Cross or diagonal lunges - a variation to accelerate the growth of the buttocks


What you need

  • Dumbbells

Lunges with dumbbells in your hands are a basic exercise for developing the muscles of the legs and buttocks, popular in CrossFit. The material is advisory in nature for those who want to learn how to do lunges with dumbbells correctly. Today we will look at the technique of performing lunges with dumbbells and tell you how to use this simple exercise to create a serious load for the buttocks.

What muscles are trained by curtsey lunges?

Like any lunge, first of all, the gluteal muscles and quadriceps of the thigh are subjected to greater load In addition to the external muscles (gluteus maximus and gluteus medius), the exercise works the gluteus minimus muscles, since the muscle is internal, it will add additional roundness and volume to the buttocks, which cannot be obtained by training only the external group. The shape of the buttocks becomes more “raised” at the top. Additionally, the work includes the hamstrings and adductor muscles of the thigh. To stabilize the spine, the abdominal and lower back muscles are also involved.

Description[edit | edit code]

Slowly step your foot back into a lunge position, bending both knees and lowering your body so that your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your shin is vertical. The knee should be exactly above the foot. Return to the starting position using the muscles of your right leg. Don't push off the floor with your left foot.

Starting position for reverse lunge with barbell

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Place the barbell comfortably on your upper trapezius muscles.
  • Straighten your back, give your spine a neutral position.

Recommendations for implementation

Reverse lunge with barbell

  • Keep your back straight and distribute the load evenly between your legs throughout the exercise.
  • Do not lift the heel of your right foot off the floor. The knee should not protrude beyond the line of the big toes.
  • To avoid leaning your torso forward and thereby putting excessive stress on the knee, the movements should be slow and controlled, and the step back should not be too short.
  • The back should always be straight and the spine should remain in a neutral position.
  • Open your chest and roll your shoulders back.

Motion Analysis

Major jointsHip (right leg)Knee (left leg)
Movements performed in the jointsDown: flexion. Up: extension. Down: flexion. Up: extension.
Main muscles involved in movementsGluteus maximus, hamstringsQuadriceps femoris

Features of the curtsy exercise

The peculiarity of the technique of performing cross lunges, performed like a dance “curtsey,” is the additional stretching of the gluteal group. The more a muscle is stretched, the better it grows, since in addition to its contraction, the stretching phase gives the muscle the opportunity to quickly restore its correct (physiological) shape. This is what happens in the lower phase of the lunge, when the supporting (front) leg experiences a greater stretch in the buttocks due to the oblique lunge (criss-cross).

Pros of exercise

  • Forms the gluteus maximus muscles, works the deep muscles (gluteus minimus), making the shape feminine and round.
  • In addition to contraction, it stretches the muscles, preventing them from becoming stronger in the future.
  • Improves coordination of movements, activates stabilizer muscles.
  • Tones the outer and adductor surfaces of the thighs, tightening the leg muscles and removes fat deposits of the “breeches” type.
  • Fights fatty tissue throughout the body, removing volumes evenly.
  • Removes excess fluid, relieving swelling in the legs, improves skin texture.

Disadvantages of curtsey squats

  • The technique requires good coordination and stability of the pelvis during a cross lunge, and is difficult for beginners.
  • Any problems with the hip, knee, or ankle joints are a contraindication to performing the exercise, since during a cross lunge the joints are displaced, which can cause pain.
  • The technique is recommended to be performed only by healthy and flexible people, without disrupting the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Typical mistakes and contraindications

You should not take on additional weights if you have not yet mastered the cross lunge movement technique.

Improper execution of the exercise and unprepared ligaments and joints more often result in injury than actual results in muscle growth.

Like most lunge variations, the curtsy has a number of contraindications:

  1. This movement is not suitable for people with spinal problems. Twisting in the lumbar region during a step places stress on the lumbar region, which can aggravate existing problems.
  2. Injuries and diseases of the joints - hip, knee, ankle. As well as injuries and sprains of muscles and ligaments involved in movement
  3. Curtsy lunges should be used with caution if you have heart problems or hypertensive patients. Lunges put a lot of stress on the heart and blood vessels. For beginners with such features, such a load is often unbearable
  4. Weak vestibular system and coordination

These indicators can be trained, but in the first lessons, the exercise can cause dizziness and weakness in such students.

Technique for performing curtsy lunges

  1. Place your feet close to each other, palms on your waist.
  2. Leave your right leg in place, and while inhaling, lunge (step) your left leg back slightly diagonally onto your toes, thus crossing your legs.
  3. The knee of the back leg does not touch the floor, and the front knee remains at a right angle.
  4. Feel the stretch in your buttocks; if necessary, move your foot a little more diagonally.
  5. Exhale and push off with the heel of your supporting foot and return your left leg to the starting point. It is important to feel not only the quadriceps, but also the gluteal muscle when lifting.
  6. Repeat as many times as necessary on your right leg, then switch sides.

An important feature of the technique: the pelvis does not rotate in the direction of the lunge; keep it stable, without rotating the hip joint and body.


In addition to the classic version of the movement, there are many more variations that you can use to diversify your workouts.

  • Back lunges from a step. Place your working foot on a step or step platform, and step onto the floor with your supporting foot. This version of the exercise better stretches the gluteal muscles and increases the load.
  • Lunges alternately with the right and left legs. A good dynamic option for fat burning.
  • Lunges in place. This variation of the exercise is convenient when working with weights. In this case, you do not take steps with your feet, but simply stand in a stepwise position and perform squats. This exercise is also called scissor squats.

For high-quality training of the legs and buttocks, the load on the muscles must be complex and varied. Use various exercise options in your program, exercise regularly, and do not forget about nutrition and rest after training. Let working on your body bring pleasure and good results!

High load level

Option No. 1: with a platform

Perform lunges while standing on a platform, lowering your feet to the floor diagonally. The platform will increase stretching of the gluteal muscles.

Option #2: Cross Lunges with Dumbbells

  1. Take light dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Lower them straight along the body.
  3. Perform cross lunges without bending your elbows, holding dumbbells in one position along your thighs.

Option No. 3: with a barbell

  1. Place a small barbell or empty bar on the top of the trapezius muscle.
  2. Keep your back straight without bending forward.
  3. Stabilize your position and tighten your back and abdominal muscles.
  4. Perform lunges on one leg, then change to the other.
  5. After this, lift the barbell above your head, lower it slowly to your chest, and straightening your elbows, lower it to the floor.

Important! When working with heavy weights, perform the exercise in a special power rack, removing the barbell from the racks and returning it back immediately after completing the exercise.

Option #4: Smith machine

  1. Level the bar in the machine by placing it at shoulder level.
  2. Place the bar on the trapeze, grasp it with your hands wider than shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lift the bar from the racks, turning the hands, remove the locks.
  4. Standing in the center, perform lunges on one side, then on the other. Do not rotate your body and pelvis.
  5. After completing the approach, rotate and secure the bar to the racks.

Training for pumping legs at home

You can strengthen the buttocks area and make your quadriceps sculpted at home if you use the following training program:

  1. Warm up all the muscles of the body in the form of standard exercises.
  2. Squats, starting at 10 reps, eventually work your way up to 20.
  3. Classic lunges, 15 repetitions.
  4. Reverse lunges 12 reps.

Conduct training daily or every other day. Between each event, rest for 60 seconds and perform several approaches of 3-5, depending on your physical fitness. If it is possible to use dumbbells, then after a month of training you can use them for lunges and squats.

You shouldn’t expect results in a week or two, but after a couple of months you can notice elasticity. And if we talk about ideal relief, then you need to work for at least a year, changing variations of exercises and constantly increasing working weights.

So, friends, we have figured out effective methods for pumping the buttocks and thighs area. See you!


Filament lifting is a minimally invasive buttock lifting technique using reinforcement with bio-threads.

The composition of the threads is different, but they all work according to the same principle - implanted through small incisions (3mm-1cm) into the subcutaneous and interfascial layers and secured in a certain way, they tighten the buttocks. The degree of tension is controlled not only by the surgeon, but also by the patient. After 2-3 years, the tension weakens and the buttocks return to their original position, but the threads can be tightened again. They contain polyurethane, polyamide and silicone, so they do not dissolve over time, although consumer information materials sometimes claim the opposite.

Preparation and consequences of filament lifting

Preparation for the operation is standard. Although it is called gentle and is performed under local anesthesia, the postoperative period involves wearing compression garments and pain, which some patients complained of for several months. Sometimes patients go home on the day of surgery, sometimes they remain in the hospital. You can’t sit or lie down after filament lifting for about 2 weeks, but a lot depends on the patient’s feelings; this period can be much longer. Traces of cuts usually heal without a trace.

Contraindications to filament lifting

There are few contraindications to the procedure - infectious, viral and acute respiratory diseases, blood clotting disorders, intolerance to gold (if it is part of the threads).

So far, filament lifting is rarely done in Russia. Some experts explain this by the ineffectiveness of the procedure, because the buttocks are so mobile that it is difficult to fix them even with the strongest thread.

How to avoid injuries?

Quite a relevant question in many exercises.
In order not to injure yourself and increase the effectiveness of the exercise, just one action is enough - do not make mistakes. Accordingly, joints and ligaments, especially weak ones, may suffer. Therefore, it is imperative to start with small weights and gradually increase them.

If you have knee injuries, you should avoid this exercise.

If you have ever had an injury, you should approach the exercise with caution. If there is any discomfort, it is recommended to stop performing. After all, knee reconstruction will cost more

After all, knee restoration will cost more.

Let's take a closer look at how to avoid mistakes when performing the exercise:

  • Be sure to do a warm-up. This is necessary to warm up the muscles, joints and ligaments, to prepare them for the load. If you do squats before performing the exercise, then this will be enough. If not, then you should take five minutes to thoroughly warm up both your legs and your whole body.
  • Keep your head straight. If you lower your head or direct your gaze to your feet, your back will immediately round, which will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • A right angle at the knee should always be maintained. Make sure that the knee does not go beyond the plane of the toe, as this increases the load on the knee joint and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Follow proper breathing technique. This will prevent a rise in blood pressure and will also improve the results of the exercise.
  • Carefully practice the technique of performing the exercise. Only when you can technically perform the exercise without weight can you start using weights.
  • There is no need to push off with your back leg. It is used to maintain balance.
  • Follow the steps correctly. A stride that is too short can cause the toe to extend beyond the working leg, increasing the risk of injury.
  • Keep your body straight. Do not fall back or lean forward, as you may lose your balance and fall.

What are the benefits of squats for weight loss?

  • They help speed up the metabolic process, as a result of which existing fat deposits are gradually consumed and begin to turn into muscle tissue;
  • When performing squats, the muscles of the legs, back and abdominals begin to actively work, due to which strength training occurs, which promotes weight loss;
  • When squats, breathing increases, therefore, the number of contractions of the heart muscle gradually increases. The blood is saturated with the necessary amount of oxygen entering every cell of the human body, which increases tone and supports a healthy weight loss process.

Regular squats help you quickly get rid of fat deposits in the buttocks, abdomen and thighs, and a gradual increase in muscle mass begins.


Performing split squats often requires good balance and stability, which is why many consider them to be a dangerous exercise and are not recommended for beginners. However, this is the wrong approach.

Bulgarian lunges are a fairly safe exercise and can be used to train poor balance and stability. Still, if the thought of balancing on one leg with a barbell on your back is a little daunting, you can do the exercise with a lighter weight or use a Smith machine. The fact that the Smith machine makes it impossible to drop the weight during a workout means you'll be much more likely to feel protected and perform the exercise with more confidence.

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