Physical education in the office: 10 exercises for sedentary work

Most employed people - from freelancers to office workers - work mostly in a sedentary position. A table, a chair, a personal computer or a laptop are the three main components of the environment of the average worker. However, from sitting for a long time, the back begins to hurt, excess weight, curvature of the spine and osteochondrosis appear, not to mention a decrease in performance. Even if you are not into sports at all, you don’t need to break yourself and sign up for a gym. It is enough to do a little gymnastics for about half an hour to maintain muscle tone and body health. And we will help you with the choice of exercises.

Torso rotations

This exercise is designed to strengthen the back muscles and reduce the feeling of tension in the spine.
Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head. Turn your body to the right. Return to the starting position. Now return your torso to the left. Stand up straight again. Do not hurry. Repeat all steps about eight times.

Relaxing your neck

The main principle of physical activity during a sedentary lifestyle is a comprehensive warm-up, working out the whole body. You need to move from top to bottom, so we start from the neck. Let me immediately emphasize that this is a very sensitive, delicate area. A special approach to it is required, the most careful and careful attitude. Perform the complex for the cervical spine carefully and easily.

With the first exercise, we will stretch the muscles and ligaments of the neck between the shoulder, which tends downwards, and the head, tilting to the side - away from the hand.

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Starting position: standing, arms hanging along the body. Next, pull one hand down and head in the opposite direction. We create tension primarily by lowering the shoulder; we try to tilt the head less.

As you perform, turn your head slightly and twist it slightly to engage different muscle fibers. Continuing to pull your hand down, slowly tilt your head and smoothly move to the other hand.

Forward Bend with Stretch

This exercise will be especially useful for those who suffer from back pain due to constant sitting.
Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Bend from the hips, keeping your back straight. At this point you should feel a stretch in the back of your thighs. To keep your back straight, engage your postural muscles. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds, moving your shoulder blades back, then spread your arms to the sides and hold for another 10-30 seconds. Repeat the exercise several times.

Charging in the office (option No. 1)

A set of joint exercises and light stretching will be an excellent way to warm up at work, recharge your batteries and relieve stress. For best results, perform the exercises regularly 1-2 times a day.

8 minute back workouts:

  • 8 minutes for posture and standing slouch
  • 8 minutes for posture and sitting slouch
  • 8 minutes for posture and from slouching while lying down

Neck rotation

Sitting on a chair, press your feet to the floor, put your hands on your belt or on your knees. Lower your head to the left, and then turn your neck down and to the right, performing rotations. Keep your back straight, do not strain your neck. The movements should be slow and comfortable for you; if you feel pain, then reduce the amplitude. The exercise can be repeated in the other direction. A simple exercise for exercise in the office will relax the neck, stretch the trapezius muscles, unloading the upper spine.

How much to perform: 10-15 rotations in total.

Shoulder Raises

Sit on a chair, keep your back straight, arms extended along your body. Raise your shoulders up, squeezing your trapezius muscles, and then lower them down, relaxing the side of your neck. Do not try to strain your muscles as much as possible, since exercise at the workplace is aimed at relieving hypertonicity, and not vice versa. Perform the exercise at a medium pace, gently stretching the muscles and relieving tension in the neck area. In addition to relaxing muscles, shoulder raises increase cerebral circulation, restoring performance.

How much to do: 13-15 lifts.

Back Rounding Stretch

Sitting on a chair with your back straight, press your feet to the floor and place your hands behind your head. As you exhale, bend forward, rounding your back, and as you inhale, rise up, straightening your shoulders. At the top point, squeeze your shoulder blades together, straightening your spine, but do not throw your head back. Perform simple exercises in the office at a relaxed pace without overloading your neck muscles. The exercise stretches the back surface of the trapezius muscle, elongates the spine, and also returns the natural staticity of the neck.

How much to do: 10-12 roundings.

Bends while sitting statically

We continue to exercise in the office on a chair. Make sure your knees are bent at right angles and your feet are firmly planted on the floor. Place your left palm on your right thigh, raise your right arm up and lean to the left until you feel a stretch on the right side of your body. Hold the position, remembering to relax your neck muscles. Repeat the bend on the other side. The exercise gently stretches the core muscles, elongates the spine, improving its flexibility, and also relieves tension from the back.

How long to do: 20-30 seconds on one side, then 20-30 seconds on the other side.

Rotations in the elbow joints

Sitting on a chair with a straight back, spread your arms to the sides and clench your palms into fists. Rotate your forearms forward, then down and to the sides, rotating your elbows. Move at a relaxed pace, relieving tension in your muscles and joints. Keep your back straight; to do this, do not lower your chin and slightly bring your shoulder blades together. A simple exercise for exercise in the office will help relax the arm muscles, relieve the elbow and wrist joints and take a little break from working at the computer.

How much to perform: 8-10 forward rotations, then 8-10 backward rotations.


Sitting on a chair, straighten your back and press your feet to the floor. Stretch your arms out to the sides and bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle, pointing your forearms up and your palms forward. Now move your elbows back as far as possible, bringing your shoulder blades together at the extreme point of the movement. Moving forward, do not bring your elbows in front of you, work with a small amplitude, focusing on the work of the upper back. Exercise improves posture and relieves tension from the shoulder girdle.

How much to perform: 13-15 dilutions.

Forward bends

The next exercise to exercise in the office on a chair will be bending forward. Take the starting position: back straight, feet pressed to the floor, hands behind your head. Bend your body forward without rounding your back, trying to touch your belly to your hips. Then straighten up without changing the position of your arms. During execution, focus on working the lumbar region and stretching the lower back. The exercise unloads the lower spine, relieving tension from the lower back.

How much to do: 10-12 bends.

Lifting on your toes

Sitting on a chair, place your hands on your waist and press your feet to the floor. Straighten your back without straining your neck. Now lift your heels off the floor, standing on your toes. Then lower your heels back down, releasing tension from your ankle and calf muscles. It is recommended to do this office exercise slowly to feel a pleasant relaxation in your legs. Exercise improves blood circulation and lymph flow, relieving swelling and fatigue in the legs.

How much to do: 14-16 lifts.

Hands and knees raise

Sit on a chair, place your feet on the floor, bend your knees at a right angle. Bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your body, clenching your fists. As you exhale, straighten your arms, unclenching your palms, and at the same time lift one foot off the floor, raising your knee up. Come back and switch legs on the next climb. This exercise for office workers warms up the muscles of the legs and arms, relieves tension in the palms, and also improves blood flow in the lower body, promoting the flow of energy.

How much to do: 12-14 arm raises in total.

Stretching the buttocks and legs

While still sitting on the chair, lift your right leg up and place your foot on your left knee. Lean on the shin of your raised leg, increasing the stretch in your gluteal muscle. While bending forward, try not to round your back. Hold this position and then switch legs, repeating the stretch on the left side. Include exercise in exercise for office workers to activate blood circulation in the buttocks and back of the thighs, which will be an excellent prevention of cellulite for girls and will also help maintain muscle elasticity.

How long to do: 20-30 seconds on one side, then 20-30 seconds on the other side.

Circular movements of the head

This exercise will help relieve tension in the cervical spine, neck and increase blood flow to the brain.
It is necessary to describe circles with your head eight times to the right and left. Bend your head towards your shoulder as much as possible. Then, moving your head in a circle, lower it as low as possible. Next, move your head in a circle to the other shoulder. But it is not recommended to tilt your head back too much, so when moving your head in a circle from one shoulder to the other, try not to tilt it back too much.

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What is the best way to start introducing a healthy lifestyle? Why do you need a spinal warm-up?

What to do? The answer seems to suggest itself: move more in the workplace, do not use transport when moving around the city, walk more often, do exercises in the morning, relax actively, and not in front of the TV and computer, sign up for a swimming pool or gym. Of course, by following all these rules, any of us will quickly forget about all the negative consequences of physical inactivity. However, it's not that simple. Unfortunately, following all of the above recommendations requires time, willpower, very strong motivation, and in the case of gyms, also money.

Not everyone can boast of having all these qualities. More often, their complete absence is observed. After reading such a list, a person plunges into deep thought, realizing the enormity of the tasks facing him in introducing a healthy lifestyle. Then, with a sigh, he simply returns to the couch and watches the TV.

Conclusion one: don’t set yourself grandiose goals. Conclusion two: try to start with something very small, which practically does not require significant time, effort, or money, but do it conscientiously and regularly. Conclusion three: it’s time to stop meditating on the topic “how to change your life?” and start doing something.

For this purpose, light industrial gymnastics in the form of a warm-up for all parts of the spine is best suited. One of the ancients said that all our diseases come from a diseased spine. And he was right.


The plank is a universal and relatively simple exercise that uses almost all important muscle groups.
A daily two-minute plank can correct your figure and improve your well-being. The plank is a static exercise. There are no movements in it, so the most important thing here is to hold the body correctly (and for as long as possible). Stand on your elbows, straighten your knees, and rest your feet only on your toes. The body should visually depict a straight line so that no part of it protrudes upward: neither the shoulder blades, nor the hips, nor the buttocks. If it is difficult for you to stand in this position for a long time, you can lighten the load slightly by kneeling, but with your feet raised.

General recommendations for performing exercises with a chair

The activities presented below, although they have a direct connection with a chair, you will hardly be able to sit and relax. Doing exercises while sitting on a chair will require a lot of work. With such equipment it is much easier to lose excess weight, maintain your physical fitness, and recover from injuries or illnesses. The main thing here is a reasonable approach and regularity, which only the lazy have not talked about.

Having just the most ordinary chair, you can work out almost all muscle groups and perform a full range of exercises. The main thing is that your improvised sports equipment is not placed on wheels and is quite durable. You can check the last characteristic by leaning your entire weight on its back.

Tips for beginners

First of all, you need to remember that any sports training, including on a chair, cannot be performed without first warming up the muscles and ligaments. To do this, the easiest way is to use ready-made warm-up complexes developed by professionals. It doesn’t hurt to vary it with a few stretching movements.

  • Breathing during the warm-up and chair training itself should remain even and calm. You cannot delay it even for one second, because then you will have to restore it for a long time. In addition, this can provoke surges in blood pressure, which also does not bode well.
  • During exercise, you need to inhale only through your mouth, and exhale through your nose; this is a mandatory condition for proper training. This is the only way to ensure proper supply of oxygen to all tissues of the body, therefore, a significant acceleration of metabolism.
  • When performing different movements, try to keep the abdominal muscles, abdomen and lumbar muscle corset tense.
  • Under no circumstances should you turn your training into unbearable hard labor. Exercises should be easy, and you should give all your best and work hard - this is more suitable for bodybuilders.
  • Give preference to the morning hours to perform chair exercises. Although you can do them at any time, it is in the morning that they will give the best effect, and at the same time they will give you vigor and energy for the whole working day.

Many people experience muscle pain (soreness) after exercising with a chair; this is not something to be afraid of. This confirms that the exercises themselves and the degree of load are selected correctly.

Rider's stance

This exercise will help you overcome excess weight deposits around the waist and hips.
It is recommended to repeat it 3-4 times a week. Take a pose in which your feet are parallel and the distance between them is approximately 2 shoulder widths. The back is straight and should not be bent under any circumstances. The thighs are at an angle (ideally parallel to the floor), and the shins are perpendicular to the floor. To strengthen your hips, you need to stand in this stance for as long as possible. The main detail to remember is the correct position of the feet. The feet should be parallel to each other at a great distance, legs bent at the knees.

What muscles are involved?

Depending on the type of load, you can train the entire abs. But, of course, the sitting position makes some adjustments. So, you will not be able to work out the oblique or transverse abdominal muscles well.

The main load during sitting classes will be received by the rectus abdominis muscle. It is often divided into upper, middle and lower abs. If the abs are in weak tone, the stomach seems to “fall out” and creates the appearance of excess fat in this area.

Exercises on a chair will allow you to train this area well. You can visually reduce your waist size and slightly improve muscle tone in this area.

Diaphragmatic breathing

A sitting position is hard not only on the muscles, but also on the respiratory system.
Improper breathing contributes to shortness of breath, and in advanced cases can cause asthma. To learn proper diaphragmatic breathing, it is better to lie on your back with your knees bent and place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Close your eyes and imagine a ball in your stomach. Inhale through your nose and imagine your stomach filling with air and rising. Movement in the chest should be minimal. As you exhale, your stomach lowers. Inhale for 4-5 counts and exhale for 4-5 counts.


The simplest and most obvious exercise. Walking is a great form of movement for people with a sedentary lifestyle, so try to walk as much as possible every chance you get. Walking during your lunch break, to the bus stop, instead of public transport, or just in circles in your office office - any option is good. By the way, walking is an excellent change of activity after intense intellectual work. If you think long and hard about something, it will be much easier for you to make a decision by walking down the corridor for 5-10 minutes.

What are the benefits of exercises for sedentary work at a computer?

Even a short break during sedentary work for physical exercise will activate blood circulation and lymph flow in the back and neck and speed up metabolism. This leads to improved blood circulation in the brain. Having received more nutrients and oxygen, it works better, which leads to improved productivity.

The main benefit of office gymnastics is for the musculoskeletal system (muscles, tendons, bones). Back exercises during sedentary work reduce the risk of developing osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, radiculitis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. And the benefits are not only for the spine - periodic warm-up during sedentary work on exercises can reduce the risk of nerve damage and the development of pathologies such as plexitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

A fitness break is also useful for the eyes - by taking a break from the computer and working with documents, even for a short time, a person avoids overstraining the eye muscles, which can lead to impaired visual acuity (myopia and farsightedness), increased intraocular pressure and glaucoma.

Office gymnastics is also effective for stimulating the digestive tract and nervous system (switching attention helps avoid stress). It’s not for nothing that there is a popular wisdom that rest is a change in the type of work. When working sedentarily, such a rest will be a short warm-up.

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