Removing the “ears” on the hips - proper nutrition and exercises against “breeches”

Disproportional deposition of subcutaneous fat on the outer thighs is one of the main women's problems. Even slender girls suffer from the appearance of “ears”. This effect spoils the aesthetics of the figure and has a bad effect on self-esteem. In the article, we will analyze the reasons for the increase in the area of ​​breeches and give recommendations on how to remove ears on the hips at home.


Excessive fat deposition on the legs mainly affects women. Fullness of the lower body is associated with the onset of menopause. Due to the restructuring of the hormonal system, the female body stores nutrients in the form of subcutaneous deposits. Menopause is determined genetically and can occur at different times, even before age 30.

Another reason is excess weight. Overweight women are more susceptible to developing problem areas than others. They develop fat “traps”—places where fat accumulates that are difficult to respond to the effects of exercise and diet. In such situations, doctors usually recommend considering surgery.

Low physical activity is one of the main reasons for the appearance of “ears” on the thighs. A sedentary lifestyle and movement mainly by motor transport contribute to the formation of a pear-shaped figure - narrow shoulders, thin arms and a massive bottom. In addition, lack of physical activity affects the development of cellulite.

Hereditary predisposition also often becomes a factor in excess fat deposition on the outer thighs. A woman can lead an active lifestyle and follow a healthy diet, and the shape of her lower body will still be far from ideal. As a rule, the problem is solved by additional procedures (massage, spa and others).

Well, the main reason is high-calorie nutrition. Excess food with a high glycemic index (GI) leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Sweet and flour foods are considered the most dangerous for your figure. It is carbohydrates, combined with low physical activity, that contribute to the appearance of problem areas on the hips.

Nutrition for weight loss

To get rid of excess weight, and, therefore, “ears”, you need to qualitatively reconsider your diet. A healthy low-calorie diet is 70% of success in fat burning. We offer recommendations from nutritionists who will help you start the process of losing weight.

Avoiding foods with a high glycemic index

There are several types of adipose tissue in the human body (visceral, functional, reserve, structural). We are interested in reserve fat, since it is what is deposited in problem areas - on the hips, buttocks, and waist. This type has a very dense consistency and is therefore extremely reluctant to be consumed by the body to replenish energy reserves.

The deposition of reserve fat is associated with the glycemic index of consumed foods. The indicator characterizes the quantitative absorption of glucose. “Complex” carbohydrates are broken down slowly and gradually raise blood sugar levels, which allows the body to maintain a stable energy balance. “Simple” carbohydrates, on the contrary, stimulate a sharp jump in glucose.

High blood sugar causes the pancreas to overproduce insulin. This is a transport hormone that serves to deliver glucose into cells. But insulin also has a negative property - it inhibits the secretion of somatotropin, a hormone responsible for muscle growth and burning subcutaneous fat. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you need to exclude foods with high GI.

Candies, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, white sugar, sweet carbonated drinks, cakes and pastries have a high glycemic index. These foods are a major obstacle in maintaining low blood glucose levels. Because of them, the pancreas works “for wear and tear.” As a result, insulin resistance may develop, subsequently leading to diabetes.

Nutrition regulation

The body distributes energy reserves in two directions - basic and expendable. In the first case, reserves are used to maintain natural functions: metabolism, breathing, heart function, brain activity, etc. In the second, energy is spent on physical activity during the day. Therefore, food should be supplied in sufficient quantities, but not exceed the limits at which it will be deposited in subcutaneous fat.

To control your diet, we recommend calculating your own “balance point” - the level of calorie consumption at which the body does not gain or lose weight. To calculate this figure, break your diet into 5-6 snacks. Create one menu and eat according to it every day for a week. If at the end of the experiment your weight has not budged, then you have found the “equilibrium point”. If your weight has increased, adjust your diet to reduce calories until you achieve permanent results.

Once an individual “balance point” has been found, gradually reduce the daily diet in “steps” of 100 kcal or add physical activity. This way, you will gradually create a deficit in which all internal functions will work stably, and the body will have to use fat deposits to maintain physical activity.

Please note that you should not expect quick results, especially if you previously ate mainly baked goods, cakes and other sweets.

If, after reducing calories for a month, there are no positive changes in weight, you should focus on the quality of your diet. Avoid bread and pasta. Get carbohydrates from buckwheat and brown rice. Natural proteins are important for weight loss. Therefore, instead of sausages, eat chicken, fish, eggs, red meat, and cottage cheese. Avoid spreads and margarine. Use only natural butter and vegetable oils.

Physical activity for weight loss - training plan

Aerobic exercise is believed to be the best way to burn fat. But in fact, disciplines such as running, aerobics, working on an exercise bike, and group step classes, as a rule, give weak results and are suitable only as an addition to strength training. It's all about stimulating the hormonal system. During cardio, anabolic hormones are not produced, so such exercises have low productivity in terms of weight loss.

On the other hand, weight training. Such loads put stress on the muscles of the body. When performing intense strength exercises, there is an increased production of anabolic hormones, which actively stimulate lipolysis - the breakdown of fat cells. After this, droplets of fat enter the muscle fibers as a source of energy. So, gradually, the athlete gets rid of excess weight and cellulite in problem areas.

The female body works differently than the male body. This is primarily due to the menstrual cycle. The first 12–14 days after menstruation, a woman feels an influx of strength and energy. At this time, she is allowed to load the muscles of the body as much as possible. After ovulation, the female body reduces energy expenditure for about 2 weeks. During this interval, you should only engage in light exercise. Thus, training for girls should be periodized.

We offer an example of a training plan that takes into account the peculiarities of the female body.

The first 2 weeks after menstruation:

  • Legs, buttocks : squats with a barbell (it is allowed to use a Smith machine) – 5x15.
  • Back, biceps : row on a vertical block behind the head – 5x15.
  • Triceps, partially chest : bench press with a narrow grip (can be done in a Smith machine) – 5x15.
  • Shoulders : dumbbell raises to the sides (standing) – 5x15.
  • Press : crunches on the floor - 4 sets to the maximum.

You should exercise 3 times a week. The duration of breaks between approaches is 60 seconds. Before each exercise, you need to perform 1-2 warm-up sets with minimal weight.

For the peace of mind of our beautiful readers, the program does not include the basic element for the pectoral muscles - the classic bench press, as it is believed that it has a bad effect on the volume of the mammary glands. This is a popular myth, which we described in detail in the article about the features of the bench press for girls.

Next 2 weeks after ovulation:

  • Back, biceps : pulldown of the lower block to the stomach (sitting) – 4x15–20.
  • Triceps, partially chest : bench press with a narrow grip – 4x15–20.
  • Shoulders : overhead dumbbell press (seated) – 4x15–20.
  • Cardio exercise : electronic track (low-tempo running or walking) – 30 minutes.

The number of classes is no more than three per week. Rest between sets - depending on how you feel. The operating weight of shells should be reduced by 25–30%. If you feel that you have not had time to recover from your previous workout, skip the session.

Let's end the chapter with advice for girls - don't be afraid to build big muscles and lose your femininity. Without the use of synthetic anabolic hormones, you will not be able to significantly increase lean body mass. In the female body, the secretion of testosterone is 10 times weaker than in the male body. Reduced hormonal levels will not allow you to “swing up” to the level of professional athletes, even when using strength training.

Exercises against bulges on the thighs in the gym

Cardio exercises, as well as strength exercises, which help speed up metabolism and consume a large number of calories, will help remove the “breeches.” It is best to use multi-joint, basic movements.

TreadmillRegular running or walking is performed, but in a gym environment. You can do interval loading by changing the speed and level of lifting.
EllipseSimulates climbing on skis. You can start with 15 minutes, gradually increasing the load. The most effective exercise.
Exercise bikeIt also allows you to provide interval training aimed at your legs.
Jump ropeA type of aerobic exercise that burns a lot of calories. It is better to increase the load gradually, adding the number of jumps each workout.
Jumping on a benchPlace the bench so that it is stable. The athlete jumps on it with both legs, bending his back slightly to reduce the load on the spine. You can add dumbbells of the same weight to your hands.
SquatsFeet shoulder-width apart, hands holding the barbell, which is on the shoulders. You can’t lift your heels, squats are as deep as possible. At the bottom point – pause for a second or two.
Squats with dumbbellsThe technique is approximately the same as when using a barbell. Hands hold dumbbells on shoulders.
DeadliftPerformed as standard with a barbell. The apparatus is in front of the athlete, hands hold it wider than shoulder width. Then the legs bend, the body lifts the barbell up, but there should be no arching in the back. There is a pause at the top point, then the projectile slowly returns to the floor.
Deadlift with dumbbellsIt is performed in the same way, but the hands hold dumbbells of the same weight.
Straight-legged row with dumbbellsThe starting position is the same as for a deadlift. The difference is that the legs almost do not bend; the lifting of the projectile is carried out by the muscles of the legs and hips.
Straight-legged deadlift with barbellIt is performed as with dumbbells, the only difference is in the apparatus and, accordingly, the initial position of the hands.
Walking LungesStand up straight, then take a deep step forward with one leg, then stand up straight again, moving the other, and so on. An additional projectile can be used.
Lunges with a barbellThey are done like lunges with walking, but in place, that is, the leg returns to the starting position.
Bent-overs with a barbellThe beginning is like squats, but the legs are a little narrower. Lean forward without arching your lower back. The load is on the back and hips.
Jumping with weightsCan be performed on a bench or in place. Use special equipment that is attached to your legs as weights, or hold dumbbells in your hands.
Jumping push-upsDo a push-up, then stand up and jump up, then move back into a push-up position, and so on.
Hanging Leg RaiseHang on the horizontal bar and raise your straight legs up to a level of 90 degrees or slightly higher.
Leg pressIt is performed in a special simulator. You need to sit in it, put your feet on the pedestal and slowly lower them, then raise them.
Leg extensionsA trainer is also used. The legs are extended at the knees and returned to the starting position.
Leg CurlsLie down on the machine and fix your legs. Bend them and straighten them, loading your hips.

To achieve the fastest possible result, you need to follow all the points: nutrition, exercise, additional care (wrap + massage).

Precautions for varicose veins

Many women who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer from varicose veins. The disease is characterized by pain, swelling, heaviness in the legs, as well as enlarged veins and the formation of “stars,” which greatly worsen the appearance of the lower extremities. To remove the effect of riding breeches on the hips without aggravating the disease, you should adhere to the recommendations below:

  • Avoid power squats and jumping movements. This will help relieve stress on the blood vessels.
  • Try to do the exercises while sitting or lying down. This will reduce the pressure in your legs.
  • Instead of a treadmill, use an orbitrack. It does not create shock loads on the lower limbs.
  • Replace running with sports or Nordic walking. This will also help relieve harmful stress from your shins.
  • Use medical compression stockings for your legs to reduce discomfort during training.

In the later stages of varicose veins, it is prohibited to engage in any strength exercises. Swimming is recommended to keep your body in shape. The soft resistance of the water masses will create a safe load for the muscles. Regular visits to the pool help improve your well-being and lift your mood.

Home training

Many girls are embarrassed to work out in fitness rooms. For them, we have prepared a special set of exercises for the outer thigh, which allows you to get rid of the hated “ears”:

  1. Warming up We bring our feet together, clasp our hands in front of us. We do a right-sided lunge. We don’t linger at the bottom point. We rise sharply and immediately move our straight right leg to the side. We do 15 similar repetitions, then change sides. When doing this, keep the spine from rounding.
  2. We get down on all fours and hold a dumbbell (2-3 kg) in the inner knee bend of the right leg. Exhale and raise your right thigh until it is parallel to the floor. As you inhale, return to the starting position. At the lowest point, we do not place the knee on the floor, but keep it suspended. Repeat 20 times. After this, we put the dumbbell aside and do the same lifts, but at half the amplitude and without weight. Then we repeat all movements with the left leg.
  3. We lie down on our right side. We bend the “lower” leg, stretch the “upper” leg, slightly bring it forward and hold it in weight. Take a dumbbell and press it to the middle of your thigh. We place the other hand under the head for convenience. Exhale and raise the “upper” leg as high as possible. As you inhale, lower it smoothly. We don’t place our feet on the floor. Avoid jerky movements. We do 25 repetitions, then remove the dumbbell and perform another 20 lifts without weight. Then we turn over onto our left side and train the other hip.
  4. Place a pillow on a stable chair and lie on it with your chest and stomach. The pelvis should remain suspended. We bend our legs, spread our knees, and, on the contrary, bring our feet together. The pose resembles a frog. We wrap our hands tightly around the seat of the chair. Exhale and raise both legs as high as possible. We try not to separate our feet from each other. As you inhale, gently lower your limbs, but do not touch the floor with your knees. We do 25 repetitions.
  5. We move to all fours again. We put a chair to the side, a meter away from ourselves. We move the thigh to the side and straighten the leg under the seat, then bend it and raise the shin above the seat. We do not lower the toe to the floor, we hold the limb in weight and perform the movements. We do 30 abductions, stand on the other side and repeat the exercise.
  6. Lie on your side and use your elbow as a support. We place the “lower” leg on a chair and lift the pelvis off the floor. We straighten the “upper” leg and move it slightly forward. Exhale and raise the upper limb. As you inhale, lower it. We do it 20 times. When performing, we hold the pelvic region in weight. Then we turn around on the other side and repeat.

Having completed the complex, rest for 3-4 minutes and do it again.

Between exercises, we recommend gently stretching your thigh muscles. To do this, use the following pose: kneel down, press your buttocks to your heels, lean forward and place your hands on the floor. Stretch for 30–40 seconds.

Exercise according to the presented program 2 times a week and you are guaranteed beautiful, slender thighs.


  • To work the breeches zone, squats must be performed correctly.
  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  • When squatting, tilt your body slightly forward, move your buttocks slightly back and up.
  • Half squats in this case will be more effective than full squats.

The secret to success is to perform the exercises slowly until painful sensations appear. You can eliminate riding breeches by simply jumping rope. To begin with, 100 jumps are enough, then increase the number to 150.

Anticellulite massage

Massage itself is ineffective for correcting the outer thighs. It is recommended to combine it with regular training and a low-calorie diet. There is an opinion that a person who has never played sports can aggravate the condition of the problem area of ​​breeches with massage movements. Therefore, we recommend that you first tone your whole body, and only then include anti-cellulite massage in your weight loss method.

If you are a trained athlete, carry out the procedures immediately after training and showering. The only thing you need is good oil. It is recommended to mix essential oils and special compositions for massage. This way you will not only work on the problem area, but also improve the condition of the skin.

For example, if you mix grape seed and cypress oil, you get a phlebotonic agent that improves the condition of the vascular network in varicose veins.

First, apply the oil and spread it over the thigh. Then rub the mixture into the skin using stroking movements. After this, you can start the massage. The main condition is that you should massage in the direction of the lymph flow. You can find out more detailed information about techniques for influencing the problem area of ​​the hip during a consultation with a specialist.

General recommendations: how to remove ears on legs

  • Check your hormone levels if diet and exercise don't produce results over time. Perhaps the reason for the accumulation of excess fat lies in hormonal imbalance. This process should be supervised by a doctor.
  • If there are no diseases or dysfunctions of the endocrine system, proper nutrition and regular exercise should become your allies for a long time. Do not think that in a month the problem will completely go away. This can last for months, or even years.
  • The day and night routine also plays an important role. With a lack of sleep, overexertion and excessive physical and mental fatigue, the body produces the hormone cortisol, which responds well to stress and does not allow the body to fully recover and, accordingly, lose weight. Therefore, it is important to get enough sleep, go to bed no later than 11 pm and sleep for 7-9 hours.
  • To improve the relief of the skin and the outflow of lymph, you can also resort to massage, which will also relax the muscles, relieve spasms and improve blood circulation, this will improve the result provided that you exercise and follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Alternative ways to lose weight

In addition to all the listed methods for eliminating “ears,” mention should be made of the services of beauty salons. For example, wrapping procedures are very popular. The advantages of such methods are the greenhouse effect and the therapeutic effect of the special composition on the skin.

In addition, spas offer shock wave therapy. The procedure is based on the destruction of fat reserves using sound waves. We are skeptical about such methods, so we cannot definitely recommend them. The decision to use it or not is up to you.

The drastic way to reduce fat deposits on the thighs is surgery. Such procedures should be used only in extreme cases, when neither training nor diet no longer helps. Consultation with a doctor is required.

Liposuction (removal of subcutaneous fat by pumping it out of the body) is considered an effective technique. The procedure has its own contraindications, so it is not suitable for everyone. It should be added that after surgery it is necessary to strictly follow a diet and exercise regularly. Otherwise, the “removed” kilograms will quickly return.

Don't forget to smile

A positive attitude and a healthy lifestyle are very important in the process of body correction. If a woman plays sports, eats right and at the same time maintains a cheerful mood and an optimistic outlook on life, then she achieves results much faster.

Psychologists recommend never becoming discouraged, even if you train hard and are on a strict diet, and the reflection in the mirror practically does not change for the better. Success in losing weight largely depends on your mood and self-awareness. Love yourself for who you are. This will help to establish spiritual harmony and calm unfavorable internal dialogue. Having achieved this state, you can not only lose weight, but also achieve any goals in life.


Natalya, 32 years old

Insanely interesting article. I was able to lose 10 kg. I forgot about the creepy legs with breeches. My husband is happy.

Daria, 24 years old

I was always embarrassed about my legs. I started training according to the proposed training program in the gym (with a trainer is expensive). The result cannot but rejoice!

Nina, 56 years old

Due to stress at work, I started eating a lot, my figure was noticeably shaky, thanks to diet and massage I was able to get back into shape! Girls, it's never too late - take action!

Oksana, 40 years old

I have a passion for baking, which has taken its toll on my figure. The article motivated me to change myself for the better. The result is already there, more to come.

Elvira, 19 years old

Always completed because of my full legs. I'm starting a healthy eating + workout program!

Victoria, 28 years old

After maternity leave, I gained a lot of weight and my legs began to look like sausages. After reading the article, I eliminated a number of foods and started walking more. The result is obvious, thank you!

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