Top 50 exercises for the buttocks at home: 4 workout options

Do you want to tighten your buttocks, get rid of cellulite, round your butt without going to the gym at home? We offer you a unique selection of the most diverse and effective exercises for the buttocks at home for girls, which will help you work on your buttocks without leaving home.

Who is this selection of exercises for the buttocks suitable for:

  • for those who want to specifically tighten their buttocks
  • for those who want to get rid of cellulite
  • for those who want to visually improve the shape of their legs and buttocks
  • for those who train at home

Training the buttocks at home (Option No. 1)

In this butt workout, you won't need any additional weights, as the exercises put maximum stress on the muscles, making them burn. Perform the exercises for the specified number of repetitions sequentially, one after the other, concentrating on each movement.

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Squat with pulse at 1-2-3

Lower yourself into a classic squat, pushing your pelvis back and keeping your back straight. At the bottom point, make 3 pulsating movements with a small amplitude and rise to the starting position. Squat to parallel, start pulsating when you reach the bottom point, not earlier, otherwise the muscles will not receive full load.

How much to do: 10 repetitions.

Back lunges

From a standing position, take a long step back and lower into a lunge until parallel to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Do lunges with each leg in turn, making sure that your knees bend at a right angle and do not protrude beyond your toes. It is important to take steps exactly back, maintaining rhythm and balance.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Wide squat + diagonal lunge

Do a wide squat, then rise up and from this position lunge back diagonally. Return to the starting position and squat, then rise and repeat the diagonal lunge with the same leg. When you complete all reps on one leg, switch sides and repeat the exercise.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Side lunge

From a standing position, step to the side and lower into a side lunge, bending your knee and moving your pelvis back. At the end point, the thigh should be parallel to the floor, but beginners can perform the lunge with a small amplitude. The other leg remains motionless and straight. With an energetic movement, return to the starting position and repeat the side lunge on the same leg. After completing all repetitions, do the same with the other leg.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Walking on 1-2-3

Lower yourself into a classic squat and from this position take three steps to the side, then repeat the step in the other direction without rising from the squat. During the exercise, make sure that your thighs and buttocks are tense and your back remains straight. If it is difficult to perform a 1-2-3 pass in both directions, then after the first count, rise to the starting position and only then repeat in the other direction.

How much to do: 5 “walks” there and back.

Rising from a chair

Sit on a chair, raise one leg, keep your hands near your chest. Rise from the chair without helping yourself with your hands, while your leg should remain suspended. Shift your body weight to your supporting leg and lift using the muscles of your buttocks and thighs. Do all sets on one leg and then repeat on the other.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Narrow squat + side step

Place your feet together and squat until parallel to the floor. Then take a step back to the left with your left foot, turning your body and without straightening your knees. While remaining in the squat, return with the same step back to the starting position. Perform the exercise alternately on both sides.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Swing your leg up

Get on all fours, back straight, knees bent at right angles. Lift one leg up without straightening your knee. Perform the swing until the thigh is parallel to the floor; in this position, the muscles of the back of the legs and buttocks are well loaded. Don't forget to do the same for the other leg.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Leg swing up pulsating

From a position on all fours, lift your leg bent at the knee up, as for classic swings. When the thigh is parallel to the floor, pulse in an even rhythm with a small amplitude, feeling the work of the buttocks. Repeat with the other leg. This exercise for the buttocks is responsible for their pumping, which means for a beautiful, rounded shape and elasticity.

How much to do: 20 “pulses” first on one side, then on the other.

Gluteal bridge

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on your heels for greater load on the gluteal muscles. Raise your pelvis, tensing your buttock muscles and keeping your feet on the floor. Rise to a level line between your hips and body, then lower all the way down until your buttocks touch the floor and rise again. Perform this effective glute exercise rhythmically, but not too quickly, to maintain tension in the muscles.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Bridge with leg spread

Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet together. From this position, perform a classic glute bridge, lifting your pelvis up so that your torso is in line with your hips. At the top point, spread and bring your knees together, straining your buttocks. Try not to sag in your back, otherwise the glute exercise will not be as effective.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Bridge with raised leg

Lie on your back and bend your knees. Straighten one leg and lift your pelvis up, making a bridge. Keep your leg suspended, lifting it as high as possible, while lifting your pelvis, as in a classic bridge. After completing all the reps on one leg, do the same on the other. Incorporate this exercise into your glute workout to get those muscles burning.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Bridge with leg swings

Lying on your back, bend your knees. Lift your pelvis up, as in a regular bridge, and fix the position. Straighten your knees alternately, moving rhythmically and trying not to sag in your back. During this exercise for the buttocks, the muscles are constantly under tension, which is what makes it so effective.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Side Angle Pose

This option is good if you want to challenge yourself, as the side bend requires both of your feet to be firmly planted on the floor. Follow all the same steps as for Warrior Pose II. In the final position, take a deep breath and try to reach the floor or block with your right hand. The left arm is extended up and to the right along the left ear, it is in line with the hips, the spine is stretched. Hold this position for 10 breaths and switch to the other side.

All of the exercises listed should be done slowly, fully concentrating on your sensations and trying to feel the work of the muscles. To begin with, it is advisable to perform this complex under the guidance of a master, and then on your own.

Training the buttocks at home (Option No. 2)

The workout contains exercises for the buttocks at home, by doing which you will pump up your gluteal muscles well and also tighten your legs. A combination of single-joint and compound exercises maximizes the use of targeted muscle groups and strengthens the entire body.

We recommend watching:

  • Top 10 Inner Thigh Exercises Without Squats
  • Top 10 exercises for the outer thigh (breeches) without squats

Sumo squat with pulse

Get into the starting position for a sumo squat: feet wider than shoulder-width apart, back straight, toes pointed out to the sides. Squat until parallel to the floor, moving your pelvis back. At the lowest point, make 3-4 pulsating movements with a small amplitude, then rise. Sumo squats are one of the most effective exercises for the buttocks at home, and the option with a pulse makes them even more effective.

How much to do: 10 repetitions.

Diagonal lunges

From a standing position, step back and diagonally, lowering into a low lunge. Return to the starting position and repeat again on the same side. During the exercise, make sure that the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor and the knee does not go beyond the toe. Lunges are one of the most effective exercises for the buttocks, as they engage the entire group of gluteal muscles, making them stronger and more defined.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Progressive squat

Perform a classic squat and at the bottom point take a step to the side with one leg and back, then, without getting up from the squat, take a step to the side and back with the other leg, and only after that return to the starting position. During this effective exercise for the buttocks, not only the gluteal muscles, but also the thigh muscles are perfectly worked out.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Lunge in place with leg abduction

Stand in a classic lunge with your right foot forward. From this position, shift your body weight to your right leg and take your left leg back, then return to the lunge. Repeat for the other side. This complex exercise for the buttocks combines the benefits of lunges and swings, and therefore not only strengthens the gluteal muscles, but also gives them a beautiful shape.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Squat + knee raise

Squat until parallel to the floor. As you rise from the squat, lift your left knee up, then lower your leg and squat again. On the way up, repeat the movement, but with your right foot. Move rhythmically and work with full range of motion. An excellent complex exercise from a buttock workout will not only increase muscle strength and definition, but also improve endurance.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Half Squat Back Lunges

Lower yourself into a squat, making sure your pelvis is pulled back and your knees are in line with your toes. While at the bottom of the squat, lunge backwards with each leg alternately. A complex but effective exercise for the buttocks at home will help you gain relief even without lifting weights.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side

Kneeling to Squat

Take a mat and kneel down. From this position, rise into a squat in a natural motion: alternately lifting your knee and standing on your foot. From the squat, immediately return to your knees, also lowering them to the mat one by one. If you include this exercise in your butt workout on a regular basis, be sure to fold the mat several times before performing it to protect your knees from bruising.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Plank leg raises

Stand in a classic plank position, making sure your body is extended in one line and your arms and legs are firmly on the floor. Swing your leg up until your buttocks are tense, return to plank and swing your other leg. Raise your legs with full range of motion, but try not to round your back or lift your pelvis. Perform glute exercises at home to strengthen not only the target muscles, but also to give your entire body a great workout.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Swing straight leg up

From a position on all fours, straighten your leg and swing up. Perform the exercise with full amplitude, touching the floor at the bottom point, and tensing your buttocks as much as possible at the top. Switch legs and repeat on the other side. Swings are considered an effective isolating exercise for the buttocks, aimed at developing muscles and shaping the relief.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Straight leg swing up, pulsating

Pulsation will help increase the efficiency of swings. To do this, get on all fours and straighten your leg, as for swings. Raise your leg and perform pulsating movements at the top point for maximum muscle pumping. Do the same for the other leg. This simple exercise for your buttocks makes them round and firm.

How much to do: 20 “pulses” first on one side, then on the other.

Side leg rotation

Lie on your side, lean on your forearm. From this position, rotate your leg clockwise, moving forward, up, back and forward again. Maintain full range of motion to engage as many muscles as possible. This exercise for the buttocks at home pumps up the inner part of the buttocks well and engages the adductor muscles of the hips, making the legs slender and toned.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Pulsating swing

Lie on your side, supporting yourself on your forearm. Raise your leg up and perform rhythmic pulsating movements with a small amplitude. Repeat for the other side. This effective butt and leg exercise helps target problem areas by tightening your inner thighs and lower buttocks.

How much to do: 20 “pulses” first on one side, then on the other.

Side kick

From a position lying on your side with support on your forearm, lift your leg up, as if you were doing a swing. Bend your leg at the knee and push forward, then straighten it and move it back to the starting position. Perform the movements rhythmically, but with concentration on the work of the muscles. Don't forget to repeat for the other side.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

How to achieve the desired results?

  • Shape your buttocks and make them firm. If you want to make your butt more toned, train 3-4 times a week. The number of repetitions is no more than 10-15 times, with 3-4 approaches between which take a break of 2-3 minutes. In this case, it is better not to use additional weight, or choose a minimum of no more than 2 kg.
  • Pump up your butt and make it bigger. Weights during swings and lifts and the use of weights during squats and lunges will help to enlarge and make your butt more rounded. However, you should not be zealous in the first stages. Start with a small weight and gradually increase it every 1-2 weeks. Don't panic if your muscles are too sore after training, there are many ways to relieve pain and speed up recovery. Train 3-4 times a week, doing 4-6 sets with 5-10 repetitions. To enlarge your butt, you can add more protein to your diet, including protein shakes. These can be either purchased mixtures or prepared at home yourself.
  • Lose weight in your buttocks. To reduce the area of ​​the buttocks, you need to dry out slightly. Train about 5-6 times a week, do more sets (5-6) with 15-20 repetitions. To make your butt smaller, you need to supplement your workout with cardio exercises or a treadmill. You should also change your diet, stick to calorie standards and reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates and fats.

Training the buttocks at home (Option No. 3)

Another effective workout for the buttocks that can be done at any time at home. Try to perform exercises with the correct technique, otherwise their effectiveness will decrease and the benefits to the muscles will be minimal.

We recommend watching:

  • 8 minutes for buttocks on the floor
  • 8 minutes for the back of the thigh
  • 8 minutes of squats for buttocks and legs
  • 8 minutes of lunges for buttocks and legs

Side step squat

From a standing position with your feet together, step to the side and lower into a wide squat, then rise up and step to the other side, lowering back into a squat. Return to the starting position and repeat all over again. Perform this effective exercise for the buttocks in a dynamic rhythm, but do not forget about the correct squatting technique: lower yourself to parallel, do not touch your knees to your toes, and move your pelvis as far back as possible.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Lunges forward

Take a long step forward and lower into a lunge until parallel to the floor. Make sure that your knees do not bend at an acute angle; to do this, walk as wide as possible. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Include classic lunges in your home glute workout, which pump up target muscles and benefit the entire body.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Squat with leg swing

Lower yourself into a squat, and as you rise, swing to the side with your straight leg. Squat down again, and on the next rise, swing to the side with the other leg. The most effective exercises for the buttocks are always complex, as they load a wide range of muscles and actively pump the target area.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Romanian single leg deadlift

Stand up straight and take your left leg one step back and transfer your body weight to your right. Slowly move your left leg further and further while leaning forward. When your leg and body reach the same line, return to the starting position. Repeat for the other side. A difficult buttock exercise at home will not only help pump up the back of your thighs, but also improve your sense of balance.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Curtsy with pulsation

Stand up straight, step back and to the side with one leg, lower into a lunge and do 3-4 pulsing movements, then rise and repeat. Perform diagonal lunges with a pulse on each leg in turn. Don't go too low, make sure your knees are in line with your toes.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Plie squats

Get into the starting position for the plié: feet as wide apart as possible, toes turned out to the sides, arms in front of you. Squat with a straight back, spreading your knees to the sides. Perform this glute exercise to additionally target your inner thighs.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Half squat kicks

Perform a classic squat, and as you come up, perform a vigorous kick back with your leg, then return to the squat and repeat with the other leg. Without straightening your legs completely, push each leg into a half-squat to keep your muscles tense throughout the exercise.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Leg raise on all fours

Get on all fours and lift your knees off the floor. Raise your knee bent and swing up, come back and repeat with the other leg. Perform leg lifts with each leg in turn, remembering to monitor the position of your back and knees. The back should not sag and the knees should not touch the floor. Unlike ordinary swings on all fours, this exercise for the buttocks additionally works the abs and the front of the thighs.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Swing your leg left and right

Standing on all fours, straighten your left leg at the knee and lift it up. Swing to the right, then up, then left. When doing the exercise for your right leg, start by swinging to the left. Swings are a universal exercise that should be included in a butt workout, as it specifically works the muscles, using not only the gluteus maximus, but also the gluteus medius and minimus.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Swing your leg up and diagonally

Get on all fours, straighten your left leg and swing up, lower your leg diagonally to the right and up again. As you lower your leg, bend it at the knee and push forward. Then repeat all over again with the same leg. Be sure to perform this comprehensive and effective glute exercise for your right leg.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Swing your leg diagonally

Standing on all fours, straighten your left leg and lift it up. Then swing to the right, lowering and raising your leg diagonally. Repeat with your right leg, lowering it to the left, raising it and lowering it again in a diagonal path. With diagonal swings, the inner part of the buttocks, which is little used in other exercises, is included in the work.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Pulsating leg abduction lying on stomach

Lie on your stomach, place your arms in front of you, and rest your feet on your toes. Bend one leg at the knee and lift it, squeezing your buttocks. In the top position, do 3 pulsations for maximum glute tension. This simple but effective exercise for the buttocks is aimed at pumping the muscles, which is important for their rounded, sculpted shape.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Stomach stretch

Lie on your stomach with your head on your forearms, legs together, feet pressed together. Lift your legs off the floor, lifting their lower parts, while keeping your pelvis on the floor. Fix at the highest possible point and perform a stretch: spread and close your legs, feeling the tension and burning in the buttocks. Stepping up is one of the most effective exercises for the buttocks at home, as it specifically works all the gluteal muscles.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

What muscles does the gluteal bridge work?

The glute bridge is most often included in a training plan, mainly to work the gluteal muscles . Squats and deadlifts also considered the best exercises for the glutes , and they also work the abs, back and legs . However, it is with the help of the gluteal bridge that you can use the gluteal muscles most effectively . , the back of the thigh, quadriceps and adductor magnus muscles also work . [4] [10]

Training the buttocks at home (Option No. 4)

The latest home workout option that will help you get the perfect relief in the buttocks and make your thighs slimmer. Perform the complex at a convenient time, because you won’t need anything other than a sports mat, since all exercises are performed with your own weight.

We recommend watching:

  • Express training for 10-15 minutes without jumping (for 5 days)
  • Workouts for beginner girls (5 day plan)

Circle Squats

Perform a wide squat, then stand up and step your right foot forward and squat again. Repeat the squat step again. Then stand up and step your right foot back, squat down, step back and squat again. Move in a circle, taking two squat steps forward and two steps back. Do this glute exercise for your left leg.

How much to do: 15 squats, first on one side, then on the other.

Pulsating lunge in place

Stand in a lunge and from this position perform pulsation, moving rhythmically, feeling the tension in the working muscles. The exercise is great not only for pumping up the buttocks, but also for strengthening the muscles of the thighs and legs.

How much to do: 20 “pulses” first on one side, then on the other.

Side lunge in place

Stand straight with your feet as wide apart as possible. Shift your body weight to your left leg and bend it at the knee, moving your pelvis back. Try to lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor, but if that doesn’t work, then squat higher. Straighten up and repeat on the other side. By doing this glute exercise, you will also work your inner thighs, making your legs firm and toned.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Squat with legs pulled back

Do a wide squat and, as you rise, take your left leg as far back as possible, come back and lower yourself into a squat again. On your next ascent, abduct your right leg. Dynamically squat and alternate leg abductions as you rise. Incorporate the exercise into your glute workout to work the target muscles and additionally target your hamstrings.

How much to do: 10 leg abductions on each side.

Lunge backwards and diagonally

Lunge back with your left leg, making sure that your right knee does not go beyond your toe. Shift your body weight to your right leg, and with your left take a diagonal step and immediately back, stepping from side to side at an energetic pace. Concentrate on every movement, maintaining balance. Then switch legs and do the exercise for your right leg.

How much to do: 20 lunges, first on one side, then on the other.

Deep diagonal lunge

Lower yourself into a classic squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor, with your arms folded in front of you. Perform a deep lunge on a diagonal, lowering your back leg as low as possible. Return to the squat and repeat with the other leg. Perform deep diagonal lunges with each leg alternately.

How much to do: 10 reps on each side.

Pulsating squat with legs raised

Place your feet wide, as you would for a sumo squat, with your toes pointing forward, and lower yourself into a half squat. From this position, perform a pulsating squat with a small amplitude, while lifting, spread your toes and squat again. Then stand up, point your toes together, and squat down again. Perform the exercise rhythmically, keeping your knees straight throughout the entire exercise.

How much to do: 20 “pulses”.

Swing your leg to the side

Stand up straight, place your hands on your waist, feet together. Shift your body weight to your left leg, lift your right leg off the floor and swing to the side with full amplitude. Keep your leg straight and look straight ahead for balance. Perform the movements slowly to feel the muscles working. Switch legs and repeat the swings for the left leg.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Squat on the buttocks on the mat

Get on your knees, stretch your arms forward. Lower your pelvis onto your heels, tensing your buttock muscles, then rise to the starting position. This simple buttock exercise at home will help pump up underused gluteal and deep pelvic muscles that are not activated during basic exercises.

How much to do: 15 repetitions.

Circular leg swings

Standing on all fours, straighten one leg and lift it up. Perform clockwise circular movements while maintaining full range of motion. Repeat for the other leg. Unlike ordinary swings, circular swings keep muscles in permanent tension, promoting blood flow activation and fat burning.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Swing up diagonally with pulsation

Get on all fours, bend your left leg and place it behind the shin of your right leg. Then lift your leg bent at the knee up, as for classic swings. When the thigh is parallel to the floor, do 3-4 pulsations with a small amplitude, feeling the work of the buttocks. During the exercise, keep your leg suspended without relaxing it in its original position. Repeat the swings for the other side.

How much to do: 10 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Fire hydrant

Standing on all fours, lift your leg bent at the knee and move it to the side, then lower it back. After completing all the repetitions for one leg, move on to the other. During this exercise, the muscles of the inner and lower buttocks are activated, as well as the adductors of the hips, which are responsible for the beautiful shape of the legs, as well as their elasticity and fit.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

Fire hydrant with straight leg

On all fours, straighten one leg and move it to the side. Then lift your straight leg up and down, performing side swings. Strive to raise your leg as high as possible. Move rhythmically, but not too fast so as not to relax your muscles. Repeat for the other leg.

How much to do: 15 repetitions, first on one side, then on the other.

How to make a set of exercises effective?

When you decide to pump up your elastic buttocks, remember that it is not recommended to work on the muscles every day. Train 3-4 times a week. Do you want to exercise daily? Then break the whole complex into days, that is, the first day the first 3-4 exercises, the second day the next three and so on.

Carefully follow the execution technique. If the exercise is too difficult for you, it is better to do fewer repetitions, but with the correct technique. Believe me, the effect will be greater than doing exercises mindlessly just for the sake of a quantitative indicator. It’s better if at first you train in front of a mirror, so you can control your every movement. Moreover, if you perform the complex incorrectly, you risk weakening your leg muscles.

Do not use the same complex to pump up your buttocks, you will very soon get tired of it and its effectiveness will begin to decrease. Alternate workouts for different muscle groups.

We advise you to try these home training complexes:

  • The best home workout for abs. The stomach will become flat and toned;
  • 20 minute workout for thighs and buttocks;
  • Morning “Hungry” workout for weight loss. Have you tried it yet? Then go ahead!;
  • 3 options for morning abdominal workout (duration 5 minutes)

10 Best Exercises with a Fitness Band for Home Workouts

Benefits of the Glute Bridge

Helps strengthen and build gluteal muscles

Pumped up buttocks are important for athletes and fitness enthusiasts not only from an aesthetic, but also from a functional point of view. Strong glutes help you perform other important exercises. One reputable study even found that the glute bridge activates more muscle fibers in the glutes than just squats. [5] [6]

Increases strength in squats and deadlifts

It has been proven that if you are a beginner, then it will be more difficult for you to pump up the gluteal muscles with squats or deadlifts than for professionals. This is because weaker gluteal muscles do not put enough pressure on the hips , so the psoas muscles are activated. Consequently, weak glutes can reduce squat depth , causing subsequent pain, muscle damage, and more severe muscle pain the day after training . [8]

Improves posture

The main function of the gluteus maximus muscle is extension of the hip joint , which is also responsible for posture. If you don't exercise your glutes regularly , the muscles will weaken and shrink. As a result, for example, when you sit for a long time, you will experience pain when lifting and maintaining your body in an upright position . [8] [9]

Improves athletic performance and maximizes strength during training

It's not just strong legs or back, but also strong glutes that ensure peak performance in the gym . Strong gluteal muscles will help you overcome any obstacles during your workout . They can help you improve your stability during certain exercises or even last longer during running or other cardio workouts. The gluteal muscles activate the hip joint, which then coordinates the movements of the legs . [6] [9]

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