How to pump up your butt? Exercises for the buttocks at home

A complete workout for all muscle groups must include exercises for the buttocks. How to pump up your butt quickly if you don’t have much free time? We have selected for you effective exercises for the buttocks at home, which will allow you to achieve its excellent shape. After all, the most important thing is that you don’t have to waste time on the road and study when you have a free minute. Catch five effective exercises from fitness trainer Anna Babich with the correct technique. 30 minutes a day - and you will see the result.

Important! Don't forget about the mandatory warm-up. This way you will prepare your muscles for work and prevent possible injuries.

Exercises for the buttocks at home: doing squats step by step

  1. Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width,
  2. We tilt the back slightly forward to remove the load from the lower back.
  3. We move the pelvis as far back as possible and try to squat until it is parallel to the floor.
  4. We sit down - inhale, straighten up - exhale.
  5. At the top point, we try not to straighten our knees completely.
  6. 15-20 repetitions, 3-4 sets. If you wish, you can take weights: dumbbells or a bottle of water.

Ready-made Tabata video complex for buttocks

Tabata marathon from Janelia Skripnik consists of 12 full lessons. Video workouts will help you pump up your buttocks at home. From the equipment you will need a step platform, fitness bands, dumbbells. Instead, you can use improvised means to train your buttocks at home.

Marathon workouts for the buttocks last ~30 minutes and consist of two parts: the first half included 3 Tabata cycles of 4 minutes each, the second half included interval-style exercises. Perform workouts 3 times a week, one after the other. With this training plan, a marathon on the buttocks will take you 1 month. But you can always repeat the workouts if you feel that you have room to add loads.

Tabata program for 5 days:

  • Mon: Tabata workout for the abdomen
  • VT: Low Impact Tabata Full Body
  • SR: Intensive Tabata for legs and buttocks
  • CT: Full Standing Low Impact Tabata
  • PT: Intense Tabata Full Body

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 1

The first marathon workout is designed to remove excess fat from the thighs. Tabata is an intense form of training, so we recommend that you stock up on a bottle of water and a towel before starting your workout. The video lesson lasts 35 minutes. You are given 20 seconds to complete each exercise. The lesson is divided by short 10-second breaks.

The workout consists of jumping and swinging exercises. Some exercises combine these types of activities. For example, when changing legs by jumping (one is located on the step, the other on the floor) with a swing of the leg bent at the knee.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 2

This training complex is aimed at deep development of the gluteal muscles. To increase the load, you can use special fitness bands, as instructor Yanelia Skripnik does in the video tutorial. The workout lasts 27 minutes, during which you will have time to work your buttocks in detail.

The main part of the exercises is performed in a squat. The tasks vary in difficulty. In order to deeply pump the muscles, during the exercise one of the legs is placed on two step platforms installed on top of each other.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 3

The next half-hour workout is aimed at losing weight in the problem area. Janelia reminds you that you need to create a calorie deficit to achieve better results. That is, you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. For this activity you will need dumbbells, which can be replaced with two bottles of water of the required size.

This workout consists of dynamic exercises with jumping and swinging, and the use of dumbbells allows you to strengthen your arm muscles while losing weight in your legs.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 4

The duration of the fourth video lesson from the Tabata marathon is 26 minutes. The training complex includes exercises to work the gluteal muscles to create a beautiful roundness and visual lifting of the butt. For this class you will need dumbbells and resistance bands.

The exercises include elements of squats and jumps, which place a lot of stress on the knee joints. If you have problems with your knees, you should use special braces to avoid damaging them.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 5

The exercises in this video tutorial, which lasts 36 minutes, are aimed at eliminating cellulite, which is a big problem for many girls. The intense exercises in this Tabata workout will help you strengthen your muscles and get rid of problem areas. For this activity, you will need fitness bands as additional equipment.

The video lesson program includes the following exercises: lunges with changing legs while jumping, squats of varying difficulty with elastic bands, a wall chair with a complication, a gluteal bridge with twisting, and others.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 6

The sixth Tabata training video lasts about half an hour. All exercises included in this lesson are aimed at working on several problem areas: ears, inner thighs. For this workout you only need dumbbells. It will be convenient to perform the program together with an instructor, since the video indicates the time frame for each exercise and rest between tasks.

The video lesson consists of complicated variations of various lunges, squats and swings. Additional weight in the form of dumbbells also allows you to work the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 7

The instructor calls this workout a killer workout for your butt and legs. Be sure to try it! Don't forget water and a towel. For this class you will need a step platform. All the exercises that you will perform for 45 minutes are aimed at rounding the shape of the buttocks and visually lifting them.

The lesson includes complicated variations of standard exercises, some of which are performed on weight. For example, squats on one leg placed on a steppe and the other leg straightened, without additional support.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 8

This is a half-hour video aimed at working the gluteal muscles to give them the ideal shape. Janelia Skripnik recommends combining Tabata marathon training with proper nutrition in order to see results faster and consolidate them for a long time. For this class you will need dumbbells and a jump rope. In the absence of the latter, you can perform the same exercise without equipment.

During the workout, the abdominal and leg muscles will be involved, as in an exercise whose starting position is a side plank from the knee. The other leg is in the air and swings.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 9

For the ninth workout you will need fitness bands and a step platform. A fitness band increases the load on the gluteal muscles, which allows you to work them deeper. Interval training will also help you achieve the desired result. The lesson lasts just under half an hour.

Some of the exercises are identical to previous workouts. It will be easier for you to complete them, since the muscles have already become accustomed to a certain load from previous Tabata marathon tasks. Some of them are complicated by a fitness band.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 10

The goal of the tenth marathon workout is to combat problem areas such as ears and riding breeches. The video lesson includes special exercises to work on these areas. In order to eliminate the problem area, regular exercise will be required. From the inventory you will need a step platform and dumbbells.

The workout is made up of highly complex exercises, so don’t give up if you don’t manage to complete them the first time. Pay close attention to your equipment. It is better to do it slowly but correctly so as not to get injured.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 11

The video lesson is also aimed at eliminating cellulite and working the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The lesson lasts about half an hour, you do not need additional equipment. The marathon workout includes intense dynamic exercises with jumping and swinging.

You will perform complex variations of standard exercises. For example, forward and backward lunges are complicated by springy jumps and additional forward kicks, and squats will need to be performed in a static version with a spring.

Tabata for buttocks, workout No. 12

For the last, twelfth marathon workout, you will need all the equipment you used previously. This lesson will be more difficult than the previous one, since during the exercises the task will be complicated not only by a fitness band, but also by additional weight.

Be careful during training, try to do everything technically. The exercises are supplemented with jumps, swings and special equipment. For 30 minutes you will have to deeply work the gluteal muscles and leg muscles. This workout will act as both cardio and strength training.

Exercises for the buttocks at home: doing the plie squat step by step

  1. We place our feet wide and point our toes slightly to the side.
  2. We take a weight, dumbbells or a bottle of water in our hands.
  3. The back is straight, we slightly tilt the body, we move the pelvis back as much as possible, we try to squat until it is parallel to the floor.
  4. We squat - inhale, rise - exhale. Squeeze your buttocks at the highest point.
  5. 15 repetitions for 3-4 sets.

How to pump up the buttocks of girls?

At home or in the gym?

What do you need – voluminous buttocks like those of fitness models or a toned figure without cellulite (but without large buttocks), “so as not to be ashamed to go to the beach”? If the first, then there’s no way without a gym. You can start training at home, but over time, to grow muscles, you need to move to the gym, to barbells and dumbbells. If you just need a slim figure with toned, albeit small, buttocks, you can get by with exercises for the buttocks and thighs at home.


Very often, beautiful large buttocks are not only the result of hard training, but also the successful accumulation of fat. That is, in addition to the gluteal muscles, the girl has good fat “laying down” on her buttocks - without cellulite. By the way, about cellulite. It happens to both thin and plump people. But it often appears if a girl is constantly losing weight and then gaining weight again. Therefore, before losing weight, there might not have been cellulite, but then I lost 10 kg and gained it back - and “hello” cellulite, which was not there before. Be careful with weight fluctuations!

Often, fitness models with large round butts advertise their “super effective programs” for pumping up the buttocks. And as proof that they give results - their own buttocks. “I did it and so can you.” This is not entirely true, unfortunately. Their buttocks are muscles + well-lying fat (genetics). The training program that such models sell is likely to be “working.” But not unique. Effective, but not capable of miracles. Your buttocks may not turn out the same as the model's. Even if you train strictly according to her program.


To lose weight, you need to eat less. To build muscle - more. If you are overweight, lose weight, do fitness. But don't expect noticeable muscle growth. Yes, the figure will “tighten up”, but there will be no “Brazilian buttocks”. No “unique and most effective” exercises for the buttocks and thighs will help if you are eating in a calorie deficit. And this is a prerequisite for losing weight. But everything doesn’t happen at once. First you need to lose weight, and then grow muscles.

Exercises for the buttocks at home: doing bends with dumbbells step by step

  1. Place your feet hip-width apart, bend your legs slightly, and keep your back straight. Let's fix this position. We lower the upper part of the body, feel how the biceps of the thigh stretches. We rise slowly, without jerking. At the top point we try to squeeze the buttocks.
  2. Lower - inhale, raise - exhale.
  3. 15-20 repetitions, 3-4 sets.

Lunges "curtsy" in statics

Execution technique

  • Place your left leg back and to the side, behind your right leg.
  • We catch our balance on our legs crossed in this way. We hold our hands at the chin.
  • From this position we lower ourselves down until the knee of our left leg touches the floor.
  • Then we return to the starting position.
  • In the next approach, we switch legs.

We do 20 for each leg.


Glute Exercise #2: Lunge with Rotation

Initial position:

Place your left foot forward, step back with your right, move your left hand behind your head, and leave your right hand along your body (you can take a dumbbell). Next, bend your legs at the knee joints, doing a lunge-squat and at the same time twisting to the left side behind the elbow, while pointing your right hand straight down. Bend your knees to approximately 90° and also be aware of your lower back position (keep it neutral). Do the same on the other leg.

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