Carpal expander, benefits and harms, types, manufacturers, training

What is a hand expander used for?

The very name of the simulator indicates that its main purpose is to strengthen the muscles responsible for flexing the hands and fingers. This is especially true for those professions that involve sitting at a computer keyboard for many hours. There is even a specific disease associated with prolonged strain on the hands - tunnel syndrome . The benefit of a wrist expander in this case is undeniable - the simulator acts as a therapeutic agent when symptoms of this pathology appear.

What muscles does the wrist expander work, besides the wrist? The answer is simple: when used correctly, almost all the muscles of the hand, and including, of course, the muscles of the forearm. Thanks to this simple device, it becomes possible to prevent the occurrence of many health problems, from all kinds of arthritis to relieving stress and fatigue , and the time and place of such training is not limited in any way.

It is important that in retail you can purchase models for men and women, for professionals and amateurs, children and the elderly. With regular use of a hand expander, the effect appears quite quickly - after literally a dozen sessions, you will feel how much stronger your grip has become.

The main advantage of a wrist expander is that training can be done anywhere: on public transport while commuting to work, while shopping, relaxing on the couch, and even when going to the bathroom.

Why train the muscles of the hands and forearms

Many athletes specializing in strength sports (arm wrestlers, wrestlers, boxers, weightlifters) use an expander to train the corresponding muscle groups. a strong grip , but even a housewife often finds herself in a situation where going to the store requires carrying heavy string bags for a long time, which is not easy if your hands are frankly weak.

However, the use of special exercises contributes to the development of many other muscle groups, partially replacing more bulky and expensive exercise equipment. Here is the answer to the question why use a wrist expander, what it serves and why it is so in demand.

Captains of crush expanders – legendary projectiles with a compressible spring

Expanders with a compression spring mean much more variety, quality and marketing. Due to their design, such expanders are very rigid, so they can really develop great strength.

The most popular compression spring resistance bands are, of course, Captains of Crush. Most often, when hearing the word “expander”, most athletes picture “Captains” before their eyes. Nothing surprising, excellent workmanship and advertising do their job. And the Made in the USA inscription is very reassuring for many.

Review of expanders Captain of Crash - their advantages and nuances:

  • The advantage of this expander is the ability to choose the optimal rigidity.
  • The Captains line includes 11 resistance bands with different compression strengths: from 60 to 365 pounds. In this interval, each person will find his own simulator.
  • The only drawback of Captains of Crush is that for constant training you need not one such expander, but several at once, since over time the strength will increase and the current model will become too simple.
  • Another not very pleasant fact is that due to the fact that the handles of the expander are not parallel, the fingers receive different loads from it. This can be solved, however, quite simply - by changing the position of the expander in the hand.
  • Training FDP with such a wrist expander is quite difficult, so it is unlikely to be suitable for climbers.

Otherwise, Captains of Crush is a great trainer for developing arm strength, particularly FDS. It’s not for nothing that the Captains of Crush expander, which has proven itself to be a standard, is preferred by a large number of athletes.


The very name of the wrist expander indicates that the main purpose is to strengthen the hand, which is responsible for flexion and extension of the fingers. This is especially true for those people who spend a lot of time typing text on a computer keyboard. There are also specific diseases that are associated with severe tension in the hands. This is called carpal tunnel syndrome. It is very useful to use a hand expander in this case, since it will serve as a therapeutic agent when pathology or symptoms of the disease manifest themselves.

Many people believe that the expander is only capable of developing the wrist, and therefore no one is even interested in what muscles the wrist expander also develops. If used correctly, almost all the muscles of the hand will be involved, especially the forearm. With the help of such a simple device, you can prevent the occurrence of various health problems, such as arthritis. And also, to a significant extent, such exercises reduce stress and fatigue, and the time of exercise is not limited in any way.

The important point is that you can purchase such a special device for both women and men, for amateurs and professionals, for the elderly and children. If you use the expander regularly, the effect will last for a long period of time. After just a few dozen sessions, a person will feel how much stronger his grip has become.

The main advantage of the device is that training can be done absolutely anywhere. This could be public transport and shopping or relaxing on the couch.

Why train your hands and forearms?

There are a lot of athletes who engage in arm wrestling, wrestling, boxing and weightlifting. It is these people who first need to use an expander to train their arm muscles. Climbers or musicians also need to have a strong grip, but even housewives very often face situations when they need to go to the store and bring back a heavy string bag, and this is quite difficult if your hands are weak.

A strong grip is important not only for athletes, because men show their character through the strength of their handshake.

In addition, if you use special exercises, you can develop other muscle groups, partially replacing more bulky, expensive exercise equipment. This is why the wrist expander is so valued among athletes and ordinary people. It is for such life situations that you need to train with the help of this device. The finger expander is very useful.

Hand expander: benefits and harms

This compact device can be used to strengthen and pump up the muscles of the wrist, forearm, and make fingers strong. This will strengthen your hand grip and improve blood circulation in your upper extremities. If you exercise frequently, it will affect your overall health. The hand expander provides a general therapeutic effect, strengthens the immune system, and helps resist various infections. If we talk only about arm wrestlers, bodybuilders and bodybuilders, then for them there is simply no alternative to such a simulator.

In addition, such a device has an almost zero level of injury, which is rare among simulators. Many doctors claim that the carpal expander can be used very effectively to develop the muscles of the hands after fractures and injuries. Such a mini-simulator cannot pose any health risks, but it can create some inconveniences that are typical for cheap and not too rigid models.

Do not forget that springs can deteriorate. But these are very small and insignificant negative aspects that you don’t even have to remember when purchasing such a simulator. The only thing we can say with certainty is that it is incapable of causing absolutely any harm to the body. If you don’t deliberately throw it against the wall, expecting a rebound, then you can be confident in the safety of the equipment.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

What is an expander for and is it really needed?

Yes, using an expander is worth it! Especially for amateur athletes and people who value their appearance and lead a healthy lifestyle. Even bodybuilders supplement their workouts with resistance bands to maintain muscle condition at home and while traveling, as well as to work some muscles that do not receive the necessary stimulation in other exercises.

Such devices are also used for rehabilitation after injuries. Well, in therapeutic exercises. For example, in the gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky.

How often should you exercise with an expander?

Many scientists, coaches, athletes and doctors recommend training at least twice a week. This applies to both strength and endurance training. But given maximum opportunities, two workouts a day won’t hurt.

Endurance training should last at least 30 minutes, since the body changes its energy metabolism only after this time. Shorter lengths won't necessarily be useless, but most experts seem to agree with this recommendation. The workout should be designed so that you feel the breathing disorder.

There is more controversy regarding the recommended duration of strength training. Many researchers and practitioners suggest that just a few strength exercises can have positive effects if you are active on a regular basis. To start, professionals often recommend three to five different exercises to get used to the exercises and begin to gradually get used to higher level exercises.

What types of training are possible with an expander? What are their advantages?

You can use these machines for both strength and endurance training. With strength training, the intensity of the movements is higher, but the repetitions are lower.

Endurance or cardio training typically uses lighter loads and higher repetitions. In this case, the movements are not aimed at using the maximum muscle resource as during strength training. Accordingly, the effect is achieved due to the duration of the training and the frequency of repetitions.

Cardio training triggers the process of burning fat throughout the body. In particular, longer workouts promote cardiovascular health: increased exercise forces the heart to pump more blood through the body. Since the heart is a muscle, it is also trained by regular stress. The vital organ becomes stronger and more powerful.

Strength training for women and men helps the body optimally form muscles. Muscles are not only responsible for movement and performance of the body: they also provide supporting and protective functions.

A healthy body with properly trained muscles is better protected from injury than a body with low muscle mass. In the era of chips in front of the TV and Coca-Cola in front of the computer, most people in developed countries now suffer from one or more diseases or risk factors that can be easily prevented through lifestyle changes.

However, often professional, family and personal commitments do not always make it easy to meet all the demands of a healthy lifestyle. However, today there is already general knowledge that sounded utopian back in the 80s: everyone can prevent diseases from the very beginning with simple, small measures. Resistance bands thus also represent a good compromise between desire and reality.

Just two workouts a week can lead to significant improvements in health and well-being.

What to pay attention to when training with an expander after surgery, injury or illness?

First of all, you must train calmly. First, consult your doctor about what movements are already possible. Ask specifically about machine training so the doctor can assess how beneficial or potentially harmful exercise may be in their current condition. Resistance bands with low resistance can have a positive effect on rehabilitation.

Can an expander cause injury?

Any movement can lead to injury if it is performed incorrectly or if the body is forced into a movement process for which the placement of joints, muscles and bones is inappropriate.

Exercises with an expander are no exception. However, it is not an exclusively dangerous exercise machine. Simple safety measures will help you avoid the worst mistakes.

For example, you should warm up sufficiently before the exercise and learn how to perform the movements correctly.

Sudden movements or rotations of the joint that are contrary to the joint's degrees of freedom are not beneficial and have a high potential for injury. Particular attention should be paid during exercises that involve the head and neck area.

Compared to other strength sports, expander training can even be considered gentle, since only your own body weight and the resistance of the resistance elements of the expander act on the muscles, but no additional weight is used.

Because active movement is a requirement for training, passive injury is less likely than with other types of strength sports.

Is it possible to exercise while sitting?

If for physical reasons you cannot stand, you can do many exercises while sitting. Make sure you sit as straight as possible without straining your head or spine. Your feet should be parallel to each other on the ground in most cases. The legs are not closed, but are approximately hip or shoulder width apart.

The chair must have a stable seat. Armrests and backrests may interfere with some exercises. In this case, a chair without armrests or a stool can correct the situation. Also in this case: avoid excessive demands and consider your own health.

Will an expander help you lose weight?

Regular, conscientious exercise with a machine can help you maintain or reduce your weight. However, the expander is not a miracle cure: the key to success lies in continuous work and constant improvement. Strength exercises with an expander promote muscle development.

Muscle mass consumes significantly more energy than fat mass, even at rest, sitting comfortably on the couch for a long time after training.

You should not neglect cardio training with a expander if you are interested in reducing your body weight. Endurance training in general is a true fat burner.

However, with these good prospects there is a catch: diet. The body loses weight when you expend more energy than you consume. By training with a resistance band—both strength training and cardio—you can influence the first part of the equation: how much energy you expend.

But suppose you eat more to compensate or eat more high-calorie foods, it will ruin your energy balance.

However, if you have been able to keep your diet constant and maintain your weight, you can effectively lose weight by exercising with such a device. You can achieve faster reduction by reducing your food intake slightly and focusing on healthy, nutritious, low-calorie foods. This is the best way to lose weight, but the only one. You can also try exotic options. Such as acupuncture for weight loss.

Popular manufacturers

In order for the muscle tissue of the arm to develop fully, it is extremely important to choose the right exercise machine. It would be useful to consider the rating of the best manufacturers. It includes the following brands:

  1. Indigo. Produces high-quality equipment for beginners. A wide range of models is presented.
  2. Bradex. This brand produces high-quality adjustable expanders. When using them, excellent results can be achieved.
  3. "Vladsportprom". The company produces budget models with great functionality.
  4. Z-sports. The manufacturer produces gyroscopic devices. This new product among sports equipment quickly gained immense popularity due to its original appearance, ease of use and efficiency.

When choosing an expander, you should not give preference to dubious brands. Such products may turn out to be not only ineffective, but also dangerous. High-quality exercise equipment is produced by well-known brands with an excellent reputation.






There are several types of hand expanders. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. The most common option is rubber. This is a budget model, which was widely used in Soviet times, and is a regular rubber ring. The main advantage is considered to be accessibility. Such a simulator can be found in a large number of pharmacies and sports departments. It is used to prevent the development of carpal tunnel syndrome during the recovery period after injuries. Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • strong smell of rubber;
  • insufficient functionality;
  • not suitable for developing endurance.

There is no point in using a rubber band to build muscle mass.

Another common type is the butterfly expander. Among its advantages are more advanced functionality than rubber models. This simulator allows you to pump up all groups of shoulder and wrist muscle tissues; it is possible to change the load. True, this product is considered short-lived.

An adjustable manual expander is considered one of the best varieties. It is perfect for athletes and adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Among its advantages are:

  • possibility of changing the load;
  • multifunctionality;
  • efficiency.

This model is suitable for developing grip strength and increasing endurance, and recovery from injuries. It is often used to prevent various diseases. True, the simulators are presented in a relatively small assortment and belong to the group of expensive ones.

The choice of experienced athletes is a steel hand expander. It differs from other models in its maximum functionality and efficiency, and copes with all the tasks assigned to it. Its main advantages are:

  • high quality;
  • reliability;
  • trains all the muscles of the arm;
  • safety.

The disadvantage is the high cost of such a device. In addition, it can be found exclusively in specialized retail outlets. There are no such simulators in ordinary departments or pharmacies.

Metal expanders are the most popular. They have an ideal ratio of cost and quality. The devices are effective and come in a huge range. They are ideal for increasing endurance, building muscle mass and for preventive purposes. The main disadvantage of a metal hand expander is that low-quality models can simply fall apart in your hand.

Gel models are considered an ideal solution for children as well as women. They help eliminate psycho-emotional stress, when compressed they cause extremely pleasant sensations, and are budget-friendly. True, an expander of this type does not pump muscle tissue. It is not suitable for strength training.

The most unusual option is the gyroscopic model. When using it, you just need to hold the brush in the correct position without squeezing. The device has a built-in internal gyroscope, which pushes the hand to the side and forces it to perform rotational movements. With the help of such a simulator, you not only strengthen your muscles, but also improve your mood. True, it belongs to the group of expensive ones.








Target . Endurance work

Strength, endurance and performance - these three functions are trained by the wrist expander. The simulator develops forearm endurance, which is useful for every man in everyday activities. In life, what we need is not peak performance (strength) or performance of work in a certain amount of time (performance), but endurance—long-term muscular work on some task. Carrying heavy bags, carrying a heavy object into an apartment, tirelessly carrying a child or rolling a girl in your arms to make the right impression - all this is muscle endurance that an expander allows you to develop.

Benefits and harms

The main purpose of the wrist expander is to develop the forearms, wrists and fingers, strengthen the grip, and improve blood circulation in the hands. However, the benefits are not limited to this: frequent training has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. As for people involved in strength sports, for them this is a full-fledged simulator, for which it is simply impossible to find a replacement.

It’s difficult to talk about the dangers of a hand expander, because... it is one of the simulators whose injury rate is close to zero. It is almost impossible to get injured when using this device. Of course, using cheap and hard rubber models is associated with some inconveniences, but they are not so critical as to give up training.


A wrist expander is a simple, compact exercise machine designed to strengthen the muscle tissue that is responsible for bending the fingers and hands. It fits easily in a person's hand. It’s worth understanding why the product is used, what muscles it pumps, what the wrist expander develops, and what such an unusual workout provides.

To perform heavy physical work, you need a strong grip. If a person spends a lot of time every day at the computer, sorting through papers in the office, the strength of his hands inevitably weakens. Carrying heavy things becomes very problematic. With the help of a simple device, it will be possible to restore strength, because when using it, not only the fingers and hand are trained, but also the muscle tissue of the shoulder and wrist.

Models of expanders are made for people of different ages. They are suitable for both women and men. The effect of their use is observed in the shortest possible time - after just a few training sessions you can feel that your grip is becoming much stronger.

The main advantage of simple devices is compactness. They can be used absolutely everywhere, for example, while traveling on public transport or while watching TV.

The hand expander is a simple, compact exercise machine designed to strengthen the muscle tissue of the hands.

Carpal expander - how to choose the design and use the simulator for training the muscles of the hand

So, after studying the information above, we came to the conclusion that this simulator has more advantages than disadvantages. Therefore, if you need an effective tool for training your arms, then it’s time to buy a wrist expander. The benefits of this toy will be noticeable almost immediately. But which exercise machine should you choose?

For most people, rubber rings are a good place to start, as they are both cheap and provide a reasonable load. If your goal is serious strength training, then you can't do without a good spring resistance band. Do you just need to develop your fingers? Choose a simple and cheap toy, like a rubber ball. As you can see, different wrist expanders serve different purposes.

Not only benefits

But still, wrist expanders also have negative aspects. Cheap spring options can break at any time. Working with a rubber ring, if it is hard, is quite painful, because the friction force of the rubber on the skin is large, and more than one compression must be done. However, gradually the skin can get used to such stress. Branded spring expanders can produce a quiet but unpleasant squeak. Accordingly, it cannot always be used in public places. In addition, they are not very convenient to carry with you. Also, such exercise machines are very hard on the hands.

Expanders with an expanding spring

Due to the design features, such devices are often more massive, but also more functional. The best example is Ivanko Super Gripper. This expander consists of only one moving element and two springs, the adjustment of which determines the rigidity of the handle. These springs have more than 40 different positions, and they all change the compression force, with minimal increments and up to maximum heights - from 45 to 345 pounds. At maximum stiffness, the Ivanko is almost comparable to the Captains of Crush No. 4 resistance band. Moreover, if it is very difficult for “Captains” to properly load the FDP, then Ivanko copes with this perfectly. At the same time, it can also train FDS well. The only drawback of Ivanko is its dimensions. You can’t just put it in your pocket and take it with you. Also, pay attention to the analogue of the Ivanko Super Gripper – CFF Pit Bull Super Vise Gripper. Because there are three springs instead of two, the compression force can be increased up to 500 pounds (and this resistance band is also cheaper due to free shipping).

Carpal expander: benefits and harms

The hand expander is one such device, which has gained popularity due to its extremely compact size. This is a one-of-a-kind pocket trainer that allows you to train anytime, anywhere.

The very name of the simulator indicates that its main purpose is to strengthen the muscles responsible for flexing the hands and fingers. This is especially true for those professions that involve sitting at a computer keyboard for many hours.

There is even a specific disease associated with prolonged strain on the hands - carpal tunnel syndrome.

The benefit of a wrist expander in this case is undeniable - the simulator acts as a therapeutic agent when symptoms of this pathology appear.

What muscles does the wrist expander work, besides the wrist? The answer is simple: when used correctly, almost all the muscles of the hand, and including, of course, the muscles of the forearm.

Thanks to this simple device, it becomes possible to prevent the occurrence of many health problems, from all kinds of arthritis to relieving stress and fatigue, and the time and place of such training is not limited in any way.

The main advantage of a wrist expander is that training can be done anywhere: on public transport while commuting to work, while shopping, relaxing on the couch, and even when going to the bathroom.

Many athletes specializing in strength sports (arm wrestlers, wrestlers, boxers, weightlifters) use an expander to train the corresponding muscle groups. Musicians and climbers need a strong grip, but even a housewife often finds herself in a situation where going to the store requires carrying heavy string bags for a long time, which is not easy if your hands are frankly weak.

However, the use of special exercises contributes to the development of many other muscle groups, partially replacing more bulky and expensive exercise equipment. Here is the answer to the question why use a wrist expander, what it serves and why it is so in demand.

What benefits does exercise bring to joints?

The benefits of physical activity are difficult to underestimate. If you move regularly, the spine remains active and nourishes the joints, important muscle groups are strengthened, and the correct muscle corset is formed. Besides:

  • the production of synovial fluid, the natural lubrication of joints, is activated;
  • swelling that occurs with inflammation during arthritis resolves;
  • the circulation of blood and lymph is enhanced, as well as oxidative processes in the muscles.

During training, metabolism in cells improves. Therefore, even 10-15 minutes of easy gymnastics will bring great benefits to your joints.

Carpal expander: how to practice, training features

At first, it’s not even that important which type of exercise machine you use. The correct training technique will be much more important. Although there is nothing complicated about it, because you only need to squeeze the expander as many times as possible. Essentially, training with a wrist expander involves choosing between only two training methods:

  1. You simply do as many reps as you can on each arm, then rest for 1-2 minutes and repeat. You should exercise until you feel serious fatigue in your forearms.
  2. This method is in many ways similar to the first option, but the expander cannot be unclenched. Rest while holding it clenched in your hand. In some cases, this will provide a better workout, such as if the machine is too light for you.

Naturally, you need to gradually increase the rigidity of the expander. Over time, this will become much more difficult. Here you will have to resort to either branded spring products or an adjustable expander. There are no cheap options for continuing serious training.

How to train properly

If you are already undergoing treatment for osteoarthritis, avoid any sudden movements during exercise. Listen to your body and perform the loads that you can handle. Be sure to devote some of the exercises to the leg muscles, since if they are trained, the load on the knee, ankle and hip joints is reduced. The final stage is stretching, which will speed up recovery after training.

Don't forget to drink during exercise - joints need moisture

Can a wrist expander cause harm?

Although the wrist expander is a piece of exercise equipment with a low risk of injury, it can cause harm to the body in the following situations:

  • with frequent classes (more than 5 days a week);
  • if you abuse intensive training;
  • when performing exercises incorrectly;
  • when using a model that is not suitable for the degree of resistance.

The most common problem is sprain. If you feel pain when bending your fingers or wrist after exercise, stop exercising until symptoms resolve.

In addition, wrist expanders can chafe your hands and cause painful calluses. This often happens when choosing a model with an inappropriate spring stiffness.

There are contraindications to using a mini-arm exerciser:

  • inflammatory diseases of the joints - arthrosis and arthritis (the product can be used for prevention, but not for the treatment of these pathologies);
  • diseases of the vascular system, in particular hypertension, varicose veins, cardiomyopathy;
  • diabetes;
  • cancer;
  • skin rashes on the hands.

However, for most people, a wrist expander will do more good than harm. The main thing is to correctly perform the exercises, which will be discussed below.

Exercise options at home

It is extremely important to figure out how to use such an unusual simulator. The popular exercise with a wrist expander is essentially just one - you just need to squeeze and unclench the product. The main thing is to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  1. Select the maximum level of hardness.
  2. There should not be too many repetitions (maximum 15).
  3. Warm up first. A less rigid simulator is used for this purpose.
  4. Take breaks between classes to allow your muscles to recover.

You can also do the exercise at home followed by fixation. Its essence is that after short and rhythmic presses, the hand is in static tension for about 1-2 minutes, and does not relax, as usual. Another option for the exercise is to first do fixation and then compression. Everything is done in forward movements. Duration of execution - about 2 minutes for beginners.

Many people wonder what a hand expander does. By choosing the right equipment and following a number of simple rules, you will be able to improve your health, avoid serious problems and increase endurance. The main thing is to remember that there should be moderation in everything. You should not exhaust yourself with training or put excessive stress on your hands, otherwise, instead of the expected benefit, harm may be caused.

Contraindications to using an expander

It is recommended to start any sports activities with the easiest form, during which the load is minimal. All workouts with an expander are based on the following principles:

  • mandatory warm-up with soft equipment;
  • the number of repetitions for beginners should not exceed 15 times;
  • breaks between classes should be sufficient for muscle recovery;
  • maximum rigidity is selected individually;
  • the load should increase gradually;
  • exercises with a wrist expander to strengthen your grip are performed at the end of training or on rest days. You will read about it below;
  • regularity of classes.

The listed rules are required to be followed. If you have problems choosing a simulator based on rigidity, you should consult with an experienced athlete or coach.

Example program:

  • Day 1 – squeeze 4-6 times, perform 10 approaches with a 2-minute break between them.
  • Day 2 – similar to the first, but the number of approaches increases to 11.
  • Day 3-4 – 12 approaches.
  • Days 5-19 – the number of compression repetitions increases to 6-8 times, 12 approaches with a break of 2 minutes.
  • Day 20 – a “unit” with high resistance is used (determined individually according to the same principle: the maximum number of compressions is no more than 8), 4 repetitions, 10 approaches with a rest of 2 minutes.


  1. Movement with your fingers, rotation of your wrists, squeezing a soft expander (any rubber simulator from Torneo or another manufacturer will do).
  2. We squeeze the “device” with our hand to the limit, relax the hand, repeat with a break of 10 seconds. The number of repetitions for a beginner should not exceed 15 times. You need to exercise without holding the simulator in a compressed state, that is, squeeze it and immediately release it. After this activity, you should rest for about 5-10 minutes;
  3. Long-term compression. This exercise adds a squeeze hold for 15 seconds. The break between approaches is 30-60 seconds. Perform 2-3 repetitions.

Instructions for training with short-term load:

  1. Warm up using a similar principle.
  2. Squeeze to the limit and hold in this state for a minute. Number of repetitions – 10 times with a break between cycles of 15-20 seconds. Rest up to 3-4 minutes.
  3. Compression 100 times for 1-1.5 minutes, the number of approaches is 3-7 with a break between them of at least 30 seconds.
  4. Squeeze the hard expander 10 times.

The latter program is not suitable for beginners, as it is designed for more experienced athletes.

There are a number of diseases in which a wrist expander can cause harm to the body:

  • heart failure;
  • vascular disease;
  • diabetes;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • oncology;
  • dermatological diseases of the skin of the hands.

In all other cases, the power projectile will not cause harm.

Where can I buy?

You can buy the Captain Crash expander on the official website or in online stores. So on Amazon you can also find structurally similar models that cost less. They even sell entire sets of resistance bands, with ratings no lower than those of Captains of Crush.

Let's talk about another well-known manufacturer of expanders - Gripmaster. The Gripmaster hand trainers are designed for a wide target audience, although it was especially popular with musicians.

Review of the popular gripmaster expander:

  • A very interesting and specific expander with compression springs is the Gripmaster Pro.
  • Its main feature is the ability to separately work on all fingers.
  • However, despite this technological advantage, it is of little use for any kind of strength training, because the toughest “Extra Heavy Tension” model provides a maximum load of only 11 pounds per finger, that is, for four fingers the maximum load will be approximately equal to 20 kilograms (44 pounds).
  • Although not suitable for strength work, the Gripmaster Pro is great for musicians: guitarists, bass players and trumpet players.
  • Exercises with Gripmaster Pro are good for finger strength, speed and mobility.
  • As practice shows, Gripmaster Pro is a high-quality expander that is considered the best among analogues. It is mainly useful for FDP development.

The Gripmaster Pro line consists of 4 expanders, differing in compression strength:

  1. Gray Extra Heavy Tension - 11 lbs per finger.
  2. Black Heavy Tension - £9 per finger.
  3. Red Medium Tension - £7 per finger.
  4. Blue Light Tension - £5 per finger.

Target . Recovery after injury

The expander strengthens the musculoskeletal system. Proper training with a wrist expander allows the tissues of our body to grow together correctly. But you need to use an expander for rehabilitation after an injury only at a certain stage of treatment, and after consultation with a doctor who will tell you whether an expander is needed in your case.

Final table

Target Efficiency on a scale from 0 to 10


Efficiency on a scale from 0 to 10


Developing grip strength 9 10 For men, it is better to use it in combination with other exercises. This will allow you to see the result faster. The ideal exercise machine for women.
Increased muscle mass 8 10 Only hard metal expanders are suitable for increasing muscle mass. Without training large muscle groups, it is impossible to realize the 100% potential of an expander.
Endurance work 10 10 Proper, regular work with an expander develops extreme endurance in the hands.
Prevention and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome 10 10 Super effective as a preventative. Does not always help in advanced stages of the disease.
Arm muscle development 9 9 Be responsible when choosing the type, stiffness of the expander and the training process itself.
Stress management 9 9 Partially relieves stress, reduces anxiety, improves mood.
Recovery after injury 8 8 Effective, but not always.

What exercises can you do on the horizontal bar?

A specific list of exercises is selected by the doctor for each patient separately, taking into account the disease and general condition. There are four groups of exercises in total, each of them must be performed at a certain stage of rehabilitation.

NameShort description
Half-hangThe easiest exercise, recommended for patients with underdeveloped muscle mass. It can be prescribed to localize rather complex pathologies of the spine.


It ranks second in terms of intensity of physical activity. You can hang from a few seconds at the initial stage of therapeutic exercises to several minutes with obvious progress in treatment.

Body lifting without weights

Requires great physical strength and is not available to all patients. If the strength of the arm muscles is insufficient, then long-term preliminary training is necessary. Pull-ups increase muscle tone, correct posture, and prevent relapses of the disease.

Body pull-up with weights

Such exercises are recommended for professional athletes. Therapeutic exercises are not used - the likelihood of dangerous consequences is too high.

When choosing a specific exercise and its intensity, the doctor takes into account not only the medical history, but also the physical development of the patient.

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