Running for weight loss: how to run correctly and how often

Running is one of the best exercises for losing weight and strengthening the body. It is not necessary to buy a gym membership; jogging in the fresh air will bring much more benefits. On the one hand, the workouts are simple and anyone can do them. On the other hand, devoting 20-30 minutes to this in the morning, people sometimes do not get quick results, become disappointed in sports and no longer want to take care of their health. Let's answer the question of how to start running correctly in order to lose weight in your legs, strengthen and increase the size of your heart muscle.

How much do you need to exercise per day to get the effect?

If you want to lose excess weight, remember one rule: warming up for 20 minutes will definitely not help you.
They are designed to perk you up, keep you in shape, and work great together with other physical exercises. If you want to get rid of kilograms, study the features and get ready to double your training time. If you train in the winter, be sure to dress warmly. Special jackets and overalls can be purchased in the Stayer online store. The catalog offers a wide range of stylish and comfortable clothing. Many people jog - these are slow and easy runs. In this case, muscle energy begins to come from glycogen. On average, it is consumed within 30-40 minutes, nourishing the tissues during this time. The person will not feel pain or fatigue. If you reduce the time from 40 to 20 minutes, there is still a substance in the body that will begin to be instantly replenished at the first meal. The main systems simply cannot reach fat to use it as an energy source, and therefore it is impossible to lose weight. Thus, the optimal duration of jogging is one hour. This period includes warm-up, stretching, five-minute breaks, and a cool-down.

How to lose weight - body secrets

When blood flow goes to the area where fatty tissue is deposited, the organs must switch to fat, they use it for energy.
Oxygen concentration increases in this area. Within 20-30 minutes, a person only develops slight fatigue, so there can be no talk of any fat burning or weight loss. To burn the layer you need to work for 50, preferably 60 minutes. Important! Do not overdo it. You shouldn’t spend more than 1 hour 15 minutes on this. Energy comes from proteins; instead of fat, you lose muscle mass. In this case, the muscles do not strengthen, but dry out.

What you need to know about running frequency

If you want to know the best way to run to lose weight, follow these tips:

  • Without experience of active physical activity, increase the frequency gradually. First, do short warm-ups of 10-15 minutes. This may not seem like enough to some, but this is the right time. You need to enjoy your workouts and not go all out, otherwise trying too hard will have a negative impact on your heart function.
  • Short distances. Start with short trails - 1-2 kilometers. This is enough to get used to the sport. If you do not feel fatigue or pain, you have successfully completed the adaptation process and gradually increase the distance.
  • Regularity. It is not enough to do this 1-2 times a week. Exercise daily, especially if you use running to lose weight.
  • Use acceleration. If you have little time, no bad habits and no health problems, train using the principle of partial acceleration. For 30 minutes, alternate between regular walking, jogging, and full-strength exercise. The distances must be equal.
  • Enjoy. Don't force yourself to do physical activity. This will lead to incorrect running, and therefore you will not be able to lose weight.

If you are a beginner, be sure to make a plan and stick to it. If you run regularly, you can lose weight, but you will have to work hard, but without force.

Why is it dangerous to run too much?

However, many people mistakenly believe that the more, the better. Excessive cardio training volume can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. Ultramarathon running may result in myocardial damage , as evidenced by elevated levels of troponin and brain natriuretic peptide.

Additionally, sudden cardiac arrest occurs more frequently in marathons and triathlons than in shorter distance events. Older marathon runners often exhibit abnormal cardiac remodeling (structural changes) with an increased risk of myocardial fibrosis and ischemic calcification.

Chronic excessive exercise is associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation (AF).

Caricature “Running from a Heart Attack”, Ruslan Dolzhenets.

Which time is better: morning or evening

The effect of training varies significantly depending on the different stages of the day.
If you have a difficult day ahead of you and need to move a lot, choose morning exercises on an empty stomach. The body will take energy from fat deposits, which will increase the effectiveness of weight loss. In the morning, the cardiovascular system will work at the same time. If there is no time before work, and you are interested in how to lose weight by running in the evenings, follow the same rule. Train on an empty stomach, and only then have dinner. Evening exercises are even more effective for weight loss than morning exercises. Disadvantage: You will have too much energy and may have trouble sleeping. In winter it is necessary to wear warm clothes as it gets colder after sunset. You can buy it in the Stayer online store. This will help avoid hypothermia and keep you healthy.

Myocardial fibrosis

Myocardial fibrosis is a nonspecific reaction to various cardiac injuries, such as acute myocardial infarction, myocarditis, uncontrolled hypertension and valvular dysfunction. Pathological fibrosis of the heart predisposes to myocardial stiffness, arrhythmia and other adverse consequences [31]. Myocardial fibrosis is best detected by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), especially in cases of late gadolinium accumulation (LGA) .

Chronic endurance training overload increases the risk of developing PNH , which has been found in healthy, asymptomatic endurance athletes [31–33]. In addition, PNH is significantly and directly correlated with training experience (in years) and the number of marathons and other ultra-endurance events completed [32, 34].

During strenuous exercise, cardiac output increases approximately 5 times compared to resting values ​​(from 5 L/min to 25 L/min or more), which leads to a disproportionately distributed load on the heart with an increase in the load on the walls by 125% compared to with 4% on the right and left ventricles [35].

Such stress, coupled with a sustained increase in catecholamines and reactive oxygen species, likely causes cumulative injury in the myocardium, ultimately leading to scarring as demonstrated by PNH.

The presence of PNH can be detected by analyzing the number of ultramarathons in which the athlete has taken part, or the severity of coronary artery calcification [34].

Cumulative cardiac MRI data show that PNH occurs in 12% of endurance athletes, which is 8 times higher than the 1.5% rate observed in controls with the minimum dose of physical activity recommended by the WHO (see graph below) [15 ].

Blue column - age endurance athletes, red - total age athletes, orange - sedentary control group, purple - total sedentary control participants. Adapted from Franklin et al. [15]

Interval division

The periodicity strategy helps in the fight against excess weight and develops endurance.
The peculiarity is the constant alternation of loads: at first you run calmly, then speed up. There is no need to overdo it, but it is advisable to run at full strength. Increasing speed within 30 seconds is considered normal. Among the advantages of such activities it is worth highlighting:

  • Burning more calories. When a person picks up the pace, energy expenditure doubles, and during the rest phase it will take a short period to reduce it.
  • Acceleration of metabolism. Unusual workload brings a certain amount of stress. It does not cause harm; on the contrary, muscles after exercise quickly consume calories, which they will take from fat reserves.
  • The ability to develop speed. If you are just a beginner sprinter, choose short distances, divide them into stages (measured running and acceleration) and train. You can significantly develop endurance and prepare for a marathon.
  • Maintaining muscle mass while losing weight. If you want to lose fat while maintaining muscle mass, the interval model is ideal for you. For the best effect, you need to take sprint distances. For example, accelerate on segments from 50 to 400 meters.

The benefits are visible to the naked eye. The main thing is not to sharply increase speed over long distances to the point of exhaustion. This will only harm all systems of the body.

How to train properly

Many people make many mistakes, not knowing how to start running to lose weight. Start with an accelerated step of 5 to 15 minutes. This will help tone yourself up. Next, alternate intervals. This can be done in 2 ways:

  1. By distance. If you choose a stadium or a small jogging track, this option is for you. After warming up, you need to speed up on the first lap, run evenly on the second, accelerate by 2 turns, then rest for one distance. Then everything must be repeated again. This is a standard system, but you don't have to stick to it. It all depends on your level and the goal you are working to achieve.
  2. By time. If you don't want to count the segments, just keep an eye on the time. The exercise is performed using the same system, only in minute calculations.

The same principle is used in both cases - the pyramid. By the middle, the accelerations become longer, and by the end of the classes, the increase in speed is shortened.


You play at your own speed.
There is no need to count anything, no programs are created. Depending on how he feels, a person decides how many times and when to accelerate. It has its own characteristics:

  • This sport is not for the lazy. If you find it difficult to accelerate without a specific plan, then don’t even start working on this system.
  • Calculate your strength. Many give it their all at the first acceleration. I don’t even have the strength to run evenly anymore.
  • For flat terrain. No one forbids exercising in an area where there are a lot of descents and ascents, but it takes your breath away. It is better to choose straight paths, for example, a stadium. If there is no other option, choose fartlek.

This is a hard mode, so be sure to pay attention to the restrictions.
If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, severe muscle injuries, problems with the spine or flat feet, it is better to consult a doctor or completely avoid this type of exercise. Under no circumstances try to deceive yourself. If you often run at regular intervals or even rest for a longer period of time, then interval training will not bring benefits.

Tip #5 – Buy yourself cool clothes

A T-shirt with a label, tights with a geometric pattern, stylish sneakers - such fashionable equipment will defeat laziness on the way to your goal and create comfortable conditions for training. You hardly want to miss your next run when you have a cool, and most importantly comfortable, sports uniform in your wardrobe.

Things should not interfere with movements, rub the skin or cause discomfort. For sports, choose clothes made of breathable material with moisture wicking properties. Modern synthetic fabrics do an excellent job of this task. Top brands use various technologies when sewing sportswear. For example, Nike has Dri-FIT, the essence is as follows:

• the inner layer adjacent to the body removes moisture to the surface; • the outer layer absorbs it evenly and dries quickly; • micropores, which are located over the entire surface of the fabric, provide ventilation.

This way, huge circles of sweat don't form on your back and chest, and the runner doesn't look exhausted and sweaty.

Choose clothes according to the season. In the summer, run in shorts and a T-shirt, in the off-season - in long tights and a running shirt, and in the winter - in trousers, a sweatshirt, and a jacket. In cool weather, wear a hat; it should fit snugly to your head. When it’s cold, don’t forget to keep warm: sports thermal underwear warms you and wicks away moisture.

Shoes are of great importance. Running shoes should be lightweight and durable. For example, Mizuno running shoes. Cushioning inserts in the foot area are desirable to soften the impact during active movements. The surface of summer shoes should be mesh, this will prevent excessive sweating and heating of the foot.

Keep to the schedule. It's best to exercise outside, but you can do it at home on a treadmill. Remember how to breathe correctly, make yourself a clear training plan for the month and follow it strictly. With the help of the 5 recommendations we gave in this article, you can quickly get in shape.


An incredibly useful activity, especially for older people.
Moreover, such workouts are perfect for young people who want to maintain health and tone their bodies. It helps to lose excess weight, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Among its advantages are also:

  • positive effect on the nervous system;
  • benefits for the human heart;
  • sport perfectly lifts your mood and relieves depression;
  • normalizes blood pressure.

For better results, you must follow some rules.

Execution technique

The peculiarity is minor impacts of the foot on the surface.
The speed is slightly higher than normal walking at an accelerated pace. As soon as one of your legs pushes off the ground, the second should already land on it. Tips from professional athletes:

  • Correct repulsion. The leg should straighten completely at the knee. Focus on your foot when pushing.
  • Not too wide a step. As soon as the tempo increases, you can gradually increase the amplitude.
  • Straight body with a slight forward inclination.
  • Free breathing. If you want to control your breaths, practice talking without shortness of breath while jogging.
  • Regularity. How often should you run to lose weight? Training should take place at least 3 times a week. Duration – from 20 minutes, and it is advisable to practice no more than an hour. This will help prevent fatigue.

It is enough to adhere to the technique and basic rules, you will see the effect instantly.

Coronary artery calcification

A large body of evidence shows that the amount of calcium in the coronary arteries is an accurate predictor of CVD risk [37]. Paradoxically, although exercise reduces the risk of CAD, too much endurance training appears to significantly increase calcification , bringing us back to the reflected J-curve graph (Figure 4) [38].

Athletes aged 54±8 years have approximately 2 times more atherosclerotic plaques than the control group; these athletes also have a higher degree of calcification [39].

On the vertical line – the degree of calcification of the coronary arteries, on the horizontal – age in years (y) and the number of participants (n).

Association of physical fitness level with the degree of coronary artery calcification. CAC = coronary artery calcification; FAC = functional aerobic capacity. Adapted from Kermott et al. [38]

Overall, studies have confirmed that older endurance athletes have higher rates of coronary calcification than sedentary controls, but they tend to have fewer harmful plaques of mixed calcification and lipid origin [39–41]. Despite this, highly active individuals showed a non-significant trend toward reduced mortality compared with the less active cohort [40].

How to breathe correctly while running

Be sure to learn how to inhale and exhale measuredly to avoid side pain.
If you use only your nose, there will immediately be a lack of oxygen, which will exhaust you. In winter, keep an eye on your airways. The following advice will help you avoid problems: you need to touch the roof of your mouth with the tip of your tongue and leave it in that position when you inhale through your mouth. Take in air twice as long as you give it out. Be sure to control the rhythm at first. Over time, you will get used to it, you won’t even have to put in extra effort. You learned how much and how to run per day to lose weight quickly. It is important to choose a specific type that is most suitable for your current condition and corresponds to your desired goal. To keep your body in good shape, you need to exercise regularly.


Despite all the naturalness and safety, running also has contraindications.

So, it is prohibited in case of the following diseases:

  • heart problems: defect, heart rhythm disturbances, for example, arrhythmia, tachycardia;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • mitral stenosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • spinal and joint injuries;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer.

Jogging is not recommended at a time when your body is weakened, that is, after operations, during and after illness, even if it is a mild cold. The same applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

It may seem strange, but running is also prohibited for people with bad habits, such as excessive drinking or smoking.

In general, running in its various forms is a very useful activity. I was attracted by its lightness and the opportunity to exercise in the fresh air, which is pleasant and, of course, adds to my health.

The main thing I still want to warn those who decide to run is don’t overdo it! Don't immediately exercise to the point of exhaustion. Yes, you need to gradually increase the intensity, but everything is within reason. The best option would be to create your own individual plan and practice according to it.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

Positive reviews about running are most often left by those people who have been able to develop a strong habit of regular training. In this case, it is possible to gradually achieve the desired weight loss and tighten muscles.

Oleg (36 years old). I have been running for 6 years now. The main reason was that my figure was blurry with fat and my health had deteriorated. I run every other day regularly, practicing at a speed that gives me pleasure. Now I feel great, my belly and fat folds have disappeared, I love running and will continue.

Sophia (32 years old). After my second daughter grew up, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t bring my body back to normal. I started running according to the pattern of alternating fast steps and medium running. Each interval is 2 minutes. This pace suits me; I don’t plan to increase the load yet. I go to the park every other day in the evening, two hours after eating. Six months have passed, and I can say that I am gradually losing weight, I have already lost 4 kg. This is an achievement for me! I will continue.

Olga (40 years old). I decided to take up morning jogging thanks to my dog. While she is walking, I am jogging. The initial stage was two stages of 10 minutes each - a jog and a fast walk. Now I’ve been running for 40 minutes. The weight is gradually coming off, but I must say that I started eating healthy and drinking enough water.


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Be careful!

An important point in planning an evening run is to think about where to run in advance. Even if it seems that you know a certain path by heart and could walk with your eyes closed, do not risk running if there is no lighting there. This is unsafe in many ways. If you trip over an unnoticed pebble or a random root, you can, at best, get bruised, or, at worst, even break something for yourself.

Well, there’s no need to talk about the danger of stumbling upon various suspicious characters in dark corners - we ourselves know and understand everything. Hey runner, do you have a call? What if I find it?

If you don't have a well-lit and fairly safe running path in mind, consider joining a gym.

Common Mistakes

Beginners, and even experienced practitioners, make mistakes that prevent them from achieving the desired result. The most common ones are:

  • Very active start. Starting to push himself from the very first workouts, the runner quickly feels overworked and health problems appear. Training should begin with a warm-up and the intensity increases gradually.
  • Lack of equipment. Properly selected shoes and clothing optimize the load on your joints and give you a feeling of self-confidence.
  • The monotony of the load reduces the effectiveness of running for weight loss. Jogging for half an hour every day will not give the desired result. You should try to diversify and alternate the load.
  • Ignoring pain. If you feel sharp pain, it is better to postpone the lesson. This will not bring health benefits.

A few videos on the topic:

Recommendation for beginners

You should start running gradually. Before each run, be sure to do a warm-up for all muscle groups: rotation of the head, arms, hip and knee joints, ankles and light stretching. Particular attention should be paid to warming up the legs. Also, you shouldn’t run a marathon distance of several kilometers the first time. Very tired for the first time, the runner reluctantly returns to jogging.

Even losing weight should be fun. Whether running is effective for losing weight in a particular case will be seen over time. By choosing your exercise regimen, the weight loss process will go faster.

Develop explosive power

Adding plyometric training to your training will increase muscle strength and power by contracting and stretching muscle fibers faster.

Since these exercises are performed in an explosive style, it is imperative to adhere to the correct technique, otherwise it can lead to injury. Do these exercises after completing your main running workout.

Below are three plyometric exercises that are recommended for every runner:

  1. Raising the knee in a jump to the chest. Jump on your left leg and try to lift your right thigh as high as possible towards your chest. The arms work opposite to the legs. Perform 20 jumps on each leg.
  2. Running with jumping. To perform this exercise, select a straight section of road or stadium approximately 20-40 meters long. Jump up with each step for the set distance, then slowly return to the starting point. Repeat 2-3 times.
  3. Squat jumps. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform a deep squat with your hands touching the surface of the ground. Jump up with a sharp movement, your arms should be extended above your head (you can do a clap). Then return to the starting squat position. Do 15-20 reps.

Running workouts

Running helps maintain beauty, health and lose weight. Jogging has a positive effect on the body:

  • Calorie burning occurs due to the acceleration of metabolism and the release of large amounts of energy, including from the fat layer.
  • During jogging, blood circulates more actively and is better enriched with oxygen, which contributes to more effective saturation of organs and tissues with useful substances.
  • The muscle corset of the whole body is strengthened, making the figure slim and toned.

For running to give a positive result and affect your figure, exercise must be regular, you must follow the technique and choose the optimal training plan.


A little video on the topic: what happens to the body while running

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