How many calories are burned while running - calculate the consumption according to the tables

Often women, in pursuit of an ideal figure, choose sports as a method of losing weight. Some prefer fitness, gymnastics, while others prefer running. Running, firstly, does not require any special imagination or troubles, and, secondly, it does not require any investments in the form of dumbbells, horizontal bars and expanders.

At the same time, women who run are concerned: is this sport effective as a calorie burner? How long should you run in the morning? How many calories are burned when running? So, the time has come to dot all the i’s.

Where does energy come from in the body and what are calories?

All consumed products consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, various trace elements and minerals. In the body, everything consumed is broken down: digestive enzymes break down biopolymers into small components in the form of monomers. The chemical bond of molecules is broken and, thus, energy appears - those same hated calories.

What is a calorie? This is the quantity by which energy is measured, it is a unit of heat. With one such unit of heat, one gram of liquid can be warmed by exactly one degree. Calories measure the entire energy value of food, that is, they mean the energy that the body receives by assimilating the consumed product.

How many calories does 1 km of running burn?

After running 1 kilometer in the morning, you can hope that you managed to get rid of 50-100 calories. It is impossible to give a more specific figure, since body weight, running tempo, the terrain of the treadmill, and a number of other factors play a role here. Approximately the calculation is done as follows: light running burns 1 calorie per 1 kilogram of weight. That is, when jogging one kilometer for 5-6 minutes, taking into account a flat surface, a woman weighing 50 kilograms will burn about 50 calories, a woman weighing 90 kilograms will burn 90 calories, and so on.


In one session on TRX you can burn from 200 to 450 calories. It all also depends on the duration and intensity of the workout. If you exercise on TRX loops for about 30 minutes, you can burn 200-250 calories. We told you where to practice TRX in Kyiv in our selection of top 5 clubs.

How many calories do 5K and 10K runs burn?

There is a simple formula in weight loss methods: multiply the weight of the runner by the kilometers covered. The resulting answer will be the number of calories burned. This formula works when running short distances, from 5 to 10 kilometers. Its disadvantage is that it does not take into account the relief, the pulse, therefore, it will only give an approximate figure.

According to the formula, it is obvious that a woman weighing 70 kg will spend approximately 350 calories in a 5 km run, and 700 in a 10 km run. A person weighing 100 kg will spend 500 calories in the same 5 km, and 1000 in a 10 km run. Sometimes with this When calculating, real consumption figures become far from the truth, because the intensity of the load on the body differs due to the individual characteristics of the body and the terrain.

Not everyone knows, but calories are burned even after jogging. The fact is that the body, tired of training, requires an increased portion of energy, and therefore “gets” it from the body. Of course, in order for energy to be obtained from already existing “deposits”, it is necessary to suspend the active consumption of calories from the outside. In other words, you need a diet.

Other influencing factors

Oddly enough, the most effective way to burn calories and lose weight is jogging, and not intense jogging. This is explained by the fact that the largest amount of calories begins to be burned only after 10 minutes of running, and not everyone can withstand long-term active exercise without harming their health. With a not very fast, measured run, a person will burn approximately 200-300 kilocalories in half an hour, half of which is spent in the last 10 minutes.

The human body begins to actively burn energy only after a half-hour run, so it is recommended to run for longer than 30 minutes.

If this is not possible (the person is tired or his health condition does not allow him to run for so long), you can alternate running with walking, but just do not stop. With this exercise, women weighing 60 kg consume 240-260 kilocalories per hour (310-320 for men weighing 80 kg). For jogging without stopping under the same conditions, the numbers will be different: 590-620 kcal for women and 830-850 for men.

In order to accurately calculate how many calories are burned when running, you can use tables specially compiled for this purpose. You need to know your weight and the duration of your run. The more intense the training, the more energy is consumed and the faster the excess weight will come off. But it is necessary to remember that such activities should bring joy and in no case harm your health.

How to lose weight effectively

Just running is a trifle. But in order to lose weight profitably. Additional efforts will be required in the form of compliance with the rules.

  • You should finish your run by gradually switching to slow running. After this, you need to switch to fast walking, and then to slow walking. This method will restore your heart rate and make your jogging more efficient.
  • When a person runs, his body should be slightly inclined. In this case, it is better to press your hands to your sides, bending them at the elbows. The runner lowers his foot either entirely or just the toe.
  • The movement should be smooth. You should not allow any jerks or slowdowns until the end of the workout.
  • You need to breathe “according to the instructions”: through your nose and evenly. Gasping for air is not the best solution. It won’t take long to undermine the heart and create additional stress on the lungs.
  • The terrain should be alternated: weight loss will happen faster. If you constantly run on a flat park strip, then soon your body will get used to it and will treat jogging as a simple walk.
  • Classes must be held regularly, including in compliance with a single time schedule. Advice for beginners: you need to start training for 5-10 minutes 3-4 times a week.

About the balance of consumption and consumption

Sport is not a panacea. It is impossible to eat foods whose calorie content is off the charts, hoping that an evening jog will help get rid of the consequences of delicious food. For example, a bottle of Coca-Cola with a volume of 0.33 liters and a calorie content of 200 units will cost a person 10 minutes of intense training. Without preparation it is difficult to maintain such a pace.

800-1200 Kcal are spent on vital processes, depending on age, weight and lifestyle. Above - stored in body fat or must be burned during exercise. If the total caloric content of the diet exceeds the permissible 1000 Kcal by 500, it will take about 60 minutes of interval running. Moreover, long distances are not recommended for beginners and overweight people. This is too much stress for the heart and body. A body that has been suddenly subjected to severe stress may be in a state of stress, which means that the burning of reserves will be slower than with a normal level of physical activity.

When introducing sports into your life, you need to understand that only in combination with a healthy diet and normalization of eating habits can you achieve results.

How to lose belly fat

Here you need to immediately make a reservation: it does not happen that during physical activity only one part of the body loses weight. In other words, if a woman has a large belly and breasts, then her bust will shrink along with her belly, even if she doesn’t want it to. However, some things can be corrected, for example, if you review your diet.

  • It is urgent to reconsider your diet, because more than 70% of success depends on nutrition. First, you need to reduce calories and switch to healthy foods. At the same time, it is important to consume more fiber and proteins: fiber removes toxins and excess fluid, and proteins saturate well with low calorie consumption. The belly decreases precisely due to the effective cleansing of the intestines from toxins. Accordingly, with physical activity the effectiveness of the method increases significantly.
  • Drinking at least two liters a day of clean water is a rule for effective weight loss. Water washes away poisons and reduces appetite, and during intense physical activity it replenishes fluid loss in the body.
  • To lose belly fat, it is important to breathe correctly when running. Only through the nose and straight!

Features of training training

You can often hear the opinion that running makes the leg muscles larger, so this sport can hardly be considered useful if you need to lose weight in your thighs and calves. However, not everyone knows that leg muscles can be pumped up by running in just six months of training.

If your goal is to lose weight, just 3 months of jogging at a time convenient for you will be enough. Moreover, you don’t need to run every day - the muscles are overloaded, and the result worsens. To consistently lose calories, run 3 times a week for a couple of hours. You can eat after class only 50 minutes later, and the menu must include protein foods, as well as sour vegetables and fruits, cereals, and dairy products. This approach to training will significantly speed up the weight loss process!

What are the benefits of running

In addition to losing weight, running brings great benefits to the body. So, for example, during regular running training the following happens to the body:

  • Running can use all muscle groups, including loading joints and ligaments. This means that the entire body is pumped.
  • A person's heart beats faster, which in turn pumps blood through their veins faster. Consequently, there is a greater flow of oxygen into all tissues and organs, and the same applies to other nutrients. All organs work better, and the body heals, resembling a well-oiled mechanism.
  • When running, a large amount of sweat is released, and with it a lot of harmful salts, toxins and wastes.

How to run

  • You can’t overload yourself from the very beginning: only when all the muscles begin to get used to it. You can increase the load. You shouldn’t overestimate yourself: it’s better to increase the distance by 200-300 meters every day than to immediately give a breakthrough and then quit training for a couple of weeks.
  • It is important to periodically alternate the terrain, that is, the terrain of the treadmills. For two days let it be the perfectly smooth asphalt of a park area, the next two – a not-too-flat clearing, and two more days – a hilly area in nature.
  • Stretching is required. Lunges, bends and other exercises should be done at least several times after running. This is done to ensure that the muscles recover after running.
  • Running exercises are unlikely to bring much benefit if you run for the allotted time, and the rest of the time you basically lie down or lead a purely sedentary lifestyle. You need to move more: walk home from work, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
  • In order for running exercises to be of great benefit, you need to do them either in the morning, before meals, or two hours after eating, before you feel brutal hunger. Experts say that it is in this state that the body is exposed to stress and spends subcutaneous fat deposits much more intensively.

Losing weight is not an easy process, and running can help with this. The main thing is to run correctly. Having reviewed all the proposed recommendations, you need to take note of them and start right from tomorrow morning, without waiting for “next Monday”.

Simple tips for burning fat

Surely your friends play sports or just enjoy walking in the evenings. Try doing a few exercises, the tricks of which will help you maintain muscle tone and figure.

  1. Avoid nuts—they have healthy fats but are also high in calories: 1 handful (about one cup) of the buttery, toasted goodies has 175 calories. Can't resist? Eat pistachios: 2 handfuls contain only 159 calories.
  2. Additions to salads. A big vegetable dish may seem healthy, but all those goodies on top can make it richer and more calorie-dense than lasagna or fettuccine Alfredo. Cheese crumbles, caramelized nuts, bacon, avocado, dried fruit, croutons and vinaigrettes can also add a few pounds of extra weight. It’s not so important how many calories are spent during a workout, it’s important not to return them “to their previous places of residence.”
  3. Use small plates. You will consume 40% less food, which will affect your figure.
  4. Small snacks. Any crackers or savory snacks can contain up to 900 kcal per package. The less you consume, the more energy you save for digestion. And famine will come much later.
  5. Eat less pasta. One serving contains only 220 calories. But typical restaurant meals can be 480% fattier than 1 plate of durum prepared at home.
  6. Try to eat alone. Feasts with friends allow you to eat three times more than you can consume on your own.
  7. Don't finish your food. Leave 25% of your food on your plate at every meal.
  8. For breakfast, eat 2 boiled eggs to satisfy your hunger.
  9. Before lunch and dinner, enjoy 1 cup of low-calorie soup or water to fill your stomach.
  10. Don't eat in front of the TV. You simply don’t notice that you are eating more than you need to meet your needs.

Don't forget to indulge yourself with sweets, but only before 12 noon. Take fasting days when you don’t work, walk and breathe air. Sometimes you can drink alcohol to improve blood circulation. And remember, how many calories are spent during training, the same amount is burned during sleep after the end of the working day. Be sure to get enough sleep, this will improve your overall condition and help you lose weight.

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