CrossFit exercise programs and sets for men and women

The phenomenon of CrossFit appeared relatively recently, but instantly became a new sport and gained many followers around the world. This technique combines both strength training and gymnastic exercises, and does not leave any professional athlete indifferent. Every year, more and more new exercises are included in CrossFit programs and complexes, which further increases the number of fans of this sport.

  • What is CrossFit?
  • Video: What is CrossFit?
  • Benefits of doing CrossFit
  • Fundamental Principles of CrossFit Training
  • Strength training with iron
  • Crossfit training with barbell
  • Linda exercise set
  • Video: How to perform the Linda CrossFit complex
  • Barbell complex
  • Video: Barbell complex, execution
  • Snatch EMOM
  • Video: Barbell snatch. Execution technique and main mistakes
  • Bear complex
  • Video: Correct execution of the bear complex
  • Crossfit workout with dumbbells
  • Video: Variations of the correct execution of the Man Maker exercise
  • Crossfit workout with kettlebells
  • Home bodyweight training program for men and women
  • Video: Home cross fitness program
  • CrossFit weight loss program
  • Tips and tricks for doing CrossFit

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a set of physical exercises for strength and endurance. Spouses Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenay in the 90s of the last century decided to create a program aimed at optimizing a person’s physical capabilities on all fronts: from cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular endurance, to pumping strength, power, flexibility, accuracy, speed, agility , coordination and balance. The plan was realized in 1995, when the first specialized hall was opened in the USA. Four years later, the technique began to spread in other countries, and seven years later the first CrossFit games were held, which are still an annual event in the world of sports. In Russia there is a franchise and affiliate of CrossFit Den. The first Russian championship took place in 2012.

CrossFit workouts incorporate the best elements of many sports, such as:

  • Weightlifting
  • powerlifting
  • gymnastics
  • swimming
  • aerobics
  • run
  • depth jump

When performing CrossFit exercises, a huge amount of sports equipment is used:

  • barbells, dumbbells and weights
  • gymnastic rings and horizontal bars
  • jump ropes, medicine balls and expanders
  • jumping pedestals (plyo boxes)
  • rowing machines

The effectiveness of CrossFit has been recognized and introduced into their training programs by many departments of law enforcement agencies, fire departments and military organizations.

Video: What is CrossFit?

Description and benefits

CrossFit is suitable for everyone - young girls, women, men and even those who have never exercised before.

There is a wide range of variations, so both experienced athletes and beginners can find exercises that suit them.

Each workout includes three sports activities

  • gymnastics.
  • cardio;
  • lifting weights;

You don't need massive and heavy exercise equipment. Equipment typically includes barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, jump ropes and parallel bars, but you can train at home without any special equipment.

Regular CrossFit workouts primarily help you lose weight. Due to the fact that the training is functional, i.e. uses all muscle groups, you can build the desired body shape. Other benefits of this exercise method include:

  • increase in muscle mass;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • disappearance of stretch marks;
  • increase endurance.
  • reduction of cellulite;
  • improve muscle tone;
  • improve well-being;
  • loss of skin laxity;

Difference from training in the gym

The advantage of working out in the gym is that the machines work on specific muscle groups. So if anyone wants to tone their biceps, triceps or glutes without using other muscles, these exercises are very useful. You can also set the pace, intensity and load.

CrossFit classes also usually take place in a gym under the guidance of an instructor. The instructor sets the pace and load. In such training, teamwork can be motivating: the athlete will strive to be the strongest, the fastest and the biggest. The advantage of CrossFit is that the workout usually lasts 30-45 minutes, during which time all muscle groups are pumped.

You can train at home, but only if you are sure that you have the correct technique.

Benefits of doing CrossFit

CrossFit comprehensively improves physical fitness, and the following factors serve as proof of this:

  • exercises in the program are aimed at training the strength and endurance of the whole body;
  • CrossFit includes a lot of exercises, this significantly distinguishes it from other physical practices, where the actions are often monotonous and monotonous;
  • despite the abundance of required equipment, you can practice CrossFit at home;
  • Don’t forget that CrossFit is available to both men and women.


  • Any training, whether in the gym or at home, should begin with a quality warm-up. In addition to cardio exercises and warming up your joints, it doesn’t hurt to prepare your muscles with simple auxiliary exercises for stabilizer muscles, such as hyperextension. The exercise will tone the lower back muscles, which will prepare the back to stabilize the spine during heavy power loads.
  • Think over your training plan in advance, or better yet, draw it up a week in advance.
  • Do not attempt to perform the program with the weight or amount prescribed in the complex if you cannot handle this load. Reduce the intensity: speed, number of rounds, weight, repetitions so that the workout is effective and does not end on the first repetition.

Fundamental Principles of CrossFit Training

The main principle of CrossFit training is the correct alternation of exercises. When building a training program, exercises that use the same muscles should not be placed nearby . The expression “the main thing is quality, not quantity” comes in handy here. Before starting to master this type of training, the trainer selects an individual exercise technique for each athlete. Despite the fact that CrossFit can be done at home, it is still worth seeking the help of a trainer at first. The help of a professional will be useful for “laying the necessary foundation.” The training itself is usually divided into three segments: weightlifting, gymnastics and cyclic training. As with any other type of physical activity, special attention should be paid to execution technique, on which the effectiveness of the entire program depends.

In CrossFit, exercises are performed in rounds. Round - performing a given number of exercises in the complex. When working with the classic program, perform 5-7 rounds, after which rest until the oxygen supply in the body is completely restored.

Rules for constructing training

Like all sports disciplines, CrossFit is based on certain principles, which are not recommended to be neglected. Failure to do so may adversely affect the safety and effectiveness of your exercise.

  • The exercises are performed one after another, without pauses. Beginners are allowed to take light breaks for 10–15 seconds.
  • The basic load consists of multi-joint exercises that comprehensively load the body.
  • Recommended regimen: beginners - 3 workouts per week, advanced - 3 through 1.
  • One round should combine different types of training: aerobic and anaerobic.
  • It is advisable to make the next lesson as different as possible from the previous one.
  • The training does not have a clear specialization; the main task is the development of general functionality.
  • To avoid rapid muscle failure, you should alternate exercises on the same muscle group.
  • Each lesson begins with a warm-up: warming up the body and lightly stretching the ligaments and tendons.

During the round, the athlete must monitor his condition. If you experience dizziness, pain in the heart, joints, or loss of coordination, you must immediately stop training and allow the body to recover. Otherwise, the risk of injury increases.

Home bodyweight training program for men and women

You can do CrossFit at home; you don’t need to purchase expensive sports equipment, just buy dumbbells and don’t forget about running. There are many home CrossFit programs. You can do wod (workout of the day) programs from the wodcat database or take a ready-made workout described below. One program usually includes at least three exercises from the following list:

  • push ups
  • run
  • burpee
  • pull-ups
  • jumping on a stand
  • jumping rope
  • squats and lunges
  • body lifts
  • dumbbell press and row

One of the most famous programs called “Cindy” consists of the following exercises:

  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar
  • classic push-ups
  • squats

And its essence is this: in 20 minutes, the athlete tries to complete as many rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats as possible.


  1. Grab the bar with a medium overhand grip.
  2. Using the strength of the muscles of the arms and back, we perform pull-ups so that the chin is above the bar.
  3. We perform all movements smoothly and without sudden movements.

Performing classic pull-ups

Push ups

  1. We take the starting position with emphasis on the toes and straight arms.
  2. We slowly lower ourselves, literally touching the floor with our chest.
  3. Inhale, then exhale and rise to the starting position, tensing the pectoral muscles.



  • Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms crossed over chest.
  • Inhale and, keeping your back straight, perform a squat without lifting your heels from the floor.
  • We exhale and rise smoothly.

Performing squats

After completing the first round, almost immediately proceed to the second. The challenge for a beginner is to complete 7 rounds in 20 minutes.

Video: Home cross fitness program

Basic exercises

Next, we will look at the basic movements that a beginner should start with in the first month of training.


Burpees are the most famous exercise in CrossFit. It has become a kind of calling card of this training system. It belongs to the gymnastic class, that is, to work with it you only need your own body and nothing else.

Burpees are great for training endurance, which is so necessary for a beginner in CrossFit.

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Deadlifts are the basis of Crossfit training. The movement comes from weightlifting and works great on the legs, gluteal muscles and back muscles. In addition, it will be a good start for beginner athletes when training with free weights. Thanks to it, you can understand the basic principles of following the technique of performing various lifts of the barbell. Having worked the deadlift properly, it will be much easier to move on to cleans, snatches and jerks.

Pull-ups, squats and push-ups

Let's not dwell long on pull-ups, air squats and push-ups - these exercises are familiar to us from school. They are basic gymnastics for beginners and should definitely be included in the training program.

Jumping rope

Rather, even double jumping rope is a very useful exercise. Refers to the cardio block. Excellent for developing overall endurance and coordination of the whole body. Must be used in training for beginners.

Press press

The Shvung Press with a barbell is an excellent strength movement. Refers to weightlifting. Works the legs (calves, buttocks and thighs), the main emphasis is on the deltoids and triceps. Recommended for inclusion in the program for beginners.


The plank perfectly works the abdominal muscles (abs program in the gym and at home). Perfect for working after the main workout as an additional workout for the core muscles.

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Sit-ups or V sit-ups - raising the body from a lying position (in the case of V, raising both the body and legs from the same position). The movement works well for the abs and overall endurance.

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Kettlebell swings

There are quite a few types of kettlebell swings in CrossFit, but two-arm swings are the basis for inclusion in initial training. They perfectly pump up the legs, buttocks, deltoids, back muscles and core.

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And, of course, cardio exercises such as running, rowing, air biking should be included in the CrossFit training program for beginners, depending on what exactly is in your gym. If you have everything, great, you will need to alternate. If not, then replace one with the other.

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CrossFit weight loss program

Due to its energy consumption, this type of physical activity, which seems to be more aimed at gaining muscle mass, is also excellent for losing weight. A personal trainer can easily create such a program for you in the gym, so let’s turn to the most popular set of weight loss exercises that you can do at home.

  • 20 classic push-ups
  • 20 squats with dumbbells: throughout the entire exercise, dumbbells are raised overhead with straight arms
  • Burpees: 6 sets of 2 minutes each with 60 seconds rest between sets
  • jumping rope for 2–3 minutes

The technique of doing push-ups, squats and jumping is known to almost everyone, but how to do burpees?

Burpees for endurance and weight loss

  1. We perform a squat with our palms on the floor in front of us.
  2. While jumping, we move our legs back (we get the starting position as for push-ups).
  3. We do push-ups.
  4. We return to the squat position.
  5. We jump up as high as possible, stretch our arms up and clap.

Burpees are a great exercise for burning fat.

The workout itself usually takes 10–15 minutes. Be sure to take rest days between classes and don’t forget about proper nutrition. Eat low-calorie foods (vegetables or fruits), as well as foods high in protein and complex carbohydrates. For a drink, use water or a protein shake. By the way, special diets have been developed especially for crossfit athletes - paleo and zone.

CrossFit loves and encourages experimentation, and therefore boring exercises can be easily replaced with others.

How to avoid injuries?

Beginners are recommended to start with classes with a trainer to develop the correct technique for performing the exercises. Start with light weights and a slow pace. The body will gradually get used to the load, and over time you will be able to increase it.

Feeling pain indicates incorrect technique. You should stop and reconsider whether this exercise is correct.

You don't have to set the bar high for yourself right away. It is important to listen to your body and never overload yourself. Excessive competition can lead to injury.

Tips and tricks for doing CrossFit

This information will be useful for both men and women.

  • One of the most important points is the athlete’s nutrition. Especially breakfast, which should include high protein foods.
  • It is important to find a gym where it will be pleasant and comfortable to train.
  • Dumbbells are the most necessary and important equipment.
  • The duration of the warm-up directly depends on the duration of the workout. The shorter the workout, the longer you should warm up.
  • To increase the effectiveness of exercises, walk distances with weights with your arms lowered along your body. The so-called "farmer's walk" will strengthen your grip.
  • If you're not a good runner, add more of these workouts to your program.
  • While doing the exercises, create a mental attitude that you are influencing the space around you with your actions. It's like you're pushing the floor down or trying to bend a barbell.
  • Constantly vary the exercises, do not focus only on weightlifting and gymnastics.
  • Proper exercise technique is extremely important.
  • Monitor your results, but don't tear your veins to improve them ahead of time.
  • Follow the trainer's instructions exactly.
  • CrossFit is a training not only for the body, but also for willpower. You will have to get used to difficulties, discomfort, pain and fatigue.
  • In your daily life, remember to work on relaxing your most clogged muscles.
  • Take a week off once a month. You can continue to exercise lightly to allow your body to recover from heavy exercise without losing shape.
  • Have fun.

The main thing is to love what you do

The world's attitude towards CrossFit is ambiguous. Followers unanimously advocate for the spread of their favorite sport, because it perfectly pumps up the whole body. Opponents of this technique never tire of repeating that constant strength training has a negative effect on the joints and heart. Others argue that achieving significant results without doping is simply unrealistic. Still others, who typically play sports, are dissatisfied with the technique of performing many standard exercises as part of a CrossFit workout. Even medical researchers cannot come to a clear conclusion about the harm or benefit of this program. Therefore, it is very important to listen to your own feelings, experiment as much as possible and, if possible, combine CrossFit with other workouts.

Contraindications and disadvantages

CrossFit workouts increase the risk of injury because they are so intense and energetic.

It is recommended to work with a trainer who can guide you individually.

Some medical conditions increase the risk of injury, so if you have them, you should not participate in CrossFit. Contraindications are:

  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, gallstones, liver diseases, gastritis, stomach ulcers).
  • Increased intra-abdominal and intraocular pressure. The latter can lead to vision loss.
  • Joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).
  • Cardiovascular diseases (malformations, vascular prolapse, hypertension).
  • Oncological pathologies.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Diseases of the urinary system.
  • Diabetes and other endocrine diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to varicose veins: in this case, it is necessary to exclude squats, bends, and jumps from the program, in other words, do not load the limbs.

The risk of injury increases with improper exercise technique and severe fatigue from the previous workout.

The downside of CrossFit can be deteriorating health, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases. It is likely that you could tear a muscle or sprain a ligament during exercise. Over time, kidney disease or hypertrophy of the heart muscle may occur.

Weekly workout plan at home

If you'd like to work out on your own at home, here's a chart of exercises you can do every day of the week to help you become more familiar with CrossFit. Feel free to make changes to these complexes, if any CrossFit training program for beginners seems too boring to you, use a creative approach. CrossFit athletes pride themselves on being able to constantly invent new exercises and WODs. Just assess your capabilities correctly and train according to your preferences and strengths.

Amrap 20 min.3 rounds5 roundsAmrap 20 min.Day of rest4 roundsAmrap 20 min.
10 squats200m run20 lunges15 squatsWalking 5 minutes20 squats
10 push-ups50 Jack JumpsJumping rope 3 min.10 burpees10 Jack Jumps15 push-ups
15 squatsRun 5 minutes25 lunges


CrossFit combines multidirectional physical activity: strength and aerobic. Therefore, the first thing athletes need to pay attention to is developing endurance.

It is necessary to prepare the cardiac, respiratory and muscular systems for a variety of impacts within a short period of time (usually training lasts no more than 1 hour). To do this, athletes are recommended to conduct periodic high-speed exercises (running, skiing, cycling, etc.), which contribute to the development of the body's resistance to stress.

A gradual increase in endurance should take place simultaneously with the development of exercise techniques, in particular weightlifting. It is power loads that are most dangerous for injury, so proper execution of movements is the key to safe and effective training.

Certified CrossFit trainers help you master the basic elements. If an athlete trains independently, he should thoroughly work out the technique of strength exercises. Exercises with an empty bar and in the Smith machine are best suited for this.

As an addition, it is recommended to master exercises with your own weight: pull-ups, power-ups, dips, work on gymnastic rings and a hanging rope, push-ups, etc. Such loads strengthen the ligaments and tendons, and also develop joint mobility.

Exercises on gymnastic apparatus work out the small stabilizer muscles responsible for holding the body under load. As a result, the athlete is able to perform more repetitions per set.

Adaptation program for beginners

The CrossFit workout plan below is designed to gradually strengthen muscles and ligaments. This training is suitable for people who have never been involved in intense sports and have an initial level of training.

Week 1

The first workouts are carried out with your own body weight or with minimal weights:

  • Lesson 1 (5 laps): jump rope - 30, burpees - 5, squats without weight - 10, crunches - 10.
  • Lesson 2 (3 laps): deadlift - 5, jumping on a plyo box - 10, hanging leg raises on a horizontal bar - 8, alternating lunges - 20.
  • Lesson 3 (15 minutes): pull-ups - 5, push-ups - 10, squats without weight - 15.

Week 2

Slightly increase the load on free weights:

  • Lesson 1 (15 minutes): squats with a barbell - 7, pull-ups - 7, deadlifts - 10, plyo box jumps - 15.
  • Lesson 2 (20 minutes): burpees - 10, push-ups - 10, squats without weight - 10, jumping rope - 20, crunches - 15.
  • Session 3 (15 minutes): front squats - 8, Smith overhead press - 10, plyo jumps - 8, clap push-ups - 8.

Week 3

We increase the load in exercises with free weights to 45–50% of the maximum:

  • Lesson 1 (3 laps): push press - 7, jumping on a plyo box - 7, pull-ups - 7, jump rope - 100, crunches on the floor - 30.
  • Lesson 2 (15 minutes): T-bar rows - 10, alternating lunges - 20, lat pulldowns - 15, weightless squats - 20, Roman chair crunches - 15.
  • Lesson 3 (4 laps): running - 1 km (can be on an electronic track), push press - 20, alternating lunges - 30, plank - 60 seconds.

Week 4

We increase the load in strength exercises to 75–80% of the maximum. We perform aerobic elements as intensely as possible:

  • Session 1 (25 minutes): rowing machine - 30, burpees - 10, push presses - 10, deep squat jumps - 15, deadlifts - 12, plank - 60 seconds.
  • Lesson 2 (5 laps): push press - 15, plyo box jumps - 15, pull-ups - 15, weighted lunges - 20, crunches on the floor - 20.
  • Lesson 3 (2 laps): running - 2 km (can be on the track), pull-ups - to failure, squats without weight - 50, push-ups - 30, crunches in a Roman chair with weights on the chest - 20.

Rest between rounds until your breathing is completely restored. During the adaptation period, you should not overload the heart.

Separate training days from each other with daily breaks. Don't forget to eat quality food.

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