Tips for beautiful arms: exercises for sagging arms for women


Have you ever thought about improving the muscle tone in your arms so that the skin does not sag? Have you ever wanted to remove those same wings, get rid of sagging and flabbiness, and build beautiful and sculpted muscles at home?

Oh, that fat on your arms. And let's be honest. We all know what we need to do to hide certain imperfections in our figure and when it comes to choosing a cute top or sleeveless dress, we will always choose something longer to hide the fat on our arms above the elbows. And no matter how much you control your diet or cut down on dessert, fat deposits still remain. Annoying, right? But before you find a way to reduce flab, it's important to know what causes fat to accumulate in that area.

Causes of sagging arms

  • lack of physical activity
  • unhealthy diet
  • not doing enough exercises on the right muscles
  • binge eating
  • loss of elastin and collagen fibers due to age

If you think that you are the only person on the planet who is faced with this problem, know that you are not alone. Arm fat is just one of the consequences of aging. As you get older, your metabolism slows down, and if you're not physically active, excess fat can accumulate throughout your body, including on your arms.

Although the jury is still out, some studies have shown that low testosterone levels can cause excess fat to accumulate in the shoulder area. As women get older, testosterone levels in their bodies decrease, making it more difficult to combat sagging arms.

And here the question arises, how to tighten the arm muscles and remove sagging skin? Is there a surefire way to lose fat and get rid of sagging above the elbow? In short, yes. Let's start with the important basics for solving this problem.

Basic Tips

When trying to get rid of flabby arms in a week, any girl and woman needs to take into account some points.

  1. It is impossible to remove fat locally only in the arm area. So don't waste your time and money on such activities. Instead, try to lose weight overall as this will automatically help you lose fat. To do this, you must create a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn. So, switch to low-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables. Also consume lean protein and avoid high-calorie sugary foods, as well as drinks and processed foods. Drinking enough water will help you as it can speed up your body's metabolism and thus make you burn more calories. In addition, water will prolong your feeling of fullness and limit your appetite for high-calorie foods.
  2. Secondly, when it comes to training, you should choose different types of exercises that will focus on quickly toning your entire body, not just your arms. Biceps and triceps training alone may leave you with good toned biceps and triceps, but they will all be hidden under layers of excess fat, and this will of course only make your arms look worse.
  3. Third, try to train large muscle groups more often than small ones. Large muscles (back, legs) contain more muscle tissue, which is logical. Training larger muscles will boost your metabolism and cause you to burn more calories, thereby helping you easily achieve your desired calorie deficit. This is because muscles need a constant supply of calories to build and maintain themselves in proper shape.
  4. The choice of exercises is quite a complex issue. You shouldn't train the same muscles every day. You should follow a well-structured exercise program that targets each muscle group in the body.
  5. You have to stay motivated. Doing exercises on a regular basis is very important because without it you cannot get rid of saggy arms. If you expect quick results and lose motivation when you don't see them, it won't take long for you to give up.

We recommend reading: how to tighten a sagging belly by doing fitness at home.

Best Workouts for Women: Good Exercises, Great Results

With small changes in your diet and adding exercises for beautiful arms to your fitness program, you will see tangible results very quickly. The time has come to finally get rid of the “wings” and bring your muscles to ideal condition so that everyone will envy you! An arm lift will take time, but it will be worth it.

Balance of training and nutrition

It is important to understand that it is not enough just to lose weight so that your arms have an attractive shape. They may be thin in volume, but the skin on them will still look flabby. Only a balance between training and overall weight loss can produce tangible results.

There are many ways to lose weight, but they all come down to one rule - reducing calories and eating healthy foods. If you want to lose excess fat, including in the arm area, then adhere to the following dietary rules:

  • Do not eat fatty and fried foods;
  • Include lean meat (chicken, turkey) in your diet;
  • Don't drastically reduce your portions, just eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • Don't skip breakfast, let it be rich in protein foods;
  • Drink plenty of water.

How to burn fat quickly

The best way to tone your muscles is a two-pronged approach: diet and exercise. The first thing everyone wants is to get rid of saggy triceps muscles, the so-called wings.

Expert advice:

Great protein dinner - 170g grilled salmon or turkey with Brussels sprouts and baked potato.

To reduce your body fat percentage, you need to adjust your diet. For most women, relief appears when the percentage of fat is 16-20%. The recommended norm for healthy weight loss is from 500g to 1kg.

500 grams of body weight is equivalent to 3500 calories. If you consume an average of 2,000 calories per day, you need to cut your intake by 500 to 1,000 calories per day to lose up to a pound per week.

Necessary equipment

No need to purchase expensive equipment. This is an obvious plus.

Therefore, the reluctance to exercise can only be justified by laziness, because even the busiest person can devote 10-15 minutes a day to maintain their health.

The following can be used as projectiles:

  • bottles filled with sand;
  • dumbbells – weighing from 1 to 3 kilograms;
  • universal expander.

Exercises for sagging arms

Now that you have normalized your diet, it's time for toning workouts. Cardio is still an important part of your program. Don't skip it because it is a great way to burn fat. You should aim to do at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercise per day. This could be anything from running and cycling to hiking.

Despite the fact that you want beautiful hands, do not forget that the rest of the body also needs attention. Train your legs, buttocks, and back to be a stunning beauty.

Once you've completed your full body exercises, or at least your lower half, it's time to turn your arms into the envy of your body.

Workout #1

Shoulder press

Bicep curls

Reverse push-ups

Dumbbell forward raises

Swing dumbbells to the sides

Push ups

Triceps extensions

Triceps extensions are one of the best triceps exercises for women. To get the most out of your workouts, start by doing each exercise for 3 sets of 12 reps with a weight light enough that you can complete all 12 reps without fail. After a few weeks, you will be able to increase the number of repetitions to 4-6 sets of 12 repetitions. As your strength increases, you should also increase the weight of the dumbbells.

For bodyweight exercises, it is fine to do push-ups on your knees until you have the strength to push up to your toes. Don't try triceps push-ups until you've mastered regular push-ups.

Expert tip: When doing push-ups, keep your elbows close to your body to really work your triceps.

Workout #2

Divide all exercises into groups of 3 and perform one of each three (with resistance band or dumbbells) for 40 seconds before immediately moving on to the next one. After completing all three exercises, rest for 30 seconds. This is one circle. Complete three circuits before starting the next part of the exercise. To pump up hanging muscles and make them fit, do not forget about regular training.

Table with training program

Arm training
(repeat 3 times)
shoulder press40 sec
reverse push-ups40 sec
bicep curls40 sec
rest30 sec
(6 minutes)
lifting up and to the sides15 reps
triceps abduction20 reps
rest30 sec

Standing shoulder press

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and place both feet on the floor hip-width apart. Gently lift the dumbbells to shoulder level, directly in front of your chest. Extend your elbows and press the dumbbells overhead, making sure your hands are at ear level. When your arms are fully extended, bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells back toward your chest. This is one repetition.

Shoulder press with elastic band

Stand in the center of the band, feet shoulder-width apart, holding one end of the band in each hand. Gently lift the ends of the tape to shoulder level. Extend your elbows and pull the ends of the band over your head, making sure your hands are at ear level. Once your arms are fully extended, bend your elbows to return to the starting position.

Try other exercises with a fitness band at home.

Triceps abduction

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Lean forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows to lift the dumbbells to either side of your chest. Extend your elbows back, ensuring they remain in close contact with the sides of your body. Bend your elbows to return to the starting position.

Triceps abduction with elastic band

Stand in the center of the band with your feet hip-width apart and hold one end of the band in each hand. Bend your knees slightly and lean forward from your hips so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows so that the ends of the band are on either side of your chest. Keeping your shoulders as still as possible, move your elbows back, ensuring that your arms remain in close contact with the sides of your body. Bend your elbows to return to the starting position.

Biceps Curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Without moving your shoulders, bend your elbows and gradually rotate your wrists to lift the dumbbells toward your shoulders, palms toward your chest.

Flexing with an elastic band

Stand in the center of the band with your feet hip-width apart and hold one end of the band in each hand. Bend your elbows to lift your arms toward your chest, making sure to keep your elbows in close contact with your sides. Extend your elbows to return to the starting position.

Raises up and to the side

Take the starting position as in the exercise above. Bend your elbows slightly and lift the dumbbells outward to shoulder level. When they reach shoulder level, move them forward, just in front of your chest. Without hesitation, modify the movement by moving the dumbbells back until they are aligned with your shoulders. Slowly lower the dumbbells down. Complete 15 reps.

Raises up and to the side with an elastic band

Stand in the center of the band with your feet hip-width apart and grab one end of the band in each hand with a neutral grip. Bend your elbows slightly and lift the ends of the band outward to shoulder level. When they reach shoulder height, move them forward to bring them straight to your chest. Without hesitation, modify the movement by moving the dumbbells back until they are aligned with your shoulders. Slowly lower the ends of the tape.

French press

Hold a dumbbell in each hand and place both feet on the floor, shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms above your head, keeping them at ear level. Keeping your shoulders still, bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells behind your head. Immediately straighten your elbows to return to the starting position. Always keep your shoulders, elbows and wrists in line. Complete 20 reps.

French press with elastic band

Stand in the middle of the band and do the same as in the exercise above.


Raise your right arm up, bend it at the elbow. The palm should be behind your back. Lightly press your elbow with your left hand, directing it toward your back. Stay in this position for 3 minutes. Repeat the same with the other hand.

While doing the exercises, try to feel every muscle in your body.

For women over 40, it is preferable to give a tensile load, so it is better to use a stretching machine (expander), which can be used at home, attached to the wall and gives a tensile load on the muscles. Such a load will be gentle with many contraindications (back, elbows), you just need to find your own exercises that do not cause complications, so it is better to consult with a specialist and observe your own sensations.

If you experience unpleasant, even mild pain, you must immediately stop those exercises that provoke pain!

Advice on how a woman can get rid of flabby arms as quickly as possible

Do more cardio

  1. Do cardio exercise three to six days a week. To lose weight anywhere, you must do exercises that burn overall fat. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, start with 30 minutes of walking a day.
  2. If you're already in good shape, take it up a notch by increasing the intensity of your workouts. Run instead of walk, for example. Do high-intensity interval training, alternating periods of high and moderate effort. Any type of cardio is better than nothing, but the most effective are jumping rope, swimming, and running. This will help you prevent the skin from hanging on your hands.

Cut calories

  1. Track your calories and look for ways to cut them. One way to do this is to use an app that will help you calculate how many calories you should eat to lose weight, and will also allow you to enter the names and amounts of foods you ate plus the exercise you did to get your net calorie intake for the day.
  2. For example, you may find that by exercising just 10 minutes more or eating a little less at lunch, you can create a calorie deficit.

Do targeted exercises

  1. Invest in a set of dumbbells and perform three to five arm-strengthening exercises at least two days a week. Variety is key to preventing muscle adaptation and fitness plateaus, so vary your routine from week to week.
  2. For triceps, which are often the flabby part of women's arms, effective exercises are reverse push-ups and French presses.
  3. Don't stop there. Perform bicep curls and bicep hammers, as well as flat or incline back presses for the chest and shoulders; add a dumbbell press on top for the shoulders.
  4. Another great upper body exercise is pull-ups. If you cannot do them in the standard form, use a special machine in the gym.


Many women avoid strength training, thinking it will become too bulky and powerful. While you'll be building muscle, you're unlikely to get really "big" from your workouts, and sagging skin will be gone.

Daily care

Home care should be systematic. The rules are as follows:

  • after the hands have been wet, dry them well and use cream to moisturize;
  • Wash your palms only with warm water, not ice or boiling water, especially if the skin is constantly peeling, drying, cracking;
  • Brushes should be washed with cleansing agents with a pH no higher than 5;
  • after working in the country, you should not wipe off dirt with a hard cloth, wash it carefully several times, and even better, work with gloves;
  • When cleaning the house, you should wear rubber gloves - they will protect the dermis from the action of chemicals.

You need to apply the cream every day, morning and evening.


It is advisable to do push-ups and warm-ups not on the bare floor, but on a special anti-slip fitness mat.

This will reduce the risk of getting bruised or falling due to slipping.

Proper and high-quality warm-up is already half the success. Warming up the body should last at least 10 minutes. The ideal option is 12-15 minutes.

Warm-up consists of the following stages:

  1. Cardio exercises - running, jumping in place, kangaroo or jump rope, leg swings, squats.
  2. Stretching - first of all, you need to work out the muscles of the neck, arms, back and sides.
  3. Joint gymnastics. The emphasis should be on the shoulder and elbow joints.

It is advisable to restore breathing after exercise.

Warming up before exercise can reduce the risk of injury, unexpected spikes in blood pressure, and poor circulation to the muscles, which can lead to pain or cramping.

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