Ab Exercises: Why Don't They Help You Lose Belly Fat?

How to get rid of belly fat and how much body fat is normal

Losing excess fat from any area of ​​your body has huge benefits for your health, but also for your self-confidence and self-satisfaction. Excess intra-abdominal (visceral) or subcutaneous fat is associated with an increased risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease. [1]

  • Visceral or intra-abdominal fat can be found in the abdominal cavity around the internal organs. Its excess is associated with a number of diseases, such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease.
  • Subcutaneous fat is located in the subcutaneous tissue between the skin and muscles and can be easily felt by anyone in the form of a skin fold. Within normal limits, it is not associated with an increased risk of developing a number of civilization diseases and is thus an aesthetic problem rather than a health problem. [2–3]

What percentage of body fat is considered normal?

  • For a healthy young person, the normal amount of body fat is about 20% of total body fat, but anything beyond that and we're starting to talk about obesity. [5]
  • For a healthy young woman, the normal amount of body fat is up to about 30% of total body fat , any number above this and we start talking about excess weight. [5]

Why don't you lose belly fat with hundreds of crunches and sit-ups a day?

What happens to your muscles when you strength train them with your own weight, barbells, or dumbbells? That's right, he's getting stronger and bigger. The same thing happens when you train your stomach in the form of crunches or squats. Does this mean you lose weight by strengthening your abdominal muscles? Unfortunately, no, but fortunately, we all have internal abdominal muscles that can be hidden under a large layer of fat. On the other hand, exercises using crunches increase the strength of the abdominal muscles and, most likely, their size.

It would be nice if we could say that we will train our stomach or legs and lose fat in those areas. But that's not how our bodies work...

When you train your abs, you also train your stomach...

At the University of Illinois, scientists tried to answer the same question we ask ourselves today. A total of 24 volunteers (14 men and 10 women, aged 18 to 40 years) were randomly divided into two groups. The research group was instructed to perform seven abdominal exercises five times a week for 6 weeks after 2 sets of 10 repetitions. The control group enjoyed peace of mind and relaxation, while both groups ate an isocaloric diet, that is, a diet with the same energy content as before the intervention. [6]

And what was the result of the study? In the study group, abdominal muscle strength and muscular endurance increased, while there was no loss of total fat or fat stored in the subcutaneous abdominal tissue , compared to the group that did virtually nothing. And it must be very unpleasant when you train your stomach every day to make it smaller and still nothing. This requires a more comprehensive approach, which we will discuss a little later. [6]

Further research tested a 27-week training program consisting of a progressive seated exercise pattern with 13 men training, for a total of 5,004 subjects. What did scientists find? Body weight and body fat percentage did not change, even the size of belly fat cells remained the same , as did the size of the abdominal skin fold (the amount of subcutaneous fat). [7]

And the final study from this review looked at 40 overweight or obese women and the effect of a 12-week intervention in which participants were divided into two groups: the first group followed dietary measures and exercised using ab exercises, and the second group followed only dietary measures. measures Both groups lost weight, but the difference between the groups was not significant. What else? Again, the researchers found no difference between the groups in belly fat loss. [8] If you're looking for abdominal exercises, check out our article 21 Best Bodyweight Exercises to Strengthen Your Abs.

Comprehensive training of the abdominal muscles

The proposed three exercises are aimed at working all areas of the abs.

Hanging Leg Raise

Aimed at training the entire length of the rectus abdominal muscle, it is difficult to perform, and therefore is not in great demand among gym visitors. It is performed both on the horizontal bar and on the Swedish ladder.


  • Using the abdominal muscles, raise your legs slightly above parallel with the floor. The hips should give in upward, this is the only way the abs are activated to the maximum.
  • raise your legs without jerking, and when lowering, leave a small angle of inclination, otherwise the next lifting of your legs will occur due to inertia, and not by the force of the rectus abdominis muscle;
  • perform 10-12 repetitions in 3 sets.

Which part of the body loses fat first when losing weight?

Just as you can't control where your fat is stored, you can't control where your body breaks it down first. Primarily, many people store fat around their belly, which is mainly due to lower testosterone levels and increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Women tend to be more prone to storing fat on their thighs and buttocks, which they can thank to the associated female sex hormone estrogen. [9-10]

Hormones, genetics and general lifestyle complicate the problem. Some are lucky enough to win the lottery genetically, and fat is gradually stored and eliminated from the body.

Therefore, there is no point in trying to lose weight in one specific place on the body , because it is simply impossible. Personally, we really like the comparison of localized weight loss to a swimming pool and a bucket of water: “Trying to lose weight on a specific part of the body by exercising more frequently (like the abdomen) is like emptying a bucket of water from just one corner of the pool.”

What should you do to successfully lose weight in the abdominal area?

Now that we know for sure that there is no magic spell for getting rid of unwanted fat in a specific area, let's look at the good old and time-tested tricks that actually work, just they don't seem “sexy” at first glance.

  1. A calorie deficit is critical to successful weight loss. Essentially, dietary approaches and diets are just tools for achieving a calorie deficit. Set a calorie deficit of 10-20%, which is sustainable in the long run and will help you in the long run. If you don't know how to do this, we explain it in the article How to Calculate Energy and Macronutrient Intake for Losing Weight or Gaining Muscle?
  2. An overall improvement in your diet will bring you more vegetables, fruits, high-quality proteins, fats, carbohydrates and plenty of fiber at the expense of low-quality and highly processed foods such as various sweets, savory delicacies and fast food. By giving up alcohol or at least reducing your consumption, you will save several hundred more calories and avoid morning headaches. As a result, you are likely to spontaneously reduce your energy intake and begin to lose weight without any pain.
  3. Getting enough protein is critical for optimal immune system function, muscle regeneration and growth, a greater feeling of fullness after eating, and proteins can even help control relentless cravings for more than just sweets. After strength training and weight loss, keep your protein intake to 1.6 to 2.0 grams per kilogram of body weight. Remember that increased training capacity and a larger calorie deficit also means a greater protein requirement. High quality whey or vegetable vegan protein can also help with adequate intake. [11-14]
  4. Complex strength training is an ideal assistant in changing your figure. It strengthens, tightens and builds muscles , helping to create an attractive physique with developed abdominal muscles. Do good strength training about three times a week , be patient and persistent. If you're not sure how to create a workout plan, read our article What to Eat and How to Workout to Finally Build Muscle?
  5. Endurance sports are an ideal means of burning excess fat reserves. You don't have to become a cycling or jogging enthusiast , just try to do any aerobic sport you enjoy every day. Go for a long walk, rollerblading, cross-country skiing, or swimming. The average 65 kg woman burns approximately 540 kcal while running at 8 km/h, and the average 80 kg man burns approximately 660 kcal.
  6. More exercise throughout the day means more energy burned, which translates into more effective weight loss. Try walking as much as possible instead of the elevator and escalators, take the stairs, and maybe start treating house cleaning as a kind of circuit training.
  7. Any physical activity you enjoy is important. Movement costs the body energy that needs to be carried somewhere. And the difference between watching TV for an hour and playing augmented reality games on a gaming console can be hundreds of calories. If you want to stay active at home, read our article 11 Tips to Stay Active, Motivated and Keep Exercise at Home
  8. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep each day is critical to maintaining optimal levels of testosterone, hunger and satiety hormones (leptin and ghrelin), maintaining cognitive function and, last but not least, your immune system. If you are more interested in sleep, read our article How to improve your sleep quality and how does it affect your health and muscle growth?
  9. Less life stress will bring more peace into your life, a stronger immune system , and a more balanced hormonal system due to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is also associated with higher levels of abdominal fat storage. In addition to breathing exercises and meditation, hardening can help reduce chronic stress. If you want to learn more about hardening, read our article How to strengthen the immune system with hardening?

Basic principles of getting rid of a fat waist

The key problem for most women is an unbalanced approach to losing weight.
In pursuit of a toned body, they often resort to radical measures: strict, exhausting diets, intense, but not cyclical physical activity. Side effects of this technique: metabolic failure and rapid gain of lost kilograms. To effectively remove the belly and sides, you should follow an integrated approach and combine:

  • balanced diet;
  • regular physical activity;
  • healthy, full sleep;
  • psychological work on changing eating habits.

When starting to lose weight, it is worth remembering that you need to concentrate on all of the above points and not neglect some of them in favor of one thing.

The effectiveness of weight loss directly depends on the correct determination of the cause of the appearance of fat deposits.

After all, is there anything you can do to burn belly fat?

One study examined whether fat storage matters in relation to the energetic coverage of movement. increased blood flow and lipolysis ("fat breakdown") were observed in the subcutaneous fat adjacent to the working muscle . But does this really resonate with everyday life? Unfortunately no. The increased effect of lipolysis was very minimal and quite insignificant in relation to general lifestyle and all factors that interfere with weight loss. [15]

Some work even suggests a small beneficial effect of strength training followed by cardio on desired weight loss in a specific area. Simply put, if you put more weight on your upper body during a strength training session and then do some cardio, you'll likely get a little more energy from the fat stores stored in the upper half of your body. Again, however, this effect is subject to all the conditions for successful weight loss and is rather a potential “biohack” method , the effect of which on local weight loss has not yet been sufficiently confirmed. On the other hand, if you do a few abdominal exercises during your workout, followed by 30 minutes of cardio, you will do absolutely nothing wrong, but rather benefit. [16-17]

When losing weight, the ratio of energy consumed and energy received is always selected. High-quality fat burners contain thermogenic substances that stimulate the body to produce more heat, which requires energy expenditure. Moreover, they contain substances that have a positive effect on inflammation and concentration. As a result, you can do more work during your workout, which leads to more calorie burning and a greater contribution to the weight loss puzzle. If you are interested in how to improve the effectiveness of your fat burner, read our article 6 tips to improve the effect of your fat burner.

Nutritionist advice

Mirzoyan Ilona Andreevna (Photo: https://medsi.ru/)

Ilona Mirzoyan,

Ph.D., endocrinologist at MEDSI Premium:

“Obesity is caused by an imbalance between consumed and expended energy, which is based on endocrine disorders, genetic predisposition, behavioral disorders and the influence of external factors. Treatment should begin with an endocrinologist to assess the existing risks and complications.”

“There is no specific diet for this type of obesity. Any type of diet that reduces total calories leads to weight loss. However, the Mediterranean type of diet is recognized as the most physiological in composition: 60% - vegetables, fruits and other foods containing complex carbohydrates; 30% are “good”, that is, healthy fats; 10% - protein foods."

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