BOSU (BOSU) training. What is it in fitness, benefits

Hello, dear readers. Have you already tried all the workouts I wrote about? Then the fitness hemisphere will help you. Now I will tell you about the bosu balancing platform, with the help of which your workouts will become more varied and effective. The platform is a great assistant for home workouts.

You can complicate basic exercises: plank, lunges, push-ups, squats and others, as well as engage in fitness, cardio training and stretching.

During exercise, all core muscles work proportionally to maintain balance , which means they develop correctly. Your posture will become straight and your tummy will be flat. A dream for any woman.

Before you start

  1. Wear comfortable shoes with non-slip soles.
  2. Warm up before your workout.
  3. Do not start active fitness activities right away, especially if you are a beginner. Increase the difficulty of the movements gradually.
  4. Don't try to speed up the pace; speed puts focus on precision of movements. And any careless quick step can lead to injury.
  5. To avoid damaging your ankle joints , watch your leg movements. Place your feet in the middle of the platform and keep your knees slightly bent.
  6. Concentrate completely on your movements, do not be distracted by talking, watching TV or listening to music.
  7. If you want to make it easier to practice, simply release some air from the Bosu. Once you're a pro, pump in more air. The hemisphere will become more elastic, the load on all muscles will increase.

Benefits of classes

Fitness training with the BOSU hemisphere is aimed at developing coordination of human movement and the ability to maintain balance on an unstable surface. The result is achieved by strengthening the stabilizing muscles of the body.

In addition, the following positive properties of classes are highlighted:

  • The exercise machine is safer in comparison with its analogue - a fitball. Falling from the hemisphere is practically impossible due to the stable base and low height.

  • Exercises are performed from standing or sitting positions, or with emphasis on the hemisphere. A well-chosen complex will work all the muscles of the body without the use of additional exercise equipment.
  • The simulator does not require specific knowledge and skills and is easy to use.
  • Strengthens the vestibular apparatus.
  • The core muscles are constantly being worked, even while performing exercises on other muscle groups. This forms the muscle frame, maintains straight posture and reduces back pain.
  • With the help of the BOSU simulator, exercises from home exercises are complicated. Performing planks, push-ups, swings, and bends will become more effective and the load on the joints will be reduced.

The simulator is used in rehabilitation activities for back or joint injuries. In this case, the training program must be coordinated with the attending physician or exercise therapy instructor.

Both side up

That's what the word "bosu" means - use both sides. The main part is a semicircle, where most exercises are done. You can also use the flat part of the hemisphere. This way you will train your coordination and balance.

The simulator resembles a fitball - exercises with a large ball. However, Bosu is much safer due to its flat, stable base.

And now more about what can be done on the hemisphere.

What is it in fitness

BOSU training is a program aimed at actively developing muscles and strengthening the vestibular system. The exercises are performed on a rubber hemisphere: due to the unstable position of the body, a large number of stabilizing muscles are involved in the work, and even the simplest elements become difficult to perform.

The main point of the classes is to perform exercises while standing directly on the dome. To make it more difficult, turn the platform over with its convex side down, and stand with your feet or rest your hands on the plastic base. This option is more difficult because the machine itself will be unstable, and strong muscle tension will be required to maintain the position.

Exercises on a hemisphere are similar in principle to step aerobics: here you also need to work with the platform, using it as a support. The difference is that maintaining balance is much more difficult and requires a lot of strength and energy, so the training will be more effective.

To master BOSU, no special skills or special inclinations are required: even beginners can perform the exercises. The first workouts may require a lot of time to work on maintaining balance and concentration, but in the future the body will adapt and the sessions will become more fruitful.

BOSU training is a universal way to improve your figure. It can be used in a cardio version, where the focus is on keeping the pulse in the fat-burning zone. To do this, select a set of the simplest elements and perform them at high speed.

The strength training option involves using your own body weight or additional weights in the form of dumbbells. Before you start training with weights, you need to practice all the movements on the hemisphere without it.


  1. Stand on the convex part, spread your legs slightly and do regular squats. Tilt your pelvis back slightly, keep your back straight, and don’t lift your feet off the surface. Perform 15–20 times in several approaches.
  2. A more complicated version - with an inverted simulator. Jump onto the surface the first time and repeat everything in the same order.
  3. The next option is to place one foot on the convex part, the other on the floor. In this position, you can do plies, squats and rolls from one leg to the other.

What is a simulator

The BOSU exercise machine is a large convex platform: in appearance it resembles half a gymnastic ball mounted on a solid flat support. The full name is “Both Sides Used”, which literally stands for “used by both sides”, that is, it can be installed for training on both the platform and the convex side.

The simulator was invented in 2000 by an American athlete. According to one version, with its help he was recovering from an accident, and during the rehabilitation process he discovered that exercises on the hemisphere not only relieved back pain, but also strengthened the muscles of the whole body.

The height of the hemisphere is approximately 30 cm, the diameter of the platform is 60-65 cm; Many models are equipped with two handles for ease of use. If necessary, the inflation of the platform can be adjusted: weakening or strengthening it will change the load level.


I wrote earlier about how to do the plank. Now, how can you complicate it? It is necessary to place the hemisphere under the arms (straightened or on the elbows) or under the toes. You will get 4 different exercises (taking into account both sides of the hemisphere). Repeat for 20-30 seconds in several approaches.

A more difficult option - stand with your left hand and right foot on a fitness hemisphere, while simultaneously lifting your right arm and left leg. The exercise is just brutal!

Programs for beginners

The editors of Self magazine have prepared the easiest workout for beginners in the world:

  1. Squats.
  2. Lunges.
  3. Push ups.
  4. Twisting.
  5. Plank.

Repeat 3 times, performing each exercise for a minute, and the next day “wonderful” sensations throughout the body are guaranteed. In fact, the complex was invented by Greg Glassman, the “dad” of CrossFit. And it's known as the "CrossFitter workout," where each movement was done for 50 repetitions. If a beginner cannot complete 50 repetitions, he should start with the number available to himself.

For women

Almost the same thing, but with an emphasis on the buttocks it looks like this:

  1. Plie with weights, deep.
  2. Lunges with dumbbells.
  3. Push-ups.
  4. Press crunches.
  5. Swing your legs in a plank position on your buttocks.
  6. "Climbers" at close range.

You can watch another good option in the following video:

For men

Beginners can do this:

  1. Goblet squat with a kettlebell or dumbbells for the quadriceps.
  2. Dynamic lunges with dumbbell or kettlebell overhead press.
  3. Dumbbell push-ups with rows to the belt alternately.
  4. Burpee.
  5. Plank.

Another option:


Stretching and yoga are necessary for every person. Just “pumping up muscles” is not enough. The body should be flexible and elastic . After strength training, it is imperative to restore and relax your muscles. Stretching exercises are great for this. You can do a full gymnastics workout, or you can do a few stretching exercises at the end of your cardio or strength training.

Disadvantages and contraindications

Training with BOSU should begin with familiarization with the disadvantages of the device and contraindications for using the simulator for fitness. This will help to objectively assess the need for its use, as well as approximately predict the result of classes.

Disadvantages of training with BOSU:

  • Heavy load on the lower legs . After the first classes, severe fatigue and pain in the lower leg muscles may occur due to excessive tension. Improper foot placement can cause ankle sprains.
  • If coordination is impaired, exercises on the BOSU simulator will cause difficulties . It is necessary to focus on developing balance by performing elements with your own body weight. It is not recommended to use additional weights.
  • It is impossible to use large weights of dumbbells on the hemisphere due to the high risk of injury and the weight limit of the machine to approximately 150 kg. You must familiarize yourself with the exact permissible weight indicated on the packaging before starting classes.
  • High price . The average cost of a simulator is 5 – 6 thousand rubles, so purchasing it for home use is not always rational.

Contraindications to training with BOSU are:

  • severely impaired coordination of movements;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • period of exacerbation of musculoskeletal system disease;
  • overweight.

People with sudden jumps in blood pressure and dizziness are advised to avoid training on the hemisphere, or conduct them under the supervision of a trainer.

Where to buy bosu?

You can buy this thing at any sports store. The bosu hemisphere is an expensive pleasure, and its price is around 5,000 rubles.

To save on your purchase, you can chip in with a friend, mother, sister or neighbor. And in many modern gyms you can use it absolutely free.

Remember that few people succeed the first time. Train, work on your body, strive for the best. You will succeed, I believe in you. Be sure to subscribe to blog updates to receive new sports articles and improve your body.

Bosu exercises

The following exercises with the BOSU platform are considered the most effective. Their implementation helps to lose weight and get rid of problem areas, tightening muscles.

  • Push-ups with support on a hemisphere.
  • Squats, incl. with body rotation.
  • Lunges.
  • Pulling your knees in a plank (you need to lean alternately on a flat platform and on a hemisphere).
  • Side plank (both legs raised).
  • Bridge.
  • Stand on all fours with leg raises.
  • Twisting.
  • Bike.
  • V-twisting.
  • Superman.
  • Plank jumps (support on a platform).
  • Any exercises on the BOSU hemisphere in a standing position, incl. lifting legs and arms, with dumbbells, bending, turning the body.

Useful tips

1Classes should begin with a warm-up and warm-up.

2You need to wear sneakers when exercising on the platform. The sole of the shoe should not slip; this will protect the ligamentous apparatus.

3You should not perform exercises with dumbbells while standing on a dome until you learn to confidently maintain your balance.

4The ball should not be pumped up too much in the first weeks of training; the less elastic it is, the easier it will be to perform the exercises.

5When you stand on the dome, your feet should be closer to the center and parallel to each other. But your knees need to be kept in a half-bent position.

6Standing on an inverted platform (plastic part) is not recommended.

7Don’t be discouraged if BOSU exercises cause difficulties at first. Start with simple exercises. Once you get used to the machine and gain confident balance, gradually move on to more complex exercises.

Benefits of classes

  • The BOSU balancing platform is a universal exercise machine. It can be used in a wide variety of activities.
  • The platform will help to complicate familiar exercises and make them more effective - by increasing the difficulty of execution, more calories are burned.
  • The platform ensures active work of muscle groups while maintaining balance on the ball - this is necessary to stabilize the body. Therefore, the muscles of the back and abdominals are used even during exercises whose purpose is to work other parts of the body.
  • The BOSU platform is less dangerous than a fitball, from which you can fall and get injured. Using a platform eliminates this, since it has a stable base and half the height.
  • Exercises on the platform improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, promote the development of balance and coordination.
  • Maintaining balance on a platform forces a person to engage deep stabilizing muscles. This eliminates the occurrence of muscle imbalances that cause back pain.
  • Diversity. You can train on the platform while sitting, standing and lying down.
  • Easy to use.
  • Variety of workouts. You must know which subject is used for additional BOSU classes. This can be the same fitball, you can also use a medicine ball or an elastic band to diversify your arsenal of exercises.

BOSU training can be done not only in a sports club. You can buy a trainer for home use. It's never too late to start improving your body, and the platform will help strengthen the muscles of the whole body, make the body beautiful and balanced.

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Exercise “Climber”

Do not forget that the “climbing” exercise strengthens the core, arms and lower body . First, you need to take a position similar to push-ups, with the difference that you lift your buttocks up . Place your hands on the soft part of the balance bar and alternately pull your knees towards your chest. Keep your back straight and try to move your legs as quickly as possible, but be careful not to drop your hips down or vice versa, but keep them in line. You should master this exercise from a balance standpoint and expect it to thoroughly test your condition after some time of intense sprinting.

Exercise “Bird Dog”

To strengthen the center of the body and the sciatic muscles , we recommend including an exercise with the characteristic name “Bird Dog” in your workout. It focuses not only on the abdominal and spinal muscles , but also on straightening the back . The name quite clearly describes its design, because you need to start in the “dog” position, which means kneeling on the balancing platform with all four limbs . Keep your knees under your shoulders and your palms at shoulder level. Focus your center of gravity on your arms and try to simultaneously lift your right arm and left leg . Don't lean to the side, keep your spine neutral, and remember that maintaining stability is paramount , so don't rush it like you would with other exercises. Returning to the starting position, take a deep breath and return to the original position. At a more advanced stage, you can try to stay in the “flying” position for a few seconds.


A seemingly simple exercise that may surprise you, but shouldn't surprise you. One of the most important things when performing the Boat exercise is the location of the waist and hips . If you lie too far forward or backward, this exercise can be quite difficult. So place your stomach and chest on the balance sphere so that you can keep your arms and legs extended as long as possible . If your joined legs are causing you problems and finding balance in this position is very difficult for you, try spreading them apart at the beginning level. You can also try a more advanced version of this exercise with parallel arm and leg raises. gently push into their shoulders or hips during an exercise and force them to activate their core . Are you brave enough to try this challenging exercise?


At the gym(s), you may see fitness enthusiasts often practice this exercise on a weight bench, but on the balance sphere you'll playfully train your balance in addition to your spinal erectors, psoas, and sciatic muscles. Lie on your stomach in the middle of the sphere and try to bend over so that you find your center of gravity at the beginning and maintain your balance. Place both knees on the ground, place your hands behind your head or forearms, and in this position, engage your core, lift your shoulders, and pull your abs in . As you rise up, exhale and rise up until you feel a contraction in your buttocks and lower back. Exhale slowly and lower yourself down, try repeating as many times as possible. Again, if you want to make this exercise more challenging, lift your extended legs as well as your shoulders off the ground as you move up.

Rear delt exercise

The back deltoid exercise is one of the simplest exercises that we will present to you as inspiration for balance training . Start in the same starting position as the hyperextension, with your belly roughly in the middle of the balance sphere , your legs extended and your toes flat on the ground. If you find it difficult to remain stable in this position, spread your legs. Fix your entire strengthened body straight, keep your arms in the air, while your elbows should be at an angle of 90 degrees. Extend both arms until they reach approximately the level of your head in the top position. The back of the shoulders, middle and back deltoids, and core will be worked. More advanced athletes who can maintain balance without problems will become accustomed to lifting weights.

Research is key

  • The more rules, directions and criteria a game or exercise has, the more exclusive it becomes. Games, activities and equipment for children should allow them to interact and play while they discover things for themselves.
  • Equipment or environments that allow children to climb, crawl, hang, balance or experiment with other movement patterns gives them a sense of physical independence and increases their interest, motivation and excitement for activity.
  • Instructors should act as a safety net for safety, success, and less of a guide. While children explore freely, they develop extremely important motor skills!
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