Exercises with a jump rope for weight loss: workouts for beginners

Often you encounter a situation where in the morning there is absolutely no time to jog, and in the evening you have time, but no longer have the energy. At the same time, the need for aerobic exercise is felt so strongly that every postponed day of training causes a burning feeling of self-disappointment. Indeed, on average, a person accustomed to regular physical activity needs at least 40 minutes, or even 1 hour, to run. At the same time, there is a need to regularly create new routes for running, because the monotony of this type of physical activity can sometimes be mind-blowing. Hence the ways to brighten up your run with the help of a player. And all this torment lasts until the moment when a person/sports enthusiast discovers the miraculous jump ropes included in the training processes of most sports.

For some (who are not very farsighted), jumping ropes are still associated with girly fun, but for others, killing themselves for 20-30 minutes before training or to tone themselves up is the norm of life. Today we will go through training with a jump rope in detail and describe the characteristic features of this type of training, and also advise not only the types of exercises, but also the level of load that should be applied to each individual. After all, training with a skipping rope for a professional boxer will be noticeably different from training for an overweight person with poorly developed muscles.

Is it possible to lose weight by jumping rope?

Active physical exercise helps you lose weight, tighten your skin, and get rid of fat in problem areas - thighs, ears, thighs, and abdomen. Jumping rope is a good option. An accessible type of training will allow you to lose excess weight painlessly. By choosing the right equipment, you get an intense type of training: heavy loads are performed in a short period of time.

During exercise, the body uses energy, getting it from fat on the stomach, arms, thighs, etc. Exercises with a jump rope for weight loss help achieve the desired effect. This type of aerobic exercise trains the heart muscle and speeds up metabolism; the process of weight loss occurs smoothly. A prerequisite is to adhere to a balanced diet. An athlete’s diet should include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in the required proportions.

Reviews about training with a jump rope

The use of this exercise machine has won many positive reviews among people struggling with excess weight. Many note the effectiveness of this method of losing weight. The results of use, of course, differ, because everyone uses a jump rope differently depending on the degree of their training and the time of training.

Negative reviews come mainly from people who hoped for quick results without following additional rules and recommendations (diet adjustments, regularity, etc.). It’s worth warning right away that no amount of exercise will make your figure more beautiful if you don’t take care of proper nutrition. By excluding at least the most harmful products, the result will not keep you waiting long.

Such an effective and affordable means of losing weight as a jump rope really deserves attention. It will help in a short time not only to lose weight, but also to tighten the body in general, make the body more resilient and resistant to various diseases.

Jump rope for weight loss

This is sports equipment that is well known to adults and children. Simple, inexpensive, compact, it is considered highly effective in the fight against extra pounds and fat deposits. In addition, the jump rope, as children call it, is a budget option for those who want to gain a slim figure. There are many types and subtypes of equipment; they are designed for different heights, loads and types of training. What types of jump ropes are there, how to choose the right model, focusing on your goals?

How to choose

Sports equipment must meet certain requirements:

  • Size. For heights below 170 cm, it is worth purchasing equipment 2.5 meters long. For taller people, products with a length of 2.7 meters or more are suitable.
  • Core. To make jumping comfortable, it is advisable to choose an option with a dense core. The leading option is one with a metal wire covered with a rubber sheath.
  • Mobility. A model with an electronic counter is good for tracking calories burned. During training, he himself will count the number of jumps and calories burned.

Types of jump ropes

For training to produce results and bring pleasure, you need to determine which type is right for you. By choosing the type of equipment, it is easy to make classes much more effective. There are several types:

  1. Leather. Skipping equipment will help increase the load on your upper body with leather cords and weighted handles.
  2. With electronic counter. A counter is built into the handles, either electronic (shows the amount of rotations and calories burned) or mechanical (counts the revolutions of the jump rope).
  3. Weighted. In terms of weight, they surpass all other species. Weights are inserted into the handles, which allow you to increase the force tension on the arm muscles during jumps.
  4. Express. This type puts a greater load on the heart muscle due to the high speed of rotation. With a sufficient level of preparation and correct execution of the exercises, the result of skipping will be equivalent to a long run. It is easier to twist such a rope around yourself than its analogues.

The benefits of jumping

By performing skipping exercises, you will lose excess weight, but not only that. You can get other positive effects:

  • improved coordination of movements;
  • pumping up the muscles of the arms, legs and abs;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • getting rid of cellulite in problem areas;
  • improvement of mood and general well-being;
  • breathing training;
  • creating relief in the legs and body;
  • improvement of gastrointestinal motility.

How many calories are burned

Skipping is suitable for women, men, children and teenagers. Training with equipment is equivalent to a long run or active walking on the stairs for 30 minutes. It is believed that 7-10 calories are spent per 100 jumps, so for beginner athletes a 15-20 minute workout is suitable - it will burn about 150-200 calories. For those who have been training for more than a month, 45 minutes is more than 600 calories at a time.

The best jump rope workout

The training consists of three blocks. You will perform various jumps, then rest for two minutes and move on to the next block. Follow the instructions.

Block 1

  1. Jumping in place

Repeats: 60 sec
With each rotation of the rope, hop on both legs, moving the rope forward (the most basic jump).

  1. From side to side

Repeats: 60 sec

While spinning the rope, jump slightly to the left. Then, in the next rotation - to the right. Get the rhythm.

  1. Jumping back

Repeats: 60 sec

Rotate the rope backwards on each jump.

  1. Jumping on the left leg

Repeats: 60 sec

Jump on one leg, landing softly.

  1. Jumping on the right leg

Repeats: 60 sec

Jump on the other leg.

Block 2

  1. Jumping in place

Duration: 60 sec.

  1. Alternate jumps

Duration: 60 sec.

Jump from one leg to the other, back and forth.

  1. Jumping with crossed legs

Duration: 60 sec.

Cross your legs on every jump. Change the leg that comes forward.

  1. Jumping on the left leg

Duration: 60 sec

  1. Jumping on the right leg

Duration: 60 sec

Block 3

  1. Jumping in place

Duration: 60 sec.

  1. Double Jump

Duration: 30 sec.

Jump enough to rotate the rope twice for each jump. If you can't do it smoothly, practice for 30 seconds - it doesn't matter how many times you fail.

  1. Jumping back

Duration: 60 sec

  1. Double Jump

Duration: 30 sec.

How to choose a jump rope

The main criterion for choosing such a simulator is its length. It must be selected in strict accordance with the person’s height. A correctly chosen jump rope will allow you to achieve the maximum possible load. To determine the length, you need to fold the product in half and apply the handles to your armpits. Ideally, the rope should touch the floor, but not lie on it. In proportion to height, the appropriate length is usually:

  • 210 cm for height up to 152 cm;
  • 250 cm for height 152-167 cm;
  • 280 cm for height 168-183 cm;
  • 310 cm for height above 184 cm.

Among the varieties of jump ropes are:

  1. Simple - the cheapest option, can be presented in different types of material (rubber, plastic, rope, leather, etc.);
  2. High-speed - high intensity and frequency of rotation makes the load maximum, this option is great for those who want to lose extra pounds;
  3. Weighted – characterized by increased weight, used more often by boxers in preparation for competitions;
  4. With a built-in counter - also a good option for weight loss training:
  • calorie counter
  • jump count counter.

Regarding the type of jump rope, to begin with it is better to choose a simple one, but made of good material (for example, rubber or weighted plastic), so that rotation is achieved easily, but the load is not as intense as in the high-speed version. In the future, you can give preference to more professional and expensive varieties.

How to jump rope correctly for weight loss

The first stage of physical exercise is warming up. This will help avoid injuries, damage and sprains. A joint warm-up of the whole body is carried out: starting from the neck, moving lower to the arms, body and ending with the muscles of the legs. That's it, now you can start jumping, changing the pace and exercises. After finishing an aerobic workout, a cool-down is important: the muscles will stretch, become elastic, and the pain the next day after the workout will not be as strong.

Execution technique

Knowing how to jump correctly will help you avoid unwanted injuries. There is a special technique for doing this:

  1. Start your workout at a medium pace. Movements should be moderately active to allow the body to warm up and prepare for more serious stress.
  2. Rotations occur thanks to the wrists; the elbows do not work in the exercises; they must be pressed firmly to the body.
  3. Land on your toes, not your entire foot. You will avoid injury and pain during exercise.
  4. During exercise, your gaze is directed forward, straight ahead.
  5. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

How long to jump rope

The length of time it takes for people to see results varies greatly. Some may notice the effect within a week, while for other people even a month is not enough to lose more than 1-2 kg. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as on the person’s starting weight. It is known that 2-3 regular workouts per week will be the best option for gradual (not sudden!) weight loss.

Effective workout with calorie counting

Jumps can be combined in different ways, which will enhance the effect of weight loss training. For example, you can perform the following set of exercises:

  1. "Flight". Perform five regular jumps, then three overhead jumps. Repeat the exercise for fifteen minutes. During this time, you can lose 260-280 calories.
  2. "Soldier". Five regular jumps, then straighten and tense the whole body and jump ten more times in this position. Also, 250-260 calories are burned in fifteen minutes.
  3. "Hip-hop". After performing three normal jumps, we move on to jumping from foot to foot. Movements should be springy. Perform ten jumps. Repeat the circle for fifteen minutes. This will help you burn 230-240 calories.

In just forty-five minutes of training, you will lose about 760 calories.

Jump rope exercises for weight loss

How to lose weight using a jump rope and what loads need to be performed in order to remove excess volume from the buttocks, thighs, abdomen and arms? By performing and alternating sets of exercises, you can achieve better results very quickly. There are several exercises that are suitable for each muscle group:

  • regular jumps;
  • jumping forward and back - on the first jump you jump back, on the next - forward;
  • jumping to the sides - first move to the right, on the next jump - to the left;
  • double jump - for each rotation you need to make two jumps.

For the belly

The following are considered effective exercises for reducing fat on the belly and elsewhere:

  • Double scroll. During the jump, the hands twist the rope twice.
  • Jumping with legs thrown forward. It is necessary to put your legs forward, straining and straightening them at the knees as much as possible.

For thighs and buttocks

In order to make your buttocks attractive and sculpted, there are special systems of exercises. They are suitable for the fat burning process and will help remove excess deposits from the thighs. Such exercises include the following:

  • Alternating legs with lunges. After making one jump, you should immediately put your leg forward, simulating a lunge. The gluteal muscles are included in the work and the emphasis is on them.
  • Scissor jumps. Jump, extending and crossing your left and right legs alternately.

For legs

Using this system of exercises, you will be able to strengthen your legs. They will take on a relief shape and will attract the envious and admiring glances of women and men:

  • Jumping on different legs. In this exercise you need to jump on one leg, changing legs. One jump - one leg, the next jump - the other.
  • Run in place. You need to lift your legs one by one, raising your knees as high as possible. Imagine that you are running along a road or climbing a wall.

Training programs

Table 1. Monthly weight loss program

Day of the monthNumber of jumps
Day 1100 times
Day 2130 times
Day 3160 times
Day 4Rest
Day 5200 times
Day 6230 times
Day 7260 times
Day 8Rest
Day 9300 times
Day 10330 times
Day 11360 times
Day 12Rest
Day 13400 times
Day 14430 times
Day 15460 times
Day 16Rest
Day 17500 times
Day 18530 times
Day 19560 times
Day 20Rest
Day 21600 times
Day 22630 times
Day 23660 times
Day 24Rest
Day 25700 times
Day 26730 times
Day 27760 times
Day 28Rest
Day 29800 times
Day 30830 times

Table 2. Class outline

Warming upLight jumps of medium amplitude and speed3 minutes
RestRestoring breathing30 seconds
Active phaseJumping at top speed60 seconds
RestRestoring breathing30 seconds
Active phaseJumping at top speed60 seconds
RestRestoring breathing30 seconds
Completion (Cool-down)Light jumps (running in place, crossing, jumping)5-10 minutes
StretchingStretching and relaxing muscles

Skipping for beginners

For beginners, it is best to use the interval technique. It looks like this:

  • 1 Week. Health-improving gymnastics goes like this: 1 minute – jumping, 2 minutes – rest. You need to do about 3-4 approaches. Each movement interval will have from 5 to 25 jumps.
  • Week 2. The rest should be reduced to 1 minute. The technique will look like this: a minute of rest - a minute of jumping.
  • Gradually, the load and speed should be increased; jumping without a break is recommended at a high pace.

What does it take to lose weight?

Step 1: Counting calories

The most important thing you need to start with if you want to lose weight is calories. Calories are what we use for normal daily activities, be it sports or just living, eating and breathing. Many people consume more energy than they expend. When this happens, the body stores excess fat deposits beyond normal and people are unable to get rid of the stubborn fat deposits they currently have.

Therefore, we recommend checking out the nutrition calculator where you can find out how many calories you need to consume daily to lose fat. Once you know your goal, you can use an app like My Fitness Pal to enter your value and hit your goals. Try to eat the right amount of food 6 out of 7 days a week and you will start to see some serious results.

Step 2: Calculate the BJU

Once you've reduced your caloric intake and can prove to yourself that you are, in fact, regularly consuming the right amount of calories for your body, you can move on to calculating how those calories break down into macronutrients. When we talk about macronutrients, we mean fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Basically, if you want to lose weight, you need to target calories and then get the macronutrients you need.

Use the calculator to figure out how many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight and maintain weight.

Step 3: Move more

If jumping rope seems intimidating, start with walking. Maybe 3-5 times a week, go for a walk of 2-4 km. When you start to gain momentum after a few weeks, add a few more days or add a little more distance each day. After a few months or when you feel comfortable, start training with a jump rope. If you don't like jumping, find something you do like. You won't be able to exercise for long if you don't enjoy how you move. Whatever you enjoy doing most is what you will be most comfortable with, whether it's jumping rope, lifting weights, swimming, biking, or literally any form of movement you enjoy.

Step 4: Take responsibility

So now you know that calories and macronutrients are important and that consistent exercise will help you lose weight. To succeed, you must be consistent and responsible. Our free 4-week workout plan includes four weeks of daily jump rope and weight training to help you exercise responsibly. This is the type of workout that anyone can do at any fitness level. You don't need to complete them when you first start, just complete as many of each workout as you can. As you progress and improve your overall endurance and fitness, you can increase the number of workouts and eventually complete them.

Step 5: Create a unified schedule

Let's stop speculating about when the next training session will be. One of the main reasons people skip workouts is because other things come up or they don't make time for them. Start scheduling your workouts at a time that suits you, whether after work or early in the morning. Write it down in your calendar, set alerts on your phone, and make sure you can stick to a consistent schedule.

Monitor the actual situation every week and mark your results in accordance with your goals. There are three simple ways to track your results and do it responsibly.

  1. Take a front and profile photo of yourself every week.
  2. Measure your arms, waist, chest, buttocks and legs weekly.
  3. Weigh yourself every 2 weeks or, if possible, have your body fat percentage checked so you can monitor your fat loss and see results, which will be much better than just weighing yourself.

With these three aspects, you will get a complete picture of the results you failed or failed to achieve. You will have an accurate picture of what is happening, see how your weight changes, and be able to subjectively look in the mirror and evaluate how you look.

Weight loss program with skipping rope – table

A person can make about 100 jumps per minute. For beginners, it will be enough to do 3-4 approaches a day. You should train regularly, 2-3 times a week. Below is a table for increasing the load per month for people of entry-level training. By training according to this scheme, you will improve your well-being and see results much faster:

How many calories are burned in 100 jumps?

Scientists have proven that on average a person can do up to a hundred times in a minute. For beginners with a speed of 80 jumps per minute, 100 jumps will burn about ten calories. Professionals who perform 100 jumping jacks per minute will be able to get rid of 26-30 calories. It all depends on the intensity.

In order to lose weight, you must perform at least seventy jumps per minute. In this case, 200 jumps will take 20 minutes, and in an hour you will perform 800 times.

Here's a comparison with other exercises:

Type of physical activityKcal/hour
Climbing stairs1300
Jump rope920
Step aerobics630
Bicycle trainer550
Water aerobics300


Although skipping is available and recommended to almost every person, there is a certain category of people who are strictly prohibited from using jump rope exercises for weight loss. Contraindications include:

  • pregnancy;
  • menstruation period;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • migraine;
  • obesity (if a person’s weight is 1.5-2 times higher than normal);
  • joint problems;
  • asthma;
  • renal failure;
  • problems with the back and spine;
  • uterine prolapse.

Do not perform the program immediately after eating; about an hour must pass before you can start jumping. If during the exercise you suddenly experience pain in the knee, stomach, heart or shortness of breath, you must stop the exercise immediately. If you experience prolonged pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor (general practitioner, orthopedist, neurologist).

Where to begin

Before starting classes, we will look at how to properly exercise with a skipping rope in order to lose weight and make all the muscles of the body more prominent.

Technique Tips

  • Maintain your balance by looking forward.
  • The body should be straight.
  • Support your body weight on the balls of your feet.
  • You need to jump so that the rope passes unhindered under your feet. (approximately 2.54 cm from the floor).
  • Land on the balls of your feet as lightly as possible.
  • Keep your elbows close to your sides.
  • Your hands should be at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to your hips.
  • When rotating the jump rope in your hands, only your wrists move in a circular motion.
  • Don't sacrifice good technique for speed.

As for the load on the knees, I will only say one thing: if you do the jumps correctly, then the load on the knee joints will be minimal.

If you gradually complicate the exercises and jump from the ground to a height of 1.27 cm to 1.9 cm, the load on the knees will be less than when jogging, in addition to everything, the leg muscles will swing and strengthen.

As for the long term, regular training with a jump rope improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increases bone density, which reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. This disease is especially relevant for women, since, according to statistics, the risk of developing the disease at the age of 70 is twice as high in women than in men.

This does not mean that jumping is absolutely safe; precautions should be observed always and everywhere, which will help avoid injuries in the future.

  • First, wear sneakers with a stable, comfortable forefoot to protect the balls of your feet.
  • Secondly, try not to jump on hard surfaces such as concrete or tiles. Instead, choose wooden or rubberized surfaces that absorb impact.

Choosing a jump rope

The correct length of the rope is very important for the successful execution of the exercise. How to choose the right length? To determine the required length, place your foot in the middle of the rope and lift the handles up on the sides of your body. If they are above the shoulders, then the length is too long. It should reach somewhere to the level of the armpits.

As you become more proficient, you can make the rope shorter, this will increase the speed of its rotation and improve your reflexes. You can cut off the excess or tie knots near the handles.

Jumping on two legs and running in place

Before moving on to more complex training methods, you must first master 2 basic exercise techniques. It would be even better to jump without a rope first. Don't think it's easy, because your goal is not speed, but technique.

To start, focus on developing synchronization and coordination. Try one jump. If it works, perform 5 jumps. As you improve your skill, continue to increase the number of jumps until you can perform 140 consecutive jumps. Exercise 5-10 minutes a day. After this, do some stretching exercises, especially your calves.


  • Eat fewer calories than you expend.
  • Macronutrients: Change your eating habits to ensure you are consuming the right amount of protein, complex carbohydrates and fat.
  • Move the way you like. Choose moderate-intensity or high-intensity exercise to burn more fat.
  • Be responsible.
  • Create an orderly, stable schedule and stick to it.

Do you want to lose weight, but don't know how? Buy a basic jump rope, turn on some rhythmic music and start training. A boost of energy and loss of extra pounds is guaranteed!

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