How to Make a Beautiful Body for a Man (Program for the Gym + Running, Pull-Ups, Kettlebells)

Unfortunately, now we temporarily do not have the opportunity to go to the gym to maintain good physical shape. But don't despair. You can train at home just as effectively as in a specially equipped room. Moreover, this also has its advantages: at least you won’t have to waste time traveling to the fitness center and back. Together with fitness and boxing trainer Gideon Akande

We talk about five effective exercises for men that will pump up all muscle groups at home.

The World's Best Program To Tighten Your Body and Become a Handsome Man

In fact, the secret of a beautiful and sculpted body has been known for a long time - I feel like an idiot repeating what is already known.

Three exercises.

Squats - 3 sets of 10 reps.

Press - 3 sets of 10 reps.

Deadlift - 3 sets of 10 reps.

2-4 workouts per week.

This is the basis of bodybuilding. Base.

If you do this program of three exercises for the rest of your life, you will be able to show off your body. Dot.

I don't care how old you are.

The follower who asked this is 55 years old. Now someone smart will choke on saliva, shouting: “AT THIS AGE YOU CAN’T DO WEIGHTS.”

I’ll just answer: “Fuck you, asshole.”

Look how Soviet weightlifter Rudolf Plückfelder squats 100 kilograms at the age of, attention, 90 years!

Have questions? No questions.

If a 90-year-old man can do 100 squats, then it’s time for us to shut up and work more on our bodies.

I'm not saying to go headlong into the pool.

Start gradually.

Whatever your level of training.

Start doing this program and add 2-5 kg ​​of weight each workout on the bench press and 5-10 kg on the deadlift and squats.


You don't need anything else at the very beginning.

In a few months you will change beyond recognition.

If you follow your diet.

Rest between sets for 2-5 minutes, depending on your level of fatigue.

Nutrition for a beautiful body: recommendations for gaining weight

  1. Break your 3 main meals into 5, and try to eat every 2-3 hours. This diet will speed up your metabolism and allow foods to be better absorbed.
  2. Increase the amount of protein and carbohydrate foods in your diet. Their ratio in the menu should be 1:2. That is, for 100 grams of protein there should be 200 grams of complex carbohydrates.
  3. Consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and proteins in the second.
  4. For dinner, give preference to dishes made from casein protein (dairy products), which is easily digestible and will nourish your muscles throughout the night.
  5. Don't forget to drink plain, clean water, as it helps improve metabolic processes and reduces the risk of many health problems.
  6. Eat protein from both animal and plant sources. Don't forget that some important microelements and vitamins are found exclusively in legumes.
  7. Try to eat at the same time every day: this regimen helps improve the functioning of the digestive system and speeds up metabolism.

How to eat healthy

If your goal is to lose fat, then you need to eat less.

If your goal is to gain weight, you need to eat more.

In both cases, you need 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body.

How will you know that you are doing everything right?

Libra will tell you.

If you want to lose weight

Eat less.

If you eat less, you lose.

If you eat more, you stand still or gain weight.

If you want to gain muscle mass

Eat more.

If you eat less, your weight stays the same.

If you eat more, your weight will increase.

In any case, eat 1.5-2g of protein per kilogram of body! It is very important.

What are the ideal proportions of a male body?

Beauty standards for the male body were formed back in Ancient Greece. The embodiment of the ideal was the statue of Apollo Belvedere, the god of sunlight. It corresponds to the following proportions:

  • head circumference - 1/7 of height;
  • leg (calf) circumference - 1/6 of the height;
  • wrist circumference - 1/10 of height.

More detailed characteristics of a harmonious male body can be found in Leonardo da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man". The image embodies the harmony of forms based on the quantitative relationships of body parts. So, the width of a person’s outstretched arms should be equal to his height. This is the main characteristic of the “right” person. It is supported by the following proportions:

  • a cubit is equal to six palms;
  • shoulder width - no more than a quarter of height;
  • a step is equal to four palms;
  • from the top of the head to the nipples - a quarter of the height;
  • arm length - ⅖ height;
  • from crown to chin - ⅛ height.

It is almost impossible to influence these data through work, sports, willpower and other means.

Although the standards of antiquity and the Renaissance were not refuted, the modern view relegated them to the background. Today there are no clearly established standards; the majority focuses on the visual assessment of the image. Therefore, an athletic male physique is popular. It is characterized by the following features:

  • high growth;
  • broad shoulders;
  • narrow hips;
  • slim stomach;
  • pronounced muscles.

What determines the ideal proportions of the male body: Unsplash
Excessively defined muscles today are not considered an integral part of the male ideal, but are highly valued in bodybuilding. This sport has its own laws and requirements for the male figure. They were formulated by anthropologist David Wiluby, who measured athletes. As a result of many measurements, he came to the conclusion that the following proportions should become the standard for a bodybuilder:

  • biceps - 1.2 forearm sizes;
  • forearm - 0.3 from the width of the chest;
  • biceps equal to calf circumference;
  • neck - 0.383 from chest circumference;
  • chest - 1.33 waist circumference and 1.11 hip circumference;
  • hips - 1.5 calf sizes.

What determines the ideal proportions of a male body? First of all, the proportions depend on the ratio of height and weight. There are several modern approaches to determining the optimal ratio.

Thus, the French anthropologist Paul Broc believed that a person’s weight should be equal to his height minus a coefficient. There is one for each height. With a height of up to 165 cm, the coefficient is 100, up to 175 cm - 105, above 175 cm - 110. Ideal height is considered to be 180-185 centimeters, high - 190 and above, low - 170 and below. For 20–30 year olds, weight should be reduced by about 11%, for people over 50 it should be increased by about 6%.

Professional boxer John McCallum proposed the following figure proportionality formula:

  • 6.5 wrist circumference is equal to chest circumference.
  • The waist circumference is equal to 70% of the chest circumference.
  • 53% of the chest circumference gives the hip circumference.
  • Neck - 37% of chest circumference.
  • Biceps circumference - 36% of chest circumference.
  • The circumference of the lower leg is 34% of the circumference of the chest.

In addition, the athlete notes that the legs should be equal to the length of the body, that is, 1:2 of the height.

Each researcher focuses on the fact that harmony is the development of the whole body, so the parameters are taken in ratios. If a man has pumped up biceps, and all other muscles are hidden under a layer of fat, then he is extremely far from ideal.

What if you don't eat enough protein?

If you want to lose weight, then without enough protein you will lose weight by wasting muscle.

Because our body most of all loves to burn muscles consisting of protein.

And it may happen that you have lost weight, but the fat hanging on your belly remains.

This is because you lost weight not through fat, but through muscle.

Fuck this kind of weight loss.

If you want to gain weight, then without enough protein you will again gain a lot of fat.

Less will go into the muscles - more into the belly.

And you may find that even though you're pumped up, you look like crap.

Always eat protein—lots of protein.

Guys, this is not nuclear physics - there’s nothing to think about.

You have to fuck in the gym and fuck in the kitchen - these are the two components of a beautiful body.

It's simple.

Join a gym, do a program of these three exercises - and in six months you will build yourself a body that you never even dreamed of.

There is no reason to be fat or weak.

It's time to work.

This reader asked a couple more questions: “How will other loads affect your figure: long runs, pull-ups, weights?”

Rule 1. Do strength training

If we are talking about drawing muscles, first of all we should pay attention to strength exercises. This type of exercise is least likely to be accompanied by swelling and water retention in the body. If you are aiming to reduce your body fat percentage, you should perform strength exercises for at least 10-15 repetitions.


How to avoid injuries in the gym?

Calisthenics before and after. How to get pumped up without going to the gym

Long running is the worst thing for your body

Look at the super long distance marathon runners.

They look terrible.

No muscles. Just emaciated, underfed sticks.

If this type of slimness (no fat, but no muscles) suits you, then go ahead.

If you want to get in shape and look attractive, and not just skinny, then go ahead to strength training.

Eliud Kipchoge is one of the best marathon runners in the world. Looks like he just escaped from a concentration camp... or the Soviet Union.

Rule 5. Use fractional meals

To effectively dry your body, Alexander recommends eating often and in small portions, without reference to the number of calories.


With fractional meals, your body assimilates the food consumed as efficiently as possible. Also, with such a nutritional system, there are no sharp jumps in insulin in the blood: the larger the single portion of food, the higher the release of insulin into the body. Accordingly, if the release of insulin and other hormones into the blood is as smooth as possible and not spasmodic, the better for your health.

Nutrition and training: what and how often to eat to see results?

Kettlebell training

Even though I don't have a kettlebell, if I were rebuilding my home gym, the first thing I would do is buy a kettlebell.

With this apparatus you can: squat, do a standing press, pump up your biceps, forearms.

This summer we trained with a friend, I took his 16 kg kettlebell and did 100 squats.

It was a cool workout, but if you can squat 100 times with some weight, it means that the weight doesn’t provide much load.

Good weight = died on 10-20 reps maximum.

I advise you to buy a kettlebell for home workouts!

But the top tip remains.

If possible, it is better to do squats and deadlifts. You can add a bench press to work the pectoral muscles.

Body building advice for a middle-aged person is no different from advice for a 20-year-old.

The only difference is the recovery time.

If a young person can squat heavily 3 times a week, then an older person will have to reduce it to two workouts.

And this is not a fact - depending on the body.

I wish you success in getting in shape!

See you later.

Vlad Makeev.

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Exercises to create a V-shape

In fact, creating a V-shaped figure is technically not difficult, since you don’t need to go to the gym for this, you can do the exercises at home and on the sports field. If a person is not overweight, even two exercises that can be performed in the apartment will be enough. These include pull-ups and push-ups. These exercises can be called the basis of training for a V-shaped figure. Naturally, in the future two exercises will not be enough.

How to achieve the desired silhouette

  1. To create such a silhouette, pulling the upper block to the chest and behind the head, pulling in a lever exercise machine and a T-bar, as well as barbells to the lower back will help. All of these exercises are alternative and are aimed at developing the latissimus dorsi muscle. Of course, not only the latissimus muscle is involved in the work when performing these exercises. The load also falls on the round, rhomboid muscles of the back.
  2. In addition to exercises that develop the back, techniques for developing the pectoral muscles should be introduced into the training process. These are barbell and dumbbell bench presses, as well as dumbbell flyes.
  3. The shoulder muscles also need to be trained. For the desired shape, basic exercises for the middle part of the deltoid muscles are suitable. The best options for the middle delta are the vertical press and dumbbell lateral raises.
  4. You should ignore those exercises that help increase waist size , namely for the oblique abdominal muscles. The proportions are also worsened by exercises on the central part of the flat muscle and the lumbar extensor, but their development cannot be ignored. The lower back and middle part of the flat muscle should be trained without weight to keep the muscles toned, because they are stabilizers when performing other exercises.

Proper nutrition and sleep patterns

Lack of sleep and trying to starve are two more mistakes on the way to a beautiful body. Excess weight will only go away due to increased physical activity; you should not artificially create a calorie deficit. It will be enough to give up unhealthy foods, remove excess fast carbohydrates, restore water balance and go to bed on time in a ventilated room. It is important to understand that there is no sacred secret on how to create a beautiful male body; it is enough to bring your life in line with your natural purpose.

If work involves low physical activity, then you need to supplement it with physical exercise, take care of a nutritious diet and sufficient rest. In this case, the best rest will be a hiking trip, some active games in the air, walks, after which the sleep will be deep and complete.

Rule 6. Drink plenty of water

It is advisable to drink about two liters of water per day. Water helps reduce fat and speeds up the drying process. Maintaining water balance is the key to a healthy body.

A beautiful, sculpted body with defined muscles requires a lot of effort and time. This long journey includes several stages, each of which is very important to achieve the final result. A specific training plan, diet and regularity - all these elements will help you “dry out” and maintain the results for a long time.

Does “home bodybuilding” exist?

There is a misconception that a beautiful male body can only be built in a cool gym. Huge amounts of money are made from this, and results are not always guaranteed. In addition, not everyone can afford to spend a lot of time in the gym. But for some reason, there is an opinion that without expensive classes with a personal trainer, there is nothing to even dream of good muscles.

A harmonious and beautiful muscular male body can be built without the participation of a trainer, without chemical stimulants, without expensive branded clothing and shoes, which, as advertisers are trying to convince us, will magically create the necessary motivation. What fans of sports clubs contemptuously call “home bodybuilding” actually exists, and no one puts a sign of compliance with human misconceptions on the biceps. Dumbbells, a bar, your own body weight, plus perseverance and the desire to work on yourself give the same results as a visit to the gym. Moreover, without sufficient motivation and effort, even very expensive sneakers designed for training with a very expensive personal trainer will not help.

"More" does not mean "better"

It is also worth noting that a beautiful male body does not necessarily have to strive to set an absolute record for muscle definition. Overly pumped bodybuilders, according to respondents, cannot be considered beautiful in the generally accepted sense of the word; rather, they show one of the extremes, the ability of the human body to be modified.

The result of regular and quite moderate physical activity should be a healthy and functional body, strong enough for work or active pastime. This is what is considered beautiful, and it is difficult to argue with this statement.

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