10 Best Exercises for a Flat Stomach with High Effectiveness

Fat folds on the stomach and sides are a problem for many women. If you watch your figure and health, then you know firsthand about the difficulties of getting rid of extra centimeters. A thin waist and flat stomach can be achieved by combining a balanced diet with regular fitness classes. Let's talk about what are the most effective exercises for correcting this problem area and how to use them to achieve the best results.

How to remove belly fat

Abdominal exercises will help you cope with excess fat deposits in this problem area. They are aimed at high-quality development of the rectus abdominis muscle, using its natural functionality - flexion and extension of the torso during active body movements. This property enhances the effectiveness of such sports elements, accelerating the burning of fat deposits.

Exercises are divided into two groups: for the upper and lower sections of the rectus abdominis muscle. They are most effective with regular fitness classes, at least 2-3 times a week. Training can be carried out both at home and in the gym of a fitness club. Select the number of sets and repetitions individually. To remove belly fat, a beginner needs to do 2-3 sets of 15 times; more advanced athletes are recommended to do 4-5 sets of 30-50 times.

Leg raises

Such workouts work well on the lower abs, strengthening the muscles and making the stomach flatter and more toned. The main muscles of the legs (buttocks, thighs) receive additional physical activity. These effective exercises are performed lying on your back, with your palms pressed firmly to the floor or placed under the lumbar region for support. Raise your legs alternately or simultaneously. At the initial level of training, it is recommended to bend your knees. This reduces physical stress on the back and lower abs.

Upper body raises

There are many options for performing these sports elements: from partial to full lifting of the body from the floor. The main physical load when performing these effective exercises falls on the upper abs and back muscles.


  • starting position - lie with your back on the floor, legs straight or bent at the knees, hands can be held in front of you, crossed on your chest or locked behind your head;
  • exhale – raise the body;
  • inhale - lower.

Full crunches

The most effective, but most difficult to perform, are full body twists. This workout uses both the upper and lower abs. The technique of performing the exercise involves simultaneously lifting the torso and legs while lying on your back. A lightweight version - knees bent, hands clasped behind the head.

A more complex element, which only trained girls can perform, is that the legs are straight and the arms are extended behind the head. Both options are performed with a maximum delay at the top point of the twist. The load on the abdominal muscles increases if the body and legs do not touch the floor during this effective exercise.

Briefly about the benefits of exercise on the abdominal muscles

Of course, the main task that effective exercises for a flat stomach should cope with is reducing the size of the waist and giving this area a beautiful relief. Regular exercises can achieve amazing results for both women and men.

But toned abdominal muscles are more than just beauty. They hold internal organs, including the stomach, intestines and bladder. And for normal functioning, these organs must be held correctly. Therefore, by working on your abs, you will also help your digestive system, liver, and bile ducts. For their normal functioning, internal organs must be supplied with blood, which carries with it a number of nutritional components. This is where exercises for a thin waist and flat stomach help. It is also known that they have a good effect on a woman’s reproductive system and her ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Of course, to get a flat stomach at home, exercise is not everything. Proper balanced nutrition is necessary. It is important not to overeat, eat more often and in small portions, do not eat in the evening, eat the right foods and drink enough clean water.

Removing extra centimeters from the waist

Achieving a thin waist is easy with exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles. Such sports elements help to effectively combat the “rolls” of excess fat in this problem area. The exercises are performed both lying down and standing. Physical activity is selected individually. Beginners are recommended to perform 2-3 sets of 30 repetitions; more advanced ones can increase the number of approaches up to 5 times of 40-50 repetitions. Between sets, rest between 15 and 45 seconds.

Crunches for obliques and sides

The workout is performed in a supine position. During the exercise, the oblique muscles of the sides and abdomen actively work. Arms can be extended at chest level or placed behind the head, legs bent at the knees. Lifting the body when twisting is performed obliquely: the right side of the body reaches towards the left leg and vice versa. As we exit we rise, and as we inhale we descend. Regularly performing this effective exercise helps to get rid of fat on the stomach and sides, making the waist thinner and more graceful.

Lateral raises while lying down

One of the most effective exercises for a thin waist are lateral raises in a lying position. Your own weight acts as a burden in this sports element. The more you weigh, the greater the effect of this workout.


  • starting position - lie down on your right side, the hand below is located in front of you at chest level, the left hand is behind your head;
  • exhale – simultaneously lift the body and legs up;
  • inhale - we lower ourselves to the floor.

To reduce physical exertion, you can lift only the body or legs. If you are in good physical shape, then do the entire element. With the help of exercises on the oblique abdominal muscles, the waist and abs are perfectly worked out. Such regular training promotes active loss of excess weight in problem areas.

Standing torso curl

To get rid of your belly and sides, it is recommended to include side bends in a standing position in your regular workouts. During the execution of the element, the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles actively work, providing lateral flexion and extension when tilting the body. Small dumbbells will help increase the effectiveness of this exercise.


  • starting stance - we stand up straight, legs are shoulder-width apart, back straight, we take a dumbbell in our right hand, we put our left hand behind our head;
  • exhale – bend to the right as much as possible;
  • inhale – tilt to the left.

After several approaches we change sides. It is recommended to perform the exercise as slowly as possible to increase the load on the oblique abdominal muscles. Regular training of this area will help make your waist thinner and save you from extra centimeters on your stomach and sides.

Flat stomach and thin waist at home: some tips

Exercise isn't all we need to achieve our dream figure. You can move towards your goal faster and more confidently if you remember the following rules:

  • Remember motivation . To exercise regularly and eat right, you need to understand why you are doing it. Everyone's motivation is different. You can regularly imagine your future ideal body; you can put a photo of a lady with the desired parameters on your refrigerator. Constantly having a source of inspiration before your eyes, you can go towards your goal.
  • Switch to fractional meals . To reduce the size of your stomach and teach it to eat less, you need to reduce your portion sizes. But you can increase the amount of food you eat. Eating six meals a day in small portions is much better than two meals a day and very plentiful ones.
  • Experts advise those who dream of a thin waist to eat raspberries . It contains ketones, which effectively fight excess fat. During berry season, eat half a glass of delicious raspberries 15 minutes before your main meal. When raspberries are not in season, grapefruits can be consumed. They are also known for their fat burning properties. Try eating half a grapefruit before meals, and this alone will help you lose a couple of extra pounds without much effort.
  • Avocado and olive oil are also considered very beneficial foods for the waist . They contain valuable fatty acids that help prevent the accumulation of excess fat, including on the stomach and sides. But you need to eat them in moderation, because these foods are still very high in calories.
  • Be sure to have breakfast . This is the most important meal of the day. A hearty breakfast prevents overeating during the day and helps normalize metabolic processes.
  • Breathing exercises, yoga and meditation help to achieve a thin waist and flat stomach .
  • Do not be nervous . It is known that stress often leads to overeating. And it doesn’t have the best effect on the entire body. The same goes for lack of sleep.
  • Eat porridge . Oatmeal is a versatile cereal that makes a wonderful breakfast. It contains fiber, complex “slow” carbohydrates, and helps normalize cholesterol levels. Oatmeal perfectly saturates you for the whole day, and in order to assimilate it, the body will need to expend a lot of energy. Therefore, for a thin waist it is the best assistant.
  • Eat apples . Studies have shown that those who regularly eat at least 300 grams of apples lose weight faster and more effectively than those who do not have them in their diet.
  • Eat dairy and fermented milk products . The calcium it contains helps to get rid of excess weight and promotes proper muscle building.
  • Pinch massage helps well in the fight for a flat stomach and thin waist . It is very simple to do, and at the same time, it allows you to reduce your waist size by 5 centimeters in just a month.
  • Don't limit yourself to cardio . They burn more calories, but strength training is needed to increase their effectiveness. Their advantage is that after them, the body will burn fat for another day even at rest.

Thus, a simple set of exercises combined with easy adjustments to your diet is a great way to achieve a slender and toned tummy and a thin waist. The main thing is to practice regularly, and the results will not keep you waiting.

We train in the gym

Regular training at a sports club is an excellent opportunity to supplement your home program with effective abdominal exercises on various machines. It is enough to devote about 30 minutes at least 3 times a week to such exercises to achieve significant success in losing weight in the sides and abdomen.

To get rid of excess centimeters at the waist, you need to do:

  • hanging leg raises on a horizontal bar or bench;
  • twisting the torso in a block or on an inclined bench;
  • cardio exercises on professional abdominal exercise machines.

Such activities will help you diversify your home workouts by giving exercise to muscles that are not involved in other exercises. By regularly changing and adding various elements to your fitness program, you increase the effectiveness of your sports training.

Abdominal exercises: technique

Remember: during any abdominal work, during any twisting, the lower back should be pressed tightly to the floor. If it is torn off, the load will be taken on by the iliopsoas muscle, which is already quite well developed. And of course, the lower back will suffer. If you cannot press your lower back to the floor, for example due to lordosis in the lumbar region, place a folded towel under your hips.

Do not press your chin to your chest, it should stretch upward. This will ensure the correct position of the neck, which means it will not harm the muscles of the cervical-collar area, and the neck will not hurt. The neck should not be used when lifting the body.

Watch your breathing. I know that many people consider this a trifle, but nevertheless, muscles need oxygen, and especially during training. Without it they cannot work fully. Any, even short, holding of breath signals the brain about a “stressful” situation, and the muscles contract, performing their protective function. Obviously, under such conditions the effectiveness of training will be reduced.

How to breathe: at the moment of relaxation - inhale, and at the moment of maximum tension - exhale. When you start doing the exercises, following the breathing technique, you will immediately feel how much easier the necessary movements are for you.

Make sure your hands are in the correct position while doing the exercises. When you put your hands behind your head, it creates unnecessary tension in the muscles of your back and neck. When performing any lifting or twisting of the torso with your hands behind your head, you should not interlock your fingers at the back of your head. With general tension during the exercise, people use their last strength to pull themselves by the neck with their hands (helping themselves) and thereby injure the vertebrae. Hands should be held loosely at the head, lightly touching the back of the head with your fingers.

Most people overtrain their abdominals. There is no need to do abdominal exercises every day or even every other day for hundreds or thousands of repetitions; moreover, it is a complete waste of time. Even before competitions, I only do abdominal exercises twice a week!

Exercises for the abdomen and sides for young mothers

After childbirth, many girls face the problem of excess fat on their sides and stomach. Pregnancy and childbirth force young mothers to struggle with excess weight, low muscle tone, and loss of former flexibility of ligaments and joints. You can regain a flat stomach and lost shape with the help of abdominal exercises combined with a moderate and balanced diet.

To get rid of your belly fat and get physically stronger after childbirth, you need to do the following regularly:

  • Lying body raises. During this exercise, young mothers are recommended to bend their legs at the knees and keep their hands on their stomach in the diaphragm area. This helps to avoid neck injuries and clearly control the intensity of physical activity on weakened muscles.

  • Lying pelvic lifts. In this effective exercise, the lower abs receive the main load. The element is performed lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, arms along the body. As you inhale, lift your pelvis up as much as possible, and as you exit, lower it. The movement should be carried out primarily through the abdominal muscles.

  • Exercise "Cat". This sports element uses the muscles of the back and abdomen. Get on your knees with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart. Exhale - pull your stomach towards your spine as much as possible, inhale - relax and bend a little at the lower back.

Training after childbirth should be done slowly and carefully, gradually increasing the number of approaches and repetitions. As soon as the muscles become toned, you can diversify the program with more complex fitness elements. Before training for the abdomen and sides, young mothers need to do a mandatory warm-up, and then stretch. It is recommended to add lighter versions of exercises for other muscle groups to the training program so that the whole body receives physical activity evenly.

Take your time and don't force the intensity of your workouts after giving birth. If you feel pain or discomfort during exercise, then reduce the load or stop doing the exercise completely. After creating a fitness program and before starting training, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

How to quickly remove sides

What exercises to remove the sides is a frequently asked question of all women and girls who dream of improving their figure on their own. Every day you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Spin the hula hoop: this will be a kind of warm-up before pumping the abs. This exercise accelerates the rate of metabolism (metabolism) and will create a “wasp” waist. Spinning the hoop takes 20-30 minutes. But do not immediately take a hula hoop with large balls, it can injure internal organs;
  2. Pump up your abs to keep your muscles toned. Oblique twists help to effectively remove sides at home. When lying on the floor, do not bend your lower back, bend your legs at the knees and move your heels towards your buttocks. Hands behind the head. As you inhale, alternately touch your elbow to the opposite knee. While inhaling, return to the starting position. Do 15 repetitions on each side for 3 sets. See instructions on how to pump up your abs in 8 minutes a day;
  3. The plank is a classic basic static exercise. How can planks help you remove fat from your sides? Very simple and effective. To perform a side plank, you need to lie on your side, lower arm strictly under your shoulder, legs together, tuck your butt (do not stick out), extend your other arm up, or rest on your side. Keep your head straight. Hold in this position for 30-60 seconds, repeat 3 approaches for each side;
  4. Bends are very effective , they can be done both with and without weights. Stand straight, put one hand on your side, raise the other above your head, do this, tilt to the side alternately. For each side, perform 20 inclines, 4 sets. If you have dumbbells (you can use a 0.5 liter water bottle instead), then the exercise will have a slightly different format. Stand straight, take a dumbbell in your hand, place your other hand on your side, and tilt it in the direction in which the weight is located. Perform 15 times in each direction, 3 approaches;
  5. Perhaps you have a “Health” circle; a mechanical simulator will correct your posture and add refinement to your waist, which you should exercise for 15-25 minutes a day.

What success can you achieve in a week?

With the help of exercise and strict dietary restrictions, significant gains can be achieved in a week of intense training. If you need to quickly and quickly get rid of fat on your stomach and sides, then exercise every day for at least 45-60 minutes. Focus on training your abs and obliques, adding in intense cardio exercises. Read more about how to lose belly fat in a week here.

To remove the belly and sides, in addition to abdominal exercises, you must adhere to a carbohydrate-free diet, consisting mainly of low-calorie foods. Eliminate unhealthy and high-calorie foods from your diet. Frequent and small meals combined with intense physical activity activates metabolism and significantly accelerates weight loss.

Instructions on how to get a flat stomach

Do these exercises three days a week. Just make sure that the days do not follow each other in a row. Start with Basic Training (exercises one through four) to prepare your muscles. After three weeks of regular training, you can safely move on to advanced training (exercises five to eight). To burn fat faster, perform exercises in cycles. That is, go through a series of exercises, one after another, with pauses of 30 seconds in between. After the first cycle, rest for a minute, then repeat the series of exercises again.

How to make your stomach flat at home?

Follow this interval training routine three times a week immediately after your core workouts. This will speed up your metabolism and burn all that fat that stubbornly hides your beautiful muscles. Rest intervals should alternate with periods of active, intense work. And if you can’t do the exercises and talk at the same time, then you’re doing everything right. Your task is to fully concentrate on the speed and intensity of working on yourself. Your activity should alternate with periods of rest using light exercises to gradually restore your muscles. In one Australian study, women who did 15 days of intense interval training lost significantly more weight than those who did regular, lower-intensity training.

This type of interval training will also require warm-up and cool-down periods. To do this, you can use any light physical activity of your choice: cycling, running, treadmill in the gym.

Maximum effortLight activityRepetitions
Week 11 minute2 minutes5
Week 21 minute90 Seconds6
Week 31 minute1 minute8
Week 41 minute1 minute10
Week 575 Seconds1 minute10
Week 690 Seconds1 minute10

A set of exercises for a flat stomach

Reverse crunches

  • 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

Raising legs to arms from a lying position (with a fitball)

  • 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

Oblique crunches on an incline bench

  • 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

Rotations of the body with a fitball in hands (inclined)

  • 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Fitball

Russian crunches on a block lying on a fitball

  • Lie with your back on the fitball so that it is at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, place your feet wider than your shoulders, bend your knees at a right angle, and press your feet to the floor. Take the medicine ball with both hands and hold it in front of you, elbows slightly bent. Twist to the left, bringing the ball in the direction of movement, while twisting your hips to the right. 3 sets of 20 reps.
  • Body Part: Press Equipment: Block

Side bends with dumbbells

  • 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Dumbbells

Exercise "Frog"

  • 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

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How to get a flat stomach

And now for some surprises. To achieve a slim waist, it is not enough to just pump up your abs; all the fitness trainers on the planet will confirm this. Of course, your abdominal muscles will become stronger, but no one will see them under the layer of fat. To get a flat tummy forever, you need to think bigger and start your “flat belly in X days” program with nutrition. Eat 4 small meals a day, forget about unhealthy carbohydrates in the afternoon and drink more water. Make friends with healthy fats, protein foods and complex carbohydrates rich in fiber. Our article on proper nutrition for weight loss will help you decipher all these valuable instructions!

If the desired changes are not limited to toning the abdominal muscles, but are also clearly formulated as “six packs”, add appropriate abdominal training to a properly balanced diet. Instead of boring cardio, choose interval running or running up the stairs in the hallway. Any of these methods will keep you from getting bored and will work great for belly fat! Down with belly fat, give every girl a firm, flat tummy!

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