Top 60 best exercises with TRX: selection in GIFs + ready-made training plan!

TRX training loops, as an independent direction, originated in 1997. According to legend, it was then that the American Marine Randy Hetrick , sitting in a military bunker, came up with a device that allowed him to maintain muscle tone in conditions of a shortage of space and sports equipment.

Over time, the line of equipment expanded with various models , including the unique TRX Rip trainer. In its modern form, the TRX is a set of two loops with a handle, connected in the middle by strong straps converging to the mount. Fastening can be carried out either to a special bracket or to any crossbar, depending on the model.

It is worth noting that today the TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise) direction is not only a variety of equipment, but also a whole system of various training programs, united by the idea of ​​functional training.

TRX loops are attached to a regular crossbar (horizontal bar). You can easily install the TRX trainer at home using a door holder or wall mount. Next, by adjusting the length of the straps , the required height for performing a particular exercise is established. The athlete, holding the handles, rests on the floor or an unstable platform and has the opportunity to perform certain exercises , maintaining the balance of the body with the help of loops.

It is worth noting that there are variations of exercises in which the athlete’s legs are inserted into the loops, and the support is on the hands. However, all exercises on TRX loops are united by three basic principles :

  1. Exercises are performed with your own weight . In this case, part of the load is reduced depending on the trajectory of movement. Exercises with additional weights are practically not used in the TRX system.
  2. The balance of the body is stabilized by holding the loop. The second fulcrum is on the floor. Thus, the range of exercises is practically unlimited.
  3. The load received during the exercise, in addition to the tempo and number of repetitions in the approach, depends on the placement of the point of lower support; the load is influenced by body position .

Total Body Resistance Exercise
Training on TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise) in its specialization and principles belongs to the direction of functional training. In modern fitness, functional training has already taken a strong leading place among training methods. Once introduced into amateur sports from professional ones (in sports-methodical language it is called “speed-strength”), functional training has successfully learned to solve the problems that most amateur athletes set for themselves.

The method of functional training consists of the following: performing movements that involve several muscle groups in a high number of repetitions. In this case, the exercises imitate the natural movements of a person in everyday life, games, dances and other other conditions.

isolated exercises that specifically work one specific muscle (for example, as in bodybuilding ) in functional training. All movements are performed with your own weight using various specialized accessories and equipment, in particular TRX.

TRX loops - what are they?

TRX tapes are sports equipment consisting of nylon slings that are adjustable in length. They have specially attached handles for the palms and loops for the feet. The equipment is compact, so it is successfully used not only in the gym, but also for home and street training. Hanging hardware allows you to attach it to any support, including tree trunks and posts. In addition, there is also a door mount, so you can fix the TRX hinges in a room that is not suitable for sports.

Before purchasing this equipment, you need to understand its classification:

  • Models for home use can withstand loads of up to 180 kg. The handles are made of polyurethane.
  • Models for commercial use can carry a load of up to 220 kg. Rubber handles with antibacterial coating.

Types (models) of TRX simulator

Depending on the level of the athlete, as well as the type of training program, the manufacturer decided to divide all TRX simulators into the following types:

  • TRX Pro Kit (the most advanced line of training equipment, maximum equipment)
  • TRX PRO (comes fully equipped, suitable for experienced and beginner athletes)
  • TRX HOME Pink (best option for home workouts, has a bright color shade, for women)
  • TRX HOME (for home training)
  • TRX Tactical Gym (comes fully equipped, for men)
  • TRX Club Pack (designed specifically for group training, suitable for fitness clubs)
  • TRX Tactical Light (Men's Lightweight)
  • TRX Suspension Training (universal, compact model, suitable for training at home and in the gym)
  • TRX Force Kit 2 (male model, khaki, simple and compact)
  • TRX RIP TRAINER (model designed specifically for hockey players, as well as for practicing impact power)

Types (models) of the TRX simulator
The price range has a fairly wide range, starting from the simplest loops from 2990 rubles , ending with professional ones, fully equipped, for 5790 rubles .

Pros and cons of training with TRX loops

TRX functional loop classes are a whole system for training all muscle groups. It was developed in the USA for special forces training. Then it gained popularity among professional athletes. Therefore, it is used by both men and women, but for each they select their own approach and program. In this case, one should take into account not only physical fitness, but also:

  • age;
  • weight and excess body weight;
  • existing concomitant diseases;

There are the following areas of TRX classes:

  • aerobic;
  • power;
  • functional;
  • static;
  • stretching.

During activity, not only external muscles are involved, but also due to deep development - stabilizer muscles.

Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • Using this equipment at home, you can replace the entire arsenal of the gym.
  • Through daily exercise you can increase your strength, stretching and flexibility. It is also possible to achieve high levels of cardio load.
  • Classes are available for any age, from children to the elderly.
  • Body weight in this case does not matter.
  • For people with no physical training experience, basic exercises can be used.
  • The difficulty of the load can be easily changed by adjusting the length of the lines and thereby changing the angle of the body.
  • There is no intense load on the spine. That is why TRX training can be recommended for people with damage to the musculoskeletal system in general and the spine in particular. But it is necessary to remember that you can engage in physical activity with back pathologies only at the stage of remission of the disease, and in no case do exercises during the acute stage.
  • By achieving an inclined position of the body, not only the superficial layers of muscles are stressed, but also the stabilizers of the periarticular joints and those that support the spine.
  • Since you work with your own body weight, the risk of injury is minimized.
  • With the right exercises, you can undergo the rehabilitation process after certain types of injuries.
  • Thanks to their compactness, ease of installation and affordable price, such loops are accessible to everyone and are easy to use at home and take with you to outdoor training.
  • A balanced diet will help, in combination with TRX loops, to create an effective workout for weight loss.

But, as with everything else, such loops combine both benefit and harm. Therefore, before purchasing them for training, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of contraindications.

This sports equipment is not recommended for:

  • impaired functioning of the ligamentous apparatus after severe injuries;
  • with degenerative changes in joints at the last stage.

Contraindications here are minimal, especially in comparison with other types of physical activity, where there are many more of them. At the same time, some incorrect actions can leave negative feelings, which, however, are not related to the essence of TRX training itself. Here's what they pay attention to:

  • At home, you need to make special fasteners in the wall or ceiling to fix the tape.
  • There should be free space nearby in all directions no less than 3 steps from the attachment point.
  • If the trainee performs incorrect actions, he can pull the ligamentous apparatus.
  • It is necessary to buy only high-quality products from trusted manufacturers and suppliers. In this case, you can avoid counterfeiting and possible injury due to broken tape or fasteners.

TRX's non-trivial success

When Randy Hetrick, a US Army intelligence officer, created the first loops from parachute straps and old jiu-jitsu belts in the early 1980s, he didn’t think about wild success. Randy needed full-body suspension equipment so that he and his teammates could stay in good shape without a full-fledged gym with exercise equipment.

Interestingly, TRX is not the name of the equipment itself, but simply the brand that produces the suspension loops. Just like the familiar Xerox copier or Pampers diapers, the brand has become a household name. And today, despite the presence of a large number of other brands producing loops, out of habit we call them all TRX.

As a result, Hetrick’s desire to keep his body in good shape turned out to be his life’s work, and in 2001 he left military service in order to bring his brainchild to perfection. Randy made the right choice: by 2005, his company received serious investments, and TRX loops began to actively promote themselves in the sports equipment market. They have earned the recognition of athletes and sports fans from all over the world, but what exactly is the reason for such success?

Problems solved using this type of training

Hinges can solve a variety of problems:

  • Work out the muscle structures of the arms, legs, buttocks, abdomen, back, forearms and neck.
  • Pump up muscles or, conversely, dry the body.
  • Give your body flexibility.
  • Increase dexterity and coordination of movements.
  • Develop a sense of balance.
  • Increase a person's endurance.

Beginners can use this type of equipment as an independent workout. For professionals, include it in a comprehensive fitness program.

Effective exercises

TRX is a whole training system, but there are basic exercises with which it is recommended to start getting acquainted. Here is the simplest version of the movements, which will be within the capabilities of beginners and will not discourage them from working further:

  • Half squats - one leg is fixed in a loop. In this case, it can be taken to the side or in front of you in a straightened state. You can also hook the loop onto the foot of the leg bent at the knee. From such a fixed position it is necessary to perform squats. Doing this to such a depth that it comes quite easily. Then you can complicate the movement.
  • Sagging on hinges with your back down and pulling your body up by bending your elbow joints. Make sure that your back does not sag in the lumbar region.
  • Core exercises. The easiest way is to sag face down. In this case, one leg is set back, and the other takes a step forward. Change the position of your legs, as if taking a step along a steep inclined surface.
  • Movement Indian bridge. You need to lie on your back so that your legs rest on the rings of the loop. While resting your feet, begin to lift your pelvis and lower body, leaving your arms straight on the floor. The legs should be brought together with the feet and knees.
  • Stand with your back to the loop, sit down, rest your palms on the floor. Gently insert your feet into the loops. Next, move your hands away from the loop to the required distance - the body should straighten in a straight line. Next, supporting the body on straightened arms, pull the legs towards the chest, keeping the knee joints straight. In this case, the pelvis rises upward at an angle.

These simple exercises must first be performed 5 times, gradually increasing the number of approaches. It is necessary to do from 2 to 4 cycles of such a load in one workout. Between approaches you need to give the body a rest for 30-50 seconds.

After a few days of such a load, the body will begin to get used to it. At the same time, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions and make rest pauses longer.

When the body gets used to it, it is necessary to expand the exercises, including heavier ones, which will pump up all the muscles and give the body the desired attractive appearance.

TRX for home exercises: personal experience

Alina, a subscriber to our website, has extensive experience doing fitness at home. She agreed to share with us her experience in purchasing and using TRX loops. We asked Alina the most pressing questions about suspension training, the answers to which will help you decide whether to purchase TRX.

1. What attracted you to training with TRX? Why did you decide to purchase fitness loops?

I wanted to involve my husband in fitness classes and some kind of physical activity. His personality does not suit him for regular home exercises with videos. We watched the loops live at the gym, as well as videos of training on the TRX. He liked this equipment, and we took it.

2. Where did you purchase TRX? What is the approximate cost of the equipment included in the kit?

We didn’t find loops in the usual large sports stores in the city, but there are a lot of options for delivery on the Internet. We chose hinges that were not original production from the USA, but Chinese ones - the difference in price is 4 times (ours cost us about 4,000 rubles), but the difference in quality is not so significant. Moreover, there are even diagrams on the Internet from enthusiasts who also did not want to spend a lot of money just for an original idea, but, using improvised materials, assembled a similar simulator on their own.

The main components of the TRX are a durable sling tape with loop handles at the ends and several fastening options. If you have an original kit, you can register your kit and receive training by e-mail. True, Chinese kits may have defective carabiners (the spring jumped out and stopped opening), so my husband had to use his locksmith skills. As an option, you can replace it with a carabiner for mountaineering.

The kit includes:

  • Loops with rubberized handles (to prevent slipping) and a carabiner (designed for a load of up to 250 kg, although this depends on the set - there are different types from 120 kg).
  • A 1 meter extension cord with a carabiner so that you can also attach the loops somewhere outside, on a tree, on a horizontal bar, or just for high ceilings.
  • The fastener for a regular door is like a foam pad with a loop. Place it on the outside of the door, close the door tightly, and hook the carabiner with your TRX hinges to the visible loop from the pillow. In this case, there is even a sign on the door so that it is not accidentally opened - “Training in progress.”
  • The kit also includes such little things as a bracelet, cards with basic exercises, a DVD with exercises (in Russian or English - depending on the configuration), a handbag, door signs, and an installation and use manual.

3. How to install TRX hinges at home, does this require special equipment or skills?

Special equipment (a hammer drill) is needed if you want to hang the hinges directly from the ceiling using anchor bolts. Based on our home situation, we simply hung the hinges on the horizontal bar that we already had in the doorway - no tools are needed here. And the simplest option provided in the kit is to mount it behind a closed door.

I must say that it can be used not only at home. This is a very mobile exercise machine, it can be easily removed and easily secured in a new place, somewhere in nature, and takes up little space when carried. In principle, this is what it was invented for - to practice in the field for the military.

4. How do you train with TRX: do you select exercises yourself or follow ready-made videos? If using ready-made videos, which ones exactly?

We watched the videos offered by the manufacturer. In addition, there are various modifications that are shared by fitness club trainers; there is a video on this on YouTube. I love ready-made low-intensity programs for stretching and balance. Although loops are mainly used for strength training with your own weight and also for cardio exercises.

An excellent, varied selection of loop programs is offered on the BodyFit by Amy channel:

We also printed an A3 poster with different variations of loop movements, which was included with one of the complex workouts. As a result, the husband trains without video, intuitively finding options for himself - what to pump up, where to stretch. And I watch videos and exercise diagrams.

5. Do you feel increased stress when performing exercises with loops compared to similar exercises without them?

Yes, this is true in some exercises where the need to balance is added or the load is simply distributed differently. For example, the same plank - the hands rest on the floor, as usual, and the feet are threaded into loops not high from the floor. There is no longer the usual support from the legs; you have to use the core muscles and various stabilizing muscles more in order to hold on and not dangle from side to side.

I like that with loops you can’t get injured like with regular barbells or dumbbells. Everything is very physiological in the movements and you can’t drop anything on your leg.

6. Is this equipment functional in terms of adjusting the complexity and size of belts to suit your parameters?

The level of difficulty of the exercise here is regulated either by the length of the strap, or by changing the position relative to the loops, or by the angle of the body. Hence its versatility for any level of training.

The simplest example is for bent over pull-ups. You took the loops and spread your arms, moving a couple of steps away from the point where the straps were suspended. Now we placed our legs closer to the hanging point, and leaned our body back, spreading our arms. We begin to pull ourselves up to the loops. If you change the angle of inclination to the ground, it can be very easy to do this movement, or very difficult. It’s clearer, of course, to watch at least one video and the principle will immediately become clear.

7. Are there any disadvantages or inconveniences when training with TRX?

For convenient work with hinges, you need free space from the suspension point - approximately 3-4 steps forward and to the sides. I don't have enough space on the sides for lunges. But I simply increase the length of the loops to the maximum and walk further into the room - this way I get more space. Or I replace the exercise.

8. Overall, did your TRX experience meet your expectations?

I’m not a big fan of strength and high-intensity programs, so I don’t use loops to the maximum of their capabilities, I get tired very quickly with such exercises, and I periodically combine them with training with a fitness band. The main thing for me was to motivate my husband to exercise, he likes this simulator and does not get tired of it. So I’m happy and the more I use them, the more new applications I find, even, for example, for stretching into splits.

We once again express our gratitude to Alina, who agreed to talk in detail and informatively about her experience using TRX loops.

Common Mistakes

TRX has become very popular in fitness. But many, especially beginners, make mistakes. Here are the most common of them:

  • The belts are not adjusted correctly. To avoid miscalculation, you need to focus on the yellow marks.
  • Movements should be performed smoothly. If you do them jerkily, you can get injured.
  • If the slings are slack, this reduces the load during the movement. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the belts are kept taut at all times.
  • It is advisable that the straps do not touch the shoulders. This way, chafing is avoided, and efficiency and load remain at a high level.
  • When performing movements, make sure that the lower back does not bend. This puts too much strain on the lumbar region. The back should be straight at all times and form one line with the legs, especially if push-ups and planks are performed.
  • Don't start with professional exercises. The complexity and loads increase gradually. This allows the muscles to get used to and prepare for more intense exercise.

General recommendations for training with TRX loops

Any set of exercises, including TRX training, requires compliance with simple conditions and rules:

  • If the exercises are performed at home, the room should be intensively ventilated during the winter months. During the warm season, it is better to keep the windows open.
  • Training should be regular. Three times a week is the minimum that should become the golden rule. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to achieve results.
  • Choose the right sportswear - leggings, T-shirts, tank tops. It should be elastic and not constrain the body. This will allow you to perform high-frequency ranges of motion.
  • Clothing should be well breathable and absorb excess body moisture.
  • If you supplement physical activity with a balanced diet, you can give your body the desired look. For women, make the figure thinner and more toned. For a man to build muscle mass and form a sculpted figure.

Taking these rules into account, you can get really obvious results from training with TRX loops.

Disadvantages (cons) of TRX

By and large, the contraindications for training on TRX are the same as for visiting the gym. To begin with, it is recommended to consult a doctor to obtain his approval to play sports.

Do not forget that training on TRX is associated with increased stress on the athlete’s ligaments, therefore, if you are not experienced, as well as with poor warm-up, you can stretch/tear your ligaments , tendons and muscles.

If we talk about those goals and objectives that cannot be achieved with the help of TRX loops, it should be noted that any sports equipment has a clear focus (narrow specialization ) for training certain muscle groups.

TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise) is part of the direction of functional training.

Disadvantages of TRX

It is impossible to build large muscle mass from scratch on it. For this, there is other sports equipment/simulators, including barbells, dumbbells and, accordingly, a different approach to building training programs and progression of strength loads (for example, if you are an amateur who wants to pump up, we can recommend this training program, but, and if If you are an experienced athlete who wants to diversify your training, switch to a training split or fullbody).

Thus, the main disadvantages of TRX

  • Increased load on the musculoskeletal system
  • Inability to pump up significant muscles

However, all the disadvantages are easily solved. For example, in order to reduce the load on the ligaments, all exercises are divided into amateur, basic, advanced and professional, in order to protect the athlete as much as possible from injuries.

In order to significantly increase muscle mass, additional strength exercises are added, primarily using barbells and dumbbells.

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