Proper nutrition. PP recipes for healthy eating for every day

PP is an abbreviation for Proper Nutrition; healthy eating is an analogue of PP. Proper nutrition is a balanced and varied diet in which the human body does not lack essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

What does it mean to sit on the PP? However, pp is not a diet that needs to be followed for a certain time. There are no strict restrictions or exceptions, as well as time limits. PP is a lifestyle that needs to be followed constantly.

Benefits of PP

What are the benefits of pp and why is it so popular?

  • Firstly, such a diet is extremely necessary, since it is it that allows a person to maintain the development, growth and vital functions of the body, regardless of age. It is extremely important to practice proper nutrition at the stage of development of the body in order to avoid many health problems in the future, which is why it is necessary to accustom yourself to nutritional supplements from childhood.
  • PN is disease prevention. Doctors recommend that you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition in order to reduce the risks of chronic diseases. A balanced diet is the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and even cancer.
  • PP is a great way to keep your figure in shape. To date, no diet can give long-term results without harming our health. PP is the golden mean that will help you control your diet without depriving yourself of the necessary substances. A huge plus of PP is not only that it helps to lose excess weight, but also that PP helps to maintain the new weight for a long time.
  • Proper nutrition always goes hand in hand with physical activity, which means that you can forget about a sedentary lifestyle. It doesn’t matter what sport you choose, the main thing is regularity.
  • Another undoubted benefit of pp is improving appearance. Under-eye circles, dry skin, uneven complexion, brittle hair and nails - all this is often a lack of essential nutrients and vitamins. By balancing your diet, you will undoubtedly improve not only your physical well-being, but also your appearance.
  • Recent studies have shown that proper nutrition reduces the occurrence of depression , anxiety and other mental disorders. So you are guaranteed a good mood!

PP desserts: 5 simple no-bake recipes

Caramel dessert


  • Ryazhenka 4% fat 100 g
  • Water 30 g
  • Gelatin 5 g
  • Milk 2.5% fat 100 g
  • Chicory 1 teaspoon
  • Sweetener to taste

How to cook:

  1. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in milk.
  3. Dissolve chicory in water. Mix with gelatin mixture.
  4. Add fermented baked milk, sweetener.
  5. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour to harden.

Kbju per 100 g: 123/4/2/22

Chocolate soufflé


  • Soft cottage cheese 5% fat 400 g
  • Milk 2.5% fat 50 ml
  • Cocoa without sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Gelatin 20 gr
  • Water 1 glass
  • Sweetener to taste

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Add milk, cottage cheese, cocoa, sweetener.
  3. Mix everything well into a homogeneous mass. You can use a blender.
  4. Pour into the mold and place in the refrigerator for at least half an hour to harden.

Kbju per 100 g 112/14/2/10

Candies made from seeds and dried fruits

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Dates 30 gr
  • Dried apricots 20 gr
  • Sunflower seeds 20 gr
  • Cocoa without sugar 10 g

How to cook:

  1. Wash dried fruits and remove seeds.
  2. Place dried fruits and seeds in a blender.
  3. Grind everything until smooth.
  4. If the mass is too dry and crumbly, you can add a little water.
  5. Form balls from the resulting mass. Roll them in cocoa.
  6. Place in the refrigerator to harden.

Kbju for 1 serving: 290/8/11/36

Strawberry bread cake


  • Corner bread 3 pieces – 30 g
  • Soft cottage cheese 5% fat 170 gr
  • Fresh strawberries 100 gr
  • Sweetener to taste

How to cook:

  1. Mix soft cottage cheese with sweetener.
  2. Brush the bread with the resulting mixture and fold the cake.
  3. Top with strawberries.
  4. Place the cake in the refrigerator for several hours (or overnight).

Kbju for 1 serving: 270/29/9/20

Panna cotta with cherries


  • Instant gelatin 1.5 tablespoons
  • Milk 2.5% fat 100 ml
  • Cherries (can be frozen) 40 gr
  • Vanillin - half a teaspoon
  • Cottage cheese 2% fat 180 gr
  • Cocoa without sugar 1 teaspoon
  • Ryazhenka 4% 5 tablespoons
  • Sweetener to taste

How to cook:

  1. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in milk.
  3. Mix cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, vanillin and sweetener.
  4. Combine gelatin with curd mass.
  5. Divide the resulting mass into two parts.
  6. Pour the vanilla mixture into the mold and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  7. We take it out of the refrigerator. Lay out the cherries and pour in the remaining chocolate half.
  8. Place in the refrigerator to harden for an hour. You can decorate the top with nuts.

Kbju per 100 g: 124/12/2/14

PP desserts: food for pleasure

I hope you no longer believe the myth that sweets are bad for your figure. So don’t be afraid to please yourself with treats. PP desserts will not do much harm, but they will bring a lot of pleasure and protect you from breakdowns.

Bookmark my selection of recipes for desserts with photos that you can prepare at home. Don't forget to share the article on social networks.

Basic principles of PP

  1. The pp nutrition system is a varied and balanced diet. The body must receive the entire spectrum of necessary substances, microelements, vitamins, minerals, amino acids. PP does not imply any mono-diet or mono-nutrition; such a diet can only cause harm to the body. Your table must have meat, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, and dairy products.
  2. The basics of pp are control over BJU. The body needs a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Many people make the mistake of eliminating fats from their diet, preferring low-fat foods, but this is strictly prohibited. Abuse of low-fat foods can lead to metabolic disorders. The same applies to carbohydrates, thanks to which we get energy; they must be present on our table. Don't forget about protein consumption - about 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight. On average, the norm of BZHU in percentage terms looks like this: proteins - 25% -35%; fats - 25%-35%; carbohydrates - 30%-50%. It is important to understand that a deficiency or excess of one of the substances can negatively affect your health.
  3. Proper nutrition is a must for breakfast! Skipping breakfast is strongly discouraged, as it is this meal that kickstarts our metabolism and helps control our appetite throughout the day. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast are more likely to suffer from obesity and cardiovascular disease.
  4. The basics of pp are regular five meals a day. Ideally, you should have 3 meals and two snacks. Do not skip meals for any reason. Firstly, this is fraught with digestive problems, and secondly, there is a greater chance of breaking down and eating unhealthy food during the next meal. It is also important to have a snack between meals; there is nothing wrong with that. However, for a snack you should choose healthy and healthy foods.
  5. The food supply system implies a mandatory restriction of fast food and semi-finished products. Burgers, nuggets, and French fries cannot be called proper nutrition, so the consumption of such food will have to be limited. If you absolutely cannot deny yourself such food, cook it yourself! A homemade burger will be many times healthier than a store-bought one! The same applies to semi-finished products that supermarkets so generously offer. Refuse canned food and prepared foods, spend your time preparing high-quality and healthy food.
  6. Stay hydrated. A person’s daily norm is approximately 2-2.5 liters of water per day, try to follow this rule.
  7. The principles of pp are to eat fresh foods, not processed ones. What does it mean? If you have the opportunity to eat fresh vegetables, do so rather than bake or boil them. A bowl of fresh salad is always preferable to cooked soup, and fruit is much better eaten fresh than in juice form. It is fresh vegetables and fruits, in addition to useful substances, that also have a large amount of fiber, which cleanses our body.
  8. Proper nutrition involves reducing harmful fats, which is why it is so important to give preference not to fried foods, but to boiled, stewed or baked ones. An excellent solution is to steam it; this will not only allow you to reduce your consumption of fatty foods, but will also retain all the beneficial substances in your dishes.
  9. The foundations of pp are the culture of eating. Forget about quick snacks in the car while stuck in traffic, on the go, while you're late for a meeting, etc. etc. Each meal is a calm and thoughtful act that involves chewing food thoroughly. This way you will extract the maximum amount of nutrients and feel full faster.
  10. Plan your menu in advance. PP is not at all difficult and inexpensive, but it does require some planning. It is extremely important to plan your menu in advance and select the products you need to avoid unwanted disruptions. Over time, such planning will become a habit and will not present any difficulty.

Budget PP menu for the week

Calorie calculator: food table

Use the calorie calculator to calculate the number of calories in each of your recipes. You can also come up with your own PP recipe based on the calculator data.

Only filled | Show all | Reset table
NameWeightSquirrelsFatsCarbohydratesCalorie content
Calorie content of alcoholic drinksWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Brandy 40% alcoholG.
Vermouth 13% alcoholG.
White wine 10% alcoholG.
White wine 12.5% ​​alcoholG.
Sweet white wine 13.5% alcoholG.
Dry white wine 12% alcoholG.
Red wine 12% alcoholG.
Whiskey 40% alcoholG.
Vodka 40% alcoholG.
Gin 40% alcoholG.
Cognac 40% alcoholG.
Liqueur 24% alcoholG.
Madeira 18% alcoholG.
Beer 1.8% alcoholG.
Beer 2.8% alcoholG.
Beer 4.5% alcoholG.
Port wine 20% alcoholG.
Punch 26% alcoholG.
Rum 40% alcoholG.
Sherry 20% alcoholG.
Calorie content of jams, marmalades, marmaladesWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Quince jamG.
Pear jamG.
Strawberry jamG.
Raspberry jamG.
Tangerine jamG.
Peach jamG.
Plum jamG.
Chokeberry jamG.
Apple jamG.
Apricot jamG.
Tangerine jamG.
Blackcurrant jamG.
Apple jamG.
Calorie content of second coursesWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
The vinaigretteG.
Fried zucchiniG.
Fried white cabbageG.
Boiled white cabbageG.
Stewed white cabbageG.
Boiled cauliflowerG.
Fried potatoG.
Boiled potatoesG.
Mashed potatoesG.
Potato chipsG.
Boiled carrotsG.
Boiled beetsG.
Roasted pumpkinG.
Calorie content of mushrooms and nutsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
White mushroomsG.
Dried porcini mushroomsG.
Milk mushroomsG.
Roasted chestnutsG.
Pine nutsG.
Honey mushroomsG.
Dried boletusG.
Dried boletusesG.
Saffron milk capsG.
Dried sunflower seedsG.
Dried pumpkin seedsG.
Calorie content of caviarWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Beluga caviar granularG.
Granular pink salmon caviarG.
Chum salmon caviar granularG.
Pollock caviar, punchedG.
Sturgeon caviar granularG.
Pressed sturgeon caviarG.
Sevruga caviar grainyG.
Calorie content of sausage and sausage productsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Ham in shapeG.
Amateur hamG.
Special hamG.
Raw smoked brisketG.
Armavir sausageG.
Dietary sausageG.
Breakfast sausageG.
Doctor's sausageG.
Sausage snack barG.
Grainy sausageG.
Krakow sausageG.
Kuban sausageG.
Amateur sausageG.
Maikop sausageG.
Minsk sausageG.
Milk sausageG.
Moscow sausageG.
Odessa sausageG.
Sausage separateG.
Poltava sausageG.
Prima sausageG.
Russian sausageG.
Salami sausageG.
Pork sausageG.
Servelat sausageG.
Soviet sausageG.
Steppe sausageG.
Capital sausageG.
Table sausageG.
Tallinn sausageG.
Ukrainian sausageG.
Tea sausageG.
Southern sausageG.
Raw smoked loinG.
Ham meat breadG.
Beef meat breadG.
Meat loaf separateG.
Meat bread teaG.
Hunter's sausagesG.
Beef sausagesG.
Pork sausagesG.
Beef sausagesG.
Amateur sausagesG.
Milk sausagesG.
Special sausagesG.
Russian sausagesG.
Calorie content of cereals and porridgeWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Dry peasG.
Dried peasG.
Boiled buckwheatG.
Buckwheat doneG.
Buckwheat coreG.
Hercules milk porridgeG.
Hercules porridge on waterG.
Buckwheat porridge with waterG.
Crumbled buckwheat porridgeG.
Semolina milk porridgeG.
Semolina porridge on waterG.
Oatmeal milk porridgeG.
Oatmeal porridge on waterG.
Crumbled pearl barley porridgeG.
Wheat porridge viscous on waterG.
Wheat porridge crumblyG.
Millet porridge viscous on waterG.
Millet porridge crumblyG.
Rice porridge milkG.
Rice porridge on waterG.
Viscous barley porridge on waterG.
Friable barley porridgeG.
Brown riceG.
Corn gritsG.
Pearl barleyG.
Crushed cornG.
Whole grain cornG.
Corn grainsG.
Dried chickpeasG.
Oat groatsG.
Polished riceG.
Rice fluffyG.
Dried soybeansG.
Boiled beansG.
Dried beansG.
Hercules cerealG.
Crispy riceG.
Boiled lentilsG.
Dried lentilsG.
Barley gritsG.
Calorie content of butter, margarine, fatsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Rendered lamb fatG.
Rendered beef fatG.
Fat NewG.
Fat PrimaG.
Vegetable fatG.
Pork fat (visceral fat)G.
Mayonnaise ProvencalG.
Margarine MilkG.
Margarin SlavyanskyG.
Margarine CreamyG.
Margarine SolnechnyG.
Margarine ExtraG.
Margarine EraG.
Unsalted peasant butterG.
Unsalted amateur butterG.
Sandwich butterG.
Unsalted butterG.
Pork bacon (fat)G.
Calorie content of milk and dairy productsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Cow's milk cheeseG.
Sheep's milk cheeseG.
Yogurt 1.5% fatG.
Yogurt 1.5% sweetG.
Yogurt 3.2% fatG.
Yogurt 3.2% fat Sweet G.
Yogurt actimellG.
Sweet yoghurt – 0.3%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 1.2%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 2% – drinkingG.
Sweet yoghurt – 2.2%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 2.2% drinkingG.
Sweet yoghurt – 2.8G.
Sweet yoghurt – 2.9%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 3.5%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 3.7%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 4.2%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 4.7%G.
Sweet yoghurt – 7.3%G.
Cocoa with condensed milk with sugar G.
Cocoa with condensed cream with sugar G.
Kefir 2.5% fatG.
Full fat kefirG.
Low-fat kefirG.
Coffee with condensed milk with sugar G.
Coffee with condensed cream. with sugar G.
Special curd massG.
Milk 1.5% fatG.
Milk 2.5% fat.G.
Milk 3.2% fatG.
Milk 3.5% fat.G.
Milk 6% fat.G.
Skim milkG.
Condensed milk sugarless G.
Condensed milk with sugar G.
Condensed milk with sugar low-fat G.
Skimmed milk powderG.
Whole milk powderG.
Curdled milkG.
Russian processed cheeseG.
Ryazhenka 6% fat.G.
Cream 10% fat.G.
Cream 20% fat.G.
Cream 35% fat.G.
Whipped cream with vanillaG.
Condensed cream with sugar G.
Sour cream 10% fat.G.
Sour cream 20% fat.G.
Sour cream 25% fat.G.
Sour cream 30% fat.G.
Dutch block cheeseG.
Dutch round cheeseG.
Kostroma cheeseG.
Latvian cheeseG.
Processed cheese Sausage smokedG.
Processed cheese KostromskayaG.
Latvian processed cheeseG.
Russian processed cheeseG.
Poshekhonsky cheeseG.
Baltic cheeseG.
Roquefort cheeseG.
Russian cheeseG.
Cheddar cheeseG.
Swiss cheeseG.
Estonian cheeseG.
Yaroslavl cheeseG.
Glazed cheese curdsG.
Fat cottage cheese 18%G.
Fat cottage cheese 9%G.
Low-fat cottage cheeseG.
Table cottage cheese 2% fat.G.
Calorie content of flourWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Buckwheat flourG.
Corn flour (dietary)G.
1st grade wheat flourG.
Wheat flour 2nd gradeG.
Premium wheat flourG.
Wheat flourG.
Rye flourG.
Peeled rye flourG.
Rye wallpaper flourG.
Rice flour (dietary)G.
Wheat branG.
Calorie content of meat and offalWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Boiled lambG.
Beef StroganoffG.
Steam ballsG.
Boiled beefG.
Beef stewG.
Beef goulashG.
Pork goulashG.
Tourist breakfast (beef)G.
Tourist breakfast (pork)G.
Beef cutletsG.
Pork cutletsG.
Roasted rabbitG.
Boiled rabbitG.
Beef brainsG.
Chicken gizzardG.
Meat in white sauceG.
Liver pateG.
Boiled dumplingsG.
Beef liverG.
Chicken liverG.
Pork liverG.
Beef kidneysG.
Pork kidneysG.
Pork is fattyG.
Boiled porkG.
Pork stewG.
Beef heartG.
Chicken heartG.
Pork heartG.
Beef leg jellyG.
Boiled vealG.
Pork shish kebabG.
Pork schnitzelG.
Beef tongueG.
Calorie content of vegetables, greens, legumesWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Green peasG.
White cabbageG.
Brussels sproutsG.
Kohlrabi cabbageG.
Red cabbageG.
Green onion (feather)G.
Bulb onionsG.
Carrots are yellow.G.
Red carrotsG.
Ground cucumbersG.
Greenhouse cucumbersG.
Sweet green pepperG.
Sweet red pepperG.
Parsley (greens)G.
Parsley (root)G.
Head lettuceG.
Celery (greens)G.
Celery (root)G.
Sweet potatoG.
Beans (pod)G.
Calorie content of canned vegetablesWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Canned eggplantsG.
Natural carrotsG.
Pickled green olivesG.
Canned black olivesG.
Natural beetsG.
Tomatoes without skinG.
Tomatoes with skinG.
Salted tomatoesG.
Calorie content of first coursesWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Borscht thickG.
Sauerkraut borschtG.
Fresh cabbage borscht with tomatoesG.
Summer borschtG.
Lenten borschtG.
Borscht with cabbage and potatoesG.
Siberian borschtG.
Ukrainian borschtG.
Beef brothG.
Mushroom brothG.
chicken brothG.
Fish brothG.
Meat okroshka (with kvass)G.
Okroshka with kefirG.
Homemade rassolnikG.
Potato soupG.
Potato soup with beansG.
Potato soup with mushroomsG.
Potato soup with cerealsG.
Potato soup with pastaG.
Peasant soupG.
Vegetable soupG.
Vegetable soup with beansG.
Rice soup with meatG.
Bean soupG.
Pasta soupG.
Sauerkraut cabbage soup with potatoesG.
Fresh cabbage soupG.
Fresh cabbage soup with potatoesG.
Cabbage soup dailyG.
Calorie content of poultry and eggsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Roasted turkeyG.
Boiled turkeyG.
Chicken breastG.
Chicken cutletsG.
Fried chickenG.
Boiled chickenG.
Fried legsG.
Protein powderG.
Dry yolkG.
Roast duckG.
Boiled duckG.
Boiled chickenG.
Tobacco chickensG.
Fried eggG.
Egg whiteG.
Egg yolkG.
Egg powderG.
Hard-boiled chicken eggsG.
Soft-boiled chicken eggsG.
Raw chicken eggsG.
Calorie content of vegetable oilWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Refined peanut oil.G.
Mustard oilG.
Refined hemp oil.G.
Corn oilG.
Olive oilG.
Refined olive oil.G.
Sunflower oilG.
Refined sunflower oil.G.
Refined rapeseed oil.G.
Refined soybean oil.G.
Refined cottonseed oil.G.
Calorie content of fish and seafoodWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Sturgeon balykG.
Beluga blanchedG.
Dried roachG.
Vobla cold smoked.G.
Pink salmonG.
Pink salmon in tomato sauceG.
Canned pink salmonG.
Salted pink salmonG.
Flounder in tomato sauceG.
Flounder hot smokedG.
Flounder fried in oilG.
crucian carpG.
Chum salmonG.
Salted chum salmonG.
Salted Baltic spratG.
Sprat hot smokedG.
Spicy salted spratG.
Bream in tomato sauceG.
Dried breamG.
Bream hot smokedG.
Cold smoked bream.G.
Salted salmonG.
Sea kaleG.
Red sockeye salmonG.
Sea bassG.
Sea perch (balyk)G.
Sea bass, mountain smoked.G.
Sturgeon in tomato sauceG.
Pasta OceanG.
Cod liverG.
Blue whitingG.
Carp in tomato sauceG.
Saury blanched in oilG.
Salaka in tomato sauceG.
Salaka hot smokedG.
Sardines (slices) in oilG.
Sevruga in tomato sauceG.
Atlantic salted herringG.
Iwasi salted herringG.
Fatty Pacific herring, cold-smoked.G.
Salted salmonG.
Mackerel in oilG.
Mackerel cold smoked.G.
Polesie smeltG.
Pskov smeltG.
Catfish in tomato sauceG.
Horse mackerelG.
Horse mackerel in tomato sauceG.
Horse mackerel fried in oilG.
Horse mackerel cold smoked.G.
Pike perch in tomato sauceG.
Hot smoked cod.G.
Salted codG.
Tuna in oilG.
Salted spratG.
Hamsa saltedG.
Pike in tomato sauceG.
Calorie content of sweetsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Peanuts in chocolateG.
Pancakes with cottage cheese and sour creamG.
Cheesecake with cottage cheeseG.
Wafers in chocolateG.
Waffles are fatG.
Waffles with fat-containing fillingsG.
Waffles with fruit fillingsG.
Fruit wafflesG.
Nut drageeG.
Sugar drageeG.
Fruit and berry dragee in chocolateG.
Edible gelatinG.
Iris semi-solidG.
Iris replicatedG.
Candy caramelG.
Caramel with liqueur fillingsG.
Caramel with milk fillingsG.
Caramel with nut fillingsG.
Caramel with fondant fillingsG.
Caramel with cooling fillingsG.
Caramel with fruit and berry fillingsG.
Caramel with chocolate and nut fillingsG.
Milk candiesG.
Fondant candiesG.
Fruit and fondant candiesG.
Chocolate candies with grilled fillingG.
Chocolate candies with cream fillingG.
Chocolate candies with filling between layers of wafersG.
Chocolate candies with fondant fillingG.
Chocolate candies with praline fillingG.
Chocolate candies with fruit fillingG.
Chocolate candies with chocolate-cream fillingG.
Chocolate candies with chocolate and nut fillingG.
Whipped Turkish delightG.
Fruit and berry marmaladeG.
Natural honeyG.
Milk noodlesG.
Milk ice creamG.
Cream brulee milk ice creamG.
Milk chocolate ice creamG.
Ice creamG.
Creamy crème brulee ice creamG.
Creamy chocolate ice creamG.
Long-lasting cookiesG.
Sugar cookiesG.
Butter cookiesG.
Pie with meatG.
Pie with jamG.
Sponge cake with fruit fillingG.
Custard cakeG.
Crumb cakeG.
Shortbread cake with fruit fillingG.
Puff pastry with creamG.
Puff pastry with fruit fillingG.
Creme brulee ice creamG.
Chocolate ice creamG.
Sugar (sand)G.
Rafinated sugarG.
Sponge cake with nut creamG.
Sponge cake with fruit fillingG.
Sponge cake with chocolate creamG.
Layer cake with creamG.
Sunflower vanilla halvaG.
Tahini halvaG.
Chocolate without additivesG.
Chocolate powderG.
Milk-nut chocolateG.
Milk chocolateG.
Milk chocolateG.
Porous milk chocolateG.
Chocolate with crushed and whole nutsG.
Calorie content of juices and compotesWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Apricot juiceG.
Quince juiceG.
Canned pineappleG.
Pineapple juiceG.
Orange juiceG.
Grape juiceG.
Cherry juiceG.
Pomegranate juiceG.
Grapefruit juiceG.
Apricot compoteG.
Quince compoteG.
Grape compoteG.
Cherry compoteG.
Tangerine compoteG.
Peach compoteG.
Plum compoteG.
Cherry compoteG.
Apple compoteG.
Compote and pearsG.
Lemon juiceG.
Tangerine juiceG.
Peach juiceG.
Plum juiceG.
Carrot juiceG.
Beetroot juiceG.
Tomato juiceG.
Chokeberry juiceG.
Blackcurrant juiceG.
Rosehip juiceG.
Apple juiceG.
Calorie content of dried fruitsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Dried pitted apricots (dried apricots)G.
Dried apricots with pits (apricots)G.
Dried pineappleG.
Dried bananasG.
Dried grapes (raisins)G.
Dried cherriesG.
Dried pearG.
Dried figsG.
Dried peaches (dried apricots)G.
Dried plums (prunes)G.
Dried datesG.
Dried rose hipsG.
Dried applesG.
Calorie content of dough and pastaWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
1st grade pastaG.
Premium pastaG.
Fried pastaG.
Boiled pastaG.
Egg pastaG.
Yeast doughG.
Yeast doughG.
Unleavened puff pastryG.
Calorie content of fruits and berriesWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Cherry plumG.
A pineappleG.
Garden strawberriesG.
Sea ​​buckthornG.
Rowan gardenG.
Rowan chokeberryG.
Garden plumG.
White currantG.
Red currantsG.
Black currantG.
Fresh rosehipG.
Calorie content of breadWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
White bread crispyG.
Protein-bran breadG.
Borodino breadG.
Doctor's breadG.
Bread HealthG.
Grain breadG.
Reduced calorie breadG.
Wheat bread made from premium flourG.
Wheat hearth breadG.
Wheat breadG.
Moscow rye breadG.
Hearth rye breadG.
Rye breadG.
Crispy rye breadG.
Ukrainian hearth breadG.
Ukrainian tin breadG.
Calorie content of bakery productsWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Simple bagelsG.
Butter bagelsG.
Sliced ​​loafG.
Simple loafG.
Table loafG.
Bran barG.
City bunG.
Kuntsevskaya bunG.
Bran bunG.
Dietary buns with lecithinG.
Kalach MoscowG.
Moscow bunG.
Sprinkled hornsG.
Simple codG.
Vyborg baked goods with poppy seedsG.
Vyborg baked goods with jamG.
Donskaya bakingG.
Ordinary bakingG.
Sweet strawG.
New dryersG.
Simple dryersG.
Calorie content of tea, coffee, cocoaWeight: 0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal.
Cocoa drinks (dry)G.
Cocoa powderG.
Bread kvassG.
Roasted coffee beans (dry)G.
Instant coffee (dry)G.
Black coffee without sugarG.
Tea with lemonG.
Tea with sugarG.
Black long tea (dry)G.
Total0 g.0 g.0 g.0 g.0 kcal

Having taken care of a proper nutrition system, you will understand that today it is an ideal alternative to various strict diets, which are easy to fall off of. The diet is offered as wide as possible. If you wish, you can learn how to cook dozens of delicious dishes, and even transfer your entire family to PP. The result will be excellent well-being, health, and most importantly, the absence of excess weight. And finally - don’t forget about physical activity - without sports you will not be able to build the body contour you dream of.

How to start PP?

So, you have decided to start PP, but you haven’t been able to do it yet, or you just don’t know where to start. We offer a few simple tips to help you get started.

  • Keep a food diary. Keeping a food diary is the best start to eating. Write down exactly everything you ate, be sure to include snacks and what you drank. Even if you are not yet able to eat healthy and nutritious foods, you will be able to analyze which foods you have in excess in your diet and which ones you do not have at all. Over time, with the help of such recordings, you will be able to regulate your diet.
  • PP for beginners is a rather lengthy process, so give yourself time. You cannot eliminate absolutely all harmful foods from your diet in one day and radically change your habits. From such a sharp transition you may not be able to stand it and break down. The transition to pp can take from a month to six months, so take your time. Eliminate harmful foods gradually.
  • Eat in company. Where to start with PP? Just stop eating alone, in front of the TV or computer. It has long been noted that alone you are able to eat much more food than in company. In addition, you will not feel comfortable eating unhealthy food in front of other people, especially if you declare your desire to follow PP.
  • How to switch to PP smoothly? Just buy a steamer. Even if you haven’t yet really understood the principles of the new diet, or don’t know how to prepare wholesome and healthy food, by steaming dishes you can reduce the amount of harmful fats and increase nutrients in your diet. Another simple tip is to replace the pan with a non-stick one and cook without adding oil.
  • Add more fresh vegetables to your diet. A good way to switch to PP is to include more fresh vegetables in your diet. They should take up the majority of your plate. Gradually increase the amount of vegetables in your diet, replacing junk foods with them.
  • Avoid unhealthy snacks. Avoiding unhealthy snacks that contain empty calories and a minimum of nutrients will help you quickly switch to pp. Replace chips, crackers and other snacks with dried fruits, nuts and fresh fruits.
  • Eat carbohydrates in the first half of the day and proteins in the second. You can start P P with this simple advice. By consuming carbohydrates in the first half of the day, you can be sure that you will definitely spend them, but for dinner it is better to leave proteins, which are slowly digested by our body.

Healthy nutrition menu for the week


Breakfast – oatmeal with berries and fruits, green tea;

2 breakfast – apple;

Lunch – rice, boiled fish, vegetable salad, compote;

Afternoon snack – steamed vegetables, chicken breast;

Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese, green tea.


Breakfast - oatmeal with berries, pumpkin seeds, tea or compote;

2 breakfast – cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey;

Lunch – chicken broth, vegetable salad, green tea;

Afternoon snack – fruit;

Dinner – boiled chicken fillet with fresh tomatoes.


Breakfast - oatmeal with fruits and berries, tea or compote;

2 breakfast – 2 oranges;

Lunch – chicken breast, stewed vegetables, green tea or compote;

Afternoon snack – cottage cheese casserole, tea;

Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese, compote.


Breakfast – rolled oats with milk with berries, tea;

2 breakfast – natural yogurt;

Lunch – fish soup with potatoes;

Afternoon snack – fresh vegetable salad with sour cream;

Dinner – chicken breast, fresh cucumbers, tea.


Breakfast – boiled potatoes, egg, fresh cucumber;

2 breakfast – kiwi, tea without sugar;

Lunch – Soup with rice and mushrooms, hard cheese;

Afternoon snack – cottage cheese and berry casserole;

Dinner – stewed fish, seaweed, compote.


Breakfast – omelet, unsweetened tea;

2 breakfast – apple, kefir;

Lunch – boiled fish, rice, compote;

Afternoon snack – shrimp, fresh vegetables;

Dinner – low-fat cottage cheese.


Breakfast – oatmeal with raisins, tea;

2 breakfast – banana, orange;

Lunch – vegetable casserole with boiled chicken, tea;

Afternoon snack – boiled shrimp, fresh tomatoes;

Dinner – steamed fish cutlets, brown rice, fresh vegetables, compote.

The diet should include vegetables, cauliflower and broccoli; they are rich in vitamin C and microelements. For those who do not like boiled vegetables, the ideal option is casseroles.

It is better to cook porridge with the addition of milk. This will make the proteins contained in cereals more digestible. Eating porridge in the morning normalizes digestion. It is good to include dishes with red fish on the menu; it is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. A dessert of cottage cheese and fruit will saturate the body with calcium and vitamin C.

Fruits should be added to dishes. It is better to consume no more than 7 grams of salt per day.

PP and water

We have already mentioned that drinking enough water is one of the main principles of PP. However, in reality, very few people monitor their water balance, which leads to excessive appetite and dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for our health.

Water not only maintains the water balance of our body, but also removes harmful toxins, improves metabolic processes, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and promotes better digestion. This is why water and pp are two things that cannot exist without each other. It is important to understand that when we talk about water, we mean pure water, and not juices, carbonated drinks and teas. After all, juice or tea, in addition to water itself, also contains sugar and other substances. To get the most out of the water you drink, follow these simple rules:

  • Start the day with a glass of fresh water - this will not only prepare your gastrointestinal tract for work, but also cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins.
  • Every time you feel hungry, drink a glass of water. Often our body mistakes thirst for hunger.
  • Be sure to drink water during physical activity. Our body loses moisture very quickly through sweat, so it is extremely important to replenish the water balance as soon as possible.
  • You should drink water 20 minutes before meals so as not to dilute gastric juice immediately before eating.
  • The habit of drinking water cannot appear in one day, so do not force yourself and increase the amount of water you drink gradually.

Is it possible to drink coffee at the PP?

Failure at PP - what to do?

If you have a breakdown during the PP, then you should not panic and blame yourself for it. First of all, it is important to understand why exactly the breakdown occurred:

  • Perhaps you introduced too strict restrictions, abruptly eliminating familiar foods, and your body could not withstand such a load. If this is indeed the case, then reconsider your diet and choose a less strict menu.
  • Your body now requires more nutrients and calories. For example, a breakdown during menstruation happens quite often, since during this period our body requires more energy. In this case, you should just wait out this period.
  • You introduced additional physical activity, but did not take it into account in your diet. Here you need to seriously work on your nutrition in light of the increase in your energy costs.
  • You skip meals. If you regularly skip meals, then a breakdown on the meal plan is inevitable, since the body will be in a stressful state, and you will try to overcome the feeling of hunger by any means.

How to return to pp after a breakdown? The main thing is not to give yourself new tests and restrictions. Often people try to arrange strict fasting days for themselves after breakdowns, but this is strictly not recommended, since by doing so we again force the body to experience stress. Just review your diet and get back to eating right.

Cheat meal at PP

To avoid breakdowns during the training program, you can have a cheat meal. This is the so-called planned “load day”, when you indulge yourself in forbidden foods and desserts. A cheat meal during PP is carried out with the aim of avoiding breakdowns, in this way we let our body understand that it is not deprived of its usual goodies. How to properly perform chimil on pp:

  • Choose one meal during which you will have a cheat meal.
  • It is best to have a cheat meal in the morning, so you have a chance to burn off the calories you eat.
  • If you have a cheat meal, you should not give up other meals that day - a cheat meal for breakfast, lunch and dinner as usual.
  • A cheat meal at pp is held no more than once a week, this will be enough to treat yourself to goodies, but at the same time remain in your usual routine.

How to lose weight effectively

In order to lose weight, it is not at all necessary to go on strict diets and count calories. The easiest way to lose weight is to get rid of bad eating habits.

By eating healthy foods every day and following certain rules, you can achieve excellent results.

What are these rules?

  • Eat no later than 18:00. All products that enter the body after this time are stored as fat;
  • Eat 4 times a day. If food enters the body often and in small portions, it is much easier for the body to digest and absorb it. The optimal time between meals is 3 – 3.5 hours;
  • You should only sit down at the table if you are hungry. Don't overeat;
  • Do not cook food with vegetable oil or butter. It is better to boil or stew, this way the beneficial properties of the products are better preserved;
  • Normalize your drinking regime. Drink 1.5 – 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • Eliminate all cereals from your diet, leave only buckwheat, oatmeal and pearl barley. Avoid alcohol, fatty and spicy foods;
  • If you want to eat in the evening before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat low-fat cottage cheese.

Daily routine at the checkpoint

Do I need to follow a PP daily routine? In general, there are no definite and specific recommendations, since in this matter we are guided by the rules of regular five meals a day. PP necessarily includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Between these three meals, you should definitely have snacks - this is second breakfast and afternoon snack. For example, the timing mode may look something like this:

7:00 - First breakfast. 10:00 - Second breakfast. 13:00 — Lunch. 16:00 — Afternoon snack. 19:00 - Dinner.

You can change the feeding regime over time depending on your lifestyle, but, most importantly, do not forget that it is better to take the last meal three hours before bedtime, no later.

Simple menu for weight loss

In this case, there is no need to eat on time and count calories. You just need to drink 2 liters of clean water a day and observe fasting and regular days, which must be alternated.

Extra pounds will go away due to the lack of carbohydrates in the diet, and you can eat fatty and salty foods. It is necessary to exclude ketchup and mayonnaise from the diet.

Carbohydrates are an integral component of the cells and tissues of all living organisms, representatives of the plant and animal world.

Source Wikipedia

Weight loss menu for a regular day

Breakfast : 2 soft-boiled eggs and salad with cucumber and celery.

Lunch : Fried skinless chicken drumstick; a piece of ham; cabbage salad.

Afternoon snack : A piece of cheese, a handful of nuts.

Dinner : 200 g of stewed meat, scrambled eggs with tomato.

Shortly before bed : Kefir, medium-fat cottage cheese.

Weight loss menu for fasting day

Breakfast: Baked chicken, rice, fruit and vegetable smoothie.

Lunch: Macaroni and cheese, vegetable salad, juice.

Dinner : buckwheat, boiled fish, yogurt.

Before bed : Orange, low-fat cottage cheese.

PP tips

Despite the fact that this technique is called Proper Nutrition, very often some people encounter difficulties arising from changing their diet. What are these difficulties and how to avoid them?

  • Constipation with PP is one of the most common complaints. A balanced diet cannot be the cause of this disorder, which means you need to reconsider your diet. Constipation is a common occurrence when eating too much protein and limiting fiber. Analyze the amount of protein you eat, maybe you are overusing it, and add more fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Why does my stomach hurt on PP ? is another common question. It should be understood that any pain during PP is unacceptable, and if there are any incomprehensible symptoms, then the first thing you should do is consult a doctor. PN is not a general panacea for absolutely everyone; some gastrointestinal diseases are at odds with the nutritional principles of PN: for example, if you are lactose intolerant, you cannot consume dairy products, and some gastrointestinal diseases limit the consumption of fiber, which leads to gas formation and diarrhea. Only a doctor can give you the main advice after you have been examined. Don't forget about it!
  • Why doesn't PP help you lose weight? Do not forget that proper nutrition is not a diet whose goal is to lose excess weight. The goal of P P is to improve nutrition and digestion to ensure the smooth functioning of your body. PP is a healthy diet that will help you maintain a constant weight. PP for weight loss has slightly different principles and rules.

So, if you are tired of health problems and want to improve your well-being and appearance, then be sure to use our recommendations and PP tips. In just a few months, you can radically change your habits and improve your standard of living. And, of course, don’t forget to tell us about your results!

Maybe you already adhere to pp and have your own secrets and subtleties? Be sure to share with us in the comments!

PP desserts from cottage cheese: top 5 recipes

Cheesecakes with chocolate filling


  1. Mix cottage cheese with egg yolk, sweetener and rice flour.
  2. Make 4 identical balls.
  3. Break the chocolate into pieces.
  4. Wrap small pieces of chocolate in each ball.
  5. We make the cheesecakes so that the chocolate is completely inside.
  6. Fry the cheesecakes on both sides in a non-stick frying pan until golden brown.

Kbju for 1 serving: 520/35/23/43

PP desserts with raspberries: curd baskets

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Cottage cheese 5% fat 90 g
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Butter 20 g
  • Rice flour 80 gr
  • Sweetener to taste

Filling ingredients:

  • Curd cheese 150 gr
  • Fresh raspberries 150 gr

How to cook:

  1. Mix cottage cheese in a bowl with butter, egg, flour and sweetener.
  2. Form the dough and divide it into 6 equal parts.
  3. Use your hands to form the baskets and place them in the muffin tin.
  4. To prevent the baskets from swelling, you can poke them a little with a fork.
  5. Place in the oven for about 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  6. Remove the baskets from the oven, remove from the mold and let cool slightly.
  7. For the filling, mix curd cheese with sweetener.
  8. Place the curd cheese from the basket. Top with raspberries.
  9. Place the desserts in the refrigerator for about an hour so that the filling hardens.

Kbju of one basket 172/5/10/14

PP desserts with cherries: cheesecakes

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Cottage cheese in a pack 5% fat 180 g
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Sweetener
  • Butter 25 gr
  • Rice flour 200 gr
  • Baking powder

For filling:

  • Cottage cheese in a pack 2% fat 180 g
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Sweetener
  • Cherries (can use frozen) 150 gr

How to cook:

  1. Take all the ingredients for the dough and combine in a bowl.
  2. We make the dough and divide it into 6 equal parts.
  3. From each ball we form a cheesecake so that there is a recess inside for the filling.
  4. For the curd filling, combine cottage cheese with egg and sweetener.
  5. Place the filling into the dough. Decorate with cherries on top.
  6. Place in the oven for about half an hour at 180 degrees.
    Kbju per 100 g – 215/11/5/30

Curd cupcakes


  • Cottage cheese 5% fat 220 gr
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Sweetener to taste
  • Baking powder half a teaspoon
  • Flour 200 gr
  • Butter 25 gr
  • Vanillin

How to cook:

  1. In a bowl, mix cottage cheese, egg, flour, soft butter, sweetener, baking powder.
  2. The dough should be dense.
  3. Divide the dough into 6 equal parts.
  4. Roll into balls and place in muffin tins.
  5. Place in the oven for about 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Quantity of one cupcake: 200/11/6/24

Curd pancakes

Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Soft cottage cheese 5% fat 70 g
  • Egg 1 piece
  • Rice flour 40 gr
  • Baking powder 3 g
  • Sweetener

How to cook:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with egg and rice flour. Add sweetener and baking powder.
  2. Place a tablespoon of dough onto a non-stick frying pan.
  3. Cover with a lid, then turn over to the other side and fry until golden brown.

Kbju per serving: 290/19/8/35

More on the topic:

What is proper nutrition: a complete guide for beginners and a sample menu for the week

What is a healthy diet according to the standards of the World Health Organization?

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