How to increase your height: exercises for people of any age

Exercises on the horizontal bar are one of the methods to increase height. By straightening the spine, they allow you to grow a few centimeters - or rather, improve your posture and visually become taller. A particularly rapid effect is achieved when combined with stretching exercises.

According to reviews, regular exercise according to Berg's method helps increase height by a significant 15-20 cm in adolescence and by 5-10 cm in adulthood. In addition, you can become a little taller by changing your hairstyle and clothing style.

Ways to increase height

The level of human growth is determined by many factors. If from the moment of birth doctors have not diagnosed a pathology in a person, then his constitution is a natural manifestation of the body, in other words, the optimal parameters necessary for the normal functioning of a person in environmental conditions. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to increase growth comprehensively by following a daily regimen? We will answer that it is possible. The main ways to enhance development include:

  • regular physical activity;
  • proper nutrition system;
  • complete cessation of bad habits.

Who is prohibited from such activities?

Undoubtedly, there are contraindications to all the activities described above, and I cannot remain silent about them. Here are the main ones:

  • serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal and endocrine systems;
  • elevated temperature;
  • purulent processes in tissues;
  • malignant tumors;
  • hypotension and hypertension;
  • asthma and bronchitis in its chronic form.

I would also like to note that in case of postural problems and changes in the bone structure, it is advisable to consult a specialist even before starting training.

As you can see, all the exercises for height growth described here are simple but effective! Exercise, and then you will not only grow, but also make both your back and yourself healthier.

What medications will help?

Almost all vitamins are responsible for human growth. If the body receives vitamins in a comprehensive manner, it will develop correctly, and problems with body size should not arise. To increase a person’s height, it is necessary to consume drugs that contain vitamins:

  • A- promotes the regeneration of bone tissue and cells, so it is better to take them for fractures or tissue damage;
  • B- a comprehensive intake of B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 and B12 is necessary, this will allow the body to develop harmoniously;
  • C- promotes accelerated absorption of other substances;
  • The D-component is used to increase body length by both children and adults, as it helps saturate cartilage with calcium.

Will the crossbar help you grow up?

Stooping and scoliosis do not make a person taller and slimmer.
There are 2 types of physical activity that help “stretch” the spine and correct posture. This is swimming and exercises on the horizontal bar. It is known that the spine can be extended in 2 positions: horizontally, lying on a flat surface, and vertically, hanging on a crossbar.

It is best to measure height in the morning, after sleep. Usually the difference between morning and evening measurements is 1–2 cm.

During this period, there is no load on the vertebrae, and the spine seems to stretch.
It is not necessary to perform any exercises while hanging on the horizontal bar. It is enough to hold tightly to the bar and relax your back. You need to hold out in this position for 2-3 minutes, take a break and proceed to the second approach.

Hanging on a bar every day can stretch the spine by 2 cm or more, and a person’s height will increase accordingly. This doesn't just apply to children and teenagers. An adult can also grow up in this way, by straightening his posture.

What to eat to grow?

Proper nutrition has an equally positive effect on the development of the body. Height increasing foods:

  • Nuts. They contain calcium, protein, potassium, various amino acids and vitamins. A handful of walnut kernels will slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates and give energy to the body. You can add the product as a component to salads or cereals. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of milk with crushed kernels.
  • Chicken eggs are protein in its purest form. They will maintain the necessary energy level and help muscle development. Boiled eggs are absorbed by the body without residue. You need to eat 2 eggs every morning and every evening.
  • Meat. Lean beef or veal contains protein, zinc, iron and other substances that affect body size.
  • Oat groats. With its help you will get carbohydrates and fiber. Porridge promotes the development of muscle and bone tissue. It contains iron, manganese, zinc, chromium, iodine, potassium, vitamins A, K, E, B. You can add dried fruits, nuts, honey or apples to the prepared porridge.

Good dream

Science has long proven that quality sleep can increase growth. To grow 10 or 20 cm, it is important to follow these rules:

  • sleeping on a hard mattress without a pillow;
  • sleeping in a supine position;
  • fall asleep no later than 21:00.

To grow at any age, you need to get enough rest, preferably on a hard surface. In the supine position without a pillow, the spine relaxes as much as possible, which leads to its lengthening. You won’t be able to grow overnight, but providing your body with quality rest is quite possible. Bedtime is also important. From 21:00 to 2:00 the body produces somatotropin and melatonin. The first is growth hormone, thanks to which we become taller. The second is the sleep hormone, which provides relaxation and quality rest.

It follows that the earlier a person goes to bed, the better the body rests and recovers. Accordingly, the production of hormones is much better. To achieve the goal of increasing height by age 20, you definitely need to sleep a sufficient amount of time, going to bed no later than 21:00.

To grow 2-5 cm at home, it is important not to overload your stomach with heavy food before bed. Dinner should be nutritious but light. For quality sleep, it is recommended to consume the following foods at night:

  • dates;
  • bananas;
  • figs;
  • tomatoes.

These quickly digestible, easily digestible foods allow you to saturate the body with vitamins and increase the level of melatonin in the blood. These recommendations can be taken into account by a guy or girl aged 18-20 who would like to increase their height.

Is it possible to increase your height on your own?

Scientific research shows that a person is in a growth phase until about 20 years of age. At the same time, the growth rate and its age limits are completely individual. If you haven’t grown up by the specified date, don’t despair. By adhering to a proper nutrition system and doing simple exercises, you can fulfill your dream of increasing your body length.

Child or teenager

It is much easier to increase the growth rate of a teenager than an adult, starting from the age of 21, because up to this point boys are actively growing, and in girls the active growth phase is observed much earlier - 14-16 years.

  • Nutrition. The younger generation needs to focus on animal food. Cereals that bring protein to the body will not be superfluous either. Fruits and vegetables are essential for young people, and in their absence, vitamins and minerals can be taken.
  • Sport. There are many clubs and sections open in schools that work free of charge. If you wish, you can join the swimming pool or gym.

Remember! To grow up, you need to take care not only about increasing bones, but also about developing muscles. Jogging in the morning will help maintain muscle tone.

  • During adolescence, children often experience nervous breakdowns, stress and anxiety. This is due to fatigue from activities, changes in hormonal levels, and falling in love for the first time. At the age of 16, both boys and girls should sleep at least 6 hours a day, since at this time cell division occurs and, as a result, rapid renewal of the body occurs.
  • If a teenager actively smokes or drinks alcohol, then perhaps he will not reach the body size mark laid down by genetics, and your efforts will remain in vain.

How to grow up as a boy or man

In order to increase the height of an adult man by 10 cm, nowadays there are many medical proposals. Orthopedics of the 21st century offers operations, hormonal treatment, and chemical effects on the body. Such methods not only require money, but also cause pain.

In fact, complex operations can be avoided. To quickly increase a man’s height at home, you need to perform the following exercises on a bar or horizontal bar:

  • You need to hang on the bar, keeping your hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Hang in this position for ½ -2 minutes. After this, rest for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position. Perform quick swings of your legs in a hanging position: side to side, back and forth.
  • To increase height, a guy needs to hang on the horizontal bar, bending his knees back, fixate himself, and then straighten them, arching his lower back. Rotate your body to the sides, keeping your legs together. Do 10 repetitions and 3 sets with breaks of 30 seconds.
  • While hanging, bend both legs to one side or the other. In appearance, this exercise resembles a grandfather clock or a pendulum. After this, describe circles with your feet in one direction and the other, and raise your knees up to the abdominal area. Repeat manipulations 10 times.

Growth methods for girls

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to increase the height of a girl’s body if nature has not endowed her with long legs? Let’s answer that systematically doing exercises will help your inches grow a little. You will have to be patient and set aside 2 hours a day for special exercises.

  • Hang from the horizontal bar with weights tied to your feet. For the first time, 15 seconds is enough. Increase the hang time each time.
  • Set any target higher and try to jump to it. You need to jump until you can reach it. Once the goal is achieved, move the bar higher and continue to stretch.

Important! This exercise is suitable for those who do not have problems with the spine or posture.

  • If someone who wants to grow up has problems with posture, you need to go up to the wall and stand with your back against it, “sticking” your heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and head to the surface. Stay in this position for 20 minutes, increasing the period by 15 seconds each time.
  • Get on all fours with your hands and knees shoulder-width apart and your head down. Lift your hips and torso off the floor, bending like a cat, and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Sit on your feet and heels, bending forward. Repeat the manipulation 5 times.
  • Stretching exercises give excellent results. For example, sit on a gymnastic mat, bend forward, trying to reach your feet, and return to the starting position. Repeat the movements 15 times. As a result of performing this simple exercise, you will not only increase your body length, but also gain lightness and flexibility.

The proposed ways to increase your body size will help you grow a few centimeters and lose your inhibitions without leaving home and without resorting to radical measures.

Exercises to increase body height for teenagers

Teenage activities are ideal for growing bodies, because they activate the body's production of growth hormone and at the same time stimulate the main growth zones. Here is an effective complex suitable for a teenager. You should do 10 repetitions of each exercise:

  1. Ten-minute warm-up - may include torso turns and bends, jumping, easy running, squats.
  2. Standing straight, you need to stretch your arms up and clasp your fingers. Further. As you inhale, pull yourself up strongly, rising on your tiptoes. You can't bend over. Exhale, lower yourself onto your full feet, then move smoothly onto your heels, raising your toes.
  3. Spread your arms to the sides, parallel to the floor, and rotate the joints, one by one - in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, slowly and smoothly, 10 in different directions.
  4. You stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale, stretch your head toward one shoulder, and exhale, return straight. Repeat on the other side, without raising your shoulders.
  5. Without leaning either backward or forward, bend slightly to the sides, stretch your arms along your body, and lower the one at the bottom as low as possible. Exhale as you stretch, and inhale as you straighten up.
  6. As you exhale, bend forward, smoothly stretching your spine, and trying to reach your forehead towards your knees.

In addition, you can add a gluteal bridge, jumping rope, cat jumping, hanging on the bar and, of course, swimming. And for teenagers 13-15 years old, in order to increase their height, temporarily, it is worth enrolling in a volleyball, basketball or water polo section.

Watch this educational video about exercises to become taller:

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