How to make your waist thin? Exercises for a narrow waist. Bugs in the hall

Bringing the body to certain standards is based on physical activity and changing eating habits. These measures are not always enough to get the desired result.

Even girls who are not overweight for medical reasons are often dissatisfied with their shape.

It all depends on your natural physique. This is the reason why one dress can fit perfectly on a girl, but look ridiculous on her friend. Nature arranged it so that all people differ from each other not only in facial features, but also in figure.

The standard of beauty today is a slender girl with a waist that stands out against the background of her hips and chest. The secret to attractive shapes is in proportions. A girl can be infinitely thin, but what's the point if her waist, chest and hips form a single rectangle?

Consider, achieving a slim waist.

What you need to know to tighten muscles and remove excess fat

When starting to lose weight, people misunderstand the role of physical activity in this process. Let's consider the effect of sports on muscle mass:

  1. Physical activity helps strengthen muscles and increase muscle mass.
  2. Due to differences in hormonal levels, women and men experience different results. Men's muscles gain volume faster.
  3. Not all exercises give the desired result. And the most problematic place on the body is the tummy and waist.

Be sure to check out:

Waist Build for Center Line (MID)

Spell Selection:

In some cases, the Barrier spell can be used, but fire is usually more effective.

The order of leveling up skills:



Artifact Selection:

When starting a purchase, it is best to take a standard magician’s ring and a couple of cans of health:

Warding Totem (Trinket)

The first expensive artifact for which you will save gold can be Morellonomicon, Luden's Echo or Rod of Ages. All items are good in their own way and you can combine them in different ways. If you decide to play through Rod of Ages, try to buy it as early as possible. The usefulness of the item will not be revealed immediately and this is not the best artifact for an early aggressive game, but in some cases it can be quite useful. Next, you should upgrade your boots to Sorcerer's Shoes. Magic Armor Penetration will be slightly better than, for example, the cooldown reduction from Ionian Boots of Lucidity, although this option is also possible. As a last resort, if you see that the enemy team has too much magic damage and control, then you can use Mercury's Treads. If the game is going more or less smoothly, then in this case it is good to take Rylai's Crystal Scepter as the third item. The artifact will increase magic damage and maximum health, and will also allow you to use skills more accurately, since enemies will be constantly slowed down.

If you have a very tough mage on the line against you or you see that the enemy team has too much magic damage, then in this case you can take Abyssal Mask as the third item. If there is a hero with physical damage in the lane against you (for example Talon or Zed), it makes sense to think about buying Zhonya’s Hourglass earlier.

The latest artifacts are already bought simply to increase magic damage, that is, for example, Rabadon's Deathcap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass or Liandry's Torment. As for protective artifacts, you can include Guardian Angel in your build (it is used extremely rarely, since Zhonya is usually enough). The final build, which can be used in most cases, looks like this:

Rod of Ages

As mentioned above, Luden's Echo or Morellonomicon can be purchased instead of Rod of Ages. That is, in principle, you can come up with several options for the final assembly. Try to change your build more often to get a rough idea of ​​which item performs better in different situations.

Pay attention to what your enemies are buying. If you see that they already have too much magic defense, then Void Staff is better to buy before Rabadon's Deathcap.

When you get more or less comfortable and gain experience, you can also try a more risky build with the purchase of Mejai's Soulstealer.

Luden's Echo

Effective complexes

Exercises on a stationary bike will not be enough. Standard complexes aimed at the abs will also not give the desired result and will not get rid of the sides. You need to use the oblique muscles and pump up the internal muscles of the corset.

The best:

  1. Jumping rope. Alternate jumps with breaks in several approaches.
  2. Jumping with legs spread every second count.
  3. Gazelle legs exercise. It puts stress on the abs, oblique muscles, and hips. Lie on your back, bend your knees, lift your lower body, placing your feet on tiptoes.
  4. An excellent fitness exercise: we take three body positions in turn. Standing, squatting, lying down, push-up position.
  5. "Cat". We get on all fours, exhale and at the same time draw in our stomach. After 10 seconds we relax. Repeat many times.
  6. The plank exercise helps a lot. Alternate with the side plank.

Important! Today, fitness experts consider some exercises to be a relic of the past. These include squats, side bends, and crunches. It is believed that these exercises do not at all contribute to the appearance of a thin waist.

Squats often cause pain in the lower back, and their impact on fitness is limited to the hips and muscle building on the front of the thigh. Twisting and bending help build oblique muscles. This means that the fat will go away, but in its place muscles will appear, which will remove the “hourglass” effect.

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For beginners

Those who are just starting to introduce their body to loads should learn the basics.

5 tips for beginners: achieving a wasp waist:

  1. Do not eat or drink 2 hours before training and 2 hours after.
  2. Everything is brilliantly simple: the most effective exercise for eliminating belly fat is considered to be retraction. Do this in transport, at work, in the cinema. Every free minute.
  3. No less effective.
  4. Honey massage gives excellent results. It takes up to 10 cm in 10 days. You can do it yourself. Hands are smeared with honey, stuck to the stomach, sides and peeled off. Use tapping movements to massage problem areas for 10-20 minutes.
  5. Oriental dancing gives a good effect: most movements put stress on the abdominal, back, and side muscles. Shaking helps to quickly get rid of fat masses.

Let's look at one that even a beginner can handle. Before starting your workout, you should do a five-minute warm-up:

  1. We run in place: 20 times with each leg. Break - 20 seconds. Repeat 2 times.
  2. We run with the knees pulled up, a similar repetition.
  3. Horizontal running from a lying position with outstretched arms. The alternation is repeated.
  4. We rotate our hips from the “plank on the elbows” position. Ideal - 10 hip touches, break - 30 seconds.
  5. Side jumps: 50 times.
  6. Raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach: 30 times with 1 break for 20 seconds.
  7. We complete the complex with stretching: exercises “cat”, “frog”, “fish” are performed.

At home or outdoors

In the park or in nature, the best way to fight for a slim waist is running.

This is a cardio load, it covers all muscle groups.

If you alternate between simple running and raising your knees, the effect will be amazing.

In second place is the bicycle.

Important! You should not perform active exercises outdoors in bad weather. This is contraindicated for people with chronic sinusitis, laryngitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Cold air will trigger a relapse of the disease.

You can do any exercises at home. You don't have to go to the gym. A person has everything he needs: his body and willpower. With this you can achieve amazing results: daily workouts combined with proper nutrition will give results that will be the envy of gym goers.

The following set of exercises is suitable at home:

  1. Exercise for the upper abdominal muscles. Starting position: lying on your back on a hard surface, legs at an angle, feet pressed to the floor. We perform 40 lifts of the upper body.
  2. Exercise for the lower abdominal muscles. Starting position: lying on your back on a hard surface, legs extended, arms along the body. We perform 40 leg raises to a perpendicular position and back.
  3. Exercise bike: 100 times.
  4. We roll over onto our stomachs. The arms are extended upward, pressed to the floor. Raise the upper body and legs together: 40 times.
  5. We get to our feet, perform rotations of the upper body around: we outline a horizontal circle with our body: 20 times in each direction.

Pros of home workouts:

  1. Psychological comfort in the absence of strangers.
  2. You don't need to wear a beautiful outfit: comfortable things are enough.
  3. Any music to your taste.
  4. You can look after the child and cook dinner at the same time.

Cons: nice outfit and strangers are stimulating. The gym also usually has all the necessary equipment: dumbbells, jump ropes, mats, step pads. And a professional trainer will tell you what you need to work on more actively. It all depends on a person’s motivation, perseverance, and willpower.

Home classes are always available, there are many complexes. You can alternate loads, practice dancing according to the tutorial.

Outdoor training complex

Do the following exercises one minute at a time:

  1. Running with knees raised.
  2. Running with your heels raised.
  3. Break - 1 minute.
  4. Jumping in place over a skipping rope.
  5. Jumping with legs spread.
  6. Break for 1 minute.
  7. Repeat 4-5 times.

In gym

In the gym, pay attention to the treadmill and exercise bike. Alternate them with strength exercises for the whole body, focusing on the oblique muscles and abs. This approach will help achieve the desired result.

Take this opportunity and talk to your coach. He will assess your build and select the right exercises.

A set of exercises in the gym:

  1. Warm-up: jumping, running in place, bending to the sides from a standing position.
  2. Stretching: we stretch our fingers to the floor with straight knees, swing our legs to the sides, forward and backward 15-20 times.
  3. We perform 5-6 repetitions 10-15 times: load on the lower abs. We lift weights with our legs while lying on our back.
  4. On the upper press: we lift the body on the simulator, where the legs will be fixed above the head. We perform 15 times, 3-4 approaches with short breaks.
  5. Lower abs again: repeat exercises.
  6. Buttocks, thigh muscles. A treadmill, calf and thigh trainer are suitable.
  7. We finish with a load on the muscles of the arms and back - this way the workout will be complete. We lift weights on a simulator from a sitting position. 4 sets of 10-15 times.

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Useful habits

In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, healthy habits will help make your waist thin and your belly fat smaller. They are additional measures that help achieve the desired result faster.

Good habits include:

  1. Healthy sleep. A person should sleep at least 6 and no more than 9 hours a day. Prolonged sleep, as well as its lack, slows down processes in the body and creates a state from which it is difficult to get out of.
  2. Cold and hot shower. It is especially invigorating in the morning. Try not only suddenly changing the water from cold to hot or vice versa, but also turning on the massage mode in the shower, directing it to the abdominal area.
  3. Wraps. Using cling film wrapped around the waist, a greenhouse effect is created - fat comes out along with intense sweating. To improve the result of the procedure, you can apply special mixtures under the film, to which honey, wax, chocolate, and other components are added. They have a positive effect on the skin, eliminating wrinkles and other imperfections.
  4. Swimming or gymnastics. Exercising, especially these types of sports, strengthens the abs, absorbs excess fat, and has a positive effect on all muscle groups.
  5. Yoga. There are special asanas aimed at getting rid of excess weight. In addition, they calm the nervous system.

A corset is an excellent solution for those who dream of a flat waist. But you should not consider it the main tool for this, because it “works” only as an additional tool. Before purchasing it, be sure to consult a doctor.

You can find out what your normal waist circumference is by subtracting the number 100 from your height (in cm). For example, if you are 160 cm tall, your waist should be 60 cm, and if you are 185 cm tall, it should be 85 cm. The difference is 10 cm more. or less is considered risky.

How to achieve quick and noticeable results

There are rules that will make any complex more effective. Their implementation will speed up the process and get quick results:

  1. Protein diet.
  2. Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach and half an hour before each meal.
  3. We devote at least 40 minutes a day to sports, without breaks.
  4. Start dancing, it's addictive, soon you'll start dancing every free minute. Watch dance shows and get recharged from them.
  5. If dancing doesn't appeal to you, you can try athletics. Get yourself involved in sports.
  6. Do not interrupt for more than 4 days.
  7. Do the exercises in the morning, at least a small set.

Enemy Champions

If you choose Talia to play the role of a jungler, then first of all you should be wary of champions with high dueling potential (meaning enemy junglers). Such champions include: Master Yi, Udyr, Evelynn, Kayn, Rengar, Kha'Zix and the like. When facing these champions, it is better to avoid combat altogether and try to gank different lanes.

Let's look at several champions that can meet Thalia in the mid lane and cause a lot of trouble.

First of all, you should be wary of the Charm skill. It is best to try to constantly stay behind your minions so that Ahri does not have the opportunity to hit you with this skill. If Ahri hits you, you automatically receive a portion of damage and lose a huge amount of health. You should also try to maintain a distance from the enemy and dodge the Orb of Deception skill, especially when the ball flies backwards. In this case, the skill deals pure damage. Starting from level 6, it is worth keeping the Unraveled Earth skill at the ready at all times. Ari will probably go on the attack using her Spirit Rush ult, and the scattered Unraveled Earth stones will allow her to deal good damage and at least somehow slow down the enemy. Playing against Ahri is also difficult because in fact the hero has good mobility even when the Spirit Rush ult is on cooldown. Ahri can always speed up by using Orb of Deception. Thus, it is very difficult to hit the hero with your skills, especially Threaded Volley. If Ahri disappears from the line, be sure to signal this to your allies. Ari likes to stroll to the next line and launch a surprise attack. In general, when playing against Ahri, you should first strive to dodge her skills well and secondly try to attack her. As for the spells, Barrier can work very well instead of fire.
Fizz's main problem is his Playful / Trickster skill, with which he can easily dodge your skills and calmly jump over the scattering of stones of Unraveled Earth. In the game against Fizz, it is best to wait for the moment when he uses the Playful / Trickster skill for farming or some other purpose. As soon as Fizz spends this skill, you should immediately throw Unraveled Earth stones under him and try to pull off a combo using Seismic Shove. When playing on the enemy lane, you can simply try to harass using the Threaded Volley skill and in every possible way prevent Fizz from farming normally. Remember that at any time, Fizz can very quickly close the distance to you with Urchin Strike, make several powerful hits with Seastone Trident and then calmly dodge your skills with Playful / Trickster. In fact, the success of your lane play will be determined by how well your opponent plays and how well you can sense the moment to use your skills. When Fizz has an ult, you should start playing extremely carefully, since one successful hit from the ult can cost you your life.
At the beginning of the game, it is possible that Kassadin will behave more passively and will mainly use the NULL Sphere skill, but the situation will change dramatically when the Riftwalk ult appears in the enemy’s arsenal. In this case, Kassadin will simply not care about all your scattered stones. He will calmly dodge your skills with the help of his ult and deal huge damage. Thalia’s task is to try to make life as difficult as possible for the enemy at the initial stage of the game in order to delay the purchase of key artifacts and not allow Kassadin to quickly start ganking different lines.
Talon is an extremely unpleasant enemy in the lane. At first he will constantly use the Rake skill, but that's half the trouble. At any moment, the enemy can jump behind you Noxian Diplomacy, use his Rake blades and deliver several powerful attacks by increasing damage to a slowed target. If at the same time Talon also has an ult, then there is a high probability that you simply will not survive this whole combo. Try to always keep the Seismic Shove skill ready, as this is the only method of fighting against strong enemy aggression. Talon's skills do very good damage, but have a long cooldown early in the game. Thus, if Talon used part of his skills to farm, you should definitely go on the attack and harass the enemy a little, but don’t get too carried away. This could be dangerous. The good news is that Talon is not often seen on the League of Legends fields, but if you meet a smart opponent, you will understand how dangerous this hero can be against Talia.

Similar to Talon, Zed and Yasuo can be problem heroes with physical damage.

Professionals advise

Anna Kurkurina, fitness trainer, author of her own methods for drying the body

Anna recommends listening to your body and not doing exercises that cause pain or discomfort. She believes that the main thing, both in medicine and in sports, is to do no harm. Anna develops sets of exercises individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body, body composition, and other parameters.

Some of her advice is simply discouraging: Anna advises periodically drinking not red wine, but cognac with lemon.

Natalya Makeeva, fitness expert

Natalya practices weight loss training and develops special marathons. Her basic rules: physical activity and exclusion of fast carbohydrates. She recommends giving up carbohydrates after 18:00 and getting used to regular workouts. The secret to being slim: stability. Therefore, extreme diets and excessive exercise do not produce results.

Seryoga (Sergey Parkhomenko), rapper, author of his own weight loss method, participant in television projects

Seryoga is convinced that it is enough to devote 30 minutes a day to training, normalize nutrition, and a person will quickly get in shape. The rapper has developed a training program according to which you can achieve your ideal physical shape after just 99 workouts. 99 days of comprehensive work on yourself - and you won’t believe your eyes.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet consists of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and microelements. A weight loss diet involves eating food that contains a minimum amount of carbohydrates and a maximum of proteins. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber and clean water help increase metabolism, as well as remove waste and toxins from the body.

The main rules of dietary nutrition:

  1. You should eat light meals 5-6 times a day instead of the usual three. It is better to divide one standard portion into two or three.
  2. The most significant meal of the day is breakfast. It should be complete, rich in nutrients and calories, which will last for the whole day. Lunch is also rich, unlike dinner. Meals at night should consist of low-fat foods in minimal quantities. It is advisable to have dinner no later than three to four hours before bedtime.
  3. You should drink about two liters of clean water per day, not counting drinks. Nutritionists call green tea, vitamin cocktails and freshly squeezed juices beneficial. They can be drunk at any time, except during meals. It is advisable to drink food only with mineral water.
  4. It is important to start the morning with foods rich in fiber: bran, nuts, legumes, wheat, raisins, lentils, rice, oatmeal. Add carrots, greens, broccoli, cabbage to them. Instead of coffee, it is better to drink green tea with ginger, apple or orange juice.
  5. For dinner, nutritionists recommend eating kefir, fresh grapefruit, and salads. For fruit salad, it is better to use apples, pineapple or pears. Vegetable salads with cucumbers, herbs and cabbage are welcome. These fruits and vegetables burn stored fat.

The diet should include lean meat and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, olive and flaxseed oil. The latter contains a minimum of calories, as well as a complex of nutrients that are not even found in fish oil. It is fish oil that is considered an assistant in the fight against cellulite in the abdominal area. If you cannot tolerate it, then replace it with flaxseed oil.

Foods to eat for weight loss

In addition, you should avoid:

  • Sugar, it is replaced with special diabetic supplements, honey, dried fruits;
  • Fast food – it contains a large amount of fat;
  • Chips, crackers and snacks;
  • Fried, smoked products, or better yet, steamed or boiled;
  • Sweets and carbonated drinks, which contain practically no nutrients, but contain a large amount of fast carbohydrates.

Pomegranate, grapes, watermelon, banana and cherries can be consumed but in small quantities. These berries and fruits contain enough vitamins, but they are also rich in fructose, which stimulates the appetite.

Spices, garlic, cinnamon, black pepper, and various homemade sauces are not forbidden, although they also have a positive effect on appetite, so don’t overdo it. You should not use store-bought mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, or other sauces, because they are made from not the most healthy products with the addition of chemical flavor and smell enhancers. As a last resort, buy them only in health food stores.

Fiber-rich foods

Main conclusions

  1. To lose weight at the waist, you need to use special exercises: jumping rope, alternating leg positions, side plank and others.
  2. Forget about squats and bends - they're a waste of time.
  3. It is important to consider nutrition: focus on protein foods.
  4. Exercise in the morning.
  5. Drink water before every meal.
  6. Create a weight loss program for yourself: select exercises, create a schedule.
  7. To achieve quick results, intensify your workouts, make sports a part of your life and change your eating habits.

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Hanging Leg Raises

The most difficult exercise for the rectus abdominis muscle can be performed either hanging on a bar or in a machine with support under your back. In both cases, they make the same mistake as in the previous exercise, namely, they do not twist the pelvis, bringing it to the chest. Instead, they usually only raise their legs to a right angle and lower them back down. In this case, the rectus abdominis muscle works in a static mode, and the main work is performed by the lumbar muscles located inside the pelvis. Therefore, to maximize the activation of the rectus abdominis muscle, you need to raise the pelvis as high as possible, touching the bar with your shins at the top point of the movement.

A corset will make your waist thinner

Nowadays it has become very popular to wear corsets to reduce the waist. Some girls neglect their health and wear it all day long, and some even sleep in corsets. We will adhere to healthy behavior.

The corset helps the body tone through tension, and thanks to muscle memory, you will notice significant changes in your figure. Corsets with impregnation are more effective (be careful about the composition of the impregnation - everything should be safe for you). The corset must be selected according to individual parameters. You can wear it no more than 3-4 hours a day. Read the contraindications; in some cases, it can cause irreparable harm to health. Study the rules of use.

Know yourself

Strip down to your underwear and take a closer look at yourself in the mirror. Educate yourself. Take notes in a notepad. Mark those parts of the body that require more detailed work. Determine what type of body type you belong to. In popular terms, it can be a pear-shaped, apple-shaped, T-shaped, rectangular body or an hourglass (the type we strive for). Scientifically, body types are divided into 3 types: normosthenic, hypersthenic and asthenic. Each type has its own individual body improvement program. This is important information for those who are just starting to correct their figure. We will focus on a slender waist.

Side crunches

One of the effective exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles. They are performed lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees and turned to the side, the torso should be slightly turned in the direction opposite to the knees, one hand should be on the floor to stabilize the position, the second should be behind the head. To work the oblique abdominal muscle, you need to bring your body, head and arm behind your head to your side.

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