How to remove fat from the chest muscles of a man once and for all?

I am glad to welcome readers of my blog. Today I would like to discuss an important topic for many - how to remove fat from the pectoral muscles of a man.

Many believe that in order to remove fat from a certain part of the body, it is necessary to give maximum load to a certain muscle group, sharply reduce calorie intake and “more cardio.” And they are even trying to implement this plan. What's the result? Rapidly disappearing muscle mass, retained fat, and subsequently difficulties with losing weight. This is not worth working so long and hard for.

To lose weight, you need to eat. But right. Train. But competently. Everything is much simpler than it seems and there is no extreme. Let's look into this problem together.

Three reasons why breast fat accumulates?

  1. Poor nutrition
  2. Physical inactivity
  3. Hormonal imbalance

And those who strive for beautiful relief should start by visiting an endocrinologist. Especially if adipose tissue accumulates unevenly, according to the female type, mainly in the hips and chest. Excess estrogen, yes, it is also present in the body of any man, can lead to the accumulation of excess fat. And it is almost impossible to get rid of it without medication support.

Treatment methods

Gynecomastia of physiological types does not require specialized treatment in men and resolves without surgery or medication.

Drug therapy involves the use of hormonal drugs. If there is no improvement in their background, plastic surgery is performed:

  • mastectomy combined with liposuction;
  • mastectomy, preserving the contour of the areola;
  • endoscopic mastectomy performed with small increases in size.

A similar approach to treatment is practiced in women.

Gynecomastia: how to remain out of work in pursuit of a beautiful figure?

Those who have taken anabolic steroids on their own or under the guidance of a non-professional trainer, which often cause gynecomastia (proliferation of glandular tissue), should be especially attentive to their health.

The supply of the hormone from the outside inhibits the functioning of the gonads, the level of testosterone decreases, and estrogen increases. True gynecomastia will not disappear either from diet or exercise - only surgery will help. This is why it is so important not to take medications without consulting a doctor.

But it’s not just the pills that are to blame – often an unhealthy diet with excess carbohydrates and fats leads to a shift in the testosterone/estrogen balance in favor of the latter. Don’t want to turn into an “effeminate” creature? Throw your box of donuts, French fries, and other fast food in the trash.

Breast reduction for men: liposuction

Many people may think that a period of several months to achieve the desired body size with the help of a balanced diet and exercise is quite long. In this case, you can use the services of plastic surgery clinics or aesthetic medicine centers and undergo liposuction. This procedure does not necessarily mean surgical intervention, since there are many techniques: laser, ultrasound, etc., which use local anesthesia. The doctor will tell you what to do if a man has large breasts and recommend the most suitable lipolysis method.

The patient’s ability to work is not affected after the procedure, so immediately after the session the person can do his usual activities. Liposuction allows you to reduce the mammary glands in men in the shortest possible time.

The procedure itself lasts about 40 minutes. But this is not its only advantage. For example, after a laser liposuction session, there will be no traces left on the body. Moreover, this procedure is not that expensive (the price, on average, is 16,000 rubles for the correction of one zone of 10x10 cm).

Three rules for noticeable relief of the pectoral muscles

  1. Follow the technique of performing the exercises, paying special attention to the width of the grip - the wider it is, the more the pectoral muscles are involved in the work
  2. Alternate different types of load - you should not do only push-ups or only rows, the resource of “growth” of the sternum in one workout is limited
  3. Avoid daily training - remember, muscles grow during rest, paradoxically

You will have to work hard to get that beautiful torso, and then within two to three weeks the result will be noticeable. But you shouldn’t expect a miracle, you understand that the body has its own resources and “pumping up in 10 days” is simply impossible.

Many men strive to get a breast shape exactly the same as that of a famous athlete. But they forget that the shape of the muscles is individual and unique; it will not be possible to exactly repeat the figure of another person.

Was there a boy...

First. The investigation showed that such beer does not exist at all. And the classic beer bottle from the picture is a decoration and has nothing in common with a drink container for women. The troublemaker of all this fuss turned out to be not beer, but “buza” - a low-alcohol, thick and sweet swill made from slightly fermented wheat, millet, oats or other grains. It is very similar to what we call mash.

The drink is popular in the Balkans, Turkey, and here among the Crimean Tatars and the Caucasus. It was done before in Russia. It is incorrect to call buza beer - no hops are added to it. In fact, its production is only similar to the initial stages of beer production, when wort is made from malt (AiF just wrote about these processes)

Second. This is not news at all, but a PR campaign. There was a similar message back in 2007, and then it was reported about the pilgrimage of Austrian men to the border Bulgarian town of Ruse to buy this booze for their skinny girlfriends.

Third. But behind this blah blah blah there is still something behind it.

Food: relief is done in the kitchen

Nutrition is 70% of success. You can train as much as you like, but a plate of store-bought dumplings with mayonnaise will ruin all your efforts. It is important to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight.

Rules for proper nutrition

  • There should be 6 meals a day. Yes, in order to lose weight, you have to eat. But your diet will have to be changed, portions reduced, and fried foods and alcohol completely eliminated
  • It is important to maintain a balance of proteins (their diet should be at least 40%), fats (25%), carbohydrates (35%). In this case, carbohydrates should be complex - in the form of cereals, bread with a high content of bran, non-starchy vegetables. This is the only way to stay full for a long time and not be afraid to break down at the sight of pasties
  • No extreme sports - forget about the diet of three eggs and a cup of coffee a week. Fasting always includes evolutionary defense mechanisms; the less food is received, the more the body saves. And it burns not only fat reserves, but also what consumes energy the most - muscles. Even if you manage to completely complete the weight loss course, the results will not please you. A “skinny fat man” will look at you from the mirror; muscle volume decreases, the fat layer remains, and the skin sags. An unpleasant sight. Plus constant headaches, mood swings, hormonal fluctuations

Ideal Diet

  • Six meals
  • The bulk of carbohydrates are consumed in the first half of the day (before 16:00)
  • Lots of protein (beef is great, turkey too, chicken is limited due to farmers’ non-compliance with standards and the uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs, and you should avoid pork altogether)
  • Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables - believe me, you can learn to cook them very tasty, a cookbook will help. A large amount of vegetables in the diet not only ensures the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but also normalizes metabolic processes in the body and lowers blood sugar levels
  • And the last thing - water! At least one and a half liters of clean, still water

Following these rules will not only help you get rid of excess chest fat, but also improve your body’s health. The bonus will be a surge of strength, clear skin, and getting rid of strong body odor. You'll like it, I promise.

In order for the relief to become even more pronounced, get rid of excess water in the body. To do this, you should reduce the amount of salt you consume. Not to remove it completely, but to reduce it.

Exercises: how to train?

Even beginners know that every workout begins with a warm-up. But they forget that warming up should not take too much time. Working out the pectoral muscles should not be accompanied by cardio. Running on the track and cycling are good for strengthening the cardiovascular system. But if the goal is to work the chest muscles, it is better to focus on strength training. And for cardio, set aside a separate day or time of day. But remember, no extreme!

Building a workout

  1. Warm-up
  2. A basic exercise that involves as many muscles as possible - in this case, a barbell or dumbbell bench press on a straight or incline bench would be ideal.
  3. Working out the pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, intercostal muscles
  4. Hitch

What is included in the training?

  1. Pushups
  2. Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench
  3. Reduction of hands on an expander (crossover)
  4. Pullover on an incline bench with a barbell or dumbbell

The exercises should be performed until you feel a strong burning sensation in the muscles, until failure, ensuring maximum effectiveness of the training.

The load must be increased gradually, increasing the weight of the sports equipment, and not just the number of approaches. Allow your body to rest for at least 1-2 minutes between sets. It makes sense to use circuit training, but no more than once a week.

A little anatomy

The structure of the pectoral muscles is represented by multidirectional muscle fibers. The pectoralis major and minor, subclavian and serratus anterior are the target muscles that will need to be worked to give the male chest a beautiful shape. It responds well to physical activity, so it can be pumped up well with a set of specially selected exercises.

Coach tips

If you don’t have time for the gym, during the warm season you can train on the sports ground. Gymnastic bars are ideal - the weight of your own body provides sufficient load to form a beautiful torso. Outdoor sports will give you energy for the whole day.

The pectoral muscles are quite wide, so regular exercises can achieve noticeable relief.

And in winter and at home, you can work out your chest muscles. The only equipment you will need is set dumbbells. It's good if there is also a bench. There is nothing wrong!

Don’t forget about working out other parts of the body – stomach, back, legs. Performing effective exercises requires engaging multiple muscle groups. And with a weak back, for example, it is quite difficult to load the chest as much as possible. Therefore, squats and deadlifts should not be excluded from training.

Iatrogenic gynecomastia

Iatrogenic gynecomastia occurs when taking certain medications. The risk group includes patients who undergo hormonal treatment with estrogens, as well as other hormones (gonadotropins, glucorticoids). Against the background of hypogonadism, specialists often prescribe testosterone, which is toxic to the liver and can cause signs of temporary gynecomastia. Cardiac glycosides have a similar effect, stimulating the active production of steroids and disrupting the functional abilities of the testicles.

Drug-induced gynecomastia is most often a reversible process that can be stopped after stopping the medication that caused excessive breast growth. But it is necessary to stop taking medications as soon as possible. If you do not pay attention to the appearance of gynecomastia during drug therapy for 6-12 months or more, irreversible fibrotic processes will begin to occur in the breast tissue. The advanced form of the disease is subject to predominantly surgical treatment.

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