How to pump up triceps at home: exercises and training program

Not everyone has the opportunity or desire to go to the gym. Some people like to exercise outside at any time of the year, while others are more comfortable training at home. For sports to bring results, you need to acquire minimal equipment - for example, collapsible dumbbells - and the desire to improve.

Egor Fukalov

fitness trainer

Genetics significantly influences the development of arm muscles. Some people's biceps and triceps grow faster. Experienced athletes fight for every kilogram of muscle by following a strict training regimen. Be patient and you will get results over time.

Triceps brachii

The triceps brachii muscle is the muscle responsible for arm movement, particularly elbow extension. It connects the humerus and ulna, consists of a lateral, medial and long head and makes up the entire back of the shoulder.

Thanks to it, the arm is pulled back when the triceps is in an extended state - the biceps flexes. This muscle is the first to be activated during any movement of the arm. All the strength of the arms depends on it, and its horseshoe shape gives a beautiful appearance to the relief of the body.

The triceps muscle accounts for two-thirds of the arm's volume.

Properly pumped triceps will help work the biceps and allow more nutrients to be absorbed into the upper arm. Working this muscle will improve blood circulation and if you pay proper attention to it in training, you can achieve impressive arm development.

Exercise No. 3: Semi-circular arm swings

This middle school exercise is a surprisingly good upper body workout. However, monotonously repeating movements easily lead to boredom, so it makes sense to diversify them a little: for example, do not circular, but semicircular swings, changing the direction each time. The semicircle makes the work generally more active, allowing you to pump, among other things, the deep muscles of the arms. Important note: During the exercise, try to keep your elbows in a fixed position to maximize muscle interaction. As for speed, Jasmine Graham advises choosing a fast enough, but at the same time, comfortable pace for you.

How to pump up triceps at home

To pump up your triceps at home as quickly as possible, you need to adjust the program with an emphasis on the triceps. However, you should not do the entire list of exercises in one workout - this will not give the expected effect. It is optimal to train triceps 2 times a week. You should choose those exercises that the body does not expect. This will ensure “shock” therapy for the muscles and inevitable growth.


For the safety of your joints and spine, you should start your workout with a warm-up, and perform exercises according to the degree of load - from minimal to maximum. A gradual increase in load will help to smoothly warm up all the muscles and prevent injury.

Triceps exercises at home

French press with dumbbells

In this isolation exercise, the triceps muscle works almost alone, which is why it is considered one of the most effective.

Place your feet hip-width apart and bend your legs slightly while keeping your torso straight. Use dumbbells or weights and straighten your arms with the dumbbells pointing toward the ceiling. Your arms should be slowly bent at the elbows and then returned to their original position.

Do not suddenly throw weight or press your hands to your back. If you spread your elbows to the sides while doing the exercise, it will not have any effect.

Bench push-ups

This exercise, in its simplest variation: feet on the floor, is also suitable for a girl who wants to pump up her triceps at home and without dumbbells.

To do a reverse push-up, you need to use any available platform such as a bench or chair. Sit down and rest against its edges, pressing your arms to your body. Having risen, you should move your body forward and slowly lower yourself as far as possible. You can complicate the exercise by throwing your legs on the second bench as shown in the picture, and also placing a dumbbell or other weight on your hips.

Focus on the lowest point, and once at the top, you can rest a little. You should not help yourself with your legs, this can have a bad effect on your lower back. Perform this exercise carefully; excess stress can harm your joints.

For the first workouts, a small amplitude is also suitable, and once you find your pace, you can independently increase the load.

Truncated push-ups

Push-ups with narrow arms. You need to lie on the floor and place your hands on the floor. The elbows should be bent and the arms should be pressed to the body. The main load falls on the triceps, so this exercise doesn’t always work out the first time, especially if you haven’t worked your arm muscles before.

Try to do at least one or two approaches, and as soon as you start to succeed, increase their number. The main mistake of this exercise is arching the back. The body should be parallel to the floor, and you should exhale only in the upper third of the lift.

When lifting, the elbows are pulled back, not to the sides.

If this task is easy for you, put a backpack with weights on your back or do push-ups with your fists.

Bench exercise

Take a dumbbell in your hand and sit on a chair or bench with an inclined back. Raise and lower your arm, bending it at the elbow. Such approaches should be done in sets of 10 repetitions.

Choose a bench that does not cause discomfort to the lower back and does not create unnecessary stress on the back. If you perform this exercise systematically, you should constantly change the angle of the bench.

Bent over exercise

Use a chair or bench to support your unused arm. Bend at the waist and lift your arm with the dumbbell at a slight angle, with your shoulder parallel to the floor.

The lateral (outer) head of the muscle is maximally involved here, it improves muscle definition and has a positive effect on triceps growth.

Triceps mass program

To build triceps mass at home, you need to exercise 3 times a week, 2 of which will include the following:

  1. Triceps on push-up day - you can perform 1-2 exercises on the triceps brachii muscle as finishing exercises.
  2. On the day of biceps training - according to the principle of training antagonist muscles. Conduct full triceps training.

Complex workouts should contain several different basic exercises. Don't focus on the triceps, train your biceps and forearms (if your arms are lagging behind). Record your workout results and increase the weights at regular intervals depending on your capabilities.

Natural muscle recovery occurs within a week, so it is necessary to include failure training in the regime. If you work out three times a week, then one workout should be a failure workout, and the next two sessions should be done with less load. Refusal occurs once every ten days.

Exercise #1: Wall push-ups

We agree, push-ups are not the easiest thing in the world. However, the good thing about wall push-ups is that they allow you to adjust the level of difficulty, which makes them significantly less energy-intensive than classic push-ups. To do them correctly, stand facing a wall (about 6 inches away), place your hands shoulder-width apart from the wall, and take a step back as far as you can. Now start doing push-ups, trying to keep your back straight and your buttocks tight.

Growth conditions

There are several factors for successful triceps growth:

  • Harmonious development - implies balanced training of different muscle groups. You should not work exclusively on the triceps, because its growth also depends on other muscles. Two workouts a week will be enough to significantly speed up his growth.
  • Proper nutrition will help speed up the process of muscle tissue recovery.
  • Adequate sleep helps accelerate cell recovery and muscle growth. During sleep, the body best absorbs and processes protein, which is also important for building muscle mass. Among other things, lack of sleep negatively affects the quality of training. You will not be able to perform a set of strength exercises if you come to training without strength.

The coverage of the shins should be the same as the arms in the triceps area, and shoulder training will help avoid disharmony.

Additional factors

A full meal is allowed a couple of hours before training. You should not eat immediately before training, so that the body is engaged only in muscles and not in digesting food. If you don't have time to eat, use easily digestible foods - bananas, muesli or nutrition bars.

An hour before class, you can saturate your body with the necessary carbohydrates. If your goal is to gain weight, then you can make a protein-carbohydrate shake or eat foods containing slow carbohydrates.

Before a set of exercises, you need to drink at least half a liter of water. Do this an hour before training to prevent dehydration.

Exercise No. 5: Jumping

Your inner cardio freak can finally rejoice—it's time to jump. X-shaped jumps are good because they simultaneously strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, arms and legs. And although in terms of arms they do not work as effectively as the other exercises listed, they help to consolidate the result. So, place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms to your sides, then start jumping up, spreading your arms above your head. It's best to do this in front of a mirror to check that you actually get the "X" at the final point of the jump. Helpful tip: Bend your knees to soften your landing slightly.

Cautions and contraindications

The triceps are more prone to overtraining than other muscles, so you shouldn’t overdo the number of approaches. The more stress placed on a muscle, the more time it will take to recover.

Most isolation pressing exercises are not recommended for people with hypertension and low blood pressure. Heart disease and asthma will not allow you to work with dumbbells and loads, so you should not test your body.

Do not neglect safety precautions - as soon as you feel a sharp pain, you should immediately stop training and analyze your mistakes. Carefully monitor the position of the body - incorrect load on the back can lead to injury.

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Exercise #2: Reverse Plank Squats

Theoretically, these squats can be done on a soft surface, such as a bed - but Graham warns that in this case you risk lifting the body too high, while on a hard floor it is always easier to monitor the quality. So, what you should do: sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward and bend your knees, place your arms at your sides a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Now from this extreme comfortable position, tensing the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, you need to push your body up (to the “coffee table” position). It is important to lower your body by bending your arms to activate your triceps.

Anatomy of arm muscles: what makes triceps and biceps grow

Basically, working out the arm muscles is aimed at increasing the mass and volume of the biceps (biceps) and triceps (triceps). Regular exercise promotes muscle development, improves tone and increases strength and endurance. For beginners, it is recommended to work on the whole body and overall fitness, including arm exercises in the fitness program.

What makes biceps grow?

Exercises that specifically use this muscle will help you pump up your biceps without iron. The key task of the muscle is to flex the shoulder and elbow. Accordingly, to increase the mass and growth of the biceps, you need to perform traction-type exercises.

What makes triceps grow?

The triceps make up 2/3 of the volume of the muscular frame of the arm. It performs the function of abduction and extension of the limb. Pumped triceps are the key to beautiful relief and the absence of fat “jelly”. To develop the triceps muscle, it is enough to perform exercises 2 times a week as part of a general strengthening complex.

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