How to lose weight using an elliptical trainer?

Calories are burned during physical activity: the faster a person moves, the more they burn. Jumping, running, push-ups and even regular walking can help you get rid of extra pounds. Exercise bikes, treadmill or elliptical trainer - any sports equipment is suitable for weight loss. The advantages of the ellipse are that it does not focus only on the lower body, but works on many muscle groups. As a result, the volume of the thighs decreases, cellulite disappears, and fat from the abdomen is dispersed.

Workouts on an elliptical trainer for weight loss and tone

The main thing in exercises is to correctly calculate the intensity and duration. You shouldn’t immediately give your best to one hundred percent, bringing the body to exhaustion. Short bursts of impact only stress the cardiovascular system, but do not bring benefits to the body.

You should get into the rhythm gradually. First, train for 5-10 minutes at a slow pace, mastering the orbittrack and its capabilities. Then change modes, cardio training programs, duration. Over the course of a month, you can increase the duration of the approach to half an hour.

Program options

Using an elliptical trainer, you can alternate program options so that you don’t get tired of this activity over time. It simulates not only running, but also allows you to replace several exercise machines at the same time. Before starting classes, you need to know a few simple rules that will help you understand the principle of operation and correctly distribute the load.

When choosing an ellipse for the purpose of losing weight, you need to take into account the advice of professionals and switch to a proper diet.

Orbitrek is perfect for beginners and athletes, as it can be used for training of varying intensity and duration. It’s easy to adapt to the apparatus thanks to three types of programs: basic, intensive and interval. By following the rules, the result will not be long in coming, and after a month of training the effect will be noticeable.


Basic training is suitable for beginners, as well as people who have suffered an injury. It includes the following steps:

  1. Warm-up is the preparatory stage of the training process. To warm up, you can squat, do push-ups, lean forward, backward, or to the sides. This way the body can adapt to the upcoming load.
  2. Start walking for 5 minutes at a moderate pace. You need to take the right position and pedal in a calm rhythm.
  3. The third stage is warming up. Based on age, it is necessary to calculate the maximum heart rate (for 40 years - 180). The heart rate should not be higher than 50%, thus the pulse should not be more than 90 beats per minute. Duration - 10 minutes.
  4. In the next phase, the pulse alternates between 50% and 70%. Duration: 30 minutes.
  5. The final stage is the cool down. You need to walk at a calm rhythm, gradually lowering your heart rate and calming your breathing.

Do not exceed 125 beats per minute.

Example of a basic workout lasting 35 minutes


Intensive training on the elliptical is one of the training options for those who are already well prepared for the load. It involves vigorous walking. Allows you to give your body definition and is effective for burning fat. But even advanced athletes should follow the recommendations and not neglect the appropriate preparation.

Includes the following steps:

  1. Warm-up lasts 5 minutes. You need to pedal at a calm rhythm to properly prepare your body for the upcoming load.
  2. The main part involves alternating intensity. Heart rate - from 50% to 80%. The duration of the phase is 20 minutes.
  3. The third phase is the shortest. During the remaining time, at a calm pace, you need to reduce your pulse to 70 beats. Despite the short duration, the intensity in the final stage is quite high. Therefore, this type of exercise helps to effectively fight excess weight.

Regardless of age, you should not exceed 144 beats per minute.

Example of an alternating intensity workout


With interval training, you can alternate its periods (they can last for different times). You can also change the intensity. This type of elliptical walking trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and increases endurance. Once glucose stores are used up, the body begins to waste glycogen in muscle tissue. After this, fat deposits are intensively burned. The last stage must be long enough, otherwise the body will only consume glucose and glycogen.

Interval training is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular pathologies.

At first, the intensive period should not exceed 5 minutes, then it increases. It all depends on the level of preparation. In any case, the intense phase should not be moderate. For example, you can run for 3 minutes at an intense pace and 10 minutes at a calm pace. With experience, the difference can be reduced, gradually bringing it to the same time.

Interval training is great for weight loss

Long training

Long-term use of a cardio machine triggers metabolism, speeds up blood circulation, and expends more energy. Fat cells are burned, muscles are toned, and endurance increases. It is enough to run on the orbitrack for an hour to achieve noticeable fat burning.

Aerobic exercise has a positive effect on the respiratory system and develops the lungs. Moderate cardio training strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes heart function. The ellipsoid will be useful for older people who want to bring their blood pressure back to normal.


How to exercise on an ellipsoid correctly and can it be done barefoot? For any training, you need to choose a uniform that is comfortable and does not restrict movement. The same applies to shoes. You cannot start training on the orbit track barefoot; you must first select sneakers. This is due to the fact that with bare feet the load on the feet, legs and other parts of the body will be uneven. The muscles will quickly get tired, you can’t expect any benefit from the exercises, but there are risks of overexertion and minor injuries. Therefore, you should train exclusively in special sports shoes with elastic, flexible and dense soles, which help to correctly distribute the load on individual muscles.

Increasing the effectiveness of classes

First you need to choose the degree of cardio load in which the athlete will be comfortable training. To do this, subtract the person’s age from 220 and calculate 60-70% from the resulting number. For example, for a 45-year-old user, an acceptable heart rate will be 105-123 beats (220-45=175, 175x0.6=105). Exercises in this interval will give the best results.

If the benefits of training are not noticeable, you can diversify the approaches on the elliptical trainer and increase its effectiveness for weight loss:

  1. Change angle. The pedals can be level or tilted towards each other, flexing different leg muscles. Some ellipsoids simulate going uphill and going downhill.
  2. Change body position. Leaning your body forward only works your hips and shins, but if you keep it straight, you can use the muscles of your back, shoulders, and arms.
  3. Move not only forward, but also backward. Reverse pedaling involves other muscle groups.
  4. Use movable handles. They develop triceps and biceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles.

You should not get hung up on one type of exercise, even if they are aimed at problem areas - you should alternate cardio loads.

Interval Cardio Training

Another option for high-intensity workouts suitable for burning fat is the speed and type of movement divided into several intervals that follow alternately. Example program:

  • slow walking – 5 minutes;
  • moderate running – 3-5 minutes, mandatory heart rate control within 60-70% of the upper limit;
  • fast running – 30-60 seconds;
  • return to a slow pace – 5 min.

Any elliptical trainer for home is suitable for weight loss, especially if you use interval cardio exercises. At the end, a cool-down is required; it allows you to restore your breathing and well-being.

How long do you need to exercise on an elliptical to lose extra pounds?

To maintain tone and improve your health, it is enough to exercise three times a week for a quarter of an hour, and to lose weight – 5 times a week for 45-60 minutes. For beginners and professional athletes, the cardio training regimen differs.

Number of lessons per weekDuration in minutesAllowable heart rate from maximum
Settled in3-520-4570-80%

The initial stage takes 1-1.5 months, there is no need to rush. It is necessary to carefully monitor your heart rate and well-being; running movements should not be exhausting or cause pain in the body.

For intervertebral hernia

Is it possible to start training on an orbitrek if there is a herniated disc? Yes, such a simulator is included in the recommended list, promoting overall strengthening and restoration of respiratory function. The advantages of the elliptical trainer include complex effects. During classes, almost all muscle groups are used, not just the legs. Particular effects are observed for the pelvic and back areas.

For intervertebral hernia, doctors recommend controlled loads and regular exercise using exercise bikes and orbitreks. With proper use and load control, a fairly quick positive effect is observed. Cyclic smooth movements have a beneficial effect on the spine and surrounding muscles and help strengthen it. The device can be used without constant supervision by a doctor, but take into account recommendations for individual settings.

How many calories are burned on the orbitrek in one workout?

The amount depends on how long the exercises lasted, what intensity they were, and whether they were combined with other physical activity. The preparedness of people also affects: for beginners, fat burning is slower than for professional athletes.

If the load is moderate, you can burn 400-500 kcal in 1 hour; if you increase the load, you can burn up to 800 kcal. Therefore, the elliptical trainer is actively used for weight loss; user reviews confirm its ability to reduce fat deposits and the appearance of cellulite.

Mifflin-St. George formula for calculating calories

you calculate how much energy you need per day . This is a reliable system used to reduce weight and maintain it in optimal condition. It was created in 2005 and replaced the classic formula invented by Harris-Benedict.

It was developed by US nutritionists led by Professors Mifflin and San Geor. Two options are presented:

  1. Primordial . Male caloric intake is calculated: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) + 5; Female caloric intake is: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) – 161.
  2. Improved . The result is more accurate and includes physical activity. Male caloric intake is calculated: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) + 5) x A ; Women's caloric intake is calculated: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (years) – 161) x A.

A – amount of physical activity. The creators of the formula determined 5 load levels:

  1. Minimum – 1.2 (sedentary, passive work);
  2. Small - 1,375;
  3. Average – 1,55;
  4. Intensive – 1,725;
  5. Extractive – 1.9 (this includes people who do heavy physical work or train with iron in the gym).

How many kilograms can you lose weight

Regular cardio exercises bring results within the first month. The longer a person runs on the elliptical, the more calories they burn. It is easier for people with a tendency to obesity to lose the first kilograms: along with the fat, the fluid that stagnates in the tissues goes away.

An elliptical trainer and the right weight loss program will allow you to lose from 1 to 6 kg within a month. If you take the issue seriously and use the orbitrek daily, you can increase your performance to 2.5-3 kg weekly.

Workout diary for losing weight, what to write there

A diary is a record that makes it convenient to track progress. He puts things in order and makes the approach to sports more rational. If the user sees a lack of progress, he compares his performance and increases his cardio load.

What to include:

  • dates of cardio training;
  • duration;
  • heart rate;
  • current weight;
  • intensity or set of exercises;
  • waist, hips;
  • calories burned (the indicator is displayed on the ellipsoid display).

It is difficult to keep information in your head, but on a piece of paper it is easy to notice changes and patterns. For example, the old complex allowed you to burn more calories, but the new one only causes fatigue. This means that the program needs to be adjusted.

You can supplement it with a food diary - track the foods you eat, the progress of the diet and its effect on the body. An integrated approach will make training on an elliptical trainer effective for losing weight, staying fit and getting healthy.

Why do people get fat?

To maintain vitality, different people require their own caloric intake. But the optimal amount for maintaining weight is considered to be uniform energy consumption and expenditure. However, modern people lead a very sedentary lifestyle. The bulk of the calories consumed are used to build the body, that is, stored as fat.

Physical activity takes up no more than 30% of the total calories burned. Although, according to scientists, more than 50% of the calories received should be consumed.

Today, less than 10% of the population maintains an active lifestyle; these are very frightening figures, doctors warn. Because of cars, televisions, telephones, elevators and other advances in technical thought, most city residents develop physical inactivity, which entails many unpleasant and dangerous diseases.

According to research, more than a billion people suffer from excess body weight, 800 million are diagnosed with obesity.

Thus, experts agree that the main reasons why a person gets fat is due to improperly organized diet and diet.

A lifestyle disorder includes chronic lack of sleep . The modern pace of life has a negative impact on health and weight. Firstly, due to insufficient rest, all processes in the body slow down, including digestion. Therefore, incoming food is stored in fat. The body experiences stress and begins to “protect” the body. Plus, to replenish energy costs due to inadequate rest, food with higher energy value is required.

Another reason why people gain weight is because they refuse to eat . Due to the frantic pace of large cities, many people do not have time to eat properly, so they have to give up lunch. But in the evening I still want to eat. But the fact is that due to large breaks in the supply of food, the body begins to think that “dark days” have arrived and begins to store everything that comes into it. Therefore, even food that is not too high in calories still has a negative effect on your waist size.

Dietary restrictions lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Because of this, processes in the body are disrupted, metabolism slows down, and as a result, a person gains weight.

Factors of weight gain

Before losing weight, you need to pay attention to several more important reasons for being overweight. Knowledge will help you better understand your body and adjust your weight loss program.

Scientists identify several biological reasons:

  • Consequences of evolution . The fact is that humans, unlike animals, do not have a mechanism for refusing food. He can eat at any time, place, condition and quantity.
  • Features of the brain . It consumes about 20% of the energy. He requires a constant supply of food. There are special sections in the brain that reward a person with a feeling of happiness for eating a tasty treat.
  • Genetic predisposition . It is laid at the stage of fetal formation in the womb. If the mother lacked carbohydrates, the unborn baby will have weight problems. Nature compensates for the ability to store more fat for a rainy day.
  • Circle of friends . If a fat person communicates with those who have problems with weight, then a favorable environment is created. In such a company, excess weight will be considered normal, high-calorie foods and additional portions will appear more often.

Answers to frequently asked questions

1. Which is better: an exercise bike or an elliptical trainer for weight loss?

Both devices use the legs, circulate blood throughout the body and create a slight relief. The treadmill and exercise bike are limited only to the lower body, while the orbitrack works the back, shoulder girdle, chest, abs and arms. If you need a uniform cardio load, you should choose an ellipsoid.

2. Is it possible to get injured during training?

The ellipse is the safest of all cardio exercise machines; it does not put stress on the joints, spine and knees. Recommended for elderly and frail people. However, improper use or exercising while sick can be detrimental to your health.

3. What to do if the result is not visible?

It is worth increasing the duration of exercises, changing the program or exercising more often. It is important to adjust your diet - consume low-calorie foods, drink more clean water. You can combine cardio exercises with other physical activity.

For arthrosis of the knee joint

A disease such as arthrosis of the knee joint causes pain and restrictions in movement. To restore joint function, physical activity and moderate exercise are necessary. They prevent the formation of stagnation of lymph and blood, help activate proper blood circulation and tissue nutrition. In addition, exercise strengthens joints and muscles and becomes a tool for overall health.

Is it possible to use Orbitec if you have diagnosed arthrosis of the joints? Yes, doctors recommend this type of exercise machine as one of the most effective and safe. But the benefit of its use will only be at an early stage of the disease; with advanced pathology, such training can cause discomfort and deterioration of the condition. You should exercise as early as possible, having previously drawn up an individual load plan. You should use the exercise machine every day; skipping classes or shortening their duration is not recommended.

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