Workouts for women after 50 years: program at home for 5 days

Moderate exercise prevents age-related diseases, prolongs youth and significantly improves the quality of life. Specially selected exercises for women after 50 years of age at home will relieve you of extra pounds, improve your health and give you good health.

Training plan for women over 50:

  • DAY 1: Full body cardio workout
  • DAY 2: Legs and butt workout
  • DAY 3: Workout for arms, shoulders and chest
  • DAY 4: Workout to lose belly fat
  • DAY 5: Back and spine workout

Who is this workout suitable for:

  • For those who are just starting to train and are looking for gentle loads.
  • Those for whom shock or intense loads are contraindicated.
  • For those who want to train at home safely and effectively.
  • For those who want to lose weight, improve their body quality, and improve their health.
  • For those returning to fitness after injury or a long break from training.

Day 1: Full body cardio workout

The first day of our program consists of safe, low-impact cardio exercises to burn fat and tone muscles throughout the body. Aerobic training strengthens the cardiovascular system, regulates blood pressure and increases energy levels. Low-impact cardio training does not harm the joints, but rather protects them from osteoporosis.

Here and further: in the first days of training, reduce the indicated number of repetitions by 2 times in order to gently adapt to the training. Always increase the load gradually, do not force it.

We recommend watching:

  • Therapeutic exercises for the prevention of osteoporosis: 30 exercises
  • Top 20 back stretching exercises (for beginners)

For nutrition, see also:

  • Ready-made menu for 1500 calories: plan for 7 days with KBZHU
  • Ready-made menu for 1800 calories: plan for 7 days with KBZHU

Walking with high knees

Stand straight, bend your elbows. Raise one knee up, then lower and immediately raise the other, imitating walking with high knees. Help yourself keep the rhythm with your hands by moving them in time with your steps. Walking in place is considered the best exercise for women over 50, which can be easily done at home to strengthen the heart muscle and avoid joint problems, as well as improve endurance and speed up metabolism.

How much to do: 25-30 knee raises.

Steps to the sides with arms raised

Place your feet together and bring your arms straight in front of you. Take a step to the left and spread your arms out to the sides with your palms facing forward. Come back and repeat the step to the right, combining it with an arm raise. If you want to improve the tone of your cardiovascular system, then perform simple aerobic movements for women over 50, which will help you normalize blood pressure and improve heart function. This exercise will additionally help tighten the décolleté area, remove fat in the armpits and in the breeches area.

How much to do: 25-30 arm raises.

Bringing the knee to the stomach

Place your right foot one step behind your left, bend your elbows, and lean your body forward slightly. Shift your body weight to your left leg and bring your right knee toward your body. Come back and repeat the movement on your right leg. After all repetitions, perform the exercise on the other side. Rhythmic physical exercise from aerobics is suitable for losing weight after 55 years due to increased cardio activity that promotes fat burning. An excellent exercise for losing weight in the abdominal area.

How much to do: 20-25 knee pull-ups on one side, then 20-25 knee pull-ups on the other side.


Place your feet wider than your shoulders and lean forward without rounding your back. Spread your arms to the sides and touch your right palm to your left foot, twisting your body. Return to the starting position and touch your left palm to your right foot. Perform the “mill” rhythmically, alternating hands. The exercise not only provides cardio exercise, but also maintains flexibility and mobility of the hip joints, has a positive effect on the spine and reduces the size of the belly.

How much to do: 25-30 arm swings.

Steps with arms raised

Place your feet together, spread your arms to the sides and bend your elbows, pointing your forearms up. Take a step to the right and at the same time raise your arms up, straightening them at the elbows. Return to the starting position and now take a step to the left, raising your arms. Another aerobic exercise for women over 50 years old, which does not harm the joints, and most importantly, strengthens the heart, normalizes blood pressure and tones the muscles of the whole body.

How much to do: 25-30 arm raises.

Boxing with kick

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, extend your arms forward, clench your palms into fists. Swing your right leg forward and at the same time make a straight punch with your left hand. Return to the starting position and repeat for the other arm and leg. An effective exercise for women over 55 years old at home improves coordination, balance and concentration, as well as trains the heart and normalizes blood pressure.

How much to perform: 25-30 punches.

Shin wraps with arm pull-ups

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you. Now bend your right knee until your heel almost touches your thighs, come back and repeat with the other leg. At the same time as you do the overlapping, pull your elbows toward your back. Exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, providing gentle cardio exercise, and also prevents age-related joint problems. The muscles of the arms, back and hips are strengthened.

How much to do: 30-35 leg wraps.

Hand Touch Knee Raise

Stand up straight, raise your arms above your head, place your palms with your ribs facing each other. Raise one knee up and lower your arms towards it, touching it with your palms. Lower your knee and raise your arms, returning to the starting position. Repeat for the other leg. This simple cardio exercise works your abdominal and leg muscles to tone problem areas, while also helping to maintain mobility in your hips, knees, and shoulders.

How much to do: 25-30 knee raises.

Squat steps

Place your feet together, fold your arms in front of you and clasp your palms together. Bend your knees slightly and take a long step to the side, lowering your hands to your hips. Return to the starting position and repeat the half-squat step on the other side. An effective exercise from the complex for women over 50 years old improves the tone of the heart and blood vessels, works the hips and buttocks, helping to lose weight in the legs.

How much to do: 25-30 arm swings.

Leg abduction with arms raised

Place your feet together, lower your arms down and connect the edges of your palms. Move your right leg to the side while raising your arms up. Come back and repeat for the left leg. Exercise provides cardio exercise, which is good for heart health, and also strengthens muscles, ligaments and joints, preventing osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal diseases.

How much to do: 25-30 arm raises.

Advanced practitioners can repeat the workout in 2-3 circles.


In the Sportiv network of clubs, we often hold competitions for athletes of different ages and levels, both in each club and for the entire network.

Competitions are important because their participants see the embodiment and real “cost” of their training. They provide an objective snapshot of the level of training of a fitness athlete. They motivate for further training.

Competitions and small parties after them greatly improve the team spirit in each club.

Our veterans also take part in some competitions. Our young athletes treat them with great respect. That's how it is with us.

Day 2: Legs and glutes workout

A set of lower body exercises will help you keep your legs slim and your buttocks toned at the age of 50+. An additional bonus of the workout is the activation of blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which has a positive effect on women’s health.

We recommend watching:

  • Top 10 Inner Thigh Exercises Without Squats
  • Top 10 exercises for the outer thigh (breeches) without squats

Taking the knee back while standing

Stand with your right side to the chair, place your right hand on its back to make it easier to maintain balance. Bend your left leg at the knee and take it back, straining your buttocks, but without tilting your body forward. Don't forget to repeat the exercise on the other leg. A simple exercise from a weight loss workout for women 50+ will help you strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thighs, and will also be an excellent prevention of problems with the hip joint due to the activation of blood circulation in the pelvic area.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Standing knee bend

In the same position, leaning on the back with your right hand, take your left leg back, raising it 45 degrees. Bend your knee completely so that your foot is level with your buttocks, and then straighten your knee. Complete all repetitions on the left leg, and then on the right. The exercise loads the buttocks and back of the thigh, removes cellulite, and also strengthens bones and ligaments, preventing joint problems, in particular osteoporosis.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg.

Swing to the side with knee lift

Leaning your right hand on the back of the chair, move your left leg to the side, lifting it as high as possible. Then return your leg to the starting position and bend your knee, lifting it towards your chest. Repeat all over again, and then perform knee lift swings on the other leg. This complex exercise works the back and front of the thighs, eliminates riding breeches, strengthens the buttocks, and also improves blood circulation in the pelvic area.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Swing diagonally

We continue the exercises with support on a chair. Leaning on the back with your right hand, lift your left leg and move it diagonally to the right. From this position, perform swings with a small amplitude, keeping your legs suspended. Don't forget to repeat the exercise for your left leg. Diagonal swings are included in weight loss training for women 50+, as they work the inner thighs and also improve the flexibility of the hip joints.

How much to perform: 15-17 repetitions on each leg.

Swing on all fours

Get on all fours, without arching your back, but not rounding it either. To do this, direct your gaze forward without lowering or throwing back your head. Raise your left leg up until it is parallel to the floor without straightening it at the knee. After all repetitions, perform swings for the right leg. An isolated exercise for the buttocks will help you strengthen your muscles and also improve blood supply to the pelvic organs. You can place a towel under the supporting knee to avoid strain on the knee.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Fire hydrant

Standing on all fours (place a towel under your knee if necessary), lift your right leg to the side without straightening it at the knee. Lift until your thighs are parallel to the floor, engaging your adductors and glutes. A simple exercise for women after 50 years at home tightens their legs, including the problematic inner side, and also accelerates metabolic processes in the pelvic organs, helping to preserve women's health.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Swing on your side

Lie on your right side, resting on your palm; you can place your left hand in front of you. Lift your left leg up 45 degrees, tightening your thigh muscles, and then lower it to the starting point. Don't forget to repeat for the right leg. Swings are simple and useful physical exercises for losing weight after 55 years, as they do not load the joints, gently affecting the muscles and ligaments.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.

Swings while keeping the leg suspended

Continuing to lie on your right side, lift your left leg 30 degrees from the floor and stay in this position. Now lift your left leg off the floor and swing it with a small amplitude, loading the inner thigh. Repeat the exercises on the other side. Swings are not only useful for working the thigh muscles, but also help strengthen the hip joints, maintaining their flexibility for a long time.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions on each leg.


In the same position, lying on your right side, bend both legs at the knees and bring your feet together. Now lift your left knee up without separating your feet. Raise your knee up with full range of motion, squeezing your thigh muscles. Repeat for the right leg. Pilates exercise strengthens the inner thighs and also opens the hip joints, promoting their flexibility.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions on each leg.

Hip rotation

Lying on your right side, bend your right leg at the knee and lift your left leg up 45 degrees from the floor. Now rotate the hip joint, moving in a circle: forward-up-back. After all repetitions, perform the exercise on the other side. Another exercise that strengthens and opens the hip joints, improving their flexibility and mobility. In addition, intensive work is being done on the slimness of the legs.

How much to perform: 10-12 forward rotations and 10-12 backward rotations on each leg.

Advanced practitioners can repeat the workout in 2-3 circles.

Correctly dose the load

A great fitness motto for seniors is “More often, but easier.” As for “more often,” everything is simple: full-fledged group training is recommended three times a week, and for those who prefer 15 minutes, it is better to do it daily. But you need to make sure that it is “easier” using a heart rate monitor. “If there are no contraindications for the heart, for the first 6 weeks of training, a pulse of up to 130 beats per minute is allowed,” says Tatyana Lisitskaya. “Then you can perform individual exercises with a heart rate of up to 150.”

Day 3: Arm, Shoulder and Chest Workout

Beautiful hands and décolleté are an important sign of youth. A set of exercises will help lift your chest and give a beautiful shape to your arms and shoulders. In addition, training has a positive effect on joints, ligaments and the spine.

We recommend watching:

  • Top 12 simple exercises for slender arms (without push-ups)
  • Arm workout for girls with dumbbells (without push-ups and planks)

Low amplitude hand rotations

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides. Perform circular movements in the shoulder joints forward, focusing on the work of the shoulders. A simple exercise at home should be performed by women after 55 years of age to maintain mobility of the shoulder joints, as well as tone the arm muscles and form a beautiful shoulder line.

How much to perform: 12-15 forward rotations, then 12-15 backward rotations.

Side steps + butterfly

Stand straight, feet together, keep your back straight. Bend your elbows and bring your forearms together in front of you, while your palms can be clenched into fists. Take a step to the right and spread your elbows, as if doing a butterfly on a chest machine. Return to the starting position, bringing your left foot to your right, and repeat all over again. The combined exercise will help strengthen the pectoral muscles, as well as lose weight due to cardio exercise.

How much to do: 15-20 arm raises.

Raising arms in a half squat

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the sides and bend your elbows with your palms facing forward. Now bend your knees slightly, lowering yourself into a half squat. From this position, straighten your arms above your head, bringing your palms together. The exercise is included in the complex for women after 50 years, as it strengthens the shoulders and hips, lifts the chest, and also helps maintain beautiful posture at any age.

How much to do: 20-25 arm raises.

Horizontal arm row

Stand up straight, stretch your arms forward, palms down. Now bend your elbows, moving them back until your shoulder blades come together at the end point. Imagine that you are doing horizontal rows in a machine. The exercise not only strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle, but also stretches the pectoral muscles, opening the chest and lifting the chest.

How much to do: 20-25 arm pull-ups.


Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and turn to the right so that your right foot is in front. Straighten your arms and clench your palms into fists. Alternately, perform a straight punch with each hand, moving from the shoulder, not from the elbow or hand. Boxing is a good cardio workout for weight loss for women 50+ without putting stress on the joints of the lower extremities, and in addition, direct blows perfectly strengthen the arm muscles, shoulder joints and ligaments.

How much to perform: 40-45 punches in total.

Pulling your arms back in a half squat

Stand up straight, lower your arms down, palms back. Bend your knees slightly and move your arms back with maximum amplitude until the shoulder blades are tense. Now perform pulsating movements with your hands. The half-squat exercise simultaneously engages the lower and upper body, strengthening the legs, shoulders, arms and even the back, and also helps maintain the health of the joint-ligamentous system.

How much to perform: 20-25 arm abductions.

Cross scissors

Stand up straight, spread your arms out to the sides, palms forward. Now bring your hands together in front of you with an overlap so that your right hand is higher than your left. Again, spread your arms to the sides and with the next reduction, point your left hand above your right. A simple exercise for women after 50 years of age should be performed at home to work out problem areas of the upper arms, as well as strengthen the shoulder joints.

How much to do: 25-30 arm raises in total.

Hand row to the waist with extension

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Lean forward with a straight back, lower your arms down, palms facing each other. Bend your elbows and move them back until your shoulder blades are brought together. At the end point, straighten your arms completely, and only then bend them at the elbows again and lower them down. The exercise engages the muscles of the shoulder girdle and triceps, and also maintains the mobility of the shoulder joints and strengthens the ligaments.

How much to perform: 15-20 repetitions.

Step back with arms up and out

Stand up straight, lower your arms down and bring the edges of your palms together at hip level. Move your body forward and take a step back with your right foot, while simultaneously spreading your elbows to the sides at a right angle. Return to the starting position and step back with your left foot, now raising your arms straight above your head. The exercise strengthens the shoulders, arms and chest, and also provides an effective cardio workout for weight loss for women 50+.

How much to do: 20-25 steps in total.

Arm swings

From a standing position, spread your arms out to the sides and bend your elbows at right angles, pointing your forearms up and your palms forward. Now lower your forearms, pointing your palms down until they are parallel to the floor. The exercise tones the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle, stretches the pectoral muscles, and also strengthens the elbow and shoulder joints.

How much to perform: 25-30 repetitions.

Advanced practitioners can repeat the workout in 2-3 circles.

Look for fitness everywhere

Fitness is not just what happens behind the gym door. “We need to establish regular walks,” says Tatyana Lisitskaya. “And when you walk, try to walk at least 500 meters at a fast pace.”

Great exercise for seniors is climbing stairs, or gardening, or routine house cleaning.

Day 4: Belly Fat Workout

Many people dream of reducing their belly, but few people know that their health depends on their waist size. The thinner the waist, the lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases and problems with internal organs. This is due to a decrease in the level of visceral fat, which most often accumulates in the abdominal cavity. A set of exercises will help you get rid of excess fat in the abdomen and sides, maintaining the health and beauty of your body.

We recommend watching:

  • Top 10 Abdominal Exercises for Beginners (No Planks)
  • Active morning exercises for losing weight in the stomach: 20 exercises

Boxing + knee raises

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows and clench your palms into fists, pointing them forward. Lift one knee up and simultaneously perform a forward punch with both hands. Come back and lift the knee of the other leg, again performing a forward kick with both hands at the same time. The exercise can be performed after 55 years at home to lose extra pounds and strengthen the heart through cardio exercise.

How much to do: 25-30 knee raises.

Side bends

Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Raise your right arm up and at the same time lean to the left, stretching the right side of your body. Come back and repeat the bend on the other side. Bend-overs work the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as stretch the lateral muscles of the core and elongate the spine, which is beneficial for back health.

How much to do: 15-20 inclinations in total.

Knee adduction with palm touch

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, fold your arms in front of you, palms together and pointing down. Step back with your left foot and lift your knee up, bringing it toward your body. At the end of the movement, touch your knees with your palms and bring your leg back, and then immediately repeat the approach. Complete all reps on one leg and then the other. Exercise is included in the complex for women after 50 years, as it not only promotes weight loss, but also strengthens muscles, ligaments and joints.

How much to do: 20-25 knee pull-ups on one side, then 20-25 knee pull-ups on the other side.

Rotations of the body with outstretched arms

Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, extend your arms in front of you and bring the edges of your palms together. Turn to the right without changing the position of your arms and pelvis, only your core works. Then return to the starting position and turn to the left. Crunches are good for your abdominal muscles, but they also keep your spine mobile, open your chest, and relieve back pain.

How much to perform: 15-20 turns in total.

Rock climber supported by chair

Place your hands on the seat of a chair or sofa and take a lying position. The pelvis should be in line with the back and legs. Bend one knee and bring it towards your chest. Come back and repeat with the other leg. The lighter version of the “rock climber” is considered a good physical exercise for losing weight after 55 years, as it provides a gentle load on the joints, while strengthening the core and abs.

How much to do: 20-25 knee pull-ups in total.

Seated box crunches

Sit on the floor, bend your knees, place your hands near your chest, clench your palms into fists. Lean back a little and turn to the right, straightening your left arm and trying to touch the floor with it. Return to the starting position and twist your body to the left, now straightening your right arm. Exercise strengthens the abdominal and core muscles, trains balance and has a positive effect on back health.

How much to perform: 25-30 turns in total.

Bicycle with fixation

Lie on your back, straighten your legs and lift them slightly. Raise your head, tensing your abs, bend one leg at the knee and pull it to your chest with your hands, fixating at the extreme point for a few seconds. Straighten your leg and bend the other knee. Cycling is an effective abdominal exercise for women over 50 at home, which trains the deep muscles of the body and also improves blood circulation in the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs.

How much to do: 15-20 knee pull-ups in total.

Bends while lying down

Lying on your back, bend your knees, extend your arms along your body, but do not place them on the floor. Bend to the right, trying to reach your foot with your palm, and then immediately tilt to the left. Alternate bends, trying to reach your feet each time. The exercise works the obliques, as well as strengthens the core and improves spinal mobility.

How much to do: 20-25 inclinations in total.

Seated knee raise

Sit on the floor, bend your knees, raise your arms up and clasp your palms. Lean your body back and lift one knee towards your chest while lowering your arms towards it. Raise your arms up, returning your knee to its place. Repeat for the other leg. The exercise works the abdominal muscles and core, and also strengthens the back, hips and knees.

How much to do: 20-25 knee pull-ups in total.

Gluteal bridge

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Raise your pelvis up and tighten your gluteal muscles at the end point of the movement. Return to the starting position. In addition to benefiting the buttocks and thighs, the exercise also stretches the abdominal muscles, stimulating blood circulation in the pelvic and abdominal areas, which helps maintain women's health.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions.

Advanced practitioners can repeat the workout in 2-3 circles.

Avoid prohibited practices

Typically, fitness for the elderly excludes jumping, deep squats (especially with heavy weights), strong torso twisting (especially dynamic), circular movements of the head, as well as static power loads, aerobics and step. However, exceptions are possible. For example, Vera Koroleva, an award-winning skier and instructor of a health group for pensioners in the Moscow Golyanovo district, sometimes gives step as a warm-up: “Long training in this mode would really be undesirable, but a short 15-minute block from time to time will not hurt.”

Day 5: Back and spine workout

Not only your posture, but also your overall well-being depends on the health of your back. With simple exercises, you will strengthen your back, improve the flexibility of your spine, work on your posture, and even get rid of pain in the lower back and neck caused by muscle tension.

We recommend watching:

  • Exercises for the back while standing: prevention of scoliosis and osteochondrosis
  • Light joint warm-up: before training or for exercise

Standing raises

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in front of you, palms facing each other. Spread your arms to the sides, bringing your shoulder blades together at the end point. Hands should be in the same plane, parallel to the floor. The exercise works the shoulder girdle and trapezius muscles of the back, and also improves posture and promotes the normal position of the spine.

How much to do: 20-25 arm raises.

Bent over arm raises

Standing straight, tilt your body slightly forward and bend your knees. Stretch your arms in front of you until they are approximately parallel to the floor, palms facing each other. Start raising your arms up, extending them overhead until there is moderate tension in the spine, and then return back. While performing, concentrate on working your back, not your arms. A simple exercise from a complex for women over 50 strengthens the upper back, helps to form beautiful posture and improve the health of the spine.

How much to do: 20-25 arm raises.

Lock behind your back

Stand up straight, spread your arms to the sides. Place your left hand behind your back from above, and your right hand from below. The fingers of both hands should touch each other, you can join your palms into a lock. After a moment, separate your hands and spread them apart again. Now place the right one behind your back from above, and the left one from below, bringing your palms together again. Exercise not only strengthens the back muscles, but also develops flexibility, improves coordination of movements and is an excellent prevention of diseases associated with joints.

How many to perform: 15-20 crossings.

Upper body boat

Lie on your stomach, place your arms along your body, palms facing your body. As you inhale, lift your head and chest up without lifting your stomach and legs from the floor. Squeeze your shoulder blades and lower yourself down as you exhale. Static-dynamic exercise strengthens the back muscles, stretches the abdominal muscles, and also improves the flexibility of the spine, eliminating pain in the neck and lower back.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.


Lying on your stomach, bend your elbows at right angles and lower them to the floor. As you inhale, lift your left arm off the floor without straightening it at the elbow, and lift your right leg up. As you exhale, come back and repeat for the other arm and leg. Another exercise that improves the flexibility of the back while strengthening it, and also develops coordination and maintains healthy joints.

How much to do: 14-16 lifts in total.

Cat pose

Get on all fours, keep your back straight. As you inhale, arch your back, lifting your chin up. As you exhale, arch your back, lowering your head. Perform the exercise with full range of motion to give your muscles a good stretch and relieve tension in your back. The exercise should be performed by women over 55 years of age at home to improve the flexibility of the spine, as well as stretch the back muscles, removing clamps.

How much to perform: 12-15 repetitions.

Plank 50/50

Standing on all fours, straighten your right arm and at the same time straighten your left leg. Hold the position and come back to repeat for the other arm and leg. Another static-dynamic yoga exercise that not only works the back muscles, but also connects the core, develops body balance, and strengthens joints and ligaments.

How much to do: 14-16 lifts in total.

Hyperextension with arms out

Lie on your stomach, spread your arms out to the sides, palms down, hold your head up. As you inhale, lift your body up, lifting your chest off the floor, while your arms do not change their position. As you exhale, lower yourself down. Static-dynamic exercise is not only suitable for losing weight after 55 years, it also improves posture, strengthens the back muscles and maintains the health of the spine.

How much to perform: 10-12 repetitions.


Lying on your stomach, spread your arms to the sides and lift your body. Raise your left arm out to the side, then lower it, maintaining the same trajectory. Immediately raise your right arm forward to the side, and then lower it, moving in an arc backward. Perform the movements synchronously, lowering one hand and raising the other, without sudden movements. Exercise tones the back muscles, improves posture, and also prevents problems with the shoulder joints and spine.

How much to do: 14-16 arm raises.

Stomach Leg Raise

Lying on your back, place your arms along your body, place your head with your chin down. Lift one leg off the floor and lift it 45 degrees, then lower it and swing again. Don't forget to repeat for the other leg. The exercise is included in weight loss workouts for women 50+, as it strengthens the buttocks and hips, while unloading the back, which prevents pain in the neck and lower back.

How much to do: 12-15 lifts, first on one leg, then the same number on the other.

Advanced practitioners can repeat the workout in 2-3 circles.

Large selections of exercises without equipment:

  • Top 30 Cardio Exercises Without Jumping
  • Top 100 Stretching and Flexibility Exercises
  • Top 100 options for planks for the whole body

What to do after exercise

To rest after class, take a position that brings you maximum comfort. Keep your arms and legs relaxed, tilt your head forward. You can listen to music in this position for a few minutes, and then take a contrast shower.

And after training, you can prepare yourself a nutritious dessert that has a beneficial effect on slightly tired muscles. To do this, take 100 grams of cottage cheese, add finely chopped banana to it, pour in a little milk and add honey if desired (no sugar allowed!).

After about a week of adding a training course for women over 60 to your life, you will feel the effect. It will be easier to wake up in the morning, you will become a little stronger, and it will become easier for you to move. Keep working on yourself and be healthy!


Sarcopenia is defined as the general and progressive loss of muscle mass and strength as a function of age .

After the age of 30 , some hormones that influence changes in body composition begin to deregulate, which in some cases significantly reduces the percentage of a person's muscle mass , causing serious problems for his body. For example, it has been shown that after age 30, growth hormone or GH secretion begins to decline at a rate of almost 1% per year.

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