Bent over triceps extension. Execution technique

The bent over arm extension exercise pumps up all three heads of the triceps, especially their lower parts. Gives symmetry and relief to the triceps. Isolation exercise.

In bodybuilding , bent over arm extension with a dumbbell is used to achieve symmetry in the development of the left and right triceps, honing their shape and relief.

Because the angle of the triceps load is completely different than other exercises, the back extension is a powerful tool for spurring triceps growth, especially when you're stuck in a plateau.

In addition, the additional static load that the triceps experiences when you hold your arm with the dumbbell fully straightened back engages the deepest muscle fibers of the triceps muscle, which is extremely important when working on detailing and separation of the triceps.

By regularly practicing back extensions, you will improve your athletic performance in sprinting (extending the arms in time with the movement of the legs to develop acceleration), martial arts (backhand punches), luge (pushing out at the start), tennis (hitting the ball backhand, if you are right-handed).

Bent-over dumbbell extensions - triceps exercise

What does the exercise do?

Extension of the arm with dumbbells while standing in an inclined position can be performed by both men and women, due to the undemanding nature of the element to the strength of the core and shoulders. During the training process, an isolated effect on the triceps occurs, giving the man the opportunity to emphasize the relief and add volume to the arms. Girls can practice bent over arm extensions with a light dumbbell - this will be enough to improve the shape of their arms and get rid of sagging on the back side.

Additionally, bent over dumbbell extensions:

  1. It will allow you to equalize the volume of the triceps of different arms by doing different numbers of repetitions.
  2. It will give beginners the opportunity to develop basic triceps strength in order to easily move on to complex training.

What muscles are involved?

Bent-over arm extensions target the triceps, which is considered the largest muscle in the shoulder. In this regard, to obtain large biceps, you need to spend more time building triceps.

Bent over triceps extension

Often the upper zones of the three heads of the triceps experience the load:

  • Long. Located on the inside of the shoulder. At the same time, such a head will be lagging behind for many athletes.
  • Lateral. Placed on the outside of the shoulder.
  • Medial. Located under the long and lateral heads. It is used in any triceps workout.

When performing bent-over extensions, athletes give preference to developing the long head of the triceps, placing their elbows firmly behind their backs. However, it will not have much dominance over the other heads. In this regard, a huge difference will not be noticeable.

Bent over triceps extensions are not suitable for those with elbow injuries. If pain begins to appear in the elbow area during the exercise, it is necessary to reduce the weight of the apparatus and the number of repetitions. The trainer may recommend excluding the activity from the training program for 7 to 14 days.

Execution technique

Only at first glance, the bent over arm extension looks easy to perform. In fact, it is somewhat technically difficult: not everyone manages to correctly perform a bent-over arm back extension with a dumbbell the first time.

To complete the exercise we will need:

  1. One or a couple of dumbbells of the required weight.
  2. A bench or any other horizontal surface to rest your knee on.

The bench is not a mandatory element - you can perform the element without it. We'll come back to this a little later. In the meantime, all attention to the execution technique.

Step 1. Take the starting position

We stand with one knee on the bench, holding it with our hand on the same side. This is necessary to maintain balance and balance. We lean forward a little: the body should be one parallel with the floor. We direct our gaze forward, straighten our spine, and align our neck to its level. Don't forget about the abdominal muscles: they should be tense throughout the entire exercise. The second supporting leg is on the floor, and we load the working arm with a dumbbell. The elbow should be bent at a right angle.

Step 2. Perform the basic movement

The element consists of four main points:

  • raise the bent elbow to the level until it becomes higher than the body - take a breath,
  • as you exhale, extend the elbow straight back until the arm is completely straightened - the shoulder should be fixed and the triceps should be as tense as possible,
  • hold this position for several seconds,
  • With an inhalation, we return the hand to the starting position.

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Step 3. Repeat the required number of times

Step 4. Change sides

Particular attention should be paid to the shoulder: it must remain absolutely motionless. Only the elbow joint works. Many beginners swing a dumbbell, and as a result, the body begins to swing by inertia with the shoulder abducted. This is not only wrong, but also dangerous. You need to clearly control the movement, supporting it with proper breathing.

Technique for performing bent over arm extension with a dumbbell

  1. Stand to the side of a horizontal bench, bend over and rest your knee on the bench. Place your free hand on the bench to maintain balance and a straight back. Or, if it’s more convenient for you, you can use an incline bench, adjust the backrest to a slight angle of inclination and lean on it with your free hand. Place your other leg slightly back for stability and so that it does not interfere with you when lowering the dumbbell.
  2. Take a dumbbell in your free hand, palm facing your torso. The body should be parallel to the floor or slightly above parallel. Keep your back straight, your eyes looking forward, your shoulders should be close to your body and parallel to the floor. In the starting position, the forearm of the hand holding the dumbbell is directed towards the floor. The angle between the shoulder and forearm at the elbow should be 90 degrees.
  3. Now, while keeping your shoulder stationary, contracting your triceps as you exhale, lift the dumbbell until your arm is completely straight. Focus on moving your forearm. maintain tension in the muscle.
  4. Hold your arm straight, take a short pause at the top point, and while inhaling, slowly lower the dumbbell down to the starting position, also remembering to keep the shoulder of your working arm motionless. Repeat the approach on the other hand, going from the other side of the bench.
  5. Repeat the movement for 3 sets, number of repetitions 10-15.

Do not try to use excessive weight in the exercise! Too heavy a weight will provoke you to make a jerk in the initial phase of the exercise to lift the dumbbells from a dead point, and will not allow you to bring your arm to the horizontal.


  • Do not jerk your body or make any rocking movements. Perform the movement slowly and under control.
  • Remember to breathe regularly and maintain tension in your triceps, both when bending and extending your arm.
  • Do not lower the elbow of your working arm below parallel with the floor, in this case the trajectory of movement decreases and the load is removed from the triceps muscles.
  • To make it easier to maintain the position of your arm and body in a horizontal plane, hold your breath at the top point of the amplitude.
  • To achieve maximum contraction of the triceps, follow the extremely correct technique for performing the exercise and fully straighten your working arm.

Execution options:

Double Arm Dumbbell Backward Extension

This exercise can be performed with both hands at the same time.

  1. You will need a pair of dumbbells. Take them in each hand.
  2. The knees are slightly bent, the back is straight, the lower back is arched, and the body is tilted slightly forward.
  3. The arms are bent at the elbows, the angle at the elbow joint is 90 degrees. shoulders pulled back.
  4. Just as when performed with one hand, extension occurs at the elbow joint, and the shoulders remain constantly motionless.

Arm extension back from crossover

Additionally, if you like a variety of movements, you can use the lat pulldown arm extensions on the crossover machine. This variation of the exercise provides the best peak contraction. In this case, the palms should be facing upward (supinated position), as opposed to the usual execution (neutral grip).

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Extensions without a bench

We compensate for the lack of a bench with two dumbbells. In this case, we work standing, tilting the body forward. The technique will be as follows:

  • We take a dumbbell in each hand,
  • slightly bending your knees, bend your straight body forward,
  • bend your elbows at right angles and move your shoulders back,
  • We extend our arms back, fixing our shoulders.

Both options are effective. But in the first case, you can load first one and then the other hand to the maximum. When working with two hands, concentration is not as great as when performing an element alternately.

Execution options

Options for performing arm extensions in an inclined position often do not differ much from each other, since a block exercise machine or dumbbells act as a weighting agent. In this case, the technique of performing the training can be alternate or using two hands at the same time.

Each option has advantages and disadvantages, therefore it is recommended to select the method that is optimal for each individual.

To get the maximum effect from the bent over arm extension, it is recommended to adhere to the following:

  • It is not advisable to use too heavy implements for the exercise.
  • It is unacceptable to swing the forearm in the form of a pendulum. It is impossible to achieve the desired effect when moving the arm with the projectile back under the influence of inertia.
  • When performing a workout on a bench, with your torso parallel to the floor, your elbow should be at the same level as your shoulder joint.
  • An even angle between the forearm and shoulder is the initial position.

Such training does not require the use of a large mass, because for effective and correct implementation of the technique it is necessary to keep the shoulder in a fixed position. For several approaches it is necessary to carry out a large and medium number of repetitions - 2 or 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions.

Beginning athletes, when practicing arm extension techniques with apparatus, often unconsciously lower their elbows. When the elbows drop, the range for extension of the upper limbs decreases. In this case, the tension of the triceps brachii muscle at the end point of extension immediately decreases.

To compensate for this lack of amplitude, athletes try to bend their arm as much as possible than required by the training session. A heavy projectile can also act as a factor in lowering the elbows. In this regard, at this training stage it is recommended to select a different weight of dumbbells.

With weighting

Bent over triceps extensions can be performed alternately using one dumbbell. You can use a bench for training. The projectile should be light in weight, since the exercise is aimed at finishing off the triceps. When performing approaches, a burning sensation should be felt in the muscle, which can only be achieved with a moderate weighting agent.

Technique for performing the lesson:

  1. Stablely spread your legs, tucking your knees slightly. Bend forward, almost to a right angle. The back should be straight.
  2. Place one hand on your knee or bench. Clench the other hand at the elbow at a right angle, pressing it to the body.
  3. Inhale and straighten your arm at the elbow joint. The wrist and shoulder joints should remain static.
  4. When the arm is fully extended, take a short break to feel the muscle contraction. As you exhale, return the mass to the original position of the hand. Only the elbow joint should function.
  5. Perform the required number of repetitions on one arm, then move on to training the other arm, without taking a rest break.

The body and hand must not be rocked or pulled. If the muscle is completely worked out, it is recommended to reduce the weight or stop the approach.

In the crossover

This version of the exercise is very rarely used, since in a crossover they often press down using different handles.

Block exercise has a number of advantages:

  • The exercise must be carried out alternately with the use of each hand. Thanks to this, it is possible to take a stable and more comfortable position.
  • The triceps brachialis muscle is always under load as the pressure vector changes. When implementing this technique, the vector will be horizontal, starting from the pelvic area to the head. In this regard, the triceps will retain the mass of the block at the lowest point.
  • It is very easy to maintain concentration on the work of one hand.

However, the exercise has disadvantages:

  • A lot of time is spent on training.
  • It is difficult to make progress in gaining weight. When using dumbbells, the weight increases by about 2 kg. In a block simulator for 5 or 7 kg. In this regard, not every athlete will be able to perform the exercise if they greatly increase the mass.
  • It is difficult to implement the technique because the crossover in the gym is mostly always occupied by other athletes.


  1. Set the limiters to the required number of blocks. The height of the cable should be at the same level as the brush.
  2. Exhale and straighten the limb. Take a break at the top point.
  3. Bend the limb, returning to the starting position. Take a break at the bottom point.

With fitness band

Bent-over triceps extension using an elastic band is a difficult exercise option, since both the triceps and other muscle groups are involved in pumping. When raising the arm high, a lot of resistance is experienced.

During arm extension with a projectile or in a block, the mass of equipment at any point will be the same. When using an elastic band, the resistance will increase with each stretch. Muscle fatigue will increase like an avalanche, so with each new repetition it will be more difficult to align the limb in the elbow area.

Although the triceps extension with an elastic band and incline is a complex exercise, it is quite effective. This exercise allows you to improve the muscle quality of your arms and develop your strength potential. Dynamic resistance is considered an optimal and easy type of training to improve muscle strength with endurance.

Extension of arms with an elastic band is an analogue of the exercise with dumbbells. In this case, you can straighten only one arm or grab the elastic band with both hands and simultaneously straighten the limbs.


  1. Tighten your knees, tilting your body almost to a horizontal line. When extending the equipment with both hands, fixate on the middle of the elastic band, grasping its ends.
  2. Place your elbows at waist level. You should feel tension at the bottom point and maintain a right angle in your elbow joints.
  3. Extend the limbs at the elbows, keeping the shoulders static. Attention should be focused on the triceps.

Simultaneously with 2 hands

This activity involves using two dumbbells so that you can immediately straighten 2 arms in an inclined position. Since the exercise does not require much time to perform, it can be included in the triceps training complex.

However, when working with two implements at the same time, it is very difficult to focus on engaging the triceps. In this case, the dumbbells will be small. If you do not control the torso, the body will involuntarily sway along with the limbs.

This exercise is suitable for those who have excellent neuromuscular connections. In order not to lose stability, it is permissible to rest your head on the end of the back of the bench, which needs to be set at the optimal height. Thanks to this, you can create an auxiliary support point.


  1. With a neutral grip, take 2 projectiles in your hands. Lean forward almost parallel to the flooring. Keep your back straight, make a slight deflection in the lumbar area.
  2. To increase stability, bend your legs and push your pelvic area back. When planning to rest your head on the bench, set the back of the device to the optimal height in advance. Come closer so that while bending you can lean your forehead against the end of the bench.
  3. Raise your elbows up so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor.
  4. From the initial position, exhale, straighten your arms at the elbow joints.
  5. At the top point, take a short break to load the triceps.
  6. Inhale and return your hands to their original position.

With emphasis

Since the free hand rests on the knee, this triceps exercise is very easy to perform.


  1. Take a standing position with your feet together and your knees tucked in to achieve good stability.
  2. Bend over, placing your palm on your knee. Hold the dumbbell with your free hand.
  3. Pull the projectile towards your body so that your shoulder and elbow are at the same level.
  4. Exhale and straighten your arm and fixate at the top point for a few seconds.
  5. Exhale and slowly take the original position.

There are several types of bent over arm extension, each of which has its advantages. In this regard, it is recommended to periodically add all exercises to the triceps training complex.

Recommendations for implementation

To get the most out of the item, it is recommended that you adhere to the following recommendations in the table below.

NoteIt should be
Elbow positionWhen performing the exercise on a bench, it should always be at the level of the shoulder joint.
Forearm and shoulderDo not forget about the right angle between the forearm and shoulder in the starting position.
Avoid inertiaFix your forearm throughout the entire element - it should not swing with a pendulum. There will be no result if the hand moves back not under tension, but by inertia.
Dumbbell weightIt should not be too heavy, especially at first. It will be more effective to work on the technique than to strengthen the element with weight or number of repetitions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the exercise

Bent-over triceps extensions are characterized by athletes almost on the positive side.

However, this exercise has a number of disadvantages, which it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with.

  • The training makes it possible to work the 3 heads of the triceps in isolation. To perform the exercise you will only need 1 dumbbell with a small weight. In this regard, it is permissible to do training at home.
  • The risk of injury is minimal if you follow the correct technique and choose the optimal weight.
  • The exercise can be done by girls who want to shape their arms without increasing the parameters of the triceps. This training allows you to get rid of sagging skin that occurs after severe weight loss or due to natural age-related changes.
  • It is possible to get rid of imbalances in hand development.
  • The technique is easy to learn, so you don't need to spend a lot of time practicing the movement. At the end of the workout, it is permissible to finish off the triceps brachii muscle.
  • Exercising the triceps brachii muscle in the form of close-grip bench presses or reverse push-ups puts a lot of pressure on the wrists, which causes pain. At the stage of bending arms with apparatus, the hands are always in a natural position.
  • With this exercise it will not be possible to increase muscle mass, since the weight of the dumbbells is small. In this regard, this activity is not suitable for beginner athletes. For beginners, it is recommended to do push-ups on parallel bars or from the floor.
  • When performing an activity, there is not always enough free space.
  • The triceps is a small muscle that is used in compound and pressing exercises such as the seated dumbbell press or the bench press. When doing a huge amount of exercise only on the triceps, this muscle will be overworked, but not developed. As a result, it is possible to injure the triceps brachii muscle.
  • Most people do not do this type of training because at first glance it seems ineffective and very easy.


How to do bent over arm extension? We think we have managed to give a complete answer to this question. Now we would like to share with you some good tips that will help you make your workouts more effective and safe.

  1. Always warm up before your training session. This applies to all muscles and joints in our body, but especially attention should be paid to the elbows, since they are one of the most vulnerable places. Before you start training your triceps, make sure you warm up your joints and tendons well enough.
  2. Do the exercise extremely technically. We now mean both bent over arm extensions and all exercises in general. Remember that your result directly depends on how well you perform this or that movement. Cheating, swinging, incorrect positioning - all this kills your progress.


We have already figured out the technique of bending dumbbell extensions, now it’s time to consider the very nuances that we mentioned earlier.

  1. Don't use a dumbbell that is too heavy. Firstly, it is traumatic. Secondly, a projectile with a large weight will not allow you to perform the exercise efficiently and to its full amplitude. The weight of the dumbbell will constantly encourage you to do the exercise with a snatch (or cheat, as gym regulars say). This will lead to the fact that most of the load will be “eaten up” by third-party muscles, but not by the triceps, which is what this exercise is aimed at working out.
  2. Breathe correctly. Breathing is an important component of the training process, which many people somehow forget about. To get the most out of the bent-over dumbbell arm extension, you must not only do the exercise technically, but also monitor your breathing. Remember: in the positive phase you need to exhale, in the negative phase you need to inhale.
  3. When lowering the projectile down, do not carry it forward further than an imaginary vertical drawn through your hand. When the dumbbell moves toward the head, a significant portion of the load is removed from the triceps, which again affects efficiency.
  4. Only perform bent over dumbbell extensions if you already have good training experience. The option of performing the exercise with two dumbbells at once is very effective, but it requires considerable physical strength.
  5. To get a good workout on the long head of the triceps, try performing the movement in two stages. At first, you fully extend your arm, holding the projectile at the level of your back. After this, you raise the dumbbell slightly above the level of your back. Between these two stages it is necessary to take a short pause.

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