Technique for performing exercises with a butterfly expander

A butterfly expander is a small exercise machine consisting of a “head” equipped with a spring, as well as two semicircular levers, moved apart in different directions and made of neoprene, which does not allow it to slide and injure the skin during exercises. The expander functions through the principle of elastic deformation and serves to locally work out various muscle groups.

What muscle groups is it designed for?

The Butterfly expander is designed for almost all muscle groups. It is equally good for the upper back, shoulder girdle, pectoral muscles, arms, biceps, thighs, buttocks and abdominal muscles. It has become one of the most popular accessories in all fitness clubs, but its use is also possible at home.

What kind of "butterfly"?

Today there are a great variety of sports equipment. Rubber expanders are very popular, but we are interested in the “Butterfly”, which is made for working out the hips and buttocks and is based on the principles of elastic deformation.

It is small in size and well suited for home use. And those who are especially busy can work out in the car or office (but I am both for a full-fledged lesson, when you can devote 100% of your time to yourself and your body).


There are quite a lot of physical exercises that can be done with this expander. They allow you to maintain excellent physical shape and maximally strengthen your body muscles.

For hips

  • For such exercises, the body position on a solid base is suitable. Place the butterfly between your thighs, bringing your knees together as far as possible until your arms join together. The hips should be separated, relaxing the spring. The initial stage involves no more than 20 exercises. Gradually they can be brought to level 50.
  • This exact exercise is done on the floor while sitting. The back does not rest on anything. The abdominal muscles are used to maintain balance. It should be repeated up to 15-20 times.
  • You can resort to working out the inner thigh and abdominal muscles. In this case, the exercise is performed in a lying position.
  • Lie on your left side, bend your knees. Your knees should be between the handrails of the device. Slowly move your right knee to the side and then return your leg to its original position. Do the same with the right side. Exercise on each side is 15 times.

For the press

  • To work the abdominal muscles, you should take a lying position. Place your feet on the floor, bend your knees. One handle of the exercise machine is placed between the thighs, and the other is held in a fixed position with the hands. The head of the device faces upward. Raise your legs off the floor and squeeze the expander. In this case, the abdominal muscles should be in a tense state.
  • Place the resistance band against the wall. Step back one step and kneel down so that your knees are at a 90-degree angle. The distance from your body to the wall should be approximately 1 m. Bend your body, bending at the waist, then pull your arms towards the floor so that the angle at the elbows is straight. Freeze in this position for a few seconds.
  • Attach the expander to the wall. Turn your back to her and grab the machine from above. Squat down on your knees and pull the resistance band down so that your elbows are closer to your knees. When you reach the lowest point, tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible and remain in this position for several seconds.
  • Attach the exercise machine to the wall so that it is level with your chest. You should stand sideways to the wall and grasp the handle of the expander. Then you should turn your back to the wall and move away from it. Return to the starting position.
  • Attach the expander to the bottom of the wall. Take the handle of the expander and stand sideways to the wall. Move a little away from the wall and make a movement reminiscent of chopping with an axe. The body must be rotated. Repeat the same on the other side.

For the upper body

  • Both sitting and lying positions are suitable for performing the exercise. Take the expander with both hands and lift it up. Gradually squeeze the handles of the device. At the same time, the upper part of the shoulder girdle is under tension. The load will be more intense when the arm is moved away from the body to a greater distance.
  • Using the butterfly, you can use the largest muscle of the back. Place the resistance band under your hand. Its head should look towards the body. Bend the handle with your elbow.
  • Another very easy-to-perform exercise is also suitable for developing the muscles of the spinal region. The exercise machine should be held with bent arms at the same level as the chest. As you exhale, press on the handles of the expander, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. Perform the compression smoothly. An exercise of this exact type can also be performed with the arms in a straight position.
  • Take a standing position. Hold the expander behind your back and press it against your lumbar region with your left hand. With your right hand, press the other handle of the device and grab the waist area. As you inhale, take the starting position. Repeat the exercise with each hand 10-15 times.
  • Stand up. Extend your arms forward. Using an overhand grip, an attempt is made to connect the hands from the back. Initially, the exercises are performed 5 times. As the load increases, they can be increased up to 20 times.

For the chest

It is worth noting that exercises designed for the chest muscles also have a beneficial effect on the arms, back and shoulders. Let's consider several exercise options:

  • Take the expander so that its head is at the level of your chin and the handles point down. The head should be clasped with your hands, and your forearms should be placed on the handle.
  • using the same principle .
  • Stand up with one leg extended forward. The second should be in a 45 degree rotated position. Place the expander behind your back and hold it by the handles. As you exhale, slowly extend your arms forward. The shoulders should not rise. It is recommended to repeat this exercise 10 times.
  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms up with the expander folded in half. Make low bends to the left and to the right.
  • Attach the expander to the wall at the bottom. Stand with your back to the wall and grab the handles of the device. Bend your elbows and begin to lift the expander to chest level. For stability, it is recommended to put your foot forward. This exercise can be done with one hand.
  • Attach the expander to the wall at chest level, stand with your back to the wall and grab the exercise machine by both handles. Extend your arms to your sides and slowly step away from the wall with one foot forward.

Design features

The universal exercise machine for legs and arms is a modified version of a shock-absorbing tape. It is made in the form of bent and symmetrically arranged rubber levers, equipped with handles and covered with neoprene. In configuration, they resemble the wings of a butterfly or a figure eight. The segments are connected to each other by a spring hidden in a capsule. The attribute is easy to use and is as effective as many exercise machines in the gym. In addition, it does not take up space, costs little and lasts a long time.


The Butterfly expander has become the most affordable means for correcting body lines. It is suitable for all age categories. Even people who have nothing to do with sports can use it.

Regular physical training with an expander improves the lines of the body and gives the body vigor. You just need to accurately master the rules for performing various exercises.

All physical exercises with an expander are based on the principle of compression. Exercises using this method have a high level of effectiveness and make it possible to strengthen the muscles of the body in a short period of time. An expander is especially useful for the fair half of humanity, since with its help it is possible to work out the muscles of the inner thigh.

Exercises with an expander require no more than half an hour a day. You can also do shorter sessions throughout the day. They serve as an excellent addition to cardiovascular training or aerobic exercise. To increase the effectiveness of exercise, it is recommended to resort to a short warm-up before it, which will stretch and warm up the muscles.

How to increase the effectiveness of classes

In order for the level of effectiveness from exercising with an expander to be high, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't give up on the workouts you've started. Physical exercise should be done regularly. At the same time, add the degree of load evenly.
  • Spend at least half an hour a day on your studies.

Stop eating!

Friends, I am writing specifically for those who need to be reminded that you cannot eat everything all day long and remain slim and fit (unless, of course, you are the lucky owner of an asthenic body type, although it would be nice for them to stick to proper nutrition).

Proper nutrition (PN), slimness, health, beauty have long been conditionally considered synonymous. I strongly recommend that everyone study the basics of PP in detail, but if you don’t want to do this at all, then follow my materials. In the near future I will share with you the secrets of a healthy menu.

Expander for breeding

When you apply force during exercises, you spread the arms of the expander, thereby stretching the spring. This is how muscles that have an abducting function in the hip area develop.

Expander butterfly for breeding

There are a number of breeding exercises:

  • Get on all fours, fix the expander on your knees. The head should be pointing backwards. Raise your knee to the side as high as your body allows. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times on each leg.
  • Lie on your side, secure the expander with the handles around your knees. The head should be pointing down. Spread your knees to the sides to the maximum. Do the exercises 30 times.
  • Sit on a chair, secure the handles of the exercise machine on your knees so that its head is facing down. Spread your knees as wide as possible. Repeat the exercise 30 times.
  • Sit on a chair with a high base. Secure the exercise machine to your knees so that its head points down. Spread your knees as wide as possible. Repeat the exercise 30 times.

How does the trainer work?

The Butterfly expander consists of a central part - a head in which the spring is located, and two semicircular levers that are moved apart in different directions.

On top they are covered with rubberized material that prevents slipping and chafing of the skin during training. When the levers approach each other, the spring is compressed (i.e., its elastic deformation), and in response to this force it is unclenched, with the levers returning to their original position.

Initially, this expander was created to work the adductor muscles of the thigh. And judging by the positive reviews, it really effectively copes with the task.

additional information

  • Despite the fact that the developers talk about its versatility, it should still be noted that it does not work all muscles.
  • The product weighs very little.
  • It is compact.
  • It has an affordable price, but this applies to regular models. Professional-level models have a fairly high price.
  • When performing exercises for the arms and chest, calluses and unpleasant painful sensations may appear.


Regarding contraindications, it is worth considering the important point that you should not overload the body unnecessarily. Before deciding to exercise using a butterfly, consult your doctor for advice to rule out any possible side effects.

When exercising with an expander, the legs experience quite a lot of stress. There are certain diseases for which the use of sports equipment is strictly contraindicated.

Health-related problems include:

  • fragility of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of a cancerous tumor;
  • skin diseases of infectious nature;
  • the presence of wounds and ulcers on the legs.


  • When performing physical exercises, muscle tension should coincide with exhalation, and relaxation with sigh. Proper breathing is the key to a highly effective workout.
  • The number of repetitions of the same movements should be calculated so that you make the last movements with effort.

Triceps workout

  1. Sitting straight, press one ThaiMaster “eight” to your thigh, turning the cap towards you, and the second - on your forearm.
  2. Squeeze them intensively, pressing on the upper segment.
  3. Without relieving tension, straighten your arms.

With regular exercise and controlled implementation of the techniques, results are visible within a couple of weeks.

Many controversial questions arise for a novice athlete when he is faced with exercises called “Butterfly”. The simulator is quite interesting in itself and is universal for several muscle groups. Difficulty may also arise for a young athlete when using the “Butterfly” exercise as part of a complex for developing leg muscles, namely the inner and outer thighs. It’s just that not all coaches inform athletes that in the gym, in addition to two exercise machines with the same name, there is also a similar expander. In this article, the reader will get acquainted with all the devices, their functional purpose, and also find out what exercises can be performed on the Butterfly simulator. Reviews from professional athletes will help novice athletes decide on effective exercises.

Mechanical upper body device

The name “Butterfly” was given to the exercise machine by the athletes themselves during the formation of bodybuilding as a culture in the 20th century. Initially, the device was positioned for the development of the pectoral muscles and completely replaced the dumbbell fly. Later, manufacturers added several blocks to the design, and it became possible to develop the rear bundles of the deltoid muscle while sitting backwards on the simulator.

You shouldn’t place much hope on such a device, because it is intended only for isolated exercises, when the priority is technique rather than chasing weights. The “Butterfly” exercise machine for the pectoral muscles and rear deltas is considered auxiliary and is prescribed in a complex as an alternative to other isolated exercises, such as arm flyes on a bench with dumbbells for the chest or bent over arm swings when it comes to the shoulders.

Rational use

However, the device was noticed by fitness trainers, aerobics, dance and other active sports teachers, who really liked the Butterfly simulator. It won’t be difficult for a professional in his field to come up with exercises using an expander. It all comes down to two movements - stretching or contracting, which are performed with the arms, legs or body. Judging by the reviews, in any exercise it is important to control the expander so that it does not slip under any circumstances. After all, a compressed spring has enough force to injure a person or break some object in the room.

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