Top 50 standing exercises for beginners and for any age: without jumping and squats (+ 5-day plan)

If you are looking for simple workouts to lose weight and get in shape, then we offer you an effective set of exercises at home for every day. The ready-made plan for the week consists of simple standing exercises without jumping, without squats, without lunges, which is suitable even for beginners.

Who is this 5-day weight loss workout plan suitable for:

  • For women of any age, as an effective option for low-impact training.
  • Beginners in fitness who have not exercised or have had a long break.
  • People who are overweight and want to add some light physical activity.
  • People with joint or back problems, diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • For anyone who exercises, this is a good option for morning exercises for vivacity and energy.

If you have chronic diseases, we recommend that you consult with a specialist before starting our set of exercises for every day.

Basic rules for training and preparation for it

Training at home for girls will only be effective if certain rules are followed.

Optimal duration and frequency of training

Type of load Duration for weight loss Duration for muscle formation
Cardio 20–25 minutes 10–15 minutes
Power complex 15–20 minutes 30–35 minutes

Rate your health

Moderate training for girls at home has virtually no contraindications. However, with some diseases, in particular spinal injuries, oncology and other serious pathologies, strength training and intense cardio are contraindicated.

Start with light workouts and increase the load gradually

The training program at home for beginner girls or after a long break should be moderate, otherwise motivation will disappear after the first muscle pain after exercise. Gradually the body will get used to doing the exercises, the intensity and duration of the exercises can be increased.

Stick to a schedule

To achieve results, training at home for girls must be regular, with no more than 2 days rest between sessions. Breaks are needed so that the body can recover and gain strength before the next workout.

How to choose the right online training?

In order to choose the right workout, you need to know your starting level of training and have a clear idea of ​​your ultimate goal.

Remember that training isn't just about pain. Thanks to training, we raise our athletic level higher and higher every time. Choose exercises and sports that really interest you. This will help you incorporate online training into your daily life and prevent you from getting bored or giving up.

When choosing fitness workouts to do at home, give your preference to those for which you have enough space. Don't choose a tennis video just because you love tennis if you don't have room to play at home.

First: warm up and cardio

The training program for girls at home should include warming up the joints: rotational movements in both directions of the head, shoulders, arms, elbows, hands, pelvis, knees and feet.

When doing cardio, it is important to monitor your heart rate, the maximum value of which should be 220 minus your age. And the fat burning range is optimal within 60–70% of this value.

A home workout for women can include one or more cardio exercises.

Jumping rope

You need to jump for 8–10 minutes at a comfortable pace with pauses of up to 15 seconds every 1–3 minutes. When performing the exercise, it is important to monitor your breathing and the absence of discomfort in your legs.

Jumping Jack

The basic position is standing, legs together, arms along the body. Jump by spreading your legs and clapping your arms above your head. Return through the jump to the starting position. Jump at a fast pace for 8-10 minutes with breaks of up to 15 seconds every 1-3 minutes.

Walking up the stairs

If you live in a high-rise building, include walking up the stairs in your cardio program. This accelerates the pulse well to working mode. And if you want to pump up your buttocks, step on your entire foot and push off the steps with your heels. Walk for 1-3 minutes or climb 8-12 floors.

Types of aerobics

Aerobics is usually divided into several types:

  • Classic aerobics. In many ways it resembles choreography. The training is carried out to music, to which various exercises are performed, including elements of running. It is about classical aerobics for weight loss that we will talk about. It helps ensure effective fat burning, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and increases the body's endurance.
  • Step aerobics. It assumes the presence of a special platform with the help of which the climb up the stairs is simulated. This type of activity gives good stress to the legs. In addition, according to experts, the load during step aerobics is identical to the load when running at a speed of 12 kilometers per hour .
  • Aerobics with strength training. This type of activity can include different exercises, but its peculiarity is that with strength loads the muscles are worked out more strongly. This ensures accelerated fat burning.
  • Dance aerobics. It can be performed with certain types of music, for example, hip-hop, tango, and so on. The movements in this case are similar to dance. Working out is great for helping you lose weight, and it’s also a lot of fun.
  • Aerobics with martial arts. This aerobics will contain elements of karate, boxing and other martial arts. Loads of this nature have a diverse effect on the muscles, due to which the latter work in full. This option is suitable for those who have a fairly developed muscle corset and a little fat.

There is also water aerobics, in which exercises are performed in water. Such exercises are very effective, because water additionally promotes weight loss.

Second: exercises for arms, back and chest

To improve muscle tone in the upper body, home workouts for girls should include exercises for the arms, back and chest. They can be performed with your own weight, but dumbbells are useful for better efficiency. The weight of the apparatus should be selected individually, depending on the initial level of physical fitness.

Forearm extensions from sagging in the upper arms

Take shells weighing 1.5–3 kg, stand and tilt your body forward, bending your legs slightly. Bend your arms at the elbows, press them to your body and lift them up. Extend your arms synchronously, moving the dumbbells back, and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise for 0.5–1 minute. And so 3 approaches with a short break.

Boat exercise for the back

Lying on your stomach, with your arms extended in front of you and your legs together, simultaneously lift your torso and legs off the floor, raising them as high as possible. Maintain balance in this pose for 2 seconds. Lower yourself to the base position and repeat the “boat” for 30 seconds in 3 sets.

For the chest: push-ups with arms wide apart

Lying down, spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders, palms facing forward. Smoothly lower yourself, almost touching your chest to the floor, and rise up. One approach - 10-30 seconds. In total you need to complete 3 approaches.

How to lose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10,15, 20 kg without dieting

Miracles in this world happen very often, but you will not be able to believe that you can quickly lose weight while eating everything, drinking, without a diet and proper nutrition, the physiological characteristics of the body are designed in such a way that if you have gained extra pounds of weight by overeating, then you need now undereat so that the weight begins to decrease down to your normal weight, when you start to eat less, the body itself will slowly begin to use its fat reserves as the main source of energy and you will lose weight. It is important to adhere to the restrictions that we wrote about above in order to start losing weight.

Third: exercises for legs and buttocks

To pump up your legs and buttocks you will need a fitness band and dumbbells. In order to achieve better results, always monitor the technique of performing the exercises. If during training you feel that your heart is starting to “pound”, pause the activity and take a break so that your breathing and heartbeat return to normal.


Feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbells in hands. The back is straight, with a slight arch in the lower back. We tilt the torso forward, and move the pelvis back, knees slightly bent. Slowly straighten your knees and then straighten your back. One approach lasts 30–60 seconds. In total you need to do 3 approaches.

Squats with leg swing to the side

Place a resistance band on your shins and do a classic squat. At the top point, move your leg to the side. Do a series for one leg and then for the other. Allow 30–60 seconds for one approach. For a good muscle workout, three approaches will be enough.

Fruits and vegetables for breakfast for lunch - dinner

Healthy nutrition for a teenager means not only eating soups and cereals, but also eating fruits and vegetables every day during the day, so that the body feels adequate in vitamins, you must eat fruits and vegetables, for example, fruits are best in the morning, you can eat an apple, a pear , banana, kiwi, grapefruit, and other fruits, vegetables in the morning you don’t always want to eat, so the recommendation for vegetables is to eat them for lunch and dinner in the form of a salad, the best option for soup as a second course instead of porridge. A salad of vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs, dressed with olive oil is the best option.

Fourth: Abdominal and Core Exercises

To avoid widening your waist as a result of abdominal exercises, they should be done smoothly, focusing on the abdominal muscles. If you've never done abs before, start with fewer repetitions and gradually increase the number.

Straight plank

Starting position: lying down with a stand on your elbows. The torso, legs and head are extended in a straight line, the abs are as tense as possible. Hold the plank for 30–60 seconds in 3–4 sets.

Side plank

Lie on your side and lift your torso, resting on your elbow and feet. The legs and upper body should form a straight line. Stretch your other arm up for balance. Hold the plank position for 30-60 seconds, then take a break and repeat the same steps on the other side. Perform 3-4 repetitions.


Get on all fours and take a deep breath. As you exhale deeply, draw in your stomach and tighten your abs. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and inhale. There is no repetition limit for this exercise: do it as many times as you can.

Boat press

Lie on your back, arms extended behind your head, legs together. At the same time, raise your torso and legs so that a right angle is formed between them. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


How long after eating can you exercise?

At least in 2–3 hours.

How often to train?

The optimal interval is 3-4 times a week.

How long should the training last?

The optimal duration of the lesson is 30–45 minutes.

How long will it take to see the result?

With regular exercise, the muscles will become toned within a couple of months, and a noticeable improvement in body contours will appear in 4-6 months.

Diet for a boy girl

You can lose weight at home if you follow the basic rules of nutrition and 10 rules for losing weight for a teenager at home, without performing any fitness movements on exercise machines.

  • Limit consumption of flour products
  • Limit fried foods
  • Limit sugary foods
  • Eat no more than 3 times a day
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables for breakfast lunch dinner
  • Limit fast food
  • Drink more water
  • Eat meat or fish once a day
  • Eat only protein foods with minimal carbohydrates
  • Limit fatty foods
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