Elastic band for fitness - exercise technique and tips for choosing

Many people believe that to be strong, healthy and in good shape, you need a gym. However, not everyone has such an opportunity: the first one does not have time, the second one has no one to leave the child with, and the third one does not have extra financial resources. Are you familiar with these situations? Then don’t ignore our article - we know how to help you!

Have you heard anything about elastic bands for fitness? Read below and find out what they are and how they can replace an entire gym!

How to choose elastic bands for fitness?

Products marked “S” are suitable for children and beginners who are just starting to train, “M” can be used for warming up, “L” are suitable for working the leg muscles and buttocks. “XL” and “XL” are bands designed for professional athletes and well-trained amateurs. Elastic bands can be purchased separately or as a set.

It is advisable for beginners to give preference to wide ribbons, including mini-loops, since they are more comfortable to work with. When you have good training skills with such equipment, you can move on to more complex options. In most cases they use:

  • tapes - to improve body lines and lose excess weight;
  • mini loops - for working on the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • long loops - for abdominal training;
  • figure eight elastic bands – for hips and buttocks;
  • rings – for biceps and triceps;
  • Exertube – for the muscles of the back corset and arms.

The gradation of shades may vary depending on the chosen brand, but in most cases:

  1. Yellow (the softest) – fitness accessories for warming up and warming up muscles.
  2. Red (soft) - for easy training of arms, shoulder corset, legs.
  3. Green (medium hardness) - to increase the volume of the muscles of the arms and legs during intense exercise. This fitness band is best suited for training your legs and buttocks.
  4. Blue (moderately hard) - recommended for well-trained people, for intensive training of the hips and buttocks.
  5. Black (as hard as possible) - for professional athletes, as well as for loading well-trained muscles.

Depending on the shape and size of the product, there are the following types:

  1. Elastic tape - it is sold in rolls of 200-250 cm, which allows you to cut the strip to the desired length.
  2. A mini-loop is a multi-layer elastic ring with a diameter of 50-60 cm and a width of up to 10 cm, which is presented in sets of several products of varying rigidity.
  3. Long loop - a rubber band for sports in the form of a ring approximately 200 cm long and up to 9 cm wide, which can be rolled several times, thereby adjusting the load during exercise.

Set of exercises

By performing various loads with latex tape, you can easily not only remove unwanted inches of fat, but also pump up muscles. We bring to your attention the most effective and at the same time simple exercises for all muscle groups.

For hips and buttocks

Using a fitness band, you can easily work out all muscle groups in your legs, since the load is distributed evenly on both the inner and outer thighs, the transverse thigh, and the buttocks.

Important! When performing this complex, you should give preference to a fitness elastic band with increased rigidity. The most effective will be tapes of maximum or medium hardness.

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Exercise No. 1. Walking in a squat.

To complete this task you will need 2 ribbons. We put one on the hips, and the other at ankle level. We stand in a half-squat, feet shoulder-width apart. From the starting position we take 6 steps to the right and 6 steps to the left. We do three approaches. To be more effective, the duration of such a workout should be 45 seconds, leaving 15 seconds for muscle rest.

Exercise No. 2. Knee extension.

We remain in the same starting position - in a half-squat, legs spaced shoulder-width apart. Slowly we spread our knees apart and, keeping the pace, bring them together. It is necessary to perform three sets, the duration of one set is 45 seconds, and the rest between them is 15 seconds.

Exercise No. 3. Cowboy.

Without changing position, we take 6 steps forward and 6 steps back. The duration of the approaches remains the same. The next set of three tasks is best performed on a fitness mat. All of them are performed in 3 approaches, the duration of one approach including rest is one minute: 30 s for the exercise itself and the same amount for rest.

Exercise No. 4. Taking your leg to the side.

We take the starting position on all fours, fixing the tape at the level of the knee joint. We do it first on one side, then on the other. From the starting position, we slowly move our leg to the side, and then, keeping the pace, lower it. After resting, repeat on the other leg.

Exercise No. 5. Leg abduction to the side in static position.

We perform everything in the same way as in the previous task, but in this case we hold the leg at the top point for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds of rest, repeat.

Exercise No. 6. Raising your legs forward, to the side and up.

From the starting position, we move our leg forward, then move it to the side and then lift it up. Repeat for 30 seconds, and after completion, rest for 30 seconds. After three sets, we do the exercise on the other leg. The following complex is designed for 3 approaches, which are performed for 45 seconds with a rest of 15 seconds.

Important! To get the greatest effect from the exercises, you must strictly adhere to the time frame. After such a workout, the muscles will simply burn, and visible results will appear after 3 months of regular exercise.

Exercise No. 7. Taking your leg to the side.

We take the starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart. One leg is supporting, we move the other to the side and return to the starting position, but we do not place the leg on the ground. After completing three approaches on one leg, repeat the exercise on the other.

Exercise No. 8. Taking the leg back.

We remain in the original position, but this time we move our leg back. We complete the task within 45 seconds. After 3 approaches, change legs and perform again.

Exercise No. 9. Taking the leg back in a stationary position.

We repeat exercise No. 8, but hold the abducted leg for 45 seconds, after which we rest for 15 seconds. We repeat the exercise 3 times on each leg. For additional load on the gluteal muscles, you can perform a gluteal bridge with an elastic band.

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For back muscles

To work out all the back muscles well, you can use the following set of exercises that are suitable for every beginning athlete.

Exercise No. 1. Belt pull.

An elastic expander or band is best suited for this type of training. The tape must be fixed in such a way that both ends are accessible to you, and its middle is securely fixed, for example, by a pipe or a door handle. We take the starting position standing, arms extended forward. When bending your arms, we pull the tape towards the belt, while not tilting the body, but remaining in the same position. We repeat the exercise for 45 seconds, after which 15 seconds rest. Number of approaches - 3.

Exercise No. 2. Vertical traction.

It is best to use mini loops for this task that are easy to hold in your hands. This exercise is similar to the lat pull-down that many gym goers perform. The torso is straight, the arms are raised high above the head, a ribbon is stretched between them. From the starting position, lower your arms down so that the band is always taut and touches your shoulders in the lower position. When performing the exercise, you do not need to tilt your neck forward: it is important that the spine remains straight.

Exercise No. 3. Tape pull.

Starting position - we step on the tape with one foot, the other foot is the supporting one. The body is tilted forward. As you inhale, pull the tape to the bottom of your chest, and as you exhale, return it to its original position. We repeat the task for 3 approaches.

Important! When performing this exercise, the position of your hands is important: the lower you grab the band, the greater the load.

Each approach lasts 45 seconds, and 15 seconds are given for rest.

For arms and shoulders

To work this muscle group, it is better to use elastic bands, which can be selected according to the meter.

Exercise No. 1.

We fix the tape at shoulder level and tighten it with our hands. While inhaling, we spread our arms with the band as far to the sides as possible, while we need to fix our attention on the work of the pectoral muscles and deltas. At the maximum point, you need to linger for a moment and feel how the target muscles work. As you exhale, we return to the starting position. We do 3 approaches, the duration of which is 45 seconds with a rest of 15.

Exercise helps improve posture and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Exercise No. 2. Arm curls with band.

Starting position - stand in the center of the tape, legs slightly apart, fix the ends of the tape with your palms. As you inhale, bend your arms at the elbow, and as you exhale, return to the starting position. If necessary, you can bend your arms all the way, which increases the load on the arm muscles. We work for 45 seconds with a rest of 15, we perform 3 such approaches. The exercise is analogous to lifting a barbell for biceps in a standing position.

Exercise No. 3 - Turns with arms raised.

Sit on the mat, bend your legs slightly at the knee joint. We rest our feet on the center of the tape, and fix the ends with our palms. We twist in one direction and spread our arms as far apart as possible. We do this 20 times in each direction, perform 3 approaches.

For the pectoral muscles

Some of the exercises given above are also suitable for working the pectoral muscles, for example, turns with arms raised or arms raised in front of you. This complex is performed using both an elastic band and mini-bands.

Exercise No. 1. Raising your arms to the sides.

We take a standing position, legs slightly apart, arms extended in front of us. We fix a mini-tape in our palms. We spread our arms as far as possible to the sides, after which we return to the starting position. We do 20 such repetitions for 3 sets. To enhance the effect, you can perform the task statically, fixating at the maximum point for 15 seconds.

Exercise No. 2. Band push-ups.

Stretch the fitness tape along your upper back, and it should go under your arms so that it does not interfere with the exercise. Fix the ends with your hands and get into a plank position. Perform classic push-ups, while trying to maintain the maximum amplitude of bending. For those who find it difficult to perform such push-ups, you can do push-ups from your knees. In this case, you need to perform 15 repetitions. During this training, the muscles of the chest, biceps, abs and back are involved.

How to exercise with a fitness band?

Practice the technique of performing the exercises first without a projectile. You need to increase the intensity gradually - for beginners, it is enough to increase the number of repetitions of each exercise once every two weeks. The person himself will feel when the muscles have strengthened and the time has come to use an elastic band of greater rigidity.

A set of proven and effective exercises for which a tape expander is used consists of the following options:

  • lunges;
  • deep squats;
  • walking;
  • deadlift;
  • twisting;
  • stretching;
  • bent over row.

The load given by the tape depends on its stretch

This is perhaps the most important difference between bands and dumbbells. If you're lifting something off the floor—like deadlifting with a barbell or a pair of dumbbells—you're holding the entire weight of the equipment as it leaves the floor. But if you use resistance bands, the resistance will decrease as you get closer to the floor and will increase as you stretch them.

This means that at the top you will have to work beyond your efforts, but at the bottom, on the contrary, you will not experience difficulties. Of course, you can still work all the muscles if you choose and combine exercises correctly, but this factor means that bands will never replace working with dumbbells or a barbell.

What can replace a fitness elastic band?

If you cannot get a tape shock absorber, you can make one at home from ordinary elastic materials. However, be prepared that such a simulator will not be as convenient and comfortable. It can become deformed, rub the skin and slide off the body. Another alternative is an expander. If it has springs, you can remove a few of them to reduce the stiffness of the machine.

An expander is not suitable for all exercises, but it is quite possible to pump up your biceps, triceps, thighs and buttocks with its help at home. An analogue of a fitness band for legs or arms are elastic bandages and tourniquets, which are sold in pharmacies. However, the former wear out quickly, while the latter are very hard. However, this option is quite suitable as a temporary replacement.

There will come a time when you will outgrow fixed-weight dumbbells.


Typically, beginners start with a lighter pair of dumbbells. But if you exercise regularly, pretty soon you'll need more weight. You'll also notice that different exercises require different weights: a weight that's difficult to do curls with will likely be too light for overhead presses.

To avoid additional expenses, buy adjustable dumbbells. You will be able to hang and remove “pancakes”, just like on a barbell. With more expensive versions, you will simply place the dumbbells back on the rack and select the desired weight.

But you may outgrow adjustable dumbbells. An affordable 20-kilogram set will seem overwhelming at first. But 10 kg per arm is not so much if you have good strength indicators. “But I can always buy mini-pancakes,” you say, completely forgetting that the space on the dumbbell handle is limited.

Types of fitness bands

Fitness elastic bands should not be confused with other similar equipment. It is similar to an elastic tape, loops - plaits. Elastic bands provide a load of several levels of difficulty.

The hardness of the elastic band varies. There are soft, medium, hard, and very hard options. Each level has its own color. The color range depends on the manufacturer. You can purchase a whole set.

A good load on the body is combined with convenience. There is no need to worry that some muscle group will not be used. Hands and shoulders require a soft tool. To perform the exercises, use a hard elastic band. As the load increases, both tapes are used.

If there is no creativity

In practice, in the absence of the necessary elastic band and elementary imagination, the majority “does not reinvent the wheel”, but purchases such products. Moreover, its price tag is in the range of 50-100 rubles. The weaker its tension, the lower the cost. Although there are professional versions with more impressive price tags (more than 1000 rubles)

There is also an option to order it and even a whole set on Ozone or AliExpress. As a result, it turns out to be even more profitable for the money, only in the second case the difficulty lies in the long wait for delivery.

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