6 Best Hamstring Exercises

If you want to know which exercises are best for training your hamstrings, read this article.

When it comes to training, we tend to focus on the parts of the body that are most visible and the hamstrings are not one of them.

If you have any doubts about this, then while you are in the gym, somehow count how many people around you are working out their chest, biceps and abs, and how many are working out other muscle groups.

This is why such disproportionate physiques appear:

So how do you like it? Like? This guy needs to pump up not only the back of the thigh, but also completely all the muscles of his legs.

However, I must admit that in the past I myself neglected leg training and was somewhat like the guy in this photo.


I admitted my mistake and although now my legs are far from ideal (especially in the calves), they no longer look like a joke.

How to pump up your hamstrings and back of your legs

When working on your leg muscles, the quadriceps tend to be the focus because they are larger and stronger (and also more prominent) than the hamstrings.

However, there is nothing good in neglecting the work on the hamstrings for several reasons:

  1. Disproportion in overall musculature, which is especially noticeable when looking at the body from the side or back.
  1. Difficulty in achieving the proper squat depth.
  1. Increased risk of injury to the knees or the hamstring muscles themselves .

In short, focusing on the quads and neglecting the hamstrings is the same as training your arms by focusing on the biceps and neglecting the triceps.

A well-designed leg workout includes hamstring exercises that are more than just squats.

Of course, squats are one of the best exercises for legs, but if you limit yourself to only them, you will not be able to achieve maximum results in working on an ideal body.

So in this article I want to share what I know about building bigger, stronger hamstrings, including:

  • The most effective way to create a leg training program
  • The best exercises and techniques for performing them
  • My favorite training program
  • And much more.

Let's start figuring out how to pump up your hamstrings!


The correct diagnosis of the disease can only be made in a clinical setting. The Moscow Medical School has all the conditions for this.

Do not try to treat yourself: without a preliminary examination, this will lead to the progression of the disease and increased pain!

The following diagnostic tests are prescribed:

  • Clinical – the doctor interviews and examines the patient.
  • Laboratory:
      general and biochemical blood test - inflammatory processes and metabolic disorders are detected;
  • If necessary, additional laboratory tests are performed to clarify the diagnosis.
  • Instrumental:
      radiography of the hip joint - reveals violations of bone structures;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - detects changes in all joint tissues.

Chondroprotectors: what are they, how to choose, how effective are they?

Joint pain at rest

Anatomy of the hamstring muscles

The hamstring muscle group consists of 3 separate muscles:

  1. Semitendinosus
  2. Semimembranosus
  3. Biceps femoris (biceps femoris)

Here's what they look like:

(In case you were wondering, the ischial tuberosity is part of the pelvis).

Together, the hamstrings and other muscles in the back of the legs perform the following functions: knee flexion, hip extension, anterior pelvic tilt, and posterior abduction.

Thus, exercises to develop the muscles of the hamstrings involve extending the hips and bending the legs at the knees.

Now that we've got the anatomy out of the way, let's talk about muscle size and shape.

Training the hamstrings is an important component of a quality complex not only for men.

Women also need to pay attention to training their leg muscles.

In order for the legs to acquire similar proportions, it is necessary to build up a fairly large amount of muscle mass, including in the back of the thighs.

Don't worry, it won't make your figure look bulky.

In fact, your hamstrings, with proper nutrition and intense training, can only acquire this beautiful shape:

Impressive, right? You won’t be able to achieve this shape in a couple of visits to the gym, but it’s quite possible to tighten up your muscles and make beautiful legs with pumped-up hamstrings.

Frequently asked questions about the disease

How does arthrosis of the hip joint hurt?

Characterized by pain in the groin and on the outer side of the thigh, extending to the knee. The buttock area hurts less often.

Is it possible to cure a hip joint without surgery?

It will not be possible to completely cure, but it is quite possible to eliminate the pain, stop the destruction of the joint and partially restore the cartilage. Surgery is performed when conservative treatment does not help.

Who treats arthrosis of the hip joint?


How can I determine if I have coxarthrosis?

Coxarthrosis can be suspected when there is pain in the groin, radiating to the leg, as well as when pain occurs while walking. After this, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints of the legs and primarily the hip joint are dangerous because, due to constant high load, they very quickly lead to disability. Therefore, it is very important to immediately consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of such a pathology. And don’t be afraid of anything: the specialists of the Paramita clinic in Moscow will help you in any case, even if you have advanced disease and can barely walk.


  1. Volokitina, E. A. Coxarthrosis and its surgical treatment: abstract. dis. Doctor of Medical Sciences / E. A. Volokitina. - Kurgan, 2003. - 46 p.
  2. Comprehensive characteristics of degenerative changes in coxarthrosis /E. A. Volokitina et al. // New technologies in medicine: abstract. scientific-practical conf. in 2 parts - Kurgan, 2000. - Part 1. - P. 48-49.
  3. Ganz R., Leunig M., Leunig-Ganz K. et al. The etiology of osteoarthritis of the hip. An Integrated Mechanical Concept. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2008;466(2):264–72.
  4. Mastbergen SC, Bijlsma JW, Lafeber FP Synthesis and release of human cartilage matrix proteoglycans are differently regulated by nitric oxide and prostaglandin-E2. Ann Rheum Dis 2008;67(1):52–8.

Arthrosis, Joints, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 08/24/2021 Date of update: 01/11/2021

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The Simple Science of Effective Hamstring Training

There are many theories about the best way to train your hamstrings. Some say you need to focus on high rep ranges and pumps, while others insist on lifting heavier weights. Some people recommend doing isolation exercises for the hamstrings, while others recommend doing basic exercises. There are also both supporters of splits, which involve separate training of the quadriceps and muscles of the back of the thigh, and their ardent opponents.

I tried these and other options, and also managed to work with thousands of clients as a trainer, and this is what I finally realized:

  1. Hamstring exercises help improve overall muscle balance in the legs.

A standard leg workout that involves performing partial squats, leg presses, and lunges typically focuses on the quadriceps.

  1. Heavy compound exercises are best for building strength and size.

Machine exercises and high-rep sets can also be included in your workout, but a leg machine is no substitute for multi-joint exercises with free heavy weights.

  1. One intense hamstring workout per week is usually sufficient.

The most important part of this type of training is volume, which is the total number of repetitions you do each week.

This is especially important if you do a lot of heavy sets, because the main rule is:

The heavier the weight, the fewer repetitions per week you can do without the risk of overtraining.

This is especially true for compound exercises like deadlifts and squats, since they require more recovery time compared to less strenuous (and effective) bicep curls or crossover curls. Training the hamstrings in these movements is much more effective.

I've tried many different splits and rep frequency approaches and found what works best in this regard.

When you focus on heavy weights (80-85% or more of 1RM), the optimal volume is in the range of about 60-70 repetitions, which should be performed every 5-7 days.

This applies not only to training the hamstring muscles, but also other large muscle groups.

You also need to take into account the fact that part of the load will fall on the back of the thigh in the quadriceps exercises that you will also perform.

For example, when performing squats, the first part of the movement trajectory mainly involves the quadriceps, and as you go lower, the hamstrings are increasingly trained.

(This is one of the main reasons why you should lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor or lower).

In this regard, it is necessary to make small adjustments to the training, that is, simply reduce the volume slightly when performing exercises for the hamstrings (and quadriceps) taking into account this additional load.

Now that we've got the theory behind it, let's look at the hamstring exercises that are best for building strength and size.

Why you should avoid the Smith machine

As practice shows, for pumping the back of the thighs, the Smith machine squat is the least effective. It is not recommended to include training in the simulator in your biceps training program.

The main reason is the need for vertical fixation of the body when performing squats. In this position of the body, the load on the problem area of ​​the body is minimal, so the growth of muscle tissue in this area will be insignificant.

Basically, the design is used when working with large weights, when it is necessary to protect as much as possible from an unexpected breakdown of the bar. An alternative option to stabilize balance without compromising the target area is a power rack.

The best exercises for the hamstring muscles

Today there is a huge amount of information on the topic of healthy lifestyle and fitness.

Search Google for diet or exercise and you'll get a huge amount of opinions that can't be easily sorted out.

However, I have good news for you:

Among all the abundance of exercises for the muscles of the hamstrings, there are only a few that are most effective.

If you focus your attention on them, you will achieve truly fantastic results.

However, before we talk about exercises, a few words about equipment.

Why you should avoid the Smith machine

As with the bench press, research shows that using a Smith machine when performing squats has less of an effect on muscle growth and strength compared to free-weight squats.

The main reason for this is that the bar has a fixed vertical path, which eliminates the need to stabilize your body as you would with free weights (where you have to maintain balance).

A few years ago, I exclusively squatted on the Smith machine and could handle 105kg for a few reps. However, when I switched to free weights, I could barely squat 80kg.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of the Smith machine is the increased safety it provides compared to free weight squats.

Actually this is not true. You can squat quite safely without the help of this structure (and I don't mean a belay partner).

I'm talking about a power rack.

How to Squat Safely in a Power Rack

It's not necessary to squat to muscle failure on every set, but if you're afraid of failure, you don't have to try your hardest to lift the weight.

(It's best to stop one repetition before muscle failure occurs, that is, when you are not sure that you can handle another one without assistance).

However, there may be times when you could do another rep or two if you felt safe and didn't have to worry about losing your balance.

In such a situation, a power frame is the ideal solution. It allows you to perform squats (and bench press) on your own without the fear of falling or dropping a heavy equipment on yourself.

I highly recommend using a power rack to train your legs:

There are special limiters installed on its sides, onto which, in case of failure, the bar can be lowered.

Now let's switch gears to the best hamstring exercises.

Romanian deadlift

It's hard to find a better exercise for the hamstrings than the Romanian deadlift. When performed correctly, it is a very effective means of isolating and properly working a given muscle group.

Here's how it's done:

This is one of the best leg exercises in general and it works the hamstrings well. If this exercise puts too much strain on your lower back, try the one-leg variation:


It is impossible to imagine an effective leg workout without squats with a barbell on your shoulders.

In fact, this exercise works almost every major muscle group in the body with the exception of the chest.

If you've ever heard that squats are only for working the quadriceps and should not be included in the training of the hamstrings, then this is only partly true, because, as I already said, the lower you go in the squat, the more actively you use this muscle group.

Here's what your body position looks like when doing squats at the correct depth:

As you can see, the hips are slightly below parallel to the floor, and the buttocks are slightly below the level of the knees.

Also pay attention to the following points:

  • The head is in a neutral position (not thrown back or forward)
  • The back is straight (not rounded or concave)
  • Shoulders are back and chest is forward
  • Knees are slightly ahead of the toes

This is the position you should take with each repetition.

Here's a more detailed look at how to do squats correctly:

Now, before we move on to the next exercise, let's talk about squat depth.

We have a separate article on how to do barbell squats correctly.

First of all, this is what a squat below parallel looks like:

This approach has both advantages (full amplitude works the legs and buttocks better) and disadvantages.

  1. A deep squat requires a lot of lower body mobility that most people don't have.
  1. In addition, they are more difficult to perform than parallel squats, which means that as you increase the working weight, it will be more difficult for you to maintain the movement technique.

This is why I do not recommend deep squats for inexperienced athletes.

In fact, to strengthen the muscles of the posterior chain, it is quite enough to perform squats to parallel correctly.

While we're on the topic of body flexibility and mobility, let's briefly list the most common reasons why some people can't perform squats correctly:

  • Low hip mobility
  • Stiffness in the hamstrings
  • Stiffness in ankles and calves

Luckily, problems like this are easy to solve (and prevent) with simple practices like this:

Bulgarian split squats

Bulgarian split squats are becoming more and more popular among professional trainers, and for good reason.

Research shows that this exercise is extremely effective for building strength in the legs (and hamstrings in particular) while minimizing stress on the lower back.

Here's how it's done:

Torso raises (hyperextension)

At first glance, this exercise may seem easy, but if done correctly, you will feel a strong tension in the muscles of the hamstrings.

(Research shows that this is one of the best exercises for this muscle group).

Here's how it's done:

Leg Curl

Like hyperextensions, leg curls are a simple but extremely effective way to work the hamstrings.

Research shows that sitting and lying leg curls activate the target muscles differently, so it's wise to do both variations.

Here's how to do lying leg curls:

And this is how bending is performed while sitting:

Kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings are a multifunctional exercise that you can include in your cardio workout.

Essentially, it is an aggressive and dynamic form of deadlift that has become a staple in the training of professional fighters and athletes. Its effectiveness in developing explosive strength and endurance has been scientifically proven.

I suggest performing the kettlebell swing in a fairly rigid manner, which will prepare you for more advanced exercises.

This technique will take time to master, so don't be discouraged if you don't get it right at first.

Here's how to do this exercise:

Types of arthrosis of the hip joint

Coxarthrosis is divided into types, forms and types according to different criteria: origin, nature of the course, characteristics of changes in tissues, etc.

By origin

On this basis they distinguish:

  • primary or idiopathic type, the origin of which cannot be determined;
  • secondary, with established causes, previous injuries, diseases, for example:
  • post-traumatic coxarthrosis - develops after injuries (fractures, dislocations, ligament ruptures) or against the background of prolonged minor injury in athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor;
  • against the background of inflammatory processes in the joints (arthritis):
  • localized – pathological process only in the hip joint;
  • generalized - multiple joints become inflamed (rheumatoid, psoriatic, reactive arthritis).

According to the nature of the flow

Degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the hip joint always occur slowly and chronically. But during such diseases there are two types:

  • low-symptomatic – occurs unnoticed or with mildly expressed symptoms, while radiological changes can progress regardless of the absence of clinical signs; develops more often in young and middle-aged people;
  • manifest - all symptoms are clearly expressed, changes on x-ray lag behind them or are completely consistent; more common in old age; the course of this type is divided into rapidly and slowly progressing.

Sore joint on x-ray (right)

According to the characteristics of changes in articular tissues

The destruction of intra-articular cartilage is accompanied by the proliferation of replacement connective tissue. On this basis, the following types of changes in the TBS are distinguished:

  • hypertrophic – connective tissue grows excessively, forming numerous osteophytes and sclerosis of bone subchondral tissue; is formed:
  • deforming arthrosis of the hip joint is the most common outcome of the disease; due to overgrown osteophytes, the shape of the joint changes, branches of the nerves innervating the joints may be pinched, which leads to severe pain; dysfunction of the leg quickly develops, read more about it here;
  • atrophic – the growth of connective tissue is insignificant, which leads to further injury and destruction of bone tissue.

Progression is the key to muscle growth

So, I told you about the best exercises for the hamstring muscles. They are enough for you to achieve the best results.

Your goal is not just to do these exercises, but to strive for progress.

And if we are talking about building muscle mass, then the best way here is “progressive overload”.

This means a constant increase in the level of tension in the muscles, which leads to an increase in working weight.

In short, to achieve success, you must consume enough food and do the above exercises.

Exercises for terrain training

When training for cutting, the set of exercises for the hamstrings is almost similar to the mass movements.

The basis of the program for relief is the same squats, Romanian deadlifts and bends. But the share of load on blocks and simulators increases. To improve the detail and quality of the muscles, perform various variations and combinations of leg bending - lying down, standing, one leg at a time.

During this period, girls often supplement their training with various options for leg abduction (standing, on all fours, in the simulator). Here the biceps of the thigh also experiences a noticeable load. True, it works in conjunction with the gluteal muscles.

But despite a similar set of exercises, the training load changes dramatically in the drying mode. The number of movements, working approaches and repetitions increases (high-repetition load mode). At the same time, pauses between approaches are reduced to a minimum (30-40 seconds), or classes are conducted without rest (circuit training in the CrossFit style).

To cope with such an intense load regime, the training weights in the exercises are reduced.

Also, when training for relief, a diet with a reduced calorie content is followed, aimed at burning fat, and regular cardio training is performed, lasting 40-60 minutes each.

Only by observing all three conditions will the athlete achieve success. It is especially important for girls to adhere to these rules. Indeed, due to physiology, the biceps thigh area is more problematic for them.

Sports nutrition

I left this topic for last because, frankly, it is much less important than proper nutrition and training if you want to build hamstrings.

You see, supplements can't transform your physique the way diet and exercise can.

Unfortunately, the sports nutrition industry is plagued by a plethora of junk science, misleading advertising, and outright deception, while the products themselves are crammed with unnecessary ingredients or contain truly essential elements but in insufficient quantities.

Most supplement companies release cheap and useless products in an attempt to sell them through marketing gimmicks (loud slogans, flashy packaging, etc.).

Remember, sports supplements do not play a decisive role in building muscle mass and burning fat, and buying many of them is a waste of money.

However, there are safe, natural substances with scientifically proven effectiveness that will actually help you increase strength, improve endurance, lose fat, etc.

Part of my job was to find supplements that I could take myself and recommend to others.

However, finding high-quality, effective and inexpensive products has always been a difficult task.

Let's take a quick look at the supplements that will help you get the most out of your hamstring workouts.


Creatine is a substance found naturally in the human body and in foods such as red meat. This is perhaps the most studied supplement in the world of sports nutrition. Hundreds of studies have been devoted to it, from which it is clear that it helps:

  • Build muscle mass and strength
  • Improve anaerobic endurance
  • Reduce muscle soreness and damage

You may have heard that creatine is harmful to your kidneys, but such claims have been repeatedly and categorically refuted. It has been proven that in healthy people, even with long-term use, it does not cause any side effects. Although people with kidney disease are not recommended to take creatine supplements.

Read: how to take creatine correctly.

If you are in good health, then I strongly advise you to take this supplement. It is safe, inexpensive and effective.


Protein supplements are not needed to build muscle mass, but when you consider how much protein you need to eat daily to maximize muscle growth, it becomes clear that you cannot do without them.

This is the reason why I recommend taking whey protein.

Naturally sweetened and flavored whey protein isolate made from milk is available in stores.

Pre-workout drinks

There's no doubt that pre-workout supplements help you train. However, there are disadvantages and potential risks.

Many pre-workout drinks contain many ineffective ingredients and/or tiny amounts of effective ones, making them little more beneficial than most of the cheap stimulants sold on fancy labels and persuasive advertising copy.

Many other supplements don't even contain stimulants, making them just duds.

In reality, it is very difficult to find a pre-workout supplement that is low in stimulants and high in natural, safe, and performance-enhancing ingredients like beta-alanine, betaine, and citrulline.

A good pre-workout supplement contains 6 of the most effective performance-enhancing ingredients:

  • Caffeine . Caffeine is good for more than just boosting your energy levels. It also increases muscle endurance and strength;
  • Beta-alanine . It is a natural amino acid that reduces post-workout fatigue, increases anaerobic capacity, and can accelerate muscle growth.
  • Citrulline malate . Citrulline is an amino acid that increases muscle endurance, relieves muscle pain and improves anaerobic performance;
  • Betaine . This is a substance found in plants (such as beets) that improves muscle endurance, increases strength, and stimulates the production of growth hormone and IGF-1 in response to short, intense exercise.
  • Ornithine . An amino acid found in large quantities in dairy products and meats that reduces fatigue during prolonged exercise and promotes lipid oxidation (burning fat rather than carbohydrates or glycogen for energy).
  • Theanine . An amino acid found primarily in tea that reduces the effects of mental and physical stress, increases the production of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow, and also improves mental performance, attention, memory and mood.

What is coxarthrosis

Arthrosis of the hip joint or coxarthrosis is a chronic, slowly progressive degenerative disease, accompanied by the destruction of cartilage and bone tissue of the joint, the growth of bone osteophytes that deform the joint, as well as the involvement of periarticular tissues in the pathological process. All this gradually leads to complete loss of leg function and disability. Women suffer from this type of arthrosis more often.

For a long time, the disease was considered age-related, but it has now been proven that in many people this pathology of the legs begins to develop after 20 years, and sometimes in childhood, remaining asymptomatic for a long time, appearing after 40 - 50 years. In terms of incidence, coxarthrosis is second only to arthrosis of the knee joint. But in terms of the duration of periods of incapacity, it is much ahead of it, since it is more severe. Coxarthrosis of both joints and one joint develop equally often.

In some cases, the disease is detected in late stages, but this is not a death sentence: conservative and surgical treatment methods have been developed for any stage. The code for coxarthrosis according to ICD 10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision) is M16.

Jumping Lunges

The combination of aerobic and strength training will have a wonderful effect on tightening your figure. The complexity of the execution due to jumping is quite high .

more about 7 types of different lunges here.

In addition to the main muscle group being worked, lunges will help tighten the buttocks and calf muscles.

  1. Starting position – Legs together, back straight, arms at your sides, gaze directed forward;
  2. As you inhale, lunge forward with your right leg, exhale while hovering;
  3. On the next inhalation, we jump and land in a lunge on the other leg.

Learn more from the video:

You can do this exercise with or without weights. For beginners, you should start with 10-12 repetitions on each leg in 2-3 sets.

For the necessary coordination of movements, help yourself when jumping with characteristic swings of your arms.

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