Is it possible to lose weight by rocking? First, lose weight and then build muscles. how to lose weight and get pumped up. hormones are our everything

Many girls face a problem: there is no obvious excess weight, but they are not happy with their figure. What to do first - lose weight or gain muscle?

There is a separate article here about the fact that it is impossible to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time. Realizing that they will have to choose one thing, many choose to increase their muscles - they start eating a lot and working out. What will come of this? Let's divide people into three types and see what will happen to muscles and fat as they gain weight in each:

  1. Naturally slim people
  2. Fat people
  3. Naturally overweight in the past, but lost weight

lost weight and pumped up

I'm just an ectomorph in life.
This is why I don’t feel comfortable doing workouts to failure. And even without working out for 20 years... Looking at my before and after photos, I am often asked how I lost so much weight and got pumped up. Moreover, many want to know the secret of how to lose weight and get pumped up at the same time. But the secret is where to put the comma, in the phrase: you can’t lose weight by gaining weight.

lost weight and pumped up at the same time?

lost weight and pumped up. On the left, 37 years old. Right 41

I get asked very often: what should you do if you have excess fat? There are two options - first lose weight, and then start working out, or immediately start gaining weight, and then lose weight. Looking ahead, I’ll say - if you have excess fat, and your goal is to get a beautiful body, then definitely lose weight first. But first things first:

how to lose weight and get pumped up. Hormones are everything.

As I have said many times, the growth of our muscles is directly influenced by the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is produced in response to resistance training by our glands and how much of this hormone circulates through the blood determines how much muscle we can build.

A lot of testosterone means a lot of muscle. Little is less. In contrast to male testosterone, some hormones—such as the female hormones estrogen or leptin—promote fat storage. The more testosterone, the less fat and more muscle. The more hormones like estrogen and leptin, the more fat.

lost weight and pumped up video.
how to lose weight and get pumped up if you're fat?

Let's see what happens if we have excess fat and start gaining weight. Aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen. Produced by the adrenal cortex and adipocytes - adipose tissue cells. And the more fat , the more aromatase and the more testosterone is converted into estrogen.

So you’ve worked out, testosterone levels rise, but a fat person’s bloodstream reaches the muscles less than someone who lost weight before he started lifting. Not only that, but this testosterone is also converted into estrogen.

Moreover, increased levels of estradiol reduce the production of luteinizing hormone , which reduces the production of testosterone.

Leptin. Oh, the discovery of leptin in 1994 was a breakthrough. This is a hormone that is involved in the accumulation of fat, the feeling of hunger and ... it is also produced by adipose tissue. The more fat, the more leptin, and the more fat is gained.

Let's go back to testosterone again. Our damn fat has testosterone-sensitive receptors. This means that, to top it all off, fat also captures testosterone. This means that less testosterone reaches the muscles that we want to pump up, which limits their growth.

how to get pumped up and lose weight at the same time

Remember the fact - it is impossible to lose weight and gain weight at the same time. In order to lose weight, we need to eat less than we spend; and in order to pump up, we need to eat more than we consume. Therefore, when gaining muscle, some amount of fat is always gained .

how to quickly lose weight and get pumped up

And now imagine, Vasya - who first lost 5 kg of excess fat and Petya -

how to get pumped up and lose weight at the same time

who had an extra 20 kg of fat and immediately started working on weight. Both gained 10 kg but what's the difference?

The fact is that with such a set of hormones, Vasya gained 6 kg of muscle and 4 fat.

And Petya has 2 kg of muscle and 8 kg of fat. And who will find it easier to make the relief after this?

Vasya needs to lose his 5kg + 4kg = 9kg. And he has more muscles.

And Petya needs to lose the 20 kg that he had and another 8 kg that he gained. = 28kg - and he has less muscle.

I think the answer is obvious.

how to lose weight and get pumped up? Ask the sales department!

Are my conclusions confirmed by practice? Yes, every day I see unfortunate Singers who mark time for years or quit the gym without seeing results. So why aren’t they told about this? Can you imagine that the sales department will tell Petya: You don’t need to buy a subscription to our gym and you don’t need to pay for personal training. It is better for you to lose weight first for your goals, no need to spend money. Introduced? I could not get

Well, my friends, subscribe to my channel on YouTube, it’s called freshlife28 , share this video with your friends and like it and all that. And that’s all for today, Basilio was with you and bye bye.

What is the main mistake?

I believe that the main mistake people make is that they take the wrong guidelines and their expectations are often incommensurate with their capabilities.

I'll explain now.

Many people go to the gym impressed by the physique of top athletes.

And this in itself is not bad, because the person is already STARTING TO DO SOMETHING instead of just sitting on the couch, but still, it is confusing, because... These same beginners focus on training top athletes, although their training is accompanied by colossal overload, which only athletes training on steroids can withstand.

The entire bodybuilding industry, ABSOLUTELY ALL of it, is built on taking various combinations of exogenous (obtained from outside) anabolic hormones (testosterone, insulin, growth hormone).

Steroids accelerate the athlete's recovery process to incredible speeds.

Therefore, a person can endure daily, difficult, constantly destructive workouts, against the background of increased calorie content.

This article is not about that, but remember this point - professional athletes train using split programs, which involve frequent training because... take doping, which speeds up their recovery process.

Ordinary people who just went to the gym to pump up their bitsukha a little don’t have such recovery capabilities, that’s what I’m getting at.

Naturally, the results for natural athletes are lower.

As a result, a natural athlete reaches a physiological limit and that’s it, further progress is practically limited.

What to do: lose weight or gain weight?

The human body is capable of creating new muscle fibers or burning adipose tissue. As a result, athletes are often faced with the question of what to do: lose weight or gain weight? It is quite obvious that it is relevant for beginner bodybuilders. Experienced athletes know very well what and when to do in the gym.

Every visitor to the gym understands that it is necessary to lose weight through aerobic exercise, and to gain muscle mass, strength training is necessary. So the question arises that we talked about, what to do: lose weight or gain weight. In this case, it may be possible to combine aerobic and anaerobic training.

How to get pumped up if you're fat. Instructions for the training process

We talked about the principles of nutrition, now we move directly to training that is suitable for overweight people. You've probably wondered more than once how best to start exercising and get in shape faster? What's the best thing to do? Lose weight and then get your muscles in order! Lose weight and then get fit!

Read it and try to understand what you need to do. Proven, working scheme!

  1. The first thing people who have worked out or not should do is come to the gym and don’t be shy. You are not alone, there are plenty like you. The effect will be much better than sitting at home. When you arrive at the gym, you choose a cardio machine. It is advisable that it is not a treadmill to spare your joints. Get on the exercise bike and start spinning. The first training starts from 20 minutes. Up to half an hour. Go to the gym every other day, and also sit on the exercise machine, but do it for 40 minutes. Over the course of a week, work your way up to an hour.
  2. Starting next week, you come to the gym and just warm up for 15 minutes on this cardio machine. After which you do a little stretching and then proceed to the most basic exercises on the machines. Never use free weights.
  3. Find a trainer in the gym who will prompt and guide you throughout the entire stage. It is better to start training with the pectoral muscles on simulators. Perform 2-3 sets of 12-25 repetitions. Set the weight to the lowest possible. Your main goal is to tone your muscles.
  4. Your training cycle will consist of cardio training (when you pedal for an hour) and work with exercise equipment, the day when cardio is 15 minutes only for warming up, I think it’s clear here.
  5. After working on chest simulators, go on to train your back on simulators. These are pulls behind the head or to the chest. Then you include the shoulder muscles in the work - these are all kinds of presses. Leg exercises and calf raises. You shouldn't touch your hands yet. Biceps and triceps will be loaded anyway.
  6. Abdominal pumping is a must. These are leg raises and crunches. As well as hyperextension to strengthen the lower back and back muscles. As I said above, you start with 2 sets and over the course of a week, work your way up to 4 sets of each exercise. Every time you come to the gym, increase the number of approaches and weight.
  7. Once you become toned, start working on yourself, stick to your diet, the fat layer will begin to burn. When you lose 10 kg, you will start doing more intense workouts. That is, reduce the rest time between approaches.
  8. You should do circuit exercises. If you did bench press, deadlift, and extension exercises separately, then here you will do circuit training. Perform presses, rows, shoulder presses, flexors-extensors, calf raises and abs. This will be a big circle, you will have about 3 to 5 such circles.
  9. This will depend on how you feel, keep an eye on your pulse so that it does not become too fast. Give yourself a rest, listen to your body. As for the question of what to do to lose weight or get fat, we will repeat here that you must first tone the muscles and get rid of the fat layer.

Is it possible to combine cardio and strength training?

Even many professional fitness trainers are sure that combining these types of exercise is impossible. First of all, you should decide on your tasks. Agree that a couple of kilos lost will not be so noticeable in comparison with a pumped up body.

When creating a training program, you should take into account many parameters, for example, the percentage of fat in your body, the level of initial training, etc. Also remember that if you have health problems, you should first seek advice from medical professionals. If everything is fine, then you should determine the amount of fat in your body. You do not need exact indicators, because for this you need to visit a specialist. Now there are quite a lot of simple techniques for solving this problem.

The amount of cardio exercise you need will depend on this indicator. It is very important to precede each session with a good warm-up. You can simply use a treadmill or exercise bike. The maximum warm-up duration is 15 minutes. During this time, you need to sweat slightly and speed up the blood flow.

What to do first: lose weight or gain weight

It so happens that the main myth of fitness is connected with the main question of today’s article. It is generally accepted that you must first get rid of excess fat. Only after this should you focus your efforts on strength training. Moreover, to combat adipose tissues, it is necessary to use only cardio exercises.

In practice, the type of fitness does not affect the weight loss process at all. It's all about the intensity of your activities. If your goal is to lose excess weight, then during exercise your heart rate should be between 130 and 160 beats per minute. If your heart rate exceeds 170 beats, then the load becomes anaerobic. If you experience heavy breathing during exercise and sweat profusely, then you will not be able to lose weight in such conditions.

    Working on exercise machines only allows you to pump up your muscles.
    It depends on what kind of exercise machine you are going to use. There is a group of aerobic exercise equipment: orbitrek, exercise bike, treadmill, etc. They are primarily designed to burn fat. However, training, say, on blocks, may also not give results in terms of gaining muscle mass. As we said above, it's all about heart rate and working weight. Only if your heart rate exceeds 170 beats per minute, and you work with heavy weights, can muscles grow. It should be noted that the effectiveness of strength training largely depends on the correct choice of working weight. It is necessary to use weights with which you can perform about ten repetitions and no more. We also note the fact that the duration of strength training should be around 45 minutes. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to lift even a couple of kilos. To lose weight, weight training is also carried out, but their duration can be up to an hour and a half, and the working weights are small. This allows you to perform more repetitions and less rest between sets (no more than 60 seconds).

Strength training can make a woman's body overly muscular.

A very popular misconception in the field of fitness. Many girls prefer cardio to strength training precisely because they are afraid of pumping up their muscles. You have absolutely nothing to worry about. Even men gain muscle mass slowly, but it’s not even worth talking about girls. This is due to the low concentration of testosterone in the female body. If you don't use AAS, you won't be able to pump up your muscles. Your body will not allow this. Sometimes girls notice that after starting weight training, their body weight increases slightly. This is quite normal, as the muscles have become stronger. Girls should not only use cardio exercises, but also conduct strength training. This will allow you to tighten muscles in problem areas, which will only benefit your figure.

You can only train effectively in the gym.

Not every person wants to build huge muscle mass. Most of the gym visitors train for themselves, and if you don’t want to win at Olympia, then you can do it at home. Training at home will allow you to improve muscle tone and pump them up. Having dumbbells and a horizontal bar (wall bars) at home, you can effectively pump up your body. After this, you will no longer be ashamed to undress on the beach. Moreover, the horizontal bar and parallel bars can be found at any school stadium and even in many courtyards. Thus, all you have to do is purchase dumbbells, preferably collapsible ones. After this, you can start training at home.

To get rid of fat in problem areas, you need to perform special exercises.

There is no targeted fat burning. The body gradually sheds adipose tissue throughout the body. If you want, say, to remove belly fat, then just pumping up your abs will not achieve your goal. We also note that the female body first actively burns fat in the upper half of the body and only after that lipolysis begins in the hips and buttocks.

Barbell, dumbbells and kettlebells are necessary only for bodybuilders.

If a girl wants to create a truly beautiful figure, then she will have to use sports equipment. If you use only exercise machines, you will strengthen certain muscle groups, for example, the arms. When you work with a barbell, performing basic movements, all the muscles of the body are involved. For example, when performing squats with a barbell, not only the leg muscles are involved in the work, but also the back and special stabilizer muscles. Almost every basic movement can activate about 80 percent of the muscles in the entire body. The simulators are primarily designed for correction and allow you to more actively work out muscles that are lagging behind in development.

Effective exercises at home

If you exercise at home, the best exercises will be bodyweight training and rhythmic aerobics.

  • Push-ups should be performed in three sets. You can stop at the classic ones, turn on your imagination (on one hand, arms wide, on the palms).
  • An indispensable home exercise is jumping rope. It is advisable to combine long jumps with short ones.
  • Cycling will allow you to develop your abdominal muscles; it is recommended to repeat this exercise without resting.
  • Try to run more often, twice a week if possible.

Bottom line, the ideal weight loss and muscle building program:

  • Warm-up
  • Run
  • Push-ups, reverse push-ups
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Plank, side plank
  • Crunches
  • Circuit training

The ideal training is based on circuit training. All exercises are done with minimal rest, each is divided into approaches, the rest lasts from 1-2 minutes. The exercises listed above are performed for 30 seconds, then a break for up to 15 seconds, the next exercise, and then a new approach.

It should be remembered that building muscle at home is difficult and takes a lot of time. If you are focused on quick results, then you need to start going to the gym, lifting weights, and using cardio equipment.

Know that a beautiful, sculpted body requires effort. You should stock up on patience and diligence, which will be rewarded, but do not try to work hard, your body will not say “thank you” for this.

Is it possible to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time?

If you ask around among amateurs and professionals of iron sports, you will get a bunch of contradictory (and sometimes absurd) answers. Someone will say that this is impossible, another will say, on the contrary, that he knows one guy who knows another guy who heard from a third that his friend simultaneously loses weight and gains muscle, without the use of steroids and other pharmaceuticals, and the third He will confidently say that it’s as easy as shelling pears, you just need to transfer fat into muscles!

Who is right and who is wrong? Let's find out.

Muscle growth

Let's make it clear right away. If you want to pump up your butt (make it rounder/protruding/sticking out, etc.) this means that you need to understand the process of muscle growth.

Our body always tries by any means to avoid changes, in this regard, it is an ardent republican. The body wants to be in one constant, calm state. This phenomenon is called “homeostasis”. But the calm of our body is periodically grossly disrupted by the external environment. They constantly interact with each other to achieve the necessary balance. But if changes occur in the external environment, the internal one will also be subject to cataclysms and changes. And if such changes occur repeatedly, the internal environment will be forced to adapt to maintain constancy.

For example, the first time a person burns, as they say, “out of habit,” but if the procedure is repeated over a certain period of time, the body begins to adapt and melanin is produced and you no longer look like boiled cancer. That is, your body goes through the process of adaptation - adapting the internal environment to changes in the external one. This is how balance is maintained and addiction occurs.

The same law of balance applies when it comes to muscle growth. When you exercise, you begin to upset the balance between the body and the external environment. Muscle cells are destroyed, many internal systems are affected and the body begins to feel stress. If you repeat these actions regularly, your body will have no choice but to adapt by building muscle mass.

How do muscles grow? In a calm state, the muscle is in balance with the external environment. You exercise = cause disturbance from the body. At the end of the workout, you relax, and the body begins to “heal” the muscles and remove all kinds of damage. The body carefully prepares for the possibility of repeated stress in order to be prepared for such changes in the external environment. In the process of restoration of the body, a process of hypertrophy occurs.

Hypertrophy is a medical term meaning the enlargement of an entire organ or part of it as a result of an increase in volume and/or number of cells. Muscle hypertrophy, in turn, means muscle growth and an increase in the total muscle mass of the body due to the growth of individual muscle groups.

There are two types of muscle hypertrophy - M- fibrillar and C -arcoplasmic. The first gives muscle growth by increasing the volume of muscle fiber cells (while their number remains virtually unchanged), the second by increasing the nutrient fluid surrounding this fiber. The muscles obtained as a result of different types of hypertrophy differ from each other. M-hypertrophy is characterized by “dry” and toned muscles, while C-hypertrophy is characterized by “pumped up” and voluminous muscles. Different types of loads lead to different types of hypertrophy.

Research shows that the healing process of muscle fiber begins 3-4 hours after training and ends after 36-48 hours - which is why it is ineffective to train the same muscle group more often. The main aids to recovery are nutrition and sleep.

You need to understand that this process is a very important point, because a significant part of the effectiveness of your physical activity is based on it. Without understanding this process, there can be no talk of success and retention of results. According to most experts, muscle growth is based on two main secrets - supercompensation (rest, during which the process of hypertrophy occurs) and progression of loads .

Fat burning

The body stores hated fat reserves in special fat cells in the form of triglycerides. And in order for this chemical to be used to meet the body's needs, fat cells must break down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. There is a name for this process - lipolysis , during which the final substances (FA and glycerol) leave the fat cell and are transported through the blood to the place of use.

The signal for the start of lipolysis is a certain hormonal background (namely, through hormones, special biologically active substances, your body controls all cellular work). Glands are responsible for the production and release of hormones. Once in the blood, hormones “travel” throughout all systems and organs of your body. Thus, once they are close to the cells in whose work they must be involved, hormones, like a missing piece of a puzzle, contact the receptor, and the desired command is launched. In our case, “fat breakdown”.

I think it’s obvious that you can’t tell the hormone “hey, boss, slow down” to any specific problem area. The lipolysis command will be given for the entire body, or not at all!

Once the fat is released, it is transported along with the blood to the muscle . When it reaches this muscle, it is burned in the mitochondria, the “power plants” of a person.

But lipolysis (fat breakdown) is not synonymous with weight loss ! Yes, the triglyceride left the cell and was absorbed into the blood. And now, in order to truly get rid of it irrevocably, the body must “burn” (use it for certain needs). If this does not happen, our poor triglyceride will circulate through the bloodstream and be deposited back in the same fat cells, or even on the walls of blood vessels, creating cholesterol plaques.

And this is precisely why no goji berries, turbo slims, belts, saunas, wraps, etc. are pure scam! Just as it is impossible to shake, melt, or otherwise mechanically influence fat deposits - this is a chemical reaction!

So is it possible to combine these two processes: fat burning and muscle growth?

An important point in this matter: protein synthesis and breakdown is a continuous process, regardless of the type of nutrition. Those. your body produces and destroys protein without asking you at all. In muscle itself, the sum of protein synthesis and breakdown can lead to three different outcomes (Tipton & Wolfe, 2001).

  • If more protein is synthesized than is broken down, this can lead to an increase in “lean” muscle mass .
  • If more protein is broken down than synthesized, it can result in a net loss of muscle tissue .
  • If protein synthesis and breakdown balance each other, this results in balance .
  • Nutrition

    In order for your caloric intake to be ideal for both weight loss and muscle gain, you need to include more protein foods in your diet. The body will perceive an increase in protein foods and a decrease in the consumption of fats and carbohydrates as a general decrease in daily caloric intake. And since proteins are the most important building material for your muscles, it will serve their good growth without the deposition of excess fat, since you have reduced fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods to a safe minimum for your body.

    “Here I am...”

    • But I read that you can convert fat into muscles, is that what you need?

    Fat and muscle are completely different things. Fat and muscle have nothing in common; these cells differ both in their content and purpose. And turning some cells into others is pure magic. If you mean that during physical activity you will break down a bunch of fat deposits and it is this energy that will be used for muscle growth, then this theory does not work in practice. See the answer above.

    But I’ve been working out for a couple of months, but I’ve become noticeably pumped up and lost weight!!

  • Firstly, it has long been a proven fact that a person sometimes evaluates himself, to put it mildly, inadequately, so forgive me, but there is a possibility that your changes are visible only to you. Secondly, the whole point is that any beginner starts with “empty” muscles . They have virtually no supply of some important substances, and the fibers are completely unprepared for stress. After several workouts, the process of adaptation of the body begins and the inclusion of more and more fibers in the work. In addition, a large amount of those most important substances accumulate, in particular creatine phosphate and glycogen, due to which the cell cytoplasm increases in volume. This is why muscles become larger. That is, it is not muscle growth (hypertrophy) that occurs, but the usual “inflation”. It seems to you that you have achieved results thanks to your amazing training program, and fat has turned into muscle, but you will see that the progress and such stunning effect will stop very soon.
  • Sources: -pohudet/pohudenie-i-rost-massi/

    How to lose weight if you're fat

    Tolstoy, in order to lose weight and then pump up, you need to do two things - eat right and train properly. That is, you need to start cutting, like bodybuilders, only they strictly burn fat, and you will just need to dry out until you have cubes. How to pump up a fat teenager? Just follow the rules listed below, because the scheme works for absolutely all ages.

    When losing weight, fat people must adhere to the following rules:

    1. The amount of protein consumed directly depends on the thickness of the fat layer. The fatter you are, the less carbohydrates you need to eat and more protein. The ratio of consumption of these nutrients should look like this: proteins - 60%, fats and carbohydrates - 20%. There is no need to give up carbohydrates for a couple of days; you can harm your health. Protein should enter the body in an amount of 3 grams. per kg. body weight.
    2. It is difficult to say the exact amount of carbohydrates and fats, because everyone has a different metabolism. You simply need to smoothly and slowly reduce your daily carbohydrate intake. Cut the coals until you feel the fat moving.
    3. Sports nutrition will be a very good help in losing weight, why? Complete healthy food, meaning protein, is cool and healthy. However, even breasts and lean fish contain acids, which is bad - they are saturated. It would be best to buy protein, isolate or whey. It will supply your body with high-quality proteins, just choose a good product and spare no expense.
    4. The food consumed should contain low-glycemic indexes, that is, slow carbohydrates, from which energy enters the body gradually, and not in jumps, as with fast ones. The rate of absorption of such products is not high, which is what you need. Slow carbohydrates are porridge, pasta, and cereals.
    5. You need to eat food frequently throughout the day, but not in large portions. You can eat up to 10 times a day, but just a little bit. In any case, eat slow carbohydrates 2 hours before training, like regular athletes. After training, you need to eat only after 1.5 hours, you shouldn’t eat earlier, only protein.
    6. Drink a lot of water to keep your body in good shape and increase hydration, because metabolism speeds up - the body requires more liquid. Throw out all mayonnaise, ketchup, and buns from your diet, and add fruits and vegetables, vitamins and minerals. For dairy products, use only cottage cheese, which contains no fat.

    If you are a fat teenager and want to get pumped up, then follow the above rules and stick to a diet. That is, I want to say that there is no difference between an adult man or a teenager. The processes in the body are identical, the only difference will be in the number of calories consumed and the load. The teenager will accordingly need to eat less and put less strain on his body.

    More on the topic: How can a beginner exercise in the gym?

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