How to make your buttocks round: exercises for home and gym

Is it possible to make a girl's buttocks round?

The question of how to make your butt round lies entirely in the plane of genetics. If the shape of the muscles does not initially contribute to roundness, then it is impossible to radically rebuild the shape of the buttocks. However, thanks to a properly structured training process, you can partially round your buttocks on the sides, “squeezing” the maximum out of your genetics.

First of all, you need to find out what is causing the lack of round buttocks. Most often, this is not a genetically determined form, but a loss of muscle tone and other reasons. In this case, the shape may be influenced by:

  • Excess fat.
  • Insufficient muscle development of the gluteal muscles.
  • Poor tone.

All these reasons can be eliminated by physical exercise and pumping of the target area. But if we are talking about a genetically given shape, from a square butt to a round one, it is almost impossible to remake the muscles. This is due to the fact that the muscle can only grow in volume. That is, it is possible to increase the size of the muscle; in the case of the gluteal muscles, it will even slightly round the butt, but it is impossible to completely change the appearance. It is for this reason that the so-called “Brazilian butts” are unattainable for most women.


So, let's first determine the reasons for the formation of such depressions:

  1. Depressions are visually manifested due to fat in the riding breeches and sides . Those. if you reduce this fat, the depressions will practically disappear:
  2. Depressions on the buttocks indicate an underdeveloped gluteus medius muscle , which forms a beautiful transition from the waist to the hips and makes your butt a “chair”:

  3. Muscle anatomy
    This is what the developed gluteus maximus, minimus and medius muscles look like under tension with a low percentage of fat. When relaxed, these will be just beautiful rounded hips, look at what a pumped up gluteus medius muscle looks like in the photo:

    Not pumped / if it was pumped

So, have you determined the reason? Great, it becomes clear what to do next with this!

  • Fat spoils the look - burn this scoundrel (How to lose weight).

    These articles will help you with this:

    1. How to lose weight and not ruin your health?
    2. Metabolism. Daily diet for weight loss

  • Cardio or strength training: the best conditions for burning fat. Energy for muscle work
  • Various menu options for weight loss
  • All about cardio (we start from the very first article)
  • Is the gluteus medius not pumped? This means that the buttock “in the middle” is more convex, and from the middle to the edges it is flat. Accordingly, we add exercises for it in leg training .
  • If this place is basically a problem area for you, then you need both.

Exercises for round buttocks at home

The arsenal of possibilities at home is lower than in the gym, but even it will be enough to get a significant result.

Gluteal Bridge

Contrary to popular belief that squats are the best movement for the glutes, in reality the #1 exercise is the glute bridge. It puts stress on all the gluteal muscles, as well as the lumbar region, which also affects the appearance of the butt.


  1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees at a right angle. Focus on your feet and shoulder blades. Hands lie on the floor at your sides to maintain balance.
  2. Lift your pelvis off the floor and lift it up so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
  3. At the peak point, try to tense your gluteal muscles as much as possible, holding for 1-1.5 seconds.

Taking the leg back

Another must-have exercise for creating a round butt. Its advantage is that you don’t need to have exercise equipment or special equipment to perform it, which means you can do it even at home.


  1. Stand on your knees and palms, with your back straight. Legs bent at the knees at a right angle, neck in a neutral position.
  2. Move your leg bent at the knees back (the movement is performed only at the hip joint).
  3. Lower your leg back after a short pause at a slower pace.

Read more about leg abduction on the ground →


The most universal movement that will help not only make round and beautiful buttocks, but also tighten and pump up the entire lower body.


  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed, back straight.
  2. Take a wide step forward while bending your supporting leg at the knee.
  3. Lower your back leg so that there is at least 1-2 cm of distance between your knee and the floor.
  4. Without pausing, return to the starting position and repeat the same movement on the other leg.

To “pump” the muscles, you can do the entire series on one leg, and then do the same cycle for the second leg.

Read more about lunges in place →

Air squats (deep)

This exercise works your glutes quite well if you sit below the parallel of your hips to the floor. But it’s worth remembering that in addition to the butt, the main load is taken on by the quadriceps and other muscles, so squats cannot be considered a narrowly targeted movement.


  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended in front of you.
  2. Sit down as low as possible, keeping your back straight.
  3. Without pausing, return to the starting point.

It is important to ensure that during the rise, the support is on the heels, and the pace is slightly higher than when lowering the body down.

More about air squats →

Calf raise

Standing calf raises help make your legs slimmer and your butt more toned.
Calf raises are a fairly simple exercise. It does not pump up the butt muscles, but is aimed at your lower legs - the calf and soleus muscles. But, as I wrote above, beautiful calves indirectly affect the butt. They lift it up visually. Another advantage of carved and sculpted shins is that they visually make the knees narrower and the legs look slimmer.

There are two main ways to do this exercise: standing and sitting. But they are fundamentally different. While standing, you train the calf muscle, while sitting, the soleus muscle, which is located under the gastrocnemius. Both muscles make your calves look bigger. Therefore, you need to do both versions of this exercise, both standing and sitting.

How to do calf raises while standing? You need to find some kind of stand or threshold. Stand with your toes on the stand so that your heels hang down. It is advisable to stand near a wall or chair so that you can hold on with your hands. Slowly rise onto your toes, then pause for a moment and lower yourself.

Seated calf raise. Working out the shins tightens the butt and makes it taller.

You can use additional weights to increase the load. This could be dumbbells, water bottles or a backpack.

How to do calf raises while sitting? The sitting calf raise technique is similar to the standing calf raise technique. But when lifting while sitting, be sure to use additional weights: dumbbells or water bottles. Sit on a chair, put your socks on a stand, place dumbbells on your knees, holding them with your hands. Slowly raise and lower your knees, pausing momentarily in the highest and lowest positions. Lower your heels as low as possible, stretching your calves. Inhale as you rise, exhale as you lower.

Note: it is not necessary to use a stand; you can push off with your toes from the floor, but with a stand the exercise will be more effective.

Exercises for round buttocks in the gym

The main advantage of the exercise machines that are in the gym is that they can provide a stable progression of the load. This is necessary if you want to build muscles and increase their volume.

Romanian deadlift

Also known as the stiff legged deadlift. This is almost the ultimate exercise for the buttocks and hamstrings. It is advisable to perform it in a Smith machine, this allows you to eliminate stabilizers and focus the load on target areas.


  1. Set the barbell in Smith at hip level (so you don't bend over when removing it from the clamps). Feet are positioned at or slightly narrower than shoulder width.
  2. Lower the barbell down while keeping your back straight. Try to reach a level where your body is parallel to the floor.
  3. Straighten your body with a powerful movement, trying to further tighten your gluteal muscles.

Glute bridge with barbell

Unlike the bridge, which is performed without weight, this exercise is more effective when done with emphasis on a bench. This will increase its benefits and minimize the risk of injury, making it possible to use impressive weights. It is considered the best for increasing gluteal volume.


  1. Rest your shoulder blades on the bench, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor.
  2. Place the weight on your upper thighs, near your groin area.
  3. Lower your pelvis down to this starting position.
  4. Lift your pelvis up so that your body forms a straight line, then without pausing, lower yourself to the starting position at a slow pace.

It is important to ensure that the neck moves together with the spine and is constantly in a neutral position. It should not be fixed in one position to avoid the risk of injury.

Reverse hyperextension

An excellent exercise for the buttocks and lower back that works in both high-rep and strength modes. It is recommended to resort to “multiple repetitions” so as not to create additional stress on the lumbar region.


  1. Secure the body by holding the handles. It is important that the pillows are in the lower abdomen (hips should be free).
  2. Raise your legs straight until they are parallel to the floor.
  3. At the top point, pause briefly and tighten your glutes, then return to the starting position.

At the lowest point, do not touch the floor with your feet, this will help maintain tension in the muscles.

Read more about reverse hyperextension →

Lower pulley between the legs

An excellent exercise for almost isolated pumping of the buttocks. Another advantage is the absence of axial load, thanks to which it can be done even by those who have problems with the spine.


  1. Place the rope handle on the lower block of the crossover and stand with your back to it. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your straight back forward at a 45-degree angle. Hold the handles with straight arms so that the cable passes directly between your legs.
  2. Straighten your knees and back with a powerful movement and maintain the position for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

As with other exercises, it is important to focus the load on the buttocks. If the main goal is a round butt, then first of all it is important to learn to control the glutes. Neuromuscular control is half the success when working with this area.

Overcoming Difficulties in Gaining Muscle Mass

There are body types that are genetically not inclined to increase volume. In this case, it is important to understand that increasing calories in the diet will help activate the muscle growth process.

To improve your performance in the gym, consume protein-containing foods after workouts. Half a chicken, a turkey sandwich or a protein shake will do you good.

It is imperative to get enough sleep and drink enough water to have a healthy body and build muscle mass. During adolescence, the body requires 8-10 hours of sleep per day.

At a more mature age, the required number of hours of sleep decreases to 6-8.

The best exercises for wide hips

  • Don't be lazy while training, because muscle growth occurs only when you load your muscles to the maximum. When under load, muscle fibers tear, then recover and become stronger and larger;
  • If you do not increase the load, then this process will not occur. Your muscles only respond to exercise when you feel a burning sensation. If you approach training responsibly, the results will not be long in coming;
  • Use adequate load. Beginners can train with their own weight. If it becomes easy, you can use dumbbells or a barbell. The weight should be such that it is enough for 10-15 repetitions;
  • It is imperative to be able to distinguish between when you are on the verge of injury and when the body is already at the limit of endurance. If you are a beginner, you should consult a personal trainer before starting to exercise to learn more about your physical abilities;
  • Always follow the correct exercise technique. If the technique is incorrect, you will not get the desired result and there is a risk of injury. If you are not sure about the technique of performing an exercise, watch training videos or consult a trainer;
  • Remember that you should feel a burning sensation in the thigh area. If you feel it in another place, then most likely you are doing the exercise incorrectly and thereby harming your muscles or joints;
  • Do not use too heavy weights. If the dumbbells are too heavy for you and you cannot fully perform the exercise, then you need to reduce the weight;
  • Over time, increase the number of repetitions and working weights. Every week your muscles will become bigger and stronger. In order for your hips to increase in volume, you should increase the load every 2 weeks.

Training Recommendations

In pursuit of rounding their buttocks, girls try to significantly increase training volumes, forgetting about one thing - muscle growth requires a powerful load and sufficient recovery. Moreover, when we are talking about such a large muscle as the gluteus maximus (the small and medium are involved to a lesser extent). Therefore, it is enough to conduct one powerful butt workout per week, as well as one aerobic or light session in the same period. This combination will allow you to increase volumes and control body fat and muscle tone.

To build up your buttocks, you should also forget about “women’s workouts.” All exercises must be done with weights of 60 and even 80% of the one-rep maximum, in the range of 6-8 or even 3-5 repetitions. The exception is movements that involve multiple repetitions.

How long does it take to pump up your butt?

You will see the first noticeable results and changes in your shape after about one month of regular exercise. During this time, the body will have time to adjust to the “figure correction mode.” In a month you will lose weight and tone your muscles. But only if you exercise regularly, get enough sleep and eat right.

For the first month, you just need to do a set of exercises lasting 40-50 minutes, consisting of 4-5 exercises. I recommend, in addition to the butt, to pump other muscle groups. Kill two, three and even four birds with one stone in one training session. I’m sure that in addition to a beautiful butt, you wouldn’t mind having a beautiful toned stomach and toned chest, so, in addition to exercises for your butt, you can pump up your abs and do exercises for your chest and back every workout.

You need to exercise 2-3 times a week. After each workout, there should be at least one full day of rest.

Dietary recommendations

Unfortunately, it is not possible to improve the shape of your butt while reducing fat. Muscle growth requires three key conditions:

  • Calorie surplus.
  • Sufficient amount of protein food.
  • Training with progressive loads.

It is recommended to use simple foods in your diet, excluding refined and excessively high-calorie foods (candy bars, fatty foods, sweets, etc.). By eating regular food, you can create a minimal calorie surplus, keep you sufficiently full, avoid digestive problems, and avoid gaining excess fat from overeating. Read more about proper nutrition →

Introduction of hyaluronic acid

With the help of hyaluronate, you can enlarge not only your lips, but also your buttocks. The operation lasts about 30-60 minutes. The patient is given local anesthesia. Hyaluronic acid is injected deep under the skin. The gel dissolves under the influence of natural processes.

This method has a lot of advantages:

  • no scars;
  • naturalness of the resulting forms;
  • minimum time for the operation;
  • short recovery period;
  • without general anesthesia.

Disadvantages include:

  • risk of gel migration and development of fibrosis;
  • effect for a maximum of 18 months (average 10-12 months);
  • habituation of the body with regular administration of hyaluronate;
  • possible consequences in the form of swelling and pain.

Many cosmetologists abandoned this manipulation due to the short-term effect, high cost and a large list of complications. The price in Moscow starts from 87 thousand rubles and reaches 135 thousand rubles.

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