How to make your waist thin quickly at home: effective exercises

How to get a thin waist and flat stomach is a question that excites the minds of many women. It is clear that one dream of a beautiful and toned figure is not enough, you need a whole range of measures to promote weight loss - diets, sports, special exercises for a thin waist and flat stomach, body wraps, supplements that stimulate metabolism and burn fat deposits. In the article we will look at all possible ways to lose weight and give you some useful tips, recipes and exercises on how to make your waist thin, your stomach flat, and your figure graceful and toned.

With regular implementation of the entire set of measures to form a thin waist, the results become visible within a week

How to achieve a thin waist - effective methods

The main tasks that need to be completed if you want to achieve a flat stomach and thin waist:

  • lose weight;
  • break down fat deposits in problem areas of the body, get rid of cellulite;
  • tighten muscles, thereby modeling beautiful body lines.

A few basic rules will help with this on how to make your waist thin and your figure toned:

  • proper nutrition and diet;
  • physical activity - special exercises for a thin waist, exercise equipment and yoga;
  • cocktails, supplements, teas, drugs that stimulate metabolic processes in the body, cleansing, metabolism and fat burning;
  • cosmetic procedures - massages, wraps, baths with additives, steam room, enemas.

In particularly difficult situations, radical measures cannot be avoided—medical intervention: liposuction, mesotherapy, rib removal.

Exercises in pictures for a thin waist

Training plan

If you have decided to seriously take care of yourself, but have never visited such establishments before and do not know how to properly structure your work process and coordinate your work activities in the gym, contact the specialists. Today, almost every sports club provides, as one of the services of its complex, linking the client to the appropriate personnel - a qualified coach. The gym administrator will introduce you to a possible list of candidates for the role of your mentor for completing a course of physical exercises, and will also tell you which trainer is able to provide you with comprehensive assistance, taking into account the plan for creating a diet for each day. Such an option is, of course, ideally envisaged.

But conditions do not always work out for us the way we would like. Your local gym may not offer this type of service or may not have qualified staff. In addition, an individual trainer is not a cheap pleasure, and therefore many may not be able to bear such costs due to lack of financial opportunity. It is for such cases that an overview of the most effective options for working with sports equipment, which are aimed at losing weight at the waist, is provided. In the gym, exercises for women seeking to get rid of excess weight in the sides and abdomen involve the use of several types of equipment to achieve their goal. And in this case, it is advisable to draw up a plan for a training program.

Effective exercises for a thin waist

According to established legend, the most famous exercise for a thin waist and flat stomach was invented by A. Schwarzenegger, it is called “vacuum”. Simple, but very effective, the point is that as we inhale, we slowly draw in our stomach and as if we are trying to reach the spine with our navel; as we exhale, we release it, but do not weaken the abdominal muscles. The exercise can be done anywhere and anytime, even while powdering your nose. To get visible results in a short time, it is recommended to perform up to 50 approaches a day, 5-10 times. To enhance the effect, you can retract/release your stomach while standing on all fours or sitting on a chair with your back straight.

Exercises for a thin waist, in the photo Mr. perfection performs a vacuum exercise

Exercises for a thin waist at home

By performing a simple set of 6 exercises daily, you will notice the first results of the workout within a week, perform quickly, to rhythmic music:

  • We place our legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, hands on the back of our heads, and spread our elbows as far apart as possible. As we inhale, we lean forward and try to reach our right knee with our left elbow, while we exhale we straighten up, and repeat – with our right elbow to our left knee. We do 10 repetitions, every day we add the number of inclines, at the end of the week we do at least 30 times.
  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart, straight back, palms at chest level, begin energetic turns - 2 to the left, 2 to the right, feet cannot be lifted off the floor, make 20 turns in one direction and the same number in the other.
  • We lean forward, without bending our legs, with our left hand we touch the toes of our right foot, with our right hand up, and vice versa. We try to turn the body as much as possible in the direction of the tilt, bending 25 times in each direction.
  • We lie on our backs, bend our arms, and place our palms on the floor. We raise our leg, bend it at the knee and try to reach the floor on the opposite side, then with the other leg, perform it 30 times, alternating legs.
  • You will need a chair or sofa, stand sideways and cross your leg. We bend, try to reach the toes, straighten and bend in the other direction, trying to touch the field with our hands, perform the exercise 15 times, then cross the other leg and repeat the bends.
  • In order to get a thin waist, you need to work your abdominal muscles. We lie down on the floor, hands behind our heads, legs tucked under the sofa. We begin to lift the torso forward, doing 20-40 twists.

Useful advice: You can continue your home workout on the health disk and spin the hoop for 10 minutes.

A modern hula hoop with massage pimples and magnets will speed up the process of forming a thin waist

Yoga for a flat stomach and thin waist will help you significantly correct your figure; the video shows a lesson on how to perform the exercises correctly.

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The following video presents other effective exercises for a thin waist; video instructions will help you diversify your home exercise routine.

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Exercises for a thin waist in the gym

For maximum results in modeling a thin waist, you should add gym classes to your home workouts. Here the instructor will select the necessary set of exercises based on the characteristics of your build, physical fitness and health status.

The most commonly recommended exercises for a thin waist are:

  • elliptical trainers;
  • cycling – a stationary bicycle with adjustable loads;
  • Roman chair – hyperextension.
  • For women, special fitness programs “Flat Belly” are relevant.

To achieve a thin waist in the gym, you should exclude the following types of loads:

  • classic squats with weight or belt;
  • lateral hyperextension;
  • bending to the side with dumbbells in hands.

A set of workouts for a flat stomach and thin waist in the gym should be selected individually

“Scissors” and improvised walking while lying on a mat

The following exercise can provide some relaxation after such stress. It is based on abstracting from the iron equipment and using a mat. It is best to combine two exercises into a combination that includes the well-known leg movement called “scissors” and imitation of “walking on air.” So, how is this complex performed?

  1. Starting position – lying on your back. The legs are raised, straightened along the body, the hands are fixed under the buttocks, allowing the lower back to fit tightly to the floor.
  2. The first exercise in the combination is “scissors”. An alternating change in the position of the legs up and down begins, raised above the floor.
  3. The second exercise is “walking on air.” From the starting position, the legs perform the usual pedestrian movements, only the legs are moved not along the floor, but through the air, which allows maximum concentration of tension on the lower abdominal area. The ligament is performed in several approaches until a strong burning sensation is felt in the abdominal area.

You can also resort to using the oblique lines of the press, but always without weighting. You can achieve it by alternately lowering your legs bent at the knees, first to the left, then to the right, trying to touch the floor with your knees. In this way, you can work out the side zones well, triggering the fat burning mechanism in the side area.

Nutrition and diets for a thin waist, special preparations

The basic rule for losing weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Therefore, an important part of the complex on how to make a thin waist at home is proper nutrition and stimulation of the body to break down fat cells. And if the average person consumes 2000 calories, then for a thin waist and flat stomach this amount should be reduced to 1000-1500 calories.

Tip: 60% of calories from the diet should be consumed before 16 hours, the remaining 40 - before 20 hours.

All diets for a thin waist are built on the same principle: we exclude fatty and starchy foods, remove foods containing carbohydrates and glucose from the diet, build a diet on protein, fiber and fat-burning foods.

Table of healthy foods for a small waist

Where to look for protein: turkey, chicken breast, veal, beans, cod, pollock, tuna, low-fat salmon, squid, shrimp, low-fat dairy products.

Sources of fiber: bran, soybeans, whole grain bread, brown rice, lentils, almost all greens, white cabbage, broccoli, apples, grapefruit.

Top foods that burn fat, improve metabolic processes and cleanse the body: ginger, cinnamon, white cabbage, cucumbers, raspberries, green tea, apples, pears, fresh pineapple, red hot pepper.

In the morning, a diet for a flat stomach and thin waist should start with a glass of clean water, it is better to brew ½ tsp. cinnamon with boiling water, wait until it cools and stir tsp. honey, for greater effect, cinnamon can be mixed with ½ tsp. grated ginger.

After 20-30 minutes, it is useful to have breakfast with oatmeal with diluted milk or water with berries. To diversify the menu, you can alternate, and in the morning of the next day eat 2 boiled eggs with a fresh tomato or cucumber. At the end of breakfast - green tea.

Oatmeal will give you energy for the whole day

When dieting for a thin waist, it is recommended to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day, 3 main meals and 2 snacks, for which you can eat kefir, natural yogurt, an apple, etc.

Important: All products for a thin waist should be steamed or boiled, for example grilled without oil.

Volume norm

There is nothing more difficult in losing weight than getting rid of your waistline. She loses volume last, of course, if your body structure is ectomorph and gaining muscle mass is a priority. Not every woman can boast of a thin waist. How can you understand that a wide waist and wide hips are structural features of the body, and not the result of overeating?

Each body type has its own volume standards. The same girl or woman at different ages can have different sizes in the sides and buttocks. The characteristics of the bones are also taken into account: wide, narrow, normal.

Shaping your waist means working on your abdominal muscles. And, as you know, working on it is not primarily exercise, but getting rid of fat.

The normal waist size for girls and women depends on:

  • genetic characteristics of the organism;
  • body type;
  • age;
  • weight;
  • presence of diseases.

The standard waist size is calculated using the formula: height in centimeters minus 100. The resulting figure is your ideal.

What should women with curvy hips and a sad figure do? Or for those who have a virtually unnoticeable difference at the waist, with a rectangular body type?

Think about weight. If it is normal, then you only need to worry about maintaining physical shape and correcting your figure. Normal weight should also be within the limits of height minus 100.

You need to be alarmed when, under any conditions, the waist circumference exceeds 80 cm in women, and 92 cm in men. This is a signal of obesity or another disease.

There is a maximum permissible proportion. The waist to hip ratio should be 0.7. If not, then we urgently lose weight and trim our waist. This will not take a week, but more time and hard training. But the result is worth it.

Follow your diet, lead an active lifestyle and do not forget about special exercises that will help you achieve your goal.

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