Burning fat on the buttocks: how to remove the crease under the butt - instructions for transforming your madam I'm sitting!

First of all, we note that dimples on the buttocks are a completely normal phenomenon due to the structure of the gluteal muscles. But because of the fashion for voluminous rounded butts, women are quite picky about the shape of the butt. Well, if there is demand, there will be supply. In this article we have collected the most effective exercises to solve this problem. Using the presented recommendations and training methods, you can visually remove the depressions on the sides of the buttocks and make your butt more beautiful.

Causes of gluteal dimples

  • Excess fat deposits in the lower body. The accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the so-called breeches zone (on the outer and inner sides of the thighs) visually makes the lower body heavier, increases the “dents” in the buttocks and creates a pear-type appearance.
  • Low percentage of subcutaneous fat. But this point contradicts the first? No, in fact, the very structure of the gluteal muscles suggests the presence of such dimples, and with a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, this feature becomes much more noticeable.
  • Small number of muscle fibers in the buttocks. This is a genetically determined factor (hereditary). Insufficient volume of the gluteal muscles leads to the fact that the dimples on the butt become more pronounced, which worsens the appearance of the butt.

Why do folds appear under the buttocks?

There are not so many reasons for the appearance of an unaesthetic fold under the buttocks (or even two or three):

Recommendations for activities

To remove dimples on the buttocks, follow these training recommendations:

  • Focus on basic exercises that build volume. Work out the relief of the buttocks with insulating elements at the end of the lesson.
  • Don't forget about recovery. Girls need to rest at least 1-2 days between butt workouts.
  • basic exercises for 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions, isolating exercises for 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  • Don't chase the scales. The most important thing in glute training is to feel the tension in the target muscles.
  • Change your training plan every 8-10 weeks so that your buttocks do not have time to get used to the load.
  • If you are overweight, do moderate cardio sessions (biking, outdoor games, running, walking) on ​​weekends.

And, of course, don’t forget about healthy eating. Avoiding sweet and starchy foods will help you gradually reduce your body fat. And natural meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, herbs, cereals, vegetable oils will help increase the volume of the gluteal muscles.

How to remove

There will be a very similar approach as in our article Without deception and marketing: how to make your waist thin? . You will have to work comprehensively and not expect instant, 555% results in 2 weeks. We don’t need special creams that cost 100,500 rubles or some tricky exercises that fitness girls hide from us mere mortals.

Everything is much simpler and more uninteresting: Madame Siju’s beauty depends on her emotional state, nutrition, physical activity and skincare procedures. The components are arranged in descending order of importance!


Let's quote our favorite character from childhood: calm, only calm! All these abstruse words about receptors are not a verdict. This is just information that should explain to you some of the features of losing weight and your figure.

When planning your “new dream shape”, you must set realistic goals and respect your own “flavors” - don’t ask for the impossible!

In addition, this does not mean that such fat cannot be broken down, not at all. Translated into normal, non-boring language, this means that stimulating the breakdown of fat in these areas is more difficult, but more than possible!

In addition, remember, stress is the main enemy of losing weight ! Fat cells, which are dominated by alpha receptors, store fat in response to stress. The harder you push yourself, the more fat you will have in these areas (thighs and buttocks). And with constant prolonged stress and subsequent hormonal imbalances, new “problem areas” with alpha fat may even appear.

So take care of yourself and read in the article Vitamins and supplements for weight loss within 100 rubles: top 16 that everyone should have , how to reduce cortisol!


So, in order to remove something unnecessary from our body, we need to lose weight. There will be no other way out except limiting calories, no matter how hard you try! What are we doing:

  1. We calculate our norm KBZHU - Metabolism: daily diet for weight loss ,
  2. use from 30 ml. water for every kilo of weight daily,
  3. try to reduce the amount of too fatty, salty or sweet foods in your diet - this can cause swelling and create unnecessary additional volume,
  4. We don’t bother with keto , paleo diets and all sorts of detoxes - all this is unnecessary dancing with tambourines, causing a lot of stress, but not giving any additional profit.

We recommend that you refer to the section Various menu options for weight loss


And again our favorite moral: no exercise burns fat in a specific place! So if you squat, it’s not at all a fact that it’s your butt and quads that will lose weight. You cannot “download” fat from a specific place, and you don’t need to. Our goals:

  • Invigorate the muscles of the buttocks to give them initial tone and improve blood circulation.
  • Make the gluteal muscles larger and thereby “raise” the butt, visually reducing the fold. Also, good posture is important, so do some lumbar stretches. Your lumbar arch visually shapes your figure, it affects how your muscles look in the overall context.

Unfortunately, we won’t reveal any America to you: all the exercises have long been familiar and loved by you! This:

  • The ideal squat for the buttocks: how to pump up an elastic butt,
  • For amazing buttocks without injury: Romanian deadlift - technique and secrets of execution,
  • One of the most effective exercises for the buttocks: leg swings,
  • Details about the gluteal bridge: 11 effective options,
  • Bulgarian back lunges.

We sincerely recommend the article Making your butt bigger at home is real: how to pump up your buttocks at home

Massage/creams/wraps/contrast shower

Of all this, we can definitely recommend a contrast shower and self-massage after it for 10 minutes using a hard towel, because they are free, beneficial for your body as a whole, and available to everyone at any time of the year!

As for hardware cosmetology (such as lPG/Icoone massage, myostimulation, RF lifting), mesotherapy and injections with the introduction of lipolytics, vacuum or anti-cellulite massages, and especially wraps and creams, our opinion is this: all this costs a lot, and the effectiveness is questionable.

More precisely, it exists, but in our opinion, it is advisable to engage in such procedures only for those who have a lot of free time and money, do not have the slightest desire to play sports, or for professional performing athletes.

However, keep in mind that you will still have to adhere to the diet. Does all this make sense with diet and exercise? We think not

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