Workout for sagging arms: 20 exercises without dumbbells (no push-ups or planks)

The problem area for women and some men may be the lower sides of the arms, that is, the triceps area. Often observed: sagging and loss of tone in the skin or muscles, accumulation of fat with the formation of cellulite. It’s easy to correct the situation if you include training that focuses on this area. You can take as a basis two of our sets of exercises for sagging arms, which are useful for the entire upper body.

What are these workouts useful for:

  • strengthening, increasing strength and endurance of arm muscles;
  • tightening of the skin in the triceps area, eliminating sagging, sagging;
  • formation of proportions with balance between the bottom and top of the body;
  • development of joint mobility, gentle posture correction.

Is it possible to reduce shoulders?

Yes, but only partly. Of course, it is impossible to change the width of the bones and the size of the shoulder joints, but there are several ways to visually reduce your shoulders. “The first method: increase the volume of the waist and hips, thereby making the shoulders appear smaller,” comments Escalada fitness club .
— The second way: pump up the trapezius or pectoral muscles, thereby the sloping shoulder will smooth out its width. Well, the third way is to reduce overall body weight and slightly pump up this area to restore muscle tone.” The last method is the most reliable, according to experts. It is useful to combine weight loss in general (after all, we do not lose weight locally) with training in problem areas. Thus, you will not only reduce the volume in this area, but also make it a little more prominent, more “elastic”.


This procedure accelerates blood circulation in problem areas and the body as a whole.

The best fillers for wrapping:

  • seaweed;
  • chocolate; honey;
  • mustard;
  • various essential oils;
  • special mixtures and cosmetic preparations.

Such procedures are especially effective for subcutaneous loose cellulite, which goes away first, you just need to do a little exercise and get a massage.

What workouts will help you lose weight in your shoulders?

Forget about big scales! “Interval strength and/or cardio training, any cardio classes (including group ones) and the pool will help reduce the volume in the shoulder area,” says Sergey Kotov.

Heavy weights will not help you lose weight in your arms and shoulders “Exercises with expanders, small dumbbells, weights and fitballs are suitable for this,” notes Mikhail Vysochansky, master trainer, senior trainer at the gym of the X - Fit Monarch . “It’s important to maintain a high-repetition training regimen and work in a cardio mode rather than a strength mode.”

It is also important to get enough cardio exercise. “Swimming, running, aerobics are suitable, but I would especially recommend training on the elliptical trainer. Firstly, this is the safest type of cardio for your joints. Secondly, he actively involves his hands in the work,” says Mikhail Vysochansky.

Why do you need charging?

Quite often, those who plan to lose weight underestimate the simplest morning exercises. Meanwhile, this is an effective fat-burning workout that will help you quickly get rid of extra centimeters in the hips and waist. In addition, the simplest morning exercises have a lot of advantages:

  • helps start metabolic processes;
  • increases tone;
  • improves mood;
  • helps reduce stress levels;
  • stimulates cognitive functions.

To get the most out of exercise, you need to make exercise a habit.

This is important: experts recommend training in a well-ventilated area, ideally in the air. Be sure to watch your breathing: it should be even and deep [1].

How to lose weight in the hands of girls: the most common mistakes

If your goal is to lose weight in your arms and shoulders, it is important to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Refusal of cardio exercises. The reduction in volume occurs precisely due to aerobic exercise, so by refusing it, you slow down the process of losing weight.
  • Using large weights. “Working with heavy dumbbells provokes muscle growth (not fat loss). To lose weight, it is important to do high-repetition exercise with light weights,” says Mikhail Vysochansky. Overtraining this area. “The shoulders are a relatively small muscle group. If you want to reduce volume in this area, there is no need to perform too many (and too often) isolated exercises for the shoulders - this will not make you lose weight,” notes Sergey Kotov. It's much better to do exercises to lose weight on your arms and shoulders as part of your regular workout routine, do regular cardio, and eat a balanced diet. This will help you lose weight and strengthen your shoulder muscles.

What exercises for arms and shoulders should you choose? We asked Mikhail Vysochansky to compose and show us a set of such exercises. You can do it at home, if you have the appropriate equipment.

Recommendations for a cheerful morning

You can get a charge of vivacity and good mood not only with the help of a properly selected set of sports exercises. There are many ways to improve the condition of your own body.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is the worst enemy of a beautiful figure. It is during sleep that metabolic processes responsible for rapid fat burning are activated. At the same time, metabolism works best in the time period from ten in the evening to four in the morning. It is better to sleep at this time. Proven fact: sleep duration is directly related to excess weight. Lack of sleep provokes obesity, and this is especially pronounced in children and adolescents [2].

If you have trouble sleeping, avoid high-calorie foods at night. It can be replaced with Formula 1 Evening Cocktail from Herbalife Nutrition. This is a protein shake with a pleasant neutral taste that can be a complete dinner replacement. The high concentration of protein satisfies perfectly, preventing overeating, and tryptophan, which is part of the product, promotes proper sleep.

Follow the regime

. It's better to wake up at the same time. Sooner or later it will become a habit, and getting up in the morning will become easier. Of course, a lot depends on biorhythms, but not all night owls are lucky enough to work in the afternoon. If you tend to fall asleep late, you will have to train yourself to go to bed early. Discipline helps you create a convenient daily schedule: you will have time to complete all planned tasks, and this will reduce your stress level. So sticking to a routine is a useful solution. The main thing is to get used to getting up on the alarm clock and not delaying its ringing for 5 minutes within an hour.

Choose your clothes the night before

. If you train in a healthy lifestyle club or visit a gym, it is better to prepare your suit in advance. This will help save time getting ready and, again, reduce stress levels. How often have you had to look for something you need five minutes before leaving? If you pack in advance, this problem will not arise. And if you train at home, you can prepare work clothes. By the way, most trainers recommend working out at home in shorts and a T-shirt so that the skin can breathe. Air baths are very useful!

Eat right

. The general condition of the body, good mood and health depend on this point. In addition, proper nutrition helps you quickly lose weight or maintain a comfortable body weight. Give up fast food in favor of healthier snacks: fruits, berries, nuts, protein bars. The amount of free sugars in the diet will also have to be reduced. To get the required amount of beneficial amino acids, include Herbalife Nutrition protein shakes in your diet. They contain a high percentage of protein, healthy dietary fiber and a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. By the way, you can not only drink cocktails: the dry powder can become the basis for a large number of healthy dishes, recipes for which can be found in the new book “The ABC of Balanced Nutrition” from Herbalife Nutrition.

Don't forget about energy drinks

. Immediately after waking up, it is better to drink a glass of clean warm water: this will perfectly stimulate the digestion process. The herbal drink “Aloe”, which has a pleasant taste and has an excellent effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, will help increase the effectiveness of the liquid. Coffee is a good stimulant, but it can negatively affect the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, it can be replaced with guarana: it is a natural herbal energy drink with a minimum number of contraindications. High levels of guarana are found in NRG* tea from Herbalife Nutrition. You can drink it instead of coffee: it produces a long-lasting tonic effect and stimulates brain activity well.

Don't overload your body

. When losing weight, it is very important not to go to the other extreme when you put too much strain on your body. Training should not cause severe discomfort. It is best to exercise 40-60 minutes a day, devoting time to all muscle groups. Work at a comfortable pace, and if you are working out with free weights, increase it gradually.

Warm up

. Some athletes do not spend enough time warming up, which can cause serious injuries during certain exercises. Warming up allows you to warm up your muscles and make them more elastic. In addition, it is during preheating that fat burning processes begin. If you want to lose weight faster, be sure to pay proper attention to warming up.

How to build a lesson

  • Start your workout with a light warm-up . This will protect you from injury.
  • Use the exercises at your own discretion. “You can perform the entire complex or select 3-4 exercises from it and add it to your regular workout. I would recommend training your shoulders on days when you train your legs or back,” says Mikhail Vysochansky.
  • Perform exercises in 3-4 sets of 10 repetitions each.
  • Do this program 2 times a week.
  • Finish your workout with stretching .

To perform the complex, you will need a mat, dumbbells, a step platform (or bench), a bodybar, a kettlebell, and an expander.

Physical exercise

Any physical activity burns fat cells, which are the body's energy reserve.

Cardio exercise is the best way to remove extra pounds - jogging, jumping rope, swimming, cycling or exercise on an exercise bike, team sports.

To start burning fat, you need to exercise for at least 20-25 minutes. Only in this case is the aerobic mode activated in the body, and all actions begin to be performed using fat reserves.

Cardio elements strengthen the heart, restore tone to blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on joints and ligaments, increase the vital capacity of the lungs, pump up the muscles of the legs, abs and buttocks.

“Static” loads are no less useful: they have a calming effect on the nervous system, the vestibular apparatus, quickly pump up muscles, and increase the flexibility of the whole body. “Static” classes include yoga, Pilates, and cross-fit.

Training for pumping muscles is of particular importance. After all, the best option for combating excess weight in a specific area is to directly work on it.

This method of losing weight will be discussed in detail in the next section of the article.

Exercises for losing weight on arms and shoulders

Ideally, these should be performed several times a week, but it is important not to overtrain the shoulders since they are a small muscle group.

Kettlebell press

Take the weight in your right hand. Get down on your knees, step your left foot forward, bend your left knee to a right angle. Stretch your left arm to the side. Work your abdominal, back and arm muscles. Bend your right arm, pulling the weight toward your shoulder (fingers pointing toward you). Straightening your elbow and turning your hand away from you, lift the weight up. Return to the starting position for one repetition. Perform the required number of them in each direction.

Abduction of arms

Take a “pancake” in each hand. Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Maintain a neutral lower back position. Extend your arms out to the sides, lifting the weights to shoulder level. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Then lower the “pancakes” down, connecting them in front of you. This will amount to one repetition, complete the required number of repetitions.

Raising your arms in front of you

Take the bodybar with both hands with an overhand grip, placing your palms shoulder-width apart. Place your feet hip-width apart. Maintain a neutral lower back position. Smoothly raise your arms with the bodybar forward to shoulder level. Then lower them down to their original position. This will amount to one repetition.

Bodybar press

Take the bodybar with an overhand grip, placing your palms shoulder-width apart. Place your feet hip-width apart. Work the muscles of the abs, back, arms, legs, back. Bend your elbows and pull the bodybar up to the level of your collarbones. Smoothly press the bodybar up, extending your arms above your head. Then lower the apparatus to the level of the collarbones, returning to the starting position. This is one repetition.

Arnold press

Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on a fitball. Work the muscles of your abs, back, legs and arms. Bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells up, bringing them together at eye level. Then, describing a circle with the shells, first spread the dumbbells to the sides (elbows are still bent), then lift them up (elbows are extended). Return to the starting position by bringing the dumbbells together in front of you at eye level. This will amount to one repetition.

Swing through the sides

Stand up straight, place your left foot on the center of the expander, grab the handles. Move your right foot back, bend your right knee and rest only on your toes. While stretching the shock absorber, spread your arms to the sides, raising your palms to shoulder level. Then lower them to the starting position and repeat.

Reverse push-ups

Sit on a step platform or bench, rest your palms on its edge. Bend your knees to a right angle, place your feet together. Leaning on your straight arms, slide your pelvis forward. Bend your elbows, lower your pelvis down, then perform a reverse push-up, straightening your elbows. This will amount to one repetition, complete the required number.


Stand straight, feet hip-width apart. Grasp the expander with your hands (its rubber part, not the handles). Raise your arms with the expander to chest level (palms at body width). Spread your arms to the sides, stretching the expander, then return your palms to their original position. Repeat.

What is the cause of this problem?

Most often, sagging skin is caused by sudden weight loss. The subcutaneous fatty tissue on the arms disappears quite quickly, but the area of ​​skin that covered it remains the same. The result is the formation of a large fold of excess skin. And since there is no “reinforcing” structure in it, it sags.

Excess body weight can also be a reason why your arms sag. Only we are not talking about a skin fold here, but about fatty deposits on the back of the shoulder. When you raise your arm, this layer does not look flabby, but still sag noticeably, since soft adipose tissue also does not have a muscle or connective tissue framework.

Finally, age-related changes may be the cause of this cosmetic defect. Over time, our skin produces less and less collagen - the main structural protein, the strands of which form a “reinforcing lattice” that holds soft tissues in their proper places. And in addition, muscles lose their volume, tone, elasticity and ability to effectively contract, which also contributes to sagging of the skin.

Basic principles of a healthy diet

The key strategy for proper nutrition is maintaining a balance of KBJU (total caloric intake and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Not overeating and preferring healthy foods to fast foods, sweets and unhealthy fats is the basis for overall health and a beautiful body.

The diet includes:

  • complex carbohydrates (buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, pearl barley porridge, whole grain pasta);
  • foods rich in protein (veal, chicken or turkey breast, eggs, lean fish, low-fat cottage cheese);
  • vegetables and herbs;
  • foods containing fiber (sour fruits).

Minimize consumption:

  • fatty foods (pork, foods fried in large amounts of oil, fatty baked goods);
  • fast foods;
  • baked goods and sweets;
  • fatty sauces;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Sahara.

It is better to prefer frequent (5-6 times a day) meals to rare and large meals. This will speed up your metabolism, restructure your body's functioning and help you lose weight faster, as well as avoid overeating.

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