How to remove the ears on the hips and reduce the volume of the legs: top 16 exercises

Bella Hadid Yulia Dzhusupova, trainer at Reboot sports studios :
“Most often, the appearance of fat in the inner thigh area depends on three factors: genetics, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. To solve this problem, a comprehensive solution is required, including regular exercise, proper nutrition and recovery (good sleep). In addition, you can include wraps and massages with a dry brush. But it is better to avoid cupping massage, since the skin of the inner thigh is very delicate and can be easily damaged.

Remember: there is no local fat burning, so you need to train your entire legs, working the outer, inner and back thighs, as well as the gluteal muscles. Only in this case will you have beautiful legs.

A workout for the inner thigh should not include exercises with heavy weights, as there is a risk that you will not tighten this area, but, on the contrary, will pump it up, visually increasing in volume. If you don’t want this, then adopt a few simple exercises for all muscle groups in your legs with minimal weight.”


If you find that your hips are not as slender and beautiful as you would like, and you are trying to correct this particular part of the body, you should immediately understand: losing weight only in a specific place (in this case, only in the hips) will not work.

This is due to the structural features of the body. Therefore, to achieve a good result and to remove hips, it is important to follow three main components.

What are ears and why are they so hard to get rid of? Read
How to lose weight without ruining your health?
How to lose weight in the hips (remove the inner part, against the breeches and reduce the overall volume):

  • To remove ears from the thighs, it is necessary to perform physical exercises for the internal muscles;
  • proper diet (it is important to monitor your food intake);
  • an additional set of procedures (massage, exercises for swelling and lymph stagnation).

So, let’s look at the main question: how should you remove the ears on your hips? What are the main points of working on yourself?

In the process of losing weight, it is important to remember a few rules:

  1. Avoid strict mono-diets and complete refusal to eat.
  2. Prepare for the process of losing weight mentally and physically.

    Many people often miss this point, although it is really important. Before you start losing weight, you need to consult a doctor (especially if you have chronic diseases) and prepare yourself mentally for a long campaign to combat problem areas.

  3. Maintain drinking regime.
  4. Take into account your own physiology (with a height of 175 cm, a person weighing 48 kg will look disproportionate in most cases).
  5. Do not strive for quick results (you cannot lose 5 kg in a week without damaging your health! Normal weight loss in a month is 4 kg for an average build).

IMPORTANT : the main requirement for losing weight, in addition to doing physical exercise and monitoring your diet, is to maintain calorie consumption.

You need to adhere to the principle: calorie consumption, i.e. energy consumed must exceed intake. To do this you need to calculate two numbers:

  1. Daily calorie intake.
  2. Calculate your daily calorie deficit.

For example, the daily requirement is 2000 calories. Your weight is 56 kg. A calorie deficit can be a maximum of 20%, so to lose weight you will need to consume 1600 kcal .

Metabolism. Daily diet for weight loss

How to achieve a calorie deficit:

  • perform physical exercises;
  • observe restrictions on the consumption of high-calorie foods.

There is a whole range of physical exercises for the gym and at home to reduce the volume of the hips and buttocks, as well as get rid of ears. What are these effective exercises for quickly losing weight on your thighs, legs, buttocks:

Training program

A properly designed training program will help you tighten your buttocks and thighs at home in a short time. It is necessary to take into account the personal characteristics of each person: body weight, age, presence of diseases, profession, level of sports training.

The following weekly schedule can serve as a template for creating your own lesson plan:

  1. Monday. Heavy training using exercises such as deadlifts, squats, and forward lunges.
  2. Tuesday. Rest time from strength training.
  3. Wednesday. Easy training of the hips and buttocks with the help of isolated and static exercises: swinging the legs back, “chair”, holding a bridge, stepping onto the platform.
  4. Thursday. Day off.
  5. Friday. Moderate training with 1 compound (squat or deadlift) and 1 isolation (backward leg swing) exercise.
  6. Saturday and Sunday. Time for active rest from stress.

People who have a large amount of body fat should perform cardio exercises along with strength exercises. Long-term aerobic exercise (running, jumping rope, swimming, sports games, walking) is most effective in the morning immediately after waking up on an empty stomach or in the evening 2 hours before bedtime.

For drying feet

How to remove ears on the hips? The answer is simple: study? Let's look at the pros and cons of home and gym workouts!

Exercising in the gym


  • additional weights allow you to more effectively work on problem areas;
  • exercise machines, when used correctly, help to avoid injuries to unused parts of the body;
  • focusing on the work of specific muscles;
  • With regular training, you can achieve better results than training at home.

Exercises at home


  • comfortable environment;
  • ability to adjust the load (dumbbells, elastic expander);
  • saving time and money (the cost of a gym membership, as well as the ability to regulate class times).

To lose belly fat and a thin waist: exercises

For the outside

  • for the gym

Leg abduction and abduction in the simulator

Ask any trainer how to remove the ears on the hips, and he will immediately answer you: do the abduction and extension of the legs! This is the best and easiest thigh exercise to improve blood flow in problem areas.

Description : this is the best exercise for the adductor muscles. It is performed in a special simulator in a sitting position. You need to choose comfortable weights or use a machine without weights.

Technique : it is important to press your back completely against the backrest and grab the handrails with your hands. Deflections and lifts in the lower back should not be allowed. Perform dilution slowly and without jerking. At the end points of the spread, fix the position.

Impact : when performed regularly, it helps strengthen the muscles of the outer thigh, as well as the internal adductors, works against the ears and improves fluid circulation on the outer surface.

Leg abduction and abduction in a sitting machine: harm

  • at home

To remove breeches at home, you need to do the following:

Extending your leg to the side while on your knees

Description : standing on your knees on the floor (to soften it, place a rug or a small blanket) you need to move your bent leg to the side.

Technique : get on all fours, rest on your straight arms (palms in line with your shoulders) and at a moderate pace, move your bent leg to parallel with the floor (as you exhale), fixing the point in the upper position. Then slowly return your leg to its original position. When using dumbbells/elastic bands, secure them in/on the bend of the knee.

IMPORTANT : do not allow your lower back to arch!

Impact: allows you to work both external muscles and internal adductors. Works to strengthen muscles, and not to pump up muscle mass.

Swing lying on your side

Another very good exercise for the outer surface of the leg and to remove the ears on the hips!

Description : lying on your side (alternately on the right and left) raise your legs parallel to the plane of the floor to the maximum height.

Technique : lie on your right/left side, pull your pelvis forward (do not tilt it back), bend your knees slightly, rest your head on your left/right hand. With your other hand (which lies on the top of your working side), rest on the floor.

Slowly raise your upper leg to shoulder height. Lock at the maximum point and then slowly lower. When using dumbbells, hold them with your hand. When using an expander, fix it on the lower leg.

Impact : helps strengthen muscles, work out the fat layer between the legs, as well as “rollers” on the sides of the thighs.

This option is possible

Effective for tightening the inner part

So, to remove fat from the inside, these most effective exercises will indirectly help:

  • The best for losing weight on the inner surface and thighs in the gym:

Squats with a barbell (in the Smith machine)

How to remove ears on thighs? Squat! The good thing about squats is that it is a heavy, multi-joint exercise that uses a lot of muscle and forces you to expend a lot of energy.

Description : standing with your back to the barbell, it is convenient to grab it, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Do squats until a right angle is formed at the hips. Then return to the starting position.

IMPORTANT : suitable only for beginners , for experienced ones - just with free weight !

Technique : The bar should be placed directly between the shoulder blades and neck. Grab the bar and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. You need to make sure that your knees do not go beyond the line of your toes. Hold in the lower position for 3-5 seconds and carefully rise.

Impact : it works specifically on the inner surface, strengthens muscles, removes sagging muscles and ears inside the thighs.

  • A set of exercises for the inner thighs for home

To lose weight on the inside and overall slimness of your legs at home, it is important to work out the muscles in this area:

Side Lunges

Starting position : stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and alternately lunge to the right and left.

Technique : make a deep lunge to the side, while making sure that the knee of the leg (on which the lunge is being made) does not extend beyond the toe. The pelvis should be laid back and the back should be straight. Stretch your arms forward to shoulder level. Then return to the starting position.

Impact : helps accelerate blood flow for weight loss and strengthening the inner side, promotes the growth of muscle fibers.

Plie squat

We discussed this exercise in detail in the article Plie squats. Which is better: plie or sumo? . Its undoubted advantage is that it allows you to work out the inner thighs at home too!

Description : standing straight, connect your heels and spread your toes. Do a squat with a straight back.

Technique : when doing plie squats, it is important to keep your abs tense and not collapse your pelvis and back. Fix at the lowest point for 3-5 seconds and then slowly rise.

Impact : the most effective exercise for the inner thigh muscles. Helps both burn the layer between the legs and stretch the muscles.

Spreading your legs to the sides

An interesting exercise for the hips.

What is it : lying on the floor, raise your straight legs perpendicular to the floor and spread them, fixing them at the lowest point for a few seconds.

How to do it correctly : lie on the floor (on a mat), place your palms under your tailbone. Raise your legs perpendicular to the floor and slowly spread them, fix for 3-5 seconds, then bring them back. If it is difficult to perform with straight legs, bend your knees. It is important to ensure that your lower back does not arch

Impact : actively fights sagging inner thigh muscles, activating fat burning.

On the back and buttocks

So, what effective complexes are suitable for the back of the leg muscles and for the butt:

  • for the hall:

Romanian deadlift

In such a complex matter, how to remove the ears on the thighs, you need to choose different exercises, so we recommend that you turn your attention to deadlifts.

A more effective option
Romanian single-leg deadlift with a barbell or dumbbells: developing the buttocks
Description : slow lifting of the bar with a weight on slightly bent legs and a straight back. The bar rises to above the knees.

Technique : The back should remain straight throughout the entire exercise. Come close to the bar, fix your feet shoulder-width apart. Grab the bar slightly wider than your shoulders and lift it to just above your knees.

In this case, the pelvis is pulled back, and the knees are NOT fully extended. Fix for 2-3 seconds and carefully lower the bar (the spin should remain flat!).

Effect : all the muscles of the back of the thigh are included in the work, as well as the gluteus maximus muscle. Allows you to build muscles on the back of your thighs and tighten your buttocks. The calf muscles are also included.

Leg curls in the simulator

Starting position : lying on your stomach on the machine, grab the handrails and lift weights by working the muscles of the back of the thigh.

Execution technique : holding the handrails tightly, place your calves behind the roller of the exercise machine (pre-adjust the weights and length to your height). Contracting the muscles of the back of the thighs, lift the roller. The toes of the feet should be straight. Fix at the top point for a few seconds and smoothly return to the starting position (do not jerk).

Impact : the entire back surface is worked out, all the muscles of this part of the hips are included in the work. Promotes fat burning and muscle growth.

Reverse hyperextension

Starting position : the upper part of the body lies on the bench, and the lower part works - the buttocks and thighs.

Technique : standing facing the bench, gently lie on your stomach and grab the support with your hands. Raise your lower body to the maximum point. Fix here for 3-4 seconds and slowly lower down.

Effect : this exercise involves the gluteal muscles and the back of the thighs.

  • hamstring exercises for home:

Glute bridge - hip lift

Details about the gluteal bridge: 11 effective options
Description : lying on your back with bent knees, lift your buttocks up, resting on your heel.

Technique : lie on the floor (on a mat), bend your knees and rest your heels on the floor. Hands along the body. Pressing your heels into the floor, lift your pelvis up as high as possible and squeeze your gluteal muscles. Hands along the body lie on the floor. Fix at the top point and lower down.

Impact : both the thigh muscles and the buttock muscles work. Fat burning is activated.

Backward leg swings with weights for the legs and buttocks

A cool and convenient way to remove lugs on your thighs - swings are suitable even for beginners, do not require bulky equipment, and their effect is really significant!

Exercises for the buttocks: glute swings

Description : body weight is on the supporting leg. Legs slightly bent at the knees. While holding onto a chair/support, swing your leg back.

Technique : can be performed standing on slightly bent legs or on your knees. The back is straight, hold on to the chair/wall with your hands, and keep swinging each leg alternately up and back. You can use an expander elastic band for weighting or special weights (fix on the ankle).

Impact : works well on the back of the thighs. The exercise is aimed at forming the relief of the back surface.

For front surface

So, a set of effects on the quadriceps femoris (quadriceps) and the entire front surface of the thigh:

  • best biceps exercises in the gym:

Leg extension in the simulator

A good exercise for the hips - there is a given trajectory of movement, the working weight can be adjusted, the technique is understandable even to an inexperienced “jock”.

Description : sitting in the simulator and holding the handrails, lift the weight by working the muscles of the front surface of the thighs.

Technique : sit down and press your back tightly against the back of the machine. Grab the handrails. Fix your feet under a roller with weights and lift the roller moderately quickly using the muscles of the quadriceps (front surface).

Impact : the largest muscle of the thighs is worked out, relief is formed, blood flow and lymph circulation are improved.

Leg press

Technique for performing a block press
Description : the feet are located on a platform wider than the shoulders, the platform moves due to the flexion and extension of the hip muscles.

Technique : the lower back is pressed against the back of the exercise machine, with your hands secured to the handrails. Squeeze the platform up, but do not straighten your legs completely. Fix the platform in the upper position for a couple of seconds, and then lower it back.

Impact : additionally works both the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. Stimulates blood circulation in large muscles - to strengthen the quadriceps muscle in the anterior surface. Indirectly, it is great for reducing hips and tightening the buttocks. The biceps and semitendinosus muscles of the thigh (located on the back of the thighs) also work.

  • for biceps at home:

Lunges forward

How to perform this exercise for the hips : lunge forward with each leg in turn, while making sure that your back remains straight. You can use dumbbells to increase the load.

How to do it : standing straight, lunge forward with one leg. It is important that your back remains straight. Also, both knees should be bent at a 90-degree angle.

TIP : To monitor the correct technique, place a mirror on the side.

Effect : this exercise strengthens not only the front, but also the inner surface of the thighs, and engages the gluteal muscles and lower abdominal muscles.

Wall Squat

Description : using a fitball (press it against the wall with your back) and dumbbells for weighting, do smooth squats.

Technique : take dumbbells in your hands, press the fitball against the wall with your back, take a step forward. Place your feet approximately shoulder width apart. Do a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Stay at this point for 2-3 seconds and straighten up.

Impact : the exercise strengthens not only the front of the thigh, but also the gluteal and calf muscles.

TIP : Press the exercise ball firmly against the wall so you don't feel like you might fall.

So, we hope we have given you enough exercises for your thighs and explained how to remove the ears. All of the above exercises are aimed at working the thigh muscles. However, their mechanics often involve adjacent muscles, which is an additional advantage. Training in the gym has an additional advantage: you can work with adjustable weights, which allows you to create the desired contour for your body.

Body warm-up

Before starting any sports training, you need to thoroughly stretch your muscles and joints. The duration can be from 5 to 20 minutes.

It's better to start by warming up your head and neck. It is worth doing tilts, turns right and left, rotations.

Next you can move on to the arm muscles:

  • make jerks;
  • shoulder rotations;
  • mill, etc.

It is worth stretching the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis. You can bend sideways, forwards and backwards. Then repeat the circular movements of the pelvis several times.

Particular attention should be paid to warming up the leg muscles:

  • alternately raise the leg to the opposite hand;
  • make circular movements in your knees;
  • Reach your hands to the floor several times without lifting your heels.

Warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles of the whole body. With its help, the risk of possible injuries and sprains will be reduced.

A universal warm-up before training is presented in the video.


  1. Always warm up before starting exercise: spending 10 minutes will allow you to avoid injuries and discomfort during exercise.
  2. After exercise, do some stretching . This will help protect against the occurrence of soreness and “clogging” of the muscles.
  3. Carefully familiarize yourself with the technique of performing exercises and breathing while working the muscles.
  4. Perform the exercises 10-15 times for 2-3 approaches.
  5. After training, do not starve yourself: Nutrition before and after training and the myth of the protein-carbohydrate window .
  6. If you work out in the gym and don’t know how to work with a particular machine, consult a trainer. This article will help you choose comfortable weights.

General recommendations

To increase the effectiveness of exercises, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • Any movements should not lead to straightening of the knee. This puts more stress on the joints but reduces stress on the muscles.
  • Performing exercises should be accompanied by a concentration of tension on the inner thigh. This will allow you to turn off the remaining muscles.
  • You should not chase the number of repetitions. It is enough to do 5 approaches with 2-3 exercises twice a week.

The recommended number of repetitions for each move is from 12 to 20 times.

Against cellulite

Are there any effective exercises for and against cellulite on the thighs and buttocks?

Many girls and women strive not only to correct the shape of their hips, but also to get rid of cellulite with the help of exercises. But often physical activity does not bring the desired result and does not allow you to say goodbye to the “orange” peel. This is due to the structural features of adipose tissue.

Ladies' troubles: cellulite, sagging skin, stretch marks and “excess” skin

Cellulite is a localized, localized excess of fat cells in the layer between the surface of the skin and the muscles. With age, metabolic processes in a woman's body slow down. This leads to weight changes, weakening of connective tissue and an increasing appearance of cellulite.

And it doesn’t matter whether the woman is thin or not. Therefore, it is very difficult to get rid of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks, because, unfortunately, the structure of adipose tissue cannot be changed.

But don't give up. The answer to how to remove ears and cellulite on the thighs is the same! Physical activity (both strength training and cardio), monitoring food consumption, as well as additional stimulating procedures: lymphatic drainage massage, which normalizes lymph outflow, cavitation (ultrasound) will help make cellulite less noticeable.

All these products together help to even out the external relief, normalize the circulation of substances, which helps maintain skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite does not go away when playing sports and losing weight: what to do?

The modern industry promotes a healthy lifestyle and shows pictures of beautiful girls with toned bodies and without an ounce of fat or cellulite, who advertise new-fangled diets and anti-cellulite products that “will rid you of the orange peel once and for all.”

This creates additional stress: the desire to buy a “magic” pill or cream, constant monitoring of nutrition and counting calories in every gram of food eaten. After all, everyone wants to look young and attractive.

And often we thoughtlessly rush to stores for newfangled anti-cellulite products, torturing ourselves with diets and strenuous exercises. As a result, we end up with poor health. Therefore, before experimenting with yourself, you should stop, think, listen to your own body and consult a doctor. Because some of our experiments can end very badly.

Anatomy of the inner thigh muscles

The muscles of the inner thigh lag behind others in development due to their purpose. They are adductors and perform slightly different functions than other muscle groups of the lower extremities. They are only involved during hip adduction. This is a fairly rare movement not only in everyday activities, but also in fitness and bodybuilding. For the majority of even very well-trained girls, this part of the body remains out of tone. It is often called problematic. The reason for this is that it is the inner thigh that is not trained separately, and therefore lags behind the others.

If the main goal is a beautiful and toned body, it is necessary to review the training program. It should include exercises that also work the inner thighs. This applies to every workout. In cases of severe lag in this area, it is necessary to devote a separate training day to such exercises. Prolonged ignoring of this recommendation leads to pronounced “lethargy” of this adductor muscle. A similar approach should be followed by all girls who want to get a gap between the thighs (thigh gap), which is considered one of the criteria for the aesthetics of a female silhouette.

What should you eat to lose weight in your thighs?

Exercise is the most effective way to tone your leg muscles, but you also need to be in a calorie deficit to shed those extra pounds.

The body uses calories for fuel. When it runs out of reserves obtained from food, it begins to burn stored fat as energy.

Reducing your intake by 500 calories per day allows you to lose an average of 0.5 kg per week. This is a safe indicator for weight loss.

Review your diet. Focus on plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains). Eat enough protein. This will help build muscle mass and speed up your metabolism. Read our article on how to calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for weight loss.

Eliminate high-fat, low-nutrient foods from your diet, including fried, salty and sweet foods. Avoid foods containing saturated fats and trans fats, as they can increase bad cholesterol levels and cause weight gain. Choose lean meat instead of red meat, water instead of sugary carbonated drinks, nuts and dried fruits instead of chips and chocolates.


Stretching the hips is necessary both to warm up the muscles and to strengthen and pump them. There are different approaches.

Wide squat:

  • place your feet slightly wider than your hips, bend your knees, lower yourself to the floor;
  • bring your palms together near your chest, press your elbows to your knees;
  • after a few breaths, release your hands to the floor, increasing the stretch, take a few more breaths.

Curl of outer thighs:

  • lunge with your left knee, lower your right knee to the floor;
  • lower your left knee to the left, keep your arms straight, increasing the stretch;
  • hold for a few seconds in this position.

Wide Leg Stretch:

  • sit down wide, place your hands on the floor in front of you;
  • go down gradually, stay for a while;
  • bring your legs together, repeat several times.


  • sit on the floor, bend your knees, join your legs;
  • open them with your hands, press your knees to the floor;
  • stretch your back, pull in your stomach, hold;
  • lean forward, keeping your back straight;
  • put your hands on your feet, pressing on your knees, and hold.

Head to Knee Stretch:

  • sit on the floor, stretch your legs;
  • bend your left knee, pull your foot towards the inside of your right thigh;
  • with a straight back, reach your right leg with your hands and lie on it;
  • stay in this position.

Such exercises will be an excellent prevention of diseases of the knee joints, back, and hip pain. Stretching at the end of a workout helps reduce muscle discomfort and speed up recovery after exercise.

An effective complex is presented in the video.

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