Types of steppers, their effectiveness and comparison with other simulators

Nordic walking in the classical sense is one of the types of training for Scandinavian skiers during the off-season. However, today Nordic walking has become a sport that allows you to lose weight and tone your muscles by exercising in the fresh air without heavy training. Sports technologies do not stand still, and for those who do not have the opportunity to regularly practice Nordic walking on the street, a stepper exercise machine with the same name was invented, which allows you to train at home.

Why do you need a stepper?

This cardio machine simulates climbing stairs. The main impact is aimed at working the lower body. Advantages of the simulator:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • increased metabolism;
  • reduction of fat layer;
  • accentuated development of legs and buttocks;
  • additional stress on the back and abdominal muscles;
  • getting rid of cellulite.

Training on a stepper is suitable for everyone, but is especially popular among women. Regular exercises allow you to tighten the “breeches” area, strengthen the buttocks, and get rid of the “orange peel” effect.

Editor's Choice

HYPERFIT Supertrainer G-115

HYPERFIT Supertrainer G-115. Photo: HYPERFIT

This stepper from a European brand is universal, designed to work out different muscles of the body: legs, thighs, buttocks and upper torso (for this purpose, the kit includes an expander, which significantly expands its functionality). The load is adjustable and can be increased or decreased at your discretion. The stepper is equipped with the best hydraulic system in its class - quiet, reliable, creating uniform resistance. This is an extremely important parameter for home steppers.

Stepper pedals are considered one of the best home exercise pedals in the world. They are increased in size, have a 3D protector with a non-slip innovative surface, and a unique shape with sides on the sides. Analogs from other manufacturers have smaller pedals and no sides, which negatively affects stability during exercise. The pedal stroke is 38%, this is an ideal indicator for practicing at home.

The stepper frame is made of durable steel and is additionally reinforced. Therefore, in comparison with analogues, the simulator is more stable and reliable. Also, to increase the reliability and stability of the stepper, a special fastening system is provided. Instead of cables, all-metal bushings are used at the bottom of the structure, which also reduces noise and increases smoothness.

To increase the effectiveness of training, there is a display on which you can track progress. This is the only stepper model in Russia equipped with a phone holder. During classes, you can watch videos, films or listen to music. The handrail will help you maintain balance and fix your body position during exercise. The same manufacturer has a model G-90, it is cheaper, but slightly inferior in functionality.

Main characteristics:

Load systemhydraulic
Maximum user weight120 kg
Display indicationscalorie consumption, time, number of steps
Weight11.4 kg
Additional Informationadjustable height of pedals and handrails

Advantages and disadvantages

Universal, thanks to the presence of an expander for pumping the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, the kit includes a computer that displays the results of the workout, it is possible to set the intensity of the workout, a handrail and pedals with sides and a non-slip surface, adjustable in height, a hydraulic load system ensures smooth and silent movement of the pedals, legs with rubber pads to protect the floor, phone holder included, low price, lightweight, easy to move to the right place.

Not detected

Editor's Choice

HYPERFIT Supertrainer G-115

Universal stepper

The model is best designed to work different muscles of the body: legs, thighs, buttocks and upper torso

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All steppers can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Mechanical. The operating principle is based on alternating compression of hydraulic pistons located under the pedals of the simulator.
  2. Electromagnetic. Using electromagnets, they create resistance that the athlete must overcome by pressing his feet on the platforms.

Common variations of steppers:

  • Climber . The cardio machine looks like a mini-escalator with a rotating staircase. Equipped with a computer unit for selecting programs and tracking results. Allows you to effectively load the muscles of the legs and buttocks. These devices create virtually no noise, which means they are suitable for home training. The only downside is the high cost. Popular models: AeroFit StepMill X6-C (RUB 550,000), Matrix C3X (RUB 650,000), Intenza Fitness 550Ci (RUB 945,000).
  • Pedal . It is similar in appearance to a climber, but the working part is not a canvas, but two platforms that alternately move up and down. The simulator is also equipped with an electronic console for regulating loads. Some pedal steppers have movable handles, which allows you to additionally load the muscles of your arms and shoulders. The device can be used at home. Popular models: Spirit CS800 (RUB 132,000), AeroFit PST300 (RUB 153,000), Matrix S7X (RUB 246,000);
  • Balancing . Consists of two pedals connected by a semicircular base. Thanks to this design, movements are carried out not up and down, but left and right, which allows you to better work out the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. It is equipped with a simple computer with which you can track the number of steps taken, training time, and the amount of calories burned. Optionally can have rubber expanders for hands. Popular models: Sport Elite GB-5106 (2700 RUR), Bradex Balance SF 0032 (3300 RUR), Stingray ST-7111 (3800 RUR).
  • Mini stepper (classic) . The simplest option. The exercise machine consists of a stable base and two moving pedals. The principle of operation is mechanical, that is, it is based on overcoming the resistance of hydraulic pistons. Can be equipped with a step and calorie counter. As a rule, all models have attachments for rubber expanders, with which you can additionally influence the arm muscles. Popular models: Kettler Vario Mini (RUR 2,300), Torneo Ritmo S-112B (RUR 3,000), Body Sculpture BS-1122 (RUR 3,800).
  • Rotary . Structurally similar to the classic one, but has a significant functional difference. When pressing the pedal, the athlete turns to the side, which allows him to better stretch the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Some steppers are equipped with a handle that moves left and right with the athlete. This contributes to additional development of the oblique abdominal muscles and back muscles. Resistance blocks can be attached to exercise machines that do not have such a handle to strengthen the upper limbs. Popular models: DFC SC-S008 Twister (5300 RUR), Torneo Tempo S-221 (4000 RUR), Body Sculpture BS-1370HAR-B (4500 RUR).
  • Stepper "Nordic walking" . The operating principle of the pedals is mechanical. Two handles have been added to the design, simulating the movement of ski poles when walking in the Scandinavian style. This allows you to additionally use the entire shoulder girdle, back and arms. In addition, this functionality helps the athlete burn much more calories than when using classic devices. Popular models: DFC SC-S085 (4700 RUR), KPOWER 303MB (5000 RUR), Gymbit Nordic Stepper (4500 RUR).
  • Aqua stepper . Similar to gym equipment. Made from stainless steel specifically for use in swimming pools. It is used in rehabilitation activities and in aqua fitness training. Not suitable for home practice. Popular models: Aquagym AquaStepper (RUB 750,000), AquaClimber (RUB 1,100,000), Elly WX-ELLY-01 (RUB 155,000).

All varieties (except “aqua”) can be used in home training. Electromagnetic models are effective for developing the muscles of the legs and buttocks: climber and pedal, but the price makes them inaccessible to most.

We recommend choosing balancing or rotating steppers for independent practice. Such devices load the muscles of the lower extremities well and allow you to additionally work out the upper body.

Rating of the best steppers for Nordic walking

Stepper DFC SC-S085


  • Easy to move around the apartment.
  • Takes up little space.
  • Silent.
  • The model is easy to assemble.


  • The handrails are slightly loose.
  • It squeaks for some users.

Stepper DFC SC-S085E


  • Compact.
  • Easy to move.
  • There are handrails.
  • Easy to assemble.


  • There is little resistance at the handrails.
  • Creaks.

Stepper DFC SC-5901


  • Presence of a cardiac sensor.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Withstands high weight.
  • The load is adjustable.
  • Stand for a glass of water.


  • Errors in the operation of sensors for some users.

Comparison with other cardio machines

The fitness industry offers athletes a variety of leg exercise equipment. Let's look at the main differences between steppers and other popular devices.


The machine is designed to warm up before the main part of the training, strengthen the cardiovascular system and reduce body fat.

The advantage over a stepper is that it consumes more calories in the same period of time. This is due to the intense work of the whole body when running.

The electronic track has a number of disadvantages: increased noise, large size and shock load on the knee joints and spine.

The stepper takes up little space, is practically silent and does not injure the musculoskeletal system.

Exercise bike

The device simulates the pedaling of a bicycle. Designed for cardio exercise, burning subcutaneous fat, and strengthening the lower body.

The advantages include high-quality training of the thighs and legs, as well as increased calorie consumption.

The disadvantages are the lack of stress on the upper body.

A stepper differs from a bicycle machine in that it trains the muscles of the legs and buttocks, develops stabilizers, and also strengthens the arms and shoulders by incorporating rubber expanders into the work.

Orbitrack or elliptical trainer

The simulator looks like a Nordic walking stepper. The difference is that its pedals do not move up and down, but along an elliptical path.

The range of movement of an athlete on an orbit track is much wider than on a stepper. This allows you to simultaneously use a large number of muscles and thereby increase calorie expenditure.

The disadvantages of the ellipsoid are its rather high cost and large size.

A simple stepper, as a home exercise machine, is more preferable because it takes up less space, is affordable, and is effective in losing weight and strengthening the lower extremities.

How to train on a simulator

It is important to remember the rules for using a stepper for Nordic walking:

  • With a diameter of about two meters, there should be no foreign objects near the simulator so that you do not accidentally hit or hit someone.
  • You should wear sneakers to protect your feet from damage, and clothing should not hang loosely so that it does not accidentally get caught in moving parts.
  • Before use, check the stepper to ensure that everything is securely fastened and nothing is unscrewed.
  • Before classes, be sure to warm up, including muscle stretching exercises. Initially choose a slow tempo on the stepper and gradually increase it
  • Breathe correctly and rhythmically, do not hold your breath; with adequate effort, you should be able to carry on a conversation without being out of breath. Take 2 steps while inhaling, 3-5 steps while exhaling, it is best to breathe through your nose.
  • It is better to eat food an hour before training, and after finishing it, also refrain from eating for an hour.
  • With the correct technique - the back should be straight, the torso is tilted 5-7 degrees forward, the shoulders and arms are relaxed, when doing Nordic walking it is correct to walk in antiphase - the right hand meets the left leg and vice versa, arm movements should not only be at the elbow , but must use the shoulder.
  • You need to start with short but regular training. You can start with three approaches of 3-4 minutes, and every week increase approaches to 5 minutes. It is best to practice every other day, about three approaches per week for 20-25 minutes.
  • To lose weight, you can use interval acceleration, one approach at a fast pace, the rest without acceleration.

Stepper training

Let's look at three common step techniques:

  1. Standard . The athlete holds his body straight and presses the pedals with his entire foot. This exercise helps strengthen your lower body and burn extra calories.
  2. Movement on toes . Involves quick short steps performed with the toes of the foot. The heels are specially held in weight. This technique shifts the emphasis to the calf muscles.
  3. "Power" walking . Movements are performed slowly. The athlete exerts a greater load than with the standard technique. This allows you to strengthen your leg ligaments and joints, as well as increase your endurance.

Now let’s study the recommendations for safe and effective training on the stepper:

  • When walking on the machine, make sure that your knees do not bend inward. Otherwise, the joint ligaments may be under dangerous stress.
  • The correct position when working in a machine with handrails: bend forward, bend in the lower back, pelvis laid back, body weight on the legs, feet apart.
  • When exercising on a stepper for weight loss, do not raise the pedals to the top and do not lower them all the way. Move “within the amplitude”. This will increase your calorie expenditure.
  • Monitor your heart rate. To lose weight, your heart rate must be kept within aerobic limits - 70-80% of your maximum heart rate.
  • If you use the exercise machine as a warm-up, attach rubber expanders with handles to it. This will allow you to warm up both the upper and lower parts of the body.

Contraindications to stepper training may include:

  • serious leg injuries;
  • acute phase of varicose veins;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • late stages of pregnancy;
  • arterial pressure;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus.


Externally, the simulator looks like this: metal pipes are the base, pedals are located on them, and there are 2 holes in the front pipe. The sticks are supplied separately and can then be secured into these holes.

The lower base occupies a square measuring 40x40 cm. Due to its small size, it is convenient for apartments with a small area. Its weight is about 9 kg.

You can independently regulate the amount of pressure on the pedals and the amplitude of their rotation.

The model has a built-in LCD display that shows: the number of steps you took, the time spent, the speed of your walking, the kilocalories that you burned during this period.

The stepper is always designed for a certain weight, most often about 100 kg.

The surface of the pedals is made of non-slip rubber, everything is done to achieve maximum comfort. The feet should be placed on the pedals, and at the same time, the movements of the arms allow you to control the position of the torso.

Duration of training

If a stepper exercise is performed after strength training, then the duration of walking can be limited to 20 minutes. The fact is that the body is already warmed up, which means aerobic exercise will immediately begin to affect subcutaneous fat.

If a cardio session on a stepper is performed separately from other activities, it should last 1 hour. During the first 40 minutes, the body will warm up and accelerate metabolic processes, and the next 20 will begin to burn through the fat layer.

“Entering” and “exiting” into a cardio session on a stepper should be smooth. Without a gradual increase and decrease in load, the body will perceive the training as stress, which means that the burning of subcutaneous fat will not start.

As a rule, one intense activity can burn up to 500 kcal. But for weight loss to be effective, the device should be used at least 4-5 times a week. It is recommended to combine walking on a stepper with strength training and low-carbohydrate nutrition.

Top 5 ministeppers of 2022 according to KP



The ministepper is compact in size and has hydraulic cylinders in the pedal stroke mechanism for silent and smooth movement. The exercise machine is not equipped with expanders, but there are “ears” for attaching them: if necessary, expanders can be purchased separately and inserted into the place provided for them. The computer measures the total number of steps, movement speed (steps/min.), training time, and the number of calories burned in scanning mode. The options are displayed one by one. The machine is supplied with oil to lubricate the rubbing parts of the mechanism. The exercise machine is designed for user weight up to 100 kg.

Main characteristics:

Load systemhydraulic
Maximum user weight100 kg
Display indicationstraining time, number of steps, speed, calories
Dimensionslength 35.5 cm, width 22 cm, height 42 cm
Weight5.38 kg

Advantages and disadvantages

The simulator has a hydraulic loading system, a computer for measuring the necessary training parameters, the ministepper has a compact size, and the kit includes oil for lubricating the rubbing parts of the mechanism.

Expanders are not included in the kit, but there are places to attach them; some users note a strong unpleasant odor emanating from the plastic parts.

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COMPACT SLF S083. Photo: Start Line

The ministepper has hydraulic cylinders in the pedal movement mechanism for silent and smooth movement of the mechanism. The surface of the pedals is grooved, non-slip, but according to users, they are narrow for large feet. The computer calculates the number of steps per minute and calories burned. Battery powered, does not require connection to a power supply. The simulator has one load level, and expanders are not included in the kit. Due to the lack of a gasket between the metal parts of the structure, they tap, hitting each other when moving. The user's weight should not exceed 100 kg.

Main characteristics:

Maximum user weight100 kg
Load systemhydraulic
Number of load levels1
Display indicationscalorie consumption, number of steps per minute

Advantages and disadvantages

The exercise machine is compact, it has a hydraulic loading system, a corrugated surface of the pedals, a computer counts the number of steps per minute, calories burned, batteries are included.

There is no gasket between the pedals and the frame, when moving they hit each other with a metallic sound, the pedals are narrow for large feet, expanders are not included in the package.

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DFC SC-S100. Photo: DFC

The simulator is equipped with expanders for training the arms and shoulder girdle. The built-in display shows time, number of steps and calories burned. The computer is powered by the included battery. The ministepper has wide parts, which is convenient for people with large feet. The pedals have non-slip pads for safety. Rubber dampers located under the platforms dampen the sound of them hitting the frame. Hydraulic cylinders ensure smooth and silent movement of the mechanism. According to user reviews, the pedal stroke of this model quickly weakens and the resistance to foot pressure becomes insignificant. The manufacturer, in response to this complaint, assured that deterioration in performance characteristics will not occur if the operating conditions described in the attached instructions are observed. Namely, it is not recommended to use the exercise machine for people weighing more than 120 kg; you also need to periodically lubricate the pedals and not exceed the training time recommended by the manufacturer.

Main characteristics:

Load systemhydraulic
Number of load levels1
Maximum user weight120 kg
Design Featuresexpanders
Display indicationscalorie consumption, workout time, number of steps
Weight7.5 kg
Additional Informationprotective covering (mat) included

Advantages and disadvantages

The simulator has a hydraulic loading system, the kit includes an expander, large pedals with a non-slip coating, a rubber gasket between the platforms and the metal frame, the computer displays the training parameters.

The ministepper has only one load level, the computer does not measure the pulse, and according to user reviews, the pedal stroke quickly weakens: the resistance to their foot pressure becomes insignificant.

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This is interesting

Why physical inactivity is harmful and how to start moving

Sport Elite GB-5106/0722-03 (balancer)

Sport Elite GB-5106/0722-03. Photo: Sport Elite

This simulator differs from other mini-steppers that imitate stepping movements - it serves to develop coordination of movements. Training on it involves maintaining balance while transferring weight from one leg to the other and shifting the center of gravity. Additionally, the leg muscles that are not used when walking are loaded, as well as the abdominal muscles. This exercise machine is compact, lightweight, and convenient for installation in a small room. Many users note that the manufacturer is defective: after several days of use, the elastic band that secures the pedals may break. The platforms squeak when moving due to the lack of a hydraulic loading system. The display shows the number of calories burned during exercise. The included mat prevents the machine from slipping on the floor.

Main characteristics:

Maximum user weight100 kg
Display indicationscalorie consumption, number of steps, speed (steps/min.)
Resistance systemhydraulic
Dimensionslength 51 cm, width 27 cm, height 27 cm
Weight12.5 kg

Advantages and disadvantages

The exercise machine is compact and lightweight, the kit includes a mat to prevent slipping on the floor, the display shows training parameters, the pedal surfaces are non-slip, and the platform resistance system is hydraulic.

According to some users, after several workouts, the elastic band that fastened the pedals broke, the mat included in the kit is small in size and the exercise machine does not fit completely on it.

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ATEMI AS-1320M rotary

ATEMI AS-1320M. Photo: ATEMI

The display of this stepper shows the number of calories burned as well as steps per minute. The exercise machine is compact, with wide pedals, which is convenient for those with large feet. The pedals have a non-slip grooved surface, which guarantees safety during training. There are no rubber dampers between the metal parts of the structure, so the machine makes a rather loud knock during use. The ministepper is designed for a user weight of up to 100 kg, and the kit includes expanders for training the arms and shoulder girdle. According to user reviews, the display quickly fails.

Main characteristics:

Maximum user weight100 kg
Design Featuresexpanders
Display indicationscalorie expenditure, cadence
Dimensionslength 40 cm, width 45 cm, height 23 cm
Weight8 kg

Advantages and disadvantages

The set includes expanders for training the upper body, a display, the simulator has wide pedals, it has a compact size and low weight, the maximum user weight is no more than 100 kg.

For many users, the display broke within several weeks of use; when moving, the pedals squeak and hit the metal frame with a characteristic knock; users note the noisy operation of the exercise machine.

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Application in medicine

For some conditions and diseases, doctors specifically introduce physical activity for prevention and improvement of well-being. Let's consider in what situations a stepper can be useful.


We are talking only about the early stages. At this time, expectant mothers are advised to walk in the fresh air. But if this is not possible, exercises on simple exercise machines will help make up for the lack of physical activity.

The pace of movements should be such that the woman can carry on the conversation calmly and not lose her breath. At the same time, you should not bring the muscles to “failure”.


In the initial stages of this disease, doctors recommend engaging in light physical activity. Stepper training improves blood circulation in the lower extremities and eliminates excess weight. Thanks to this, the load on the veins is reduced and congestion in the legs gradually disappears.

In general, regular walking on a simulator is an effective means of prevention.

Rehabilitation for lesions of the musculoskeletal system

The device is recommended by physiotherapists in rehabilitation exercises after injuries and operations. An important advantage is the absence of shock load on the spine and knees.

Exercises on a stepper create a moderate cardio load, improve joint mobility, and restore functionality to the lower extremities.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The disease is characterized by acute pain that limits movement. In such a situation, doctors prescribe complex treatment, which includes medication and restorative exercises.

Stepper exercises help increase blood circulation in the legs, which improves the nutrition of the cartilage tissue of the knees. In addition, walking in the simulator maintains the mobility of joint joints and strengthens the ligaments of the legs.

Gymnastics for the elderly

Older adults reap many health benefits from moderate exercise.

Strengthening the cardiovascular system, maintaining the mobility of the spine and limbs, maintaining a good mood - all this can be achieved by light exercise.

As a rule, older people use walking or Nordic walking as exercise. The stepper allows you to maintain physical health and good health in those moments when it is not possible to go for a walk outside.

How to choose

The more opportunities you have to customize the simulator for yourself, the more convenient it will be to use. Thus, adjustable handles ensure uniform load, and many programs allow you to make the workout as effective as possible for your existing parameters (weight, height, gender and age). Changing the range of movement angles and turns is a convenient option for increasing or decreasing the intensity of your workouts.

Weight Limit

Each simulator has a maximum permissible weight value, which cannot be exceeded. For standard models, the limit is 100-120 kg, for more powerful professional steppers – 150-180 kg. You need to select a device so that you have at least 10-20 kg left in stock. This will extend its service life.

Additional options (calorie counter, heart rate monitor)

Functions such as counting calories, measuring heart rate during exercise, determining the distance traveled, the number of steps taken and the speed of movement help to carry out exercises with even greater efficiency. This is relevant both for those who want to lose weight and for users whose main goal is to maintain good physical shape.

How to choose a STEPPER for your home

How to choose a stepper?

How to choose a stepper

What to choose: treadmill, elliptical trainer, exercise bike or stepper

What is a stepper and what effect does it give?

The stepper is so called because steps are performed on it under load. The person makes the same movements as when climbing stairs. A stepper is a large exercise machine equipped with handrails, pedals, and movable hand levers. They differ from each other in size, pedal design, load type, and price. Mini-steppers are smaller in size with a handle for support or expanders made of rope for pumping up muscles in the arms and two pedals.

The most common movements for a person, which he does not notice at all, can significantly improve health, correct the figure and help remove fat deposits. With constant training, the following occurs:

  • efficient calorie expenditure and weight loss;
  • serious physical stress on the body;
  • in combination with anti-cellulite cosmetics, the disappearance of the “orange peel” and lifting of the buttocks;
  • with a design with levers and expanders, a decrease in waist volume, the disappearance of folds on the abdomen, strengthening the muscles of the shoulders, back and chest;
  • increasing the endurance of the body as a whole;
  • strengthening blood vessels and heart muscle, regulating heart rhythm, stabilizing blood pressure and the functioning of the respiratory system.

By performing simple movements, a person receives an improvement in overall well-being, the vestibular apparatus begins to function normally, and movements become coordinated.

The most common mistakes when buying a stepper

When choosing a home exercise machine, first of all, buyers pay attention to the technical characteristics. This is important, but there is no need to chase a large number of programs and modes. The simpler the device, the more convenient it is to practice on it, and the lower the costs for the family budget.

Common buying mistakes include:

  • purchase of a dimensional simulator. The stepper is placed in a room with a mandatory distance of at least 1 meter from the walls. If this is not possible, you need to choose compact models;
  • passion for design at the expense of convenience and functionality. The smooth pedals of the exercise machine are only good in appearance; they are unsafe during training. Therefore, steppers with grooved pedal surfaces are chosen;
  • incorrect choice of step length. This indicator is often overlooked, and then people complain about the inconvenience of training and muscle strain.

Before purchasing, it is recommended that you carefully study the information on all groups of stepper exercise machines, customer reviews, and also get advice from specialists.

Customer Reviews

Irina, Tolyatti

This winter I bought myself a stepper, model DFC SC-S038. I liked the look, and the functions suit my requirements quite well. I have never regretted it! I study every day, and I don’t have to set aside special time. For example, in the evening I watch TV with my husband, he is on the sofa, and I am walking on the stepper. Very convenient. I usually train for 30-40 minutes, then do more push-ups. It is placed on a rug in the room as it leaves marks on the flooring. Yes, after the first workout it began to creak, but they solved the problem quickly: my husband disassembled the machine, lubricated everything and put it back together again. There is no squeak! I recommend this wonderful stepper!

Oleg, Smolensk

I’ve been wanting to buy myself a stepper for a long time, but life itself forced me to. During self-isolation, I ordered the Sport Elite GB-5106 exercise machine via the Internet. I work out 3-4 times a week and don’t feel a lack of movement. Now the restrictions are being lifted, but I continue training. I really like that the simulator is simple and the loads are acceptable. I think it is the best option for older people.

Steppers for home are simple and reliable exercise equipment that allows you to maintain good athletic shape and keep your body and body in good shape. There are various models on sale; after studying the information, it is easy to choose the appropriate simulator for your specific needs.

Frequent mistakes of newbies

In order to achieve maximum effect without fatigue, you need to know how to walk with Nordic poles correctly and what mistakes should be avoided.

Common mistakes made by newbies are:

  • Walking with your head down. Pushing the head forward increases stress on the neck, which can cause tension and pain in the neck, shoulders, back and reduce lung capacity.
  • Improper holding of poles.
  • Incorrect foot movements. Steps without rolling from heel to toe do not provide sufficient exercise to the leg muscles, and this will also lead to rapid fatigue.
  • Also, beginners may be in a hurry when starting classes right away. But warming up is a prerequisite before them. It will warm up the muscles and prepare the body for stress.

The most suitable way for beginners to master the Scandinavian sport is to practice with an instructor.

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