How effective is jumping rope for weight loss?

At its core, a jump rope is functional training, a full-fledged cardio machine that successfully helps you lose weight and burn calories, keep your body in shape, improve your cardiovascular system and simply lift your spirits!

The minimum required for training is just a few meters of free space, character and a skipping rope. Time and money are also saved. You can exercise whenever you want, and not when you buy a gym membership.

Jumping rope is a whole workout for burning fat, calories and developing the cardiovascular system. The jump rope involves the whole body in the work with a greater emphasis on the muscles of the legs and shoulders.

The effectiveness of jumping rope for weight loss is undeniable: you can speed up fat burning, increase endurance, tone muscles and reduce body size.

What are the benefits of jumping rope?

Promotes effective weight loss, good mood, and recovery.

Jumping rope also has the following benefits:

  • The hormone of joy - endorphin - is being produced.
  • Corrects body contours.
  • Improves posture.
  • Develops flexibility.
  • The lungs will begin to work smoothly and powerfully.
  • Trains the heart muscle.
  • The body will gain flexibility and endurance.
  • The vestibular apparatus is trained.
  • Lymph flow will increase.
  • Getting rid of subcutaneous fat, and therefore cellulite, is guaranteed.
  • The functioning of the musculoskeletal system will improve.
  • Blood circulation and metabolism will improve.
  • The intestines will work better.
  • Nervous tension during depression will go away without a trace.

How long should you jump rope?

It has already been proven that losing weight with a jump rope is easy! In one hour of training, you can burn about 540 calories if you weigh 60 kilograms. And if you want to calculate how many calories you will spend in one hour of training, then you can multiply one kilogram of your weight by 9 calories, thereby you will find out approximately how much you spend in one hour of effective training.

Exercises with a jump rope for weight loss

  • Start jumping, first by slightly raising your legs. Then, raise your knees as much as you can.
  • Jumping first in the usual way, then begin to throw your legs back, reaching your buttocks with your heels.
  • Jump back and forth with your legs closed.
  • With your legs closed, jump from side to side, the range of motion is minimal.
  • When jumping in the usual way, throw your legs forward without bending them one at a time.
  • Try performing 2-3 turns of the rope in one jump (you will need a high-speed jump rope).
  • Place your right foot back, left foot forward, and jump back and forth.
  • Perform turns one by one, right and left, with your legs closed.
  • We first jump on two legs, then cross them, and on the next jump we return to the starting position (10 times).

Jump rope exercises for losing belly fat

To get rid of your belly, you don’t have to jump first; try the following exercises.

Do them 20-25 times until you feel a slight burning sensation in your stomach:

  • Exercise 1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Fold the cord in half and grab the two ends. Lift up, smoothly bend left and right (20-25 times).
  • Exercise 2. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Fold the skipping in four, place it in front of your chest. Reach alternately with it to your toes (15-20 times).
  • Exercise 3. Get down on the floor, bend one leg all the way at the knee. And step with your whole foot on the rope folded 4 times. Slowly tilt your body back, and when it touches the floor, pull your bent leg all the way to your chest, only by skipping. The exercise is repeated from the beginning.
  • Exercise 4. During jumps, rotate your torso, alternately.

Jump rope exercises for losing weight on legs

The legs and thighs will decrease in volume and take on a beautiful shape. It is better to start with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

You can adjust the volume using the following exercises:

  • Jump on each leg separately.
  • While jumping, rotate on two legs and one.
  • Basic jumps.
  • Run in place.
  • Double jumps.

20-minute high-intensity circuit training

Let's take it to the next level and combine strength training with jump rope training. I tend to work out in the morning because later I have a lot of reasons to talk myself out of working out. The benefits of morning exercise for weight loss have been confirmed by many studies. Plus, with this approach, burning fat is much easier, since not a single extra calorie will go unnoticed, and losing excess weight throughout the day will be much easier!

During these 20 minutes you will perform about 20 cycles, the duration of 1 cycle is a minute: 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.

The key to this workout is to smoothly transition from 10 seconds of rest to no rest, which will help you lose weight faster with the jump rope.

When the cycle reaches the jump rope exercise, combine the two basic jumps described above. From workout to workout, try to increase the number of jumps completed in 50 seconds. Over time, add a third to the 2 basic options; it is similar to running in place, only your knees need to be raised to hip level.

How to jump to lose weight?


  • Start your workout slowly and gradually increase the load. Watch your posture, your back should be straight, your knees bent, and land on your toes. You can’t stress yourself out right away; if you feel tired, take a break. Watch your diet.
  • To understand what pace you need, monitor your condition and pulse. Before racing, do squats, bends, and warm up. This will speed up blood flow, and therefore the flow of oxygen into the body.
  • The optimal effect will be 70 rpm. You cannot miss classes, study systematically and intensively. During jumps, only your hands should work. Straighten your shoulders, tuck your stomach, press your elbows to your body. First, learn how to jump correctly, and then speed up the pace.

How long should you jump rope to lose weight?

For the first 2 weeks you need to exercise every other day, the body must have time to recover. But at least 2-3 times every 6-7 days, preferably for 10 minutes. Don’t forget to increase the load after two weeks, exercise for 15-20 minutes, increasing the time to 30 minutes.

Start exercising in a good mood, and temporary difficulties in the form of pain in the leg muscles, abdominal muscles, buttocks, etc. will gradually disappear.

You can’t force things and immediately load your body to the limit. Only correct and gradual loads will give the desired result. In 15 minutes, 250 calories are burned.

Some tips:

  • If possible, practice outside, on the balcony.
  • Watch the position of your back, it should be straight.
  • During class, listen to your favorite music, it inspires you.
  • First, let the desired muscle groups warm up, and then load them.
  • Rotate the skipping with just your wrists, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Effective exercise to tone the abdominal and thigh muscles

Supplement the above exercises with targeted exercises. Bends, body bends and the right pace will help you quickly lose weight in difficult-to-train areas of your figure.

ExerciseApproaches (time)
"High" jumps3-4 20-30 times or 7-9 min.
Jumping forward and backward3-4 25-30 times or 8-10 min.
Jumping to the sides3-4 25-30 times or 8-10 min.
Jumping with legs wide apart3-4 25-30 times or 7-9 minutes.

"High" jumps

  1. Stand straight, back straight, shoulders back, shoulder blades touching, feet at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  2. Try to jump higher, lightly touching your buttocks with your heels.

Perform 3-4 sets, 20-30 reps or 7-9 minutes.

The exercise perfectly loads the leg and abdominal muscles by bending the body. Effective gymnastics on a skipping rope for working out the abdominal muscles.

Jumping forward and backward

  1. Stand up straight, take a jump rope.
  2. When jumping, land first forward, then backward.

3-4 sets of 25-30 times (or 8-10 minutes).

Jumping to the sides

The exercise is similar to the previous one, the only difference is that you need to jump alternately in different directions. The difference is in the load on the oblique muscles of the back and the press.

3-4 sets of 25-30 times (or 8-10 minutes).

Jumping with legs wide apart

  1. Legs 50 cm wide, back straight, gaze straight.
  2. When making a jump, keep your legs together and keep the required distance.

Perform 3-4 sets, 25-30 times (or 7-9 minutes). Exercise helps tone the internal muscles of the legs.

In conclusion, another video about jumping rope exercises that will help make your figure slim and attractive.

Training program

Beginners often wonder how much they should jump rope per day in order to lose weight. Physiologically, a person cannot make more than 100 jumps/minute. Therefore, a monthly weight loss schedule was developed, taking into account the number of jumps/day.

Note: if it is difficult for you to complete 100 jumps in a row, do them in 2-3 approaches with short pauses.

An approximate training program in the table might look something like this:

DayScheme, number of jumps

When can I expect weight loss results?

This is probably the most interesting question for everyone: “When will I stop being fat?
In a couple of days, my body will become sculpted and toned, and I’ll have six-pack abs?” The answer to this question depends on what the result is for you .

For some, the result is when the first kilogram is gone or when the first centimeter is gone from the waist. And for some, the result is when they are met on the street by old acquaintances with the question: “Why did you lose so much weight? Are you sick or something?

If you belong to the first option, then in a month you will be able to boast of your first small but very significant achievements. If you wait for the second option, then you will have to train for quite a long time, not just one month.

It also depends on how healthy your diet is; if you have never heard of proper nutrition and a calorie deficit, then even after a year there may be no result. Therefore, I advise you to read articles on nutrition for weight loss for women and men.

The rest depends on how hard you train and what your activity consists of during the day.

If you jump rope for only 10 minutes a day and do it only when you accidentally trip over a dusty jump rope and remember that you have it, then you will wait a very long time for the result. If you jump intensely every day for at least 30 minutes and at the same time lead an active lifestyle or even go to the gym, then you won’t have to wait long for results.

Types of jump ropes


Their length is usually not adjustable; the material is often plastic or rope of various structures. For handles they use: rubber, less often leather. The rubber is inexpensive, but does its job remarkably well.


Endowed with higher rotation speed. Small bearings are mounted in the handles. This means the load will be more intense. Due to the number of revolutions per unit of time (4-6 revolutions per second).

Only with it it will be impossible to do more complex exercises. It is only suitable for normal jumping. If you have no experience in handling it, you can get a rather sensitive blow to the body.

The length is not adjustable, but the cord can be replaced, it is made:

  • leather;
  • plastic;
  • steel, with vinyl shell.


Their weight is more noticeable (up to 3 kg), so it will not be easy for an untrained person to handle them.

The handles and the cord itself become heavier. Weights, such as various inserts, are inserted into the handles. The cord is initially made from heavier materials.

Its main function is to increase the load on all involved muscles of the body. There are models with adjustable length and not.

Jump ropes with a counter built into the handles

  • mechanical – will be able to accurately display the number of revolutions made over a certain time;
  • electronic – shows: the number of calories burned, the number of revolutions, the duration of the jumps.

A weighted jump rope is equally suitable for amateurs and athletes. With its help you can easily calculate the required load.

To do this, enter all the person’s initial data before starting:

  • height;
  • weight, etc.

And skipping itself will calculate the number of calories used. To know how long it will take to “burn” extra calories. Losing weight will be more meaningful. The length is not adjustable. The price with an electronic meter is understandably higher than the usual one.


Made from leather accordingly. Popular with boxers. The power effect is achieved by reducing the weight of the cord, but increasing the weight of the handles. There are models with adjustable length and not.

How to choose the optimal length?

There are several good ways:

  • Take the rope in two hands, lower it to the floor, step in the middle of the cord with both feet. Spread the handles to the side, place them under your armpits. You managed to do it without difficulty, which means the jump rope matches your height. If not, repeat these steps with other products until you find the one you need.
  • Take the skipping in your hands and fold it in half. With one hand, grab both handles at once and hang it in front of you at a right angle of approximately 90° (relative to the body). If the bottom end touches the floor slightly and does not hang in the air or lie on the floor, then the length is appropriate.
  • If you decide to purchase skipping through an online store , for example, then the following table will help you: height 150 cm, required length – 2 m;
  • height 150-167 cm, length – 2.5 m;
  • height 167-75 cm, length – 2.8 m;
  • height 175-183 cm, length – 3 m;
  • height 183 cm, length – 3.5-3.8 m.

Missing or extra centimeters can equally negatively affect your activities. Therefore, be careful when choosing. If possible, immediately buy a jump rope with an adjustable length. This is a more expedient option; any family member can use it, without restrictions.

Class Rules

The first rule is regularity. The hardest thing is to start. At first, it is better to jump twice a week so that the body has time to recover. You need to start the lesson with 10-15 minutes. no more, from 5 min. warming up. Gradually increase your workouts over the course of a month, up to 40 minutes.

If you feel even slight physical discomfort, take a break or slow down a little. At first, the muscles will ache and the body will ache, but this is temporary and passes quickly. The main thing is not to overdo it in both directions in order to lose weight and preserve your health.

Some rules:

  • Always do a warm-up.
  • Rotate the rope with your wrists, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • After exercise, do some stretching: arm muscles, calf muscles, quadriceps, etc.
  • Do not jump with a full stomach; reduce your drinking regime or reduce it to a minimum.

Types of jumps

  • Regular . They assume simultaneous rotation and jumping at once, 1 jump is equal to 1 rotation or 2-3.
  • Jumping back and forth . Jump up and a little forward, return back.
  • Double jump . For 1 turn, you need to jump over the skipping twice. To prevent shortness of breath, choose the pace according to how you feel.
  • Change of legs . Jump, alternately, bend one leg.
  • Jumping to the sides . You need to move a little to the left. With the next jump, return to the original position. The next one is a movement to the right.
  • On one leg . You need to jump for 2-3 minutes.

Jumping clothing

First of all, it should be comfortable and not interfere with the skipping movements.

When choosing clothes, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Comfortable clothes that fit the body: a T-shirt or tank top and leggings, regular sports pants, shorts, breeches.
  • All clothing should be breathable, this is important.
  • Girls should take care of choosing the right bra. It could also be a sports top.
  • Shoes must be of high quality, secure the ankle, and have springy soles. If you prefer to exercise barefoot and this is a comfortable option for you, jump to your health.


  • many diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • previous injuries, fractures: spine, joints, etc.
  • rachiocampsis;
  • frequent migraines;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • postoperative sutures that have not healed for a long time;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • weight more than 100 kg;
  • many chronic diseases;
  • after eating.

If you have such diseases, you need to consult with your attending or supervising doctor about the advisability of exercising at all. You cannot ignore their advice; if they forbid it, then you must obey.

If this type of load is not contraindicated for you, but you just need to reduce the load, or choose an individual selection, go for it. Listen only to yourself, if you experience heart pain, dizziness, etc. stop training immediately.

You must always remember that the load must be increased gradually. And do not exercise to the point of complete exhaustion.

After another workout, you should not feel a loss of strength, but rather a surge of strength and euphoria. This is an indicator of the effectiveness of your persistent actions. This is the only way to get the ideal shape and allow yourself to wear tight dresses and shorts. And in the morning you always wake up easily and with pleasure!

What exercises to do

  • Let's start with the simplest and most obvious. Regular jumps that you have done since kindergarten. But now do them right. As I already wrote above. Land on your toes with a light sound. You should turn into a basketball that bounces off the ground with a thud. This action will strengthen your calves . Not only will you have beautiful legs, but you will stop tucking them in!
  • Lunges are also useful, but your legs should not be positioned so wide. In the air, change legs and land on your toes softly and easily. This is where the buttocks will work.
  • Jumping with your knees high will help you reduce your hip size .

Any other movements that you remember from school will do. The main thing is to do them intensively . You can alternate and change your workout according to your desire and mood, maintaining the pace. And most importantly, you can study at home and even in the office, if the space and time allow it.

It will be interesting to take the plank challenge or pump up your abs.

So, are you ready for this jump rope challenge? Has anyone tried it yet? Share your thoughts! Follow the publications. There will be a lot of interesting things ahead!


People's reviews about jumping rope:

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

Who shouldn't jump

Jumping should be postponed for a while or even canceled completely for people with a heart condition that cannot easily withstand increased physical activity.

In addition, since jumping rope focuses the entire load on the feet (toes) and calves, any diseases with this localization will be a contraindication. For example, an “ingrown toenail” will temporarily prevent you from jumping, as painful sensations will interfere.

Inflammatory processes of a local and generalized nature are also a contraindication. Firstly, you will feel pain from every jump (after all, there is a slight shaking). Secondly (especially in the presence of elevated temperature), the load on the heart increases. It is much harder for the body to exercise in a painful state than in a healthy state. Therefore, train only when you feel well and give yourself rest.

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