10 effective exercises for weight loss - how to quickly lose weight at home?

What exercises will help you lose weight at home? This question is asked by many people who want to quickly lose weight without going to the gym or hiring a fitness trainer.

Losing weight at home is not a pipe dream - just follow the instructions, watch your diet and exercise regularly.

To create your diet, you need to know your daily calorie intake. Here is a convenient calculator for calculation

In this material we will talk in detail about the most effective exercises for losing weight at home.

What exercises are the most effective for losing weight?

When creating a training program for weight loss, you should focus on the most effective exercises that will allow you to achieve results in a short time. Here are the main ones:

  • Running is an accessible sport at almost any time of the year and in any weather. Develops the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, improves coordination, helps to quickly lose weight;

Read more in our article How to start running - tips for beginning runners and training recommendations.

  • Walking at a fast pace is an alternative option for those who have difficulty running;
  • Squats – strengthen the muscles of the legs, buttocks, back and abs;
  • Push-ups are a good exercise for the whole body, tightening the chest muscles;
  • The plank is a classic exercise in any weight loss training complex. During execution, almost all muscle groups of the body are tense;
  • Jumping – You can do regular jumping, but jumping rope is considered the most effective.

Stair walking

In multi-storey buildings, especially if you live in an apartment that is located on a high floor, the staircase is considered a quite convenient sports exercise machine, which perfectly replaces the treadmill in the fitness room.

Walk up the stairs for half an hour or until you feel tired in your leg muscles. When going up repeatedly, it will feel heavy, but the descent will be easier and painless. For the female population, this exercise affects the buttocks, thighs and calves, making them more toned.

Abdominal exercises

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles involve a complex load on all abdominal muscles, including the lateral ones.


Take a lying position, then bend your elbows and lean on your forearms. Legs should be stretched back, toes resting on the floor. Elbows perpendicular to shoulders. Try to hold out in this position for as long as possible.

Ab crunches

Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head and clasp them together. Pull your legs towards you. It is better to have someone hold your feet - this will make it more convenient to perform twists. Begin to raise your body to your knees and then lower it to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times, doing 2-3 approaches.

Lying leg raises

Lie on the floor and place your arms along your body. Bring your ankles together, lift your legs off the floor about 15 centimeters. Raise your legs slowly, keeping them together until a 90-degree angle is formed between your hips and upper body. Then return your legs to the starting position. Do two to three sets of 15 repetitions.

Jumping rope

This exercise involves all the lower parts of the body, they seem to be stretched, and the main thing is that almost everyone in the house has a jump rope, so it will not be difficult to perform this exercise at home.

  • Jump 20 times at first, then gradually move up to 50 jumps.
  • By increasing the number of jumps, we increase the endurance of our body and make our legs stronger.
  • Jumping rope will help improve muscle growth and improve blood circulation.
  • By gradually performing this exercise every day, you can achieve results after two weeks.

Exercises for buttocks and thighs

One of the steps to a beautiful, slender body is pumping up the buttocks and thigh muscles. Read more about exercises that will help with this.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward, bending your front leg at a right angle, and lift your back leg, placing it on your toes. The back should be straight. Return to the starting position and switch legs. A couple of sets of 15 repetitions will be enough.

Gluteal bridge

Sit on the floor, stretch your arms along your torso, your feet should be shoulder-width apart. Lift your buttocks off the floor, resting on your feet. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds, then lower yourself to the floor and repeat the exercise.

Hand exercises

Exercises that work your biceps and triceps will help you remove excess weight from your arms.

Push ups

Take a lying position, place your arms perpendicular to the floor, straight at the elbows. Perform push-ups, trying not to arch your back and pelvis. Do about 15-20 push-ups per set. For those who find it difficult to do push-ups in the classic style, you can try push-ups from your knees or push-ups from a bench.

Dumbbell Curl

The exercise actively pumps up the biceps and triceps. Stand up straight, take a dumbbell (or dumbbells) in your hands. Bend your elbows, bringing the projectile to your shoulders, then return your arm to its original position. Can be done while sitting.


If you have a horizontal bar at home or in the yard, then pull-ups or a regular hang on the bar will help you comprehensively pump up your shoulder girdle, get rid of excess weight on your arms and strengthen your muscular system, as well as your abs. Climb onto the bar, spread your arms at a comfortable distance and begin to smoothly, without jerking, pull your body up, placing your chin above the bar.

For those who find it difficult to do pull-ups, you can try a regular hang on the bar for a while.

Read more about how to learn how to do pull-ups correctly with tips and technique.

But let's not forget the importance of calories

Before we dive straight into the list of daily exercises for weight loss, it is worth mentioning the importance of calorie control for weight loss.

You can do the hardest, most intricate workout program in the world - but if you don't take a thoughtful approach to the amount of energy you get from food, you won't be able to get rid of fat.

In order for weight to go away, it is necessary to achieve the so-called negative energy balance, or calorie deficit. Those. The daily amount of calories consumed should be less than the total energy expenditure from daily activity and exercise.

When maintaining a negative energy balance, the body receives a signal to release stored fatty acids stored in fat cells. Over time, these cells will shrink and your body will become more toned and athletic.

But if there is no calorie deficit, then this response process will not start, so it is important to correctly calculate the daily calorie intake for weight loss.

With consistent training, your fitness will improve, but if you use exercise as an excuse to overeat, you won't be able to get rid of even a few grams of fat.

Calculating your individual calorie intake is quite simple. calorie calculators on the Internet that can help you easily calculate your calorie intake needs.

Waist exercises

For most people losing weight, an important indicator is waist size. This part of the body acquires the necessary shape after performing the following exercises.


Lie on the floor, you can put your hands behind your head, squeezing them into a lock, or you can put them parallel to your body. Raise your legs up and start doing movements similar to what a person does when riding a bicycle: alternately bend your knees and pull your legs closer to your chest, making amplitude movements.

Leg movements in the air

Take a lying position, stretch your arms in different directions, lift both legs up. Press your legs together and begin to swing them together in one direction and then the other. Do 2-3 sets of 20 repetitions.

A Beginner's Guide to Losing Weight with Strength Training

Who is this program for? This interesting set of strength training is designed for those who are at the very beginning of their journey of getting rid of an impressive amount of extra pounds and those who have virtually no experience in training programs, but are ready to invest all their strength in achieving success. This complex is based on light walks and weight training, as well as a weekly “circuit program”.

Key Aspects

Consultation with a doctor. There are now a ton of reality shows featuring overweight people working out under the watchful eye of stern personal trainers. But we are not on show, and before rushing into all seriousness, you need to consult a doctor about the presence of medical contraindications to regular training, especially if this was preceded by many years of sitting on the couch. Only a specialist can give a definite answer to this question.

More movement outside of exercise. Research shows that overweight and obese people tend to move less throughout the day. This situation can be both a result of excess weight and the cause of its appearance. Either way, it's like a vicious circle. Extra daily activity is key to building a strong foundation for weight loss.

Walks, walks and more walks. You can mix it up with slow jogging if you want, but the main goal is to walk briskly for at least 40 minutes every day, six days a week. You can log your miles on the treadmill or by walking around your neighborhood and parks.

Three workouts with dumbbells. The gym has all the conditions for working with weights; there are both free weights and exercise machines. However, exercises with dumbbells are easy to perform both in the gym and at home. Find a convenient place in your home to place the dumbbells so you can do a dozen reps in between, or even while watching TV, YouTube, or listening to music. Study articles for beginners to understand the principle of working with dumbbells. One circuit training session every week. The circuit program combines dumbbell exercises with quick movements between exercises. Use the circuit program below and modify it as needed by slowing it down a bit until you complete at least 3 full circuits. It's designed to make you work hard, so give it your best shot. A well-executed workout should make you sweat.

Healthy eating . To ensure that fat stores are reduced, your diet should be limited in calories but still provide your body with all the nutrients it needs and enough energy to maintain your activity level. Here are the main tenets of healthy eating within this program:

  • Eat a moderately low-fat, high-fiber diet with minimal animal fat.
  • Eliminate refined carbohydrates, such as cookies, cakes, candies, sugary drinks and white bread.
  • A moderately low-carb diet is great, but don't go crazy and set your carb limit too low like many popular diets do. Make sure the fats you consume are good fats.
  • Include low-fat dairy products in your diet instead of full-fat milk, yogurt, cheese or soy substitutes.
  • Choose whole grain breads and cereals, and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  • Choose lean, low-fat meats or vegetarian alternatives.
  • Rarely eat fast food, and even then, choose healthier options as much as possible.

Program Schedule

Here is the weekly program schedule. Take walks 6 times a week; Set aside one day for rest. Use dumbbells or other weights to train at home or in the gym.

  • Days 1 to 6 Walk briskly for at least 40 minutes or at a pace that makes you breathe heavily but not out of breath. For convenience, you can divide the walk in half, but try to maintain the intensity.
  • Day 2
      Choose 8 dumbbell exercises for different muscle groups and perform 3 sets of 12 reps. If it is difficult to complete all 8 exercises at once, then break them into 2 sessions of 4 exercises each.
  • Day 3
      Do a circuit program.
  • Day 4
      40 minute walk.
  • Day 5
      Repeat the dumbbell workout from day 2.
  • Day 6
      Repeat the dumbbell workout from day 2.
  • Day 7
      A 40-minute walk, or a day of rest.
  • Don't forget to control your diet. But remember: diets that are too low in calories are a no-no, as they will cause you to lose muscle (and bone) mass and lower your metabolic rate, making it difficult to maintain your weight once you return to a normal diet. In addition, most likely, due to such a diet, the body will consistently lack the nutrients it needs.

    Chest exercises

    These exercises strengthen the muscular corset of the chest and allow you to tighten your bust.


    This exercise is an effective gymnastic complex and consists of several stages.

    1. Stand up straight, straighten your back, lower your arms along your body;
    2. Perform a squat, but do not straighten back up, but place your hands on the floor;
    3. From this position, jump your legs back and take the position from which you do push-ups;
    4. Now, also jump, pull your legs back and take the position from point 2;
    5. Jump up with your arms raised.

    Palm clenching

    Place your hands in front of your chest, bring them together and clasp them in your palms. The fingers should be pointing upward. Stay in this position for a while, applying maximum effort. Then open your palms, rest and try again.

    Side exercises

    These exercises will help remove fat deposits from the sides, and also pump up the lateral abdominal muscles.

    Leg raises while lying on your side

    Sit on the floor and turn to one side. Raise your body slightly, bend your elbow and place your hand under your head, with your other hand resting your palm on the floor. From this position, tighten your abs and, as you exhale, lift both legs off the floor, lifting them. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then lower your legs to the floor. Perform 30 repetitions on each side.

    Side bends

    Stand straight, place your hands on your hip joint. Tilt your body as much as possible to one side as you inhale, and as you exhale, bend to the other side. 25-30 repetitions in each direction will be enough.

    Exercise Tips

    Some tips for beginners. They will help you avoid unpleasant injuries and make your workouts much more effective.

    • Don't forget about warm-up exercises. Before each lesson, you should warm up your muscles and prepare your body for stress;
    • Take breaks between approaches, do not try to take exercises in a hurry and quickly complete the workout. This will lead to fatigue and muscle injuries;
    • Try to do the exercises correctly. Follow the technique. This way you will definitely protect yourself from injuries and get the greatest effect from your training;
    • Drink water between sets to avoid dehydration;
    • After exercise, you should not take a full meal, this will negate all efforts to burn fat;
    • Read more about diets for weight loss.
    • Combine exercises with cardio training - running, swimming, walking or cycling. Exercise will help you lose weight quickly at home, but the greatest effect can be achieved when combined with proper nutrition and other types of activity.


    If you spend a lot of time at home, then this is a great chance to start running without even going outside. In the morning, as soon as you get up or in the middle of the day, start jogging, you don’t have to run around the entire apartment, jogging on the spot will do, but if the size of your living space allows, then you can run around the entire room.

    Of course, it is important to exercise not in your home clothes, but in comfortable sports clothes; you probably have leggings lying around at home, waiting in the wings.

    Keep your running timed; at first you shouldn’t run a lot – 3 minutes at a time, then increase the time to 10 minutes. It will be most effective to perform this exercise outdoors; it will definitely charge you with energy for the whole day.

    Weekly training schedule

    A weekly training schedule that can be customized and combined depending on your level of physical fitness. Following a diet and performing this complex will help you quickly lose weight and get the desired result.

    • Day 1 – warm-up, plank, crunches, push-ups, burpees, side bends;
    • Day 2 – jogging, warm-up, lying leg raises, gluteal bridge, lunges, pull-ups;
    • Day 3 – rest;
    • Day 4 – warm-up, curling arms with dumbbells, cycling, moving your legs in the air, bending to the sides;
    • Day 5 – warm-up, plank, crunches, plank, lunges, bicycle, burpees, side bends;
    • Day 6 – rest;
    • Day 7 – jogging, warm-up, leg raises lying on your side, cycling, pull-ups, crunches, plank.

    How does the fat burning process occur?

    There are two main sources of energy in the body - glycogen and fat. Glycogen is a more powerful source and easier to convert into energy than fat. That is why the body tries to burn it first, and only then does it get to fat.

    Therefore, the workout should be at least half an hour, because otherwise, especially if you eat improperly, you will never get to the point of burning fat during the workout.

    Physical activity with high oxygen consumption means any aerobic activity - that is, running , swimming, cycling, etc. These types of exercises are best for burning fat. Therefore, strength training, especially in a stuffy gym, will not help you lose weight. Yes, this workout will train your muscles. But they will still not be visible due to the layer of subcutaneous fat.

    Aerobic and strength training must be combined, since running or cycling alone will also not give the desired result, because the body knows how to adapt to a monotonous load. And sooner or later, regular running will simply stop working on burning fat. And this is where alternating the load will give the desired effect. Plus, the more muscle you have in your body, the faster you burn fat, so strength training is essential for proper weight loss.

    Fat is a source of energy, not a local tumor. Therefore, by affecting a specific area, for example, the stomach or sides, you will not be able to burn it in that particular place. The maximum that you will be able to do is to move the fat below or above the area on which you will act due to the elasticity of the skin.

    Therefore, abdominal training does not burn fat in the abdominal area - it burns fat approximately evenly from all over the body.

    Every person has genetic characteristics. Therefore, for some, fat is best removed from the thighs, and for others, from the abdomen. This can happen even with the same training process and nutritional system - it’s just a genetic feature.

    Read also

    • Home workout for beginners
    • Full body workout at home
    • Workouts for men at home
    • Exercises for cardio training at home - the most effective training programs
    • Home workouts for girls - how to train at home
    • A set of leg exercises without the use of additional equipment
    • How to pump up your abs at home and in training - abdominal workouts for guys and girls
    • Abdominal exercises for home and gym – TOP most effective exercises for men and women
    • How to properly train your abs so that your six-pack becomes visible? Exercises and recommendations
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