How to increase arm volume - training in the gym and at home

A larger, stronger upper body has always been a staple for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. From your broad chest to your round shoulders, muscle groups create the foundation for your physique. Of course, the abs are always a popular muscle for showing off a powerful torso, but how often do you go without a top?

When you're building your body, you need to be practical, and strength comes from your arms. So let's dive into the basics of making them bigger.

First, dramatic muscle growth will not happen overnight. Strong and voluminous arms require a lot of work and dedication. But with patience and persistence, you can build bigger biceps, stronger forearms, and powerful triceps.


The biceps muscle consists of two muscles: the short and long heads of the biceps brachii. Both of these heads extend from the shoulder blade, along the humerus, to the forearm.


The triceps is a large muscle on the back of the upper arm, directly opposite the biceps muscle. Imagine the flab under your arms that ripples when you shake your arm. The triceps consists of three muscle heads. Long head, lateral head and medial head. Each of these heads works in conjunction when the arm is extended at the elbow joint.


The forearm is a single muscle that connects the arm with the muscles of its upper part. This muscle can be divided into two groups: anterior and posterior. The forearm muscles contain many muscles that are largely responsible for controlling the arms and fingers. The strength of your grip is directly related to the strength of your forearm.

Understanding how arm muscles function is important to building them. By understanding how each muscle interacts with each other, we can take a logical approach to training them properly and how to increase their size.

Read also: The Complete Guide to Fat Burners.

Use blood flow restriction training

Blood flow restriction training (occlusive training) KAATSU is one of the techniques that is excellent for developing arm muscles. When you restrict blood flow to a muscle, you cause blood to pool in it, creating an incredible pump.

By using blood flow restriction training, we prevent blood from leaving the veins; however, the arteries will continue to deliver blood to the muscles.

It sounds like some kind of torture, but by shutting off a muscle, you trick your body into recruiting more fast-twitch muscle fibers, which leads to crazy muscle growth. Another advantage of this type of training is that you will only use 50% of your normal working weight.

Try a superset for triceps and biceps. Wrap the arms with occlusion straps or elastic bands over the upper arm under the shoulder. The bandages or cuffs should be tight enough to squeeze the arm, but not too painful.

Blood Flow Restriction Training


  1. Arm extension on the upper block – 3 sets of 30 repetitions.
  2. Standing dumbbell curls – 3 sets of 30 reps.


  1. Arm extension on the upper block – 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  2. Standing dumbbell curls – 3 sets of 15 reps.

Continue this way until you have completed all three sets of the last superset, and then remove the tourniquet.


You need a goal, don't just say, “I want to get bigger arms at home.” Have a clear idea of ​​what kind of arms you want to have in 3 months from now and in a year.

Even if you're only halfway there, it's still a huge success. Don't measure your hands every day, otherwise you and everyone around you will only go crazy. Focus on the weight you use and your nutrition.

If you want to take the issue seriously, here’s a great story about visualization from Denis Semenikhin.

Increase your training volume

Training volume has been shown to have a direct correlation with muscle growth. This means that if you are doing eight sets of hands once a week and are not getting results, you need to increase the number.

Next week, add extra sets to your arm workout day. It was also found by many athletes that training their arms three times a week was ideal for their growth.

Read also: How to dress for the gym

But it's important to make sure you gradually increase your training volume. Don't go to three days a week without gradually increasing the volume, or you risk injury.


We have collected several presets for you with hand position settings. We simply copy and paste the commands into the console.

Maximum distance hands

viewmodel_offset_x -2; viewmodel_offset_y 2; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_fov 68

Closest hands

viewmodel_offset_x -2; viewmodel_offset_y -2; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_fov 54

Medium settings

viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 2; viewmodel_offset_z -2; viewmodel_fov 68

Default hands

viewmodel_presetpos 1

Use different hand angles

The main function of the biceps is to flex the arm, bringing the forearm closer to the shoulders and rotate the wrist. The main function of the triceps is to fully extend the elbow.

These moves are simple, but you need to make sure you work your arms from all angles. For biceps, you do dumbbell curls while sitting on an incline bench and try to fully stretch them.

Performing pull-ups on the bar with a reverse grip or curling your arms in a crossover from the upper blocks will load the biceps at a greater angle.

The same goes for the triceps; performing overhead pulley extensions with a forward/reverse grip and overhead dumbbell extensions will stimulate different heads of the triceps muscle.

Arm training from different angles

  1. Arm curls with dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench - 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.
  2. Push-ups on narrow bars with your own weight - 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.
  3. Standing barbell curls - 4 sets of 6-8 reps.
  4. Bench press with a narrow grip - 4 sets of 6-8 repetitions.
  5. Crossover curls from overhead pulleys – 4 sets of 12 reps.
  6. French bench press with Ez bar – 4 sets of 12 reps.

Indications for surgical correction of the length and thickness of fingers

Surgical correction of the thickness and length of the fingers is indicated in the following clinical cases:

  • congenital anomaly of the fingers;
  • genetic disorders of the formation of phalanges that appeared at a certain stage of a person’s life;
  • traumatic amputation of part of a finger that cannot be restored through regular exercise;
  • finger defects caused by burns, frostbite, exposure to other negative factors that led to the effect of shortening or thickening.

Surgical operation to increase the length of the fingers is a complex and multi-stage process of osteosynthesis of bone tissue, which can last for 2-3 years. The decision on the advisability of using this method of therapy is made by the surgeon based on the results of a comprehensive examination of the patient.


To stimulate arm growth, you need to increase your overall training volume. An easy way to do this without spending three hours in the gym is to superset biceps and triceps. This will fill your hands with blood, delivering tons of nutrients to them.

Read also: 9 best arm exercises with your body weight.

When we perform a triceps movement, we are fully stretching the biceps. When we do curls, we stretch the triceps; this creates an antagonistic effect that makes training more effective.

Activities to lengthen fingers

In order to achieve a positive result in lengthening your fingers as soon as possible, it is recommended to simultaneously engage in the following activities.


  • playing the guitar (long-term work with the strings contributes to more active development of the phalanges);

  • drawing pictures or decorating previously prepared objects;
  • modeling figures from plasticine or clay;
  • knitting things on knitting needles or with a special crochet hook;
  • playing keyboard musical instruments such as piano, accordion, clarinet;
  • embroidering towels, shirts, handkerchiefs.

The best effect of developing and lengthening the fingers is observed in people who play musical instruments for a long period of time, and also draw a variety of pictures.

Use the muscle shock principle

Our body doesn't like change - it doesn't need 50cm arms, and it will resist it in every possible way because carrying that much muscle is metabolically expensive.

To make your arms grow, it's a good idea to add more intense routines every couple of workouts. Shock methods are designed to severely overload the muscles.

Supersets, dropsets, pyramids, rack running where you start with the heaviest dumbbells and with each approach take lighter exercises to perform until you reach a very negligible weight, as well as many other techniques that may be exactly what you need to help your arms gain muscle mass.

Basic set for building mass





MAXLER | Ultrafiltration Whey Protein ?

  • We take the first portion of whey protein before breakfast, the second between meals before training, and the third, double, after training.
  • Category: Whey Protein More about the category

1 serving each.

To meet the needs of modern athletes, we have included MAXLER® Ultrafiltration Whey Protein in our range to help maintain adequate protein levels in the body.

MAXLER | Creatine Caps 1000 ?

  • We take creatine after training.
  • Category: Creatine capsules More about the category

5-6 capsules can be taken as protein.

Creatine monohydrate MAXLER® Creatine Caps 1000 from a branded manufacturer from Germany MAXLER is a 100% natural creatine monohydrate, which is available in free natural form.

MAXLER | Vitamen?

  • Take the tablets throughout the day, preferably with food.
  • Category: Vitamin-mineral complex More about the category

3 tablets per day

The German company, known in the global sports nutrition market for many years, has released a balanced complex of vitamins and minerals in one package - Maxler USA Vitamen

Dymatize | Elite Fusion 7?

  • Take before and after training, and for greater effect, add one dose in the morning after waking up.
  • Category: Multi-component protein More about the category

One scoop should be dissolved in 150-200 ml of drinking water, milk or juice, stir thoroughly.

Dymatize Elite Fusion 7 protein mixture is a unique development from a popular brand, designed to restore muscles after heavy physical activity in a short period of time and build high-quality muscle mass.

Dymatize | Super mass gainer?

  • To get the desired results, you should take Dymatize Super MASS Gainer 2 times throughout the day - between regular meals, and on a training day add one dose immediately after training.
  • Category: High-carb gainer More about the category

Dissolve two measuring scoops in 450-500 ml of water and stir thoroughly in a shaker.

Dymatize Super MASS Gainer is a powerful muscle building kit that includes purified protein, free amino acids and enzymes. An excellent multi-component gainer from a world-famous brand, which compares favorably in price.

Dymatize | BCAA complex 5050 ?

  • We take one serving before training, add one to a shaker and drink during training, and drink the last one at the end of training.
  • Category: BCAA More about the category

1 serving each.

Dymatize BCAA powder 300g is a long-acting complex consisting of free branched-chain amino acids. And also rich in ascorbic acid and B vitamins.

Dymatize | Creatine Mono?

  • After training, you can add it to a shaker with a gainer. An important point: when taking monohydrate, it is necessary to increase the daily fluid intake to 3 liters.
  • Category: Creatine powder More about the category

Mix one measuring spoon of the product in 150-200 ml of water or drink that you prefer.

Dymatize CREATINE MONOHYDRATE is a highly purified creatine monohydrate designed to maximize the performance of all muscle groups during intense physical activity.

Sports nutrition recommendations are indicative only. Before purchasing, we recommend that you consult with a specialist in the store.

Use supplements wisely, and the effect will not be long in coming. Read more about sports supplements in the corresponding section on our website.

Eat more

Bottom line: If you want to get big, you'll have to eat a lot. Eighty percent of the results you see in the mirror are based on your eating habits.

Eat nutrient-rich foods with high amounts of protein every day. Keep track of how many calories you consume, and if you are unable to gain at least 250 grams per week, increase your daily kcal intake by 200-300.

To increase your arms by 2 centimeters in volume, you need to gain 4 kilograms of body weight. You won't gain weight or increase your overall muscle mass if you eat like a schoolgirl.

crashz' Viewmodel Generator

Install the Viewmodel Generator map. You can download it from the Steam Workshop.

On the map you will see 2 panels with settings:

1. A panel for moving the weapon away and manually changing the angle at which the player will see the barrel. To move the weapon away, click on the Minus button. To zoom in, use the Plus button.

Plus - zoom in, minus - zoom out

2. 7 ready-made hand positions. Shoot at the desired window, and your hands will take the position shown. Available styles: launders, Gangster, Quake, TrilluXe, mstarr, 3klicksphilip, M7.

Preparation and performance of the operation

Preparing for surgery to lengthen fingers that are too short involves doing the following:

  • undergoing a preliminary examination by a surgeon and orthopedist;

  • donation of peripheral blood for general analysis;
  • collection of venous blood for its biochemical study, as well as laboratory diagnostics for the presence of dangerous infectious microorganisms (HIV, syphilis, hepatitis strain B and C);
  • radiography of fingers that are subject to surgical lengthening;
  • submitting morning urine to check it for general indicators.

A week before the scheduled date of the operation, you must stop drinking alcohol and taking medications that affect the level of blood clotting.

You should arrive at the surgical department hospital 1-2 days before surgery so that the staff of the medical institution have the opportunity to conduct additional types of diagnostics.

The actual process of performing a surgical operation to lengthen too short fingers is as follows:

  1. The patient goes into the sterile conditions of the operating room, or is taken there on a medical gurney.
  2. Then the surgeon carries out an antiseptic treatment of the skin surface of the fingers and hands, which will be his working area.
  3. The anesthesiologist administers a drug to the patient that has analgesic properties.
  4. Using surgical equipment, the doctor dissects the bone tissue of the too short finger, and then carries out actions to stretch it.
  5. After this, the severed parts of the finger are fastened with elements of the metal structure of the Ilizarov apparatus.
  6. Upon completion of the surgical operation, the patient is transferred to the general therapy ward.

Over the next 2-3 months, the process of osteosynthesis occurs, when new bone tissue gradually grows between the cut and fastened parts of the finger, which serves as a connecting link.

Depending on the dynamics of bone growth, periodic adjustment of the Ilizarov apparatus is performed, which is performed by tightening or loosening the fastening bolts. These manipulations are painful, so they are performed under local anesthesia.

Flexibility exercises

We continue to tell you how to lengthen your fingers. Our next block of exercises is for flexibility. Let's get started:

  1. Place both brushes on the table. Your task is to lift each finger up in turn. You need to make sure that only one moves, and all the others lie motionless on the tabletop.
  2. Place your palm against your palm. Relax one of them. With the other palm, press on the relaxed one, bending it back with this influence. Knead both hands in a similar manner. After each approach, relax your arms and shake your hands vigorously.
  3. Buy or find a small ball or balloon at home. Your task is to roll it between the fingers of one hand. Moreover, only one hand should be used - you cannot help the other. The good thing about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere and for as long as you like.

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