  3. It is important to take a stable position on the seat so that the body does not move.

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You can make the workout more difficult by lifting every minute without stopping, do not jerk, and after 30 seconds pedal again while sitting. Here it is advisable to combine low speed with increased flywheel resistance or high speed with moderate load. The exercise stimulates additional development of the muscles of the buttocks.

How to track your heart rate readings

Currently, athletes have several different options for monitoring heart rate readings. First of all, it is important to note that most modern exercise bikes are equipped with built-in heart rate monitors, which allow you to monitor your heartbeat without the use of additional devices.

In addition, fitness bracelets are actively gaining popularity, which also allow you to receive detailed information about the state of the body during exercise. Such devices are synchronized with smartphones and allow you to receive a complete summary of a person’s physical activity.

Lose weight by 0.5 kg per week

To lose 0.5 kg per week, you need to burn approximately 3,500 calories. An exercise bike is great for this. You can ride your bike anytime, no matter the weather conditions, and you can increase the speed and difficulty of your workout to burn even more calories.

Moving at a vigorous pace, a person weighing 56-57 kilograms can burn 315 calories in a 30-minute session, and a person weighing 83-84 kilograms can burn 466 calories. If you've just started training, covering 10 kilometers in a 30-minute session can be a challenge. If you are not used to stress, you may need to ride faster or increase the resistance settings to feel the strain.

Five 30-minute workouts at this pace won't be enough to burn 3,500 calories. You can still lose up to 0.5 kg per week by increasing your workout to one hour or using a diet. Add at least 2 workouts per week using strength training to this schedule to complete your fitness regime.

Exercise bike or regular gym?

You should go to the gym, although there you can select loads that suit your body; an exercise bike allows you to exercise quickly and productively. Exercising on an exercise bike means working with a narrowly defined muscle group, while the gym means complex work on your body. You can safely ride an exercise bike and not monitor your health if you like challenging physical activity.

Buying an exercise bike for home will save you from the need to regularly visit the gym and will help you get into full shape in a record short time. Use an exercise bike and enjoy every workout!

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