10 exercises you can do on the steps

All coordination ladder exercises are aimed at improving coordination and footwork speed, movement technique and balance.

As with many technique exercises, the correctness of execution is more important here than the speed of execution. First you need to learn to do it right, and then learn to do it right and at the same time - quickly.

Constant and sudden changes in game situations require young players to be extremely focused, quick to react, keen attention, the ability to quickly react to the actions of opponents and partners, quickly assess the game situation, instantly make a tactical decision and immediately implement it. To develop the above-mentioned physical qualities, the training system uses a wide arsenal of general physical training means, one of them is a coordination ladder (speed ladder, agility ladder), which helps the players develop the physical qualities necessary for gaming activities (speed and agility). There are many exercises with the coordination ladder, here are some of them.

Stair push-ups

Choose an angle at which you can perform push-ups correctly. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulders, palms turned slightly to the sides. When doing push-ups, the angle between your elbows and your body should be approximately 45 degrees.

Make sure that the body forms one straight line, not only in the starting position, but also during movement: the pelvis should not protrude back, the back should be straight without bending in the lower back.

Complete 10 reps.

If you find this option too easy, you can make the push-ups more difficult by clapping or doing incline push-ups (with your legs higher than your arms).

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