Motivational phrases for athletes: quotes from famous people

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Don't be discouraged if you don't get your ideal body and desired results as quickly as you would like. There may be times when you are tired of struggling with your body day in and day out and remain motivated to train hard at the gym regularly.

We've got some super motivational quotes and sayings for you that will help you get that adrenaline rush you need so you can commit to your workouts and achieve your fitness goals. Going to the gym every morning with determination and determination will gradually give you the right support to be fit and healthy every day.

We bring you: 80 encouraging words for women that will lift your spirit

Gym Quotes for Men and Women

  1. "No pain no gain. Shut up and train.”
  2. “Wake up. Exercise. Look hot. Kick ass."
  3. “Go the extra mile. It’s never crowded.”
  4. "Sick. The most pleasant pain.”
  5. “You don't have to be extreme, just consistent.”
  6. “Good things come to those who sweat.”
  7. “I don’t want a good body, work for it.”
  8. “Hustle for that muscle.”
  9. “I don’t stop when I’m tired, I stop when I’m done.” — David Goggins
  10. “The body achieves what the mind believes.”
  11. “Making excuses burns zero calories per hour.”
  12. “Don't be afraid to be a newbie.”
  13. “The difference between desire and achievement is discipline.”
  14. “When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.”
  15. “Motivation is where you start. Habit is what keeps you moving forward.”
  16. “Sweat is magic. Cover yourself with it daily to fulfill your desires.”
  17. “At first they will laugh. Then they will copy it. Do not give up."
  18. “What seems impossible today will one day become your workout.”
  19. “Push yourself because no one else will do it for you.”
  20. “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”
  21. “I may not be there yet, but I am closer than I was yesterday.”
  22. “A good workout is when your dry cut shirt looks like a fake advertisement.”
  23. “70% of people who start doing fitness quit. Except you. Not this time."
  24. “Fitness is like a relationship. You can't cheat and expect it to work.”
  25. “I don't count my squats. I only start counting when it starts to hurt because they are the only ones who matter.”
  26. “Of course it’s hard. It must be difficult. If it were easy, everyone would do it. What's hard is what makes it great.”
  27. “Less sugar, more fruit. Less baking soda, more water. Less driving, more walking. Less worry, more sleep. Less words, more actions.”
  28. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but squats will make me tough.”
  29. “Your body can handle almost anything. It is your mind that you must convince.”
  30. “The hardest thing is not getting your body in shape. The hardest thing is to get your mind in shape.”
  31. “Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Work hard, good results will come.”

Best Quotes for Gym Motivation

  1. “Love yourself enough to lead a healthy lifestyle.”
  2. “When I lost all my excuses, I found my results.”
  3. “Good things come to those who sweat.”
  4. “The body achieves what the mind believes.”
  5. “Making excuses burns zero calories per hour.”
  6. “Nothing truly great has ever come from a comfort zone.”
  7. “Someone busier than you is studying right now.”
  8. “Don't limit your problems, challenge your limits.”
  9. “You are the only one who can limit your greatness.”
  10. “Work in silence. Let success be your noise.”
  11. “Working out for an hour is 4% of your day. No excuses.”
  12. "No pain no gain. Shut up and train.”
  13. “If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.”
  14. “Get rid of distractions. Feed your focus.”
  15. “It's never too late and you're never too old to improve.”
  16. “What seems impossible today will one day become your workout.”
  17. “When you want to stop... think about why you started.”
  18. "Calm down. And one day you won’t have to drag him in.”
  19. “A year from now, you may regret that you started today.” — Karen Lamb
  20. “Motivation is where you start. Habit is what keeps you moving forward.”
  21. “Push yourself because no one else will do it for you.”
  22. “Train crazy or stay the same.”
  23. “The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.”
  24. “When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.”
  25. “Success begins with self-discipline.”
  26. “Exercise is like telling your body, “You’re going to hate me for this, but you’ll thank me later.”
  27. “There are no shortcuts to living your best life and becoming your best you.”
  28. “The definition of a really good workout is when you hate it but love finishing it.”
  29. “If you still look good at the end of your workout, you didn't train hard enough.”
  30. “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to remain the same.”
  31. “Don't give up on your dreams, otherwise your dreams will give up on you.” — John Wooden
  32. “Never give up on a dream just because it will take time to achieve. Time will pass anyway.”
  33. “Your body can handle almost anything. It is your mind that you must convince.”
  34. “Most people fail not because of a lack of desire, but because of a lack of commitment.” — Vince Lombardi
  35. “I don't count my squats. I only start counting when it starts to hurt because they are the only ones who matter.”
  36. “I'll beat her. I will train harder. I'll eat cleaner. I know her strengths. I've lost to her before, but not this time. She's going down. I have an advantage because I know her well. She's the old me."
  37. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you choose to be.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  38. “Of course it’s hard. It must be difficult. If it were easy, everyone would do it. What's hard is what makes it great.”
  39. “Success is not always greatness. It's a matter of consistency. Consistent and hard work brings success. Greatness will come.”

In the endless universe of sports

Athletes know how to appreciate beautiful quotes about sports. Give them a saying that will 100% lead them to victory!

  1. Sports achievements require not words, but deeds.
  2. The reason for your failure is simple. You haven't trained much.
  3. Your main rival is in the mirror.
  4. In sports you need to turn weakness into strength.
  5. Sport is about overcoming yourself.
  6. An athlete can endure anything. Even a trip to the Philharmonic.
  7. Talking about the importance of sports is useless as long as it is just talk.
  8. Sport is a job that not everyone can do.
  9. There are no random victories.
  10. Sports, like love, are suitable for all ages.
  11. Sport is the best helper in life.
  12. Sports activities can lift a person above himself.
  13. In the matter of physical improvement, stopping is unacceptable.
  14. One of two things: either train or grow old.
  15. Anyone who has a body can be an athlete.
  16. Crossing the threshold of a sports club is already a feat.
  17. If you're not ready to train, get ready to lose.
  18. The best thing about sports is the ability to improvise.
  19. The main thing in sports is not to lose in spirit.
  20. For effective sport, one must exchange delusions of grandeur for delusions of persecution.
  21. There is no point in going to the doctor if you can play sports.
  22. Find motivation and come to the sport!
  23. You have to love sport, and it will love you back.
  24. It doesn’t matter how hard you hit, the main thing is how hard you can withstand the blows.
  25. Don't be afraid. And even if you're afraid, don't give up.
  26. There is a cure for boredom: rings, parallel bars, horizontal bars.
  27. When health care ends, professional sports begin.
  28. In sports, all efforts are not in vain.
  29. Sport does not strengthen character, but shows whether it is there or not.
  30. Usually no one remembers who finished second.
  31. A sports professional is someone who knows how to make a living only by playing sports.
  32. Exercise brings back health.
  33. Having given up movement, the former athlete becomes decrepit faster than an ordinary person.
  34. Life in sports is an ideal of well-being.
  35. Physical activity is the key to healthy well-being.
  36. Only someone who can do pull-ups on the uneven bars at 90 can talk about the benefits of sports.
  37. Physical shaking promotes moral health.
  38. Sports refreshes the brain.
  39. Every young person's favorite pastime should be sports.
  40. Sport is hypertrophied physical education.
  41. Do you want to have fun until you sweat? Go to the gym.
  42. Alpine skiing is a fast money run.
  43. For a beginner, sport opens up an unprecedented world.
  44. You need to be such an athlete that no one would even think of making fun of his intelligence.
  45. The method of thinking is sports.
  46. There is no need to become part of a big sport. It's better to let it become a part of you.
  47. An athlete must have an inner core.
  48. The thicker your figure, the more suited you are to be a goalkeeper...
  49. I got up in the morning with a strong desire to exercise. I sat down on the rug... I woke up by lunchtime.

Motivational Gym Quotes for Women

  1. "Everything is very simple. Either you do it or you don’t.”
  2. “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”
  3. “You won't get the ass you want by sitting on it. !”
  4. “A woman with a toned physique is more than just a hot body.”
  5. “Training... Because it's another day to get better!”
  6. “When life knocks you down... squat!”
  7. “Life has its ups and downs...we call them squats!”
  8. “I won't let age change me. I will change my age!”
  9. “The more you exercise, the weaker his knees become!”
  10. “Perseverance is in the soul and spirit, not in the muscles!”
  11. “Do you feel pain during exercise? Okay, this weakness is leaving your body.”
  12. “Strong women are easy to spot. They are the ones who nail it in the gym!”
  13. “When you start to feel pain, that’s when it all begins!”
  14. “Lifting weights does not make women big. But they make cupcakes!”
  15. “Life is a battle. But don’t worry, you’ll lift the weight and win too.!”
  16. “The beginning is always hard! But once you get your butt off the ground, do some squats!”
  17. “It’s not a matter of having time, but of finding time.”
  18. “Be proud of how far you have come and believe how far you can go!”
  19. “Achieving a great body is a slow process. Don’t slow down when throwing.”
  20. “I'll make sweat my best accessory! I’ll run harder than mascara!”
  21. “What seems impossible today will become your workout tomorrow!”
  22. “Need motivation to start exercising? However, avoiding death is good!”
  23. “Don't cry over the boys! Do some squats and make them cry wishing they still had that ass!”
  24. “There is no GIANT step that will get you there! But consistent and small steps can!”
  25. “People will tell you that you look different. But you know how much sweat it costs!”
  26. “When you see a woman with smeared lipstick and runny kajal, you know she just finished a killer workout!”
  27. “Planning a workout someday? There are seven days in a week, someday there isn't one of them!”
  28. “Your physical fitness is 100% mental! If your mind doesn’t push, your body won’t go anywhere!”
  29. “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something greater within you than any obstacle.”
  30. “Don't wait for tomorrow to motivate you to exercise! You will find another reason to quit smoking. Start now!”

Funny Motivational Gym Quotes

  1. "Exercise? I've never heard of this TV show.”
  2. “My fitness goals? I just want to survive the next training session.”
  3. “I can’t die, it will ruin my image.” — Jack Lalanne
  4. “If these bicep peaks were bigger, there would be snow on them.”
  5. “I was jogging, but ice cubes kept falling out of my glass.” — David Lee Roth
  6. “My favorite exercise in the gym would probably be judging.”
  7. “I consider my refusal to go to the gym today to be weight training.”
  8. “I don't jog. If I die, I want to get sick." — Abe Lemons
  9. “I spend time at the gym doing DJ squats.”
  10. “I believe that tossing and turning at night should be considered exercise!”
  11. “I think exercise is a good quick sit down.” — Phyllis Diller
  12. “Are you fat and ugly? Join our gym and be ugly! » – Local Gym Sign
  13. “I love long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.” — Fred Allen
  14. “I don't play sports. If God wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor." - Joan Rivers
  15. “I don't think I need buns of steel. I'd like cinnamon rolls better." —Ellen DeGeneres
  16. “I'm 99% sure that no one would run marathons if they weren't allowed to talk about running marathons.” — Mike Vanatta
  17. “If only discovering Vitamin Water could be classified as a workout.” - Jim Gaffigan
  18. “Every time I hear the dirty word “exercise,” I wash out my mouth with chocolate!”
  19. “When I feel like exercising, I just lie down until the feeling goes away.” — Robert M. Hutchins
  20. “I need to exercise in the morning before my brain understands what I’m doing.” —Marsha Doble
  21. “When people ask me if I work out, I tell them I do crunches every day, especially Captain Crunch and Nestle Crunch.”
  22. “A reason to smile: every seven minutes of every day, someone in an aerobics class somewhere pulls a hamstring.” — Allan Roth
  23. “I'm afraid the arm of your reclining chair doesn't count as exercise equipment.” - Doctor
  24. “America should be the only country in the world where people need energy drinks to sit in front of the computer.” — Mike Vanatta
  25. “When you get old, you become saturated with your memories, and if you spend too much time exercising, you may grow old and not have many of them.” —Garrison Keillor
  26. “Do you ever look for the remote control and can't find it, so you just decide, “Ah, I guess I don't watch TV. I'm not going to take two steps and turn it on myself. I'll go to the gym if I'm going to work out." — Jim Gaffigan
  27. “I was working out one day, but I discovered that I was allergic to it. My skin turned red and my heart started beating faster. I was sweating and out of breath." - Very dangerous."
  28. “I believe that every person has a finite number of heartbeats. I'm not going to waste my energy running around doing exercises." - Neil Armstrong.
  29. “From Doctor to Patient: Which fits your busy schedule better: exercising one hour a day or dying 24 hours a day? " - Randy Glasbergen
  30. “My doctor recently told me that running could add years to my life. I think he was right. I already feel ten years older.” — Milton Berle
  31. “The word aerobics came about when gym instructors got together and said, 'If we're going to charge $10 an hour, we can't call it jumping up and down.'” Rita Rudner.
  32. “If it weren’t for the fact that the TV and refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t exercise at all.” — Joey Adams
  33. “Instead of calling my bathroom “John,” I call it “Jim.” It sounds better when I say, 'I go to Jim first thing every morning.'”
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