The fastest kick ever. The strongest blow. Guinness Book of Records. The hardest hits in football

The strongest blow in the world

Among athletes of various sports, it is very difficult to determine who has the strongest blow in the world due to the lack of a complete system.
Experts, observers and just fans are accustomed to creating a wide variety of ratings. Currently, neither in the world of martial arts nor in other sports there is a universal approach to fixing the force of a blow.

The subjective opinion of judges, observers and opponents of the fights is used as an evaluation criterion. It is difficult to come to a consensus about the owner of the most powerful blow due to the presence of a large number of influencing criteria: height, weight, distance, position of the blow and other indicators important for the result.


In boxing, there are no general indicators for assessing the strength of a punch. The main criterion by which a boxer is recognized as a worthy opponent is knockout ability. This strength is usually boasted by fighters who are distinguished by their reaction speed, power and heavy fists.

The top opens with a legend in the world of boxing, who has no competitors among fighters - Mike Tyson with a punch force of up to 1800 psi (126.6 kgf/cm^2). The athlete still ranks first in the ranking of the world's outstanding knockout fighters, and not unfoundedly: out of 50 fights won, 44 ended in knockout. Tyson knew how to knock his opponents down even in the first rounds, leaving not the slightest chance of winning and maintaining a healthy smile.

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Mike Tyson's punch has crushing power.
Mike Tyson's most powerful weapon was his right side kick, which combined speed and strength, the balance of which aroused admiration among the spectators of his fights. The boxer himself once spoke about his own power, telling the story of his wife, who was dealt the strongest blow of her life. Afterwards, the woman flew 8 meters and crashed into a wall.

Another world-recognized boxer is Ernie Shavers. The power of his right cross was 1950 psi (137.1 kgf/cm^2), which justifies the nickname Black Destroyer, which the athlete received for his deadly statistics: the fighter has 68 knockouts and tenth place among the 100 strongest boxers in the world.

Comparing the power of Tyson's and Shavers' punches, heavyweight Larry Holmes compared Mike's punch to a collision with a Ferrari, and Ernie's to a truck. But, despite these facts, Shavers’s fight strategy was predictable: at first in the ring the athlete demonstrated aggressive behavior and could bully his opponent like a punching bag, but after a couple of rounds he slowed down.

Age is not a barrier to becoming a champion. This position was held by George Foreman, the most devastating older boxer with a punching force of 1900 psi (133.6 kgf/cm^2).

During his career, Foreman took part in 81 fights and finished 68 of them by knockout. The style of fighting through active pressure gave George victories, and with them mountains of broken bones and knocked out teeth of competitors from all over the planet.

Rating system

Boxing is the only type of professional martial arts that uses a system for assessing the strength of a blow.
During the match, the boxers are monitored by the CompuBox program. The system records and evaluates strikes, displaying their statistics and speed. Each fighter’s strike is unique, and it is very difficult to compare strength, taking into account weight, height, and position.

But to evaluate and standardize results internationally, the unit of measurement is psi (1 pound per square inch) or power is estimated in kg. The strength of a man's blow is estimated to be between 200-1000 kg. A value of 200 kg is a good indicator for a boxer weighing less than 70 kg. The upper figure applies to heavyweight athletes.

In boxing, hand movements are divided into pushing and sharp. From the hand, “Cross” (translated as “Cross”) is considered the most effective and powerful. It is applied directly. The athlete's body is tilted back, the dominant hand swings over the opponent's glove. The visual crossing of the opponents' arms gave it its name.

Push-ups with clapping

The clapping push-up exercise trains muscle groups such as trapezius, triceps and deltoids.

  1. You need to get into a position for standard push-ups.
  2. Start push-ups, but when the body reaches the floor and then goes up, and the arms begin to straighten, then you need to push off with your hands with a sharp movement and clap your hands.
  3. You need to land with both hands. And then prepare for a new approach.

Picture 1 – Push-ups with clapping

Important!!! If it is difficult to perform this complex, then you can simplify your task - do push-ups from your knees. Despite its simplicity, this exercise will strengthen your muscles. Later, when the muscles have become significantly stronger, you can try to perform the exercise not from your knees, but from your feet.

World record

Mike Tyson can rightfully be considered the most famous boxer.
The only result in the history of world martial arts included in the Guinness Book of Records - a punch - belongs to him and is 800 kg. Mike Tyson is a legendary athlete who has set many records. His boxing career started quickly. He won his first title at the age of 20, receiving the title of the youngest heavyweight champion.

He confirmed his title a year later, receiving the title of absolute champion in his weight and achieving a new record. Throughout his stellar career, Iron Mike has repeatedly shocked the world community with his eccentric antics and phenomenal achievements. Opponents evaluate a boxer's blow with the power of a ramming a sports Ferrari. Such power can not only knock out an opponent, but also lead to death.

Skier jumps

This exercise will also help strengthen your leg muscles. By performing it regularly, you can noticeably feel the difference when delivering side kicks.

  1. You need to stand on your left leg and bring your right leg behind your left.
  2. Now, with a sharp movement, push off with your left foot and jump onto your right foot. At the same time, bring your left leg behind your right.
  3. Now you need to repeat the movement. Simulating what you eat on skis.

Picture 6 – Skier jumps

Important!!! When landing, you need to bend your knees as much as possible. Jumps need to be made further, more intensely and higher. This will help increase the load.

Football records

Strikes are the main technique not only for the world of martial arts, but also for football.
The most powerful kick at the moment is considered to be a free kick from a Brazilian nicknamed the Hulk (name Givanildo Vieira de Souza) from a distance of 34 m. The speed of the ball was 214 km/h. The second most powerful result belongs to Lukas Podolski. In 2010, the German hit the ball at a speed of 201 km/h. The impact distance was only 16 m.

For a long time, Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha remained the absolute record holder for hitting power; the maximum flight speed of his ball was 198 km/h. He set the punching power record several times during his career, improving the result each time.

New stars appear among athletes every day, records are achieved, and results are updated. Human punching power is difficult to measure, and even more difficult to compare to other athletes.

Each achievement is unique depending on the athlete’s parameters and the current situation in the gaming arena, so identifying one single owner of the most powerful blow in the world is an almost impossible task.

Footballers with the most powerful kick

  1. Hulk (Shanghai SIPG club) - 214 km/h.
  2. Ronnie Eberson (Fortaleza) - 210 km/h
  3. Lukasz Podolski (retired) - 202 km/h.
  4. Roberto Carlos (retired) - 198 km/h.
  5. Stephen Reid (retired) - 189 km/h
  6. Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid) - 186 km/h.
  7. Wayne Rooney (Everton) - 180 km/h.
  8. Lionel Messi (Barcelona) - 179 km/h.
  9. Paul Scholes (retired) - 170 km/h.
  10. Alex Rodrigo Diaz da Costa (retired) - 165 km/h.

Although the most powerful shot in football so far belongs to the Hulk, the longest shot in football was not scored by the mighty Brazilian. This achievement belongs to Stoke City goalkeeper Asmir Begovic. During a match in the English Premier League (2013-2014 season), the ball sent by Asmir Begovic covered a distance of 91.9 meters and flew into the Southampton goal.

And the most spectacular and beautiful shots were made by Roberto Carlos. His free kick at the 1997 World Cup in the Brazil-France match became one of the legends of the sport. Fabien Barthez, the goalkeeper of the French national team, simply stood and watched as the ball flew into his goal in an unimaginable arc.

The strongest blow. Guinness Book of Records

People have always wanted to be famous, popular and recognized. Some achieve this through acting, others through their talent for making money.

But there are also those who have the physical ability to do incredible things that are impossible or very difficult to replicate. They set all kinds of records that glorify their skills throughout the world.

The Guinness Book of Records collects and records such achievements throughout planet Earth, bringing considerable pleasure to its readers. But many people don’t like the fact that there are such records that cannot be classified as competitive or sports - they are simply crazy or so meaningless that no one even has the desire to repeat them.

Also, the Guinness Book of Records does not record the force of impact in a particular sport. This is often due to the impossibility of instantly determining the force of the blow, as this forces a bunch of sensors to be connected, which can pose a danger to the athlete’s life during a fight.

But don’t worry, in this article you can find answers to such questions and understand who has the strongest blow in history.

Francis beat the Jackass actor's balls

Once upon a time, in an article dedicated to the bruiser Eric Ash, we talked about how Johnny Knoxville from the show “Jackass” tried to really fight this professional fighter. It all ended predictably: Knoxville was completely cut down.

"Jackass 4". 0:17 – Ngannou appears. 0:48 – Ngannou kicks Eren’s balls.

This did not stop Johnny, and he continued the “pranks” in the same spirit. Recently the show reached Francis Ngannou. In Jackass 4, expected on February 4, 2022, Knoxville's comrade Eren McGee will receive a full blow to the groin from the Cameroonian. Even if it’s through protective bondage, it will obviously hurt. At the time of writing, the full film is not yet available, but the trailer shows the punch in all its glory:

It's hard to judge

As already mentioned, it is very difficult to determine the force of the blow. For example, in football you cannot run with a football player all the time and measure the speed of the ball, or in boxing it is impossible to stand in the ring with athletes and record the power of each blow thrown.

But sports fans, as well as experts and observers, often make their own ratings in which they note the achievements in strength of certain athletes.

When answering the question of who has the strongest blow, it is impossible to give a definite answer, since strength depends on many factors. An important point is which limb struck and under what circumstances.

In addition, an important point is the ratio of the athlete’s weight to the force of his blow. Of course, the force released is affected by the ejected mass and the speed of the impact. But it very often happens when an athlete weighs 50 kg less, and his impact force approaches that of heavyweights over 120 kg.


In hockey, as in any other sport, the professional performance of players is compared and recorded: impact power, passing accuracy and power technique. Among those who have repeatedly scored the puck into the goal, there are those whose successes have become records that no one has yet managed to break.

Al Aefate is the first to set a record for the most powerful puck throw. The Boston Bruins player launched the puck at a speed of 156 km/h, and a couple of years later he increased the result to 170 km/h. Al's teammate, Zdeno Chara, set a new bar - 175 km/h. Russian hockey player Denis Kulyash from Omsk Avangard was able to surpass his overseas opponent. Thanks to the force of the impact, the puck reached a speed of 177 km/h. This brought the athlete fame and a place in the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.

Powerful Mike

It was believed that he had the most powerful hand blow. On many rides where you need to hit a special bag to test the force of the blow, there is a photo of Mike. It is written on them that the force of his hand strike is 800 kg.

This figure is truly outstanding, and we can say that he has the strongest blow in boxing. Considering the fact that to knock out another person, it is enough to have a blow with a force of about 15 kilograms, but you need to hit him clearly in the jaw with a sharp throw of the hand in a circular path - this is truly amazing power.

Money in the ass and a Spanish prison - Francis' long journey to Europe

At first, everything went well; his Cameroon had a visa-free regime with Nigeria, so Francis crossed the country in a few days. But in neighboring Niger, things did not go well. There, Ngannou was already listed as an illegal immigrant, and the police constantly extorted bribes from him. If they did not receive it, he was forced to undress, searched, and all the cash was taken away. In short, Ngannou, like other migrants, began to practice the most ingenious ways to save money. As Francis himself said:

“We learned to wrap money in paper and swallow it. If you don’t swallow, the money won’t be hidden anywhere else, and it will be taken away. And without money you can’t survive any longer. So we swallowed the money, someone wrapped it in plastic, and then, of course, we had to “find” it.

But this was not the most disgusting thing on his way. Francis had to cross the Sahara in the company of other immigrants. They were driven by an experienced conductor in a Toyota Tacoma pickup truck, with 25 people crammed into the back of it. The driver immediately warned that he would not stop, and if someone fell out, he would remain in the desert. It was so cramped and so terrible in the car that one girl could not stand it and wanted to throw her infant child “overboard.” Fortunately, one of the neighbors took him into his arms.

Having reached Algeria, the migrants dreamed of only one thing - to drink water. But the farmer whose land they were on promised that he would shoot them if they approached his well. The fugitives had to wait until nightfall and drink secretly, fearing a shot. The water was dirty and smelled terrible. As Francis later said:

“It was so dirty there. I could drink this water and die, but if I didn't drink this water, I would still die. And I drank it."

After Algeria, Ngannou moved to Morocco. Together with other migrants, he bought an inflatable boat and was able to reach Europe on the seventh attempt. Moreover, when they sailed through the Mediterranean Sea, they were washed up on a small island with a beach almost the size of a kitchen table. Having landed there, the migrants lost their last hope and wanted to return back to Africa, but Francis took an oar and threatened to break their heads if they decided to do this.

As a result, they finally ended up in Spain, where Ngannou was thrown into a local prison for two months while the official decided whether to grant him refugee status or not. After he was finally allowed to stay in Europe, he moved to France, where he lived with temporary jobs and slept at a gas station, since he did not have money for housing. As a result, one of his friends took him to boxing. There, coach Fernand Lopez, who noticed that his ward had nowhere to live, allowed him to sleep in the gym, and at the same time convinced him to switch to mixed martial arts.

As the coach himself said: “My colleague called me and said that some huge guy wants to train in our gym. The next day I went to the gym and Francis was there. I talked to him, gave him two bags full of clothes, equipment and gloves and said: “Please do MMA”... He asked to leave his bags in the gym because it was not safe for him to be outside. At that moment I realized that he was homeless. I invited him to spend the night in the hall. In the meantime, we began to look for decent housing for him.”

Having gained shape, Ngannou began performing in various promotions in 2013, and already in 2015 he entered the UFC, where he made a splash, receiving the nickname “Predator”.

Who owns the strongest kick?

No less concerned is the issue of incredibly strong kicks. Initially, it was believed that only karatekas and taekwondoists became the owners of such blows with the lower limbs.

But recently, thanks to mixed tournaments, Muay Thai and Ultimate Fighting have been added to the martial arts in which the most powerful kicks are performed.

From time to time, various television shows are shown with popular fighters, in which the strength of their punches is compared. But the results of such experiments are often subjective. After all, each of them has their own execution technique, and this significantly affects the output power.

So, for example, a kick performed by a mixed style heavy league fighter Mirko Cro Cop reaches a power of 2703 kg! Let's compare the strength of this blow with the capabilities of Mike Zambidis, who, weighing 70 kilograms, manages to hit with a force of 1870 kg with his right foot.

Of course, it is not clear how and where the strength of fighters’ blows is measured, but it is difficult to deny that it is better not to pester them in a dark alley.

High kick technique

Let's look at the technique of performing a high kick from a classic position - a fighting stance.

  1. Push off sharply with your kicking leg and transfer your body weight to your supporting leg.
  2. Simultaneously with performing step 1, begin lifting the kicking leg, combining it with bending at the knee.
  3. In this case, the shin should be pressed to the thigh, and the foot should be pulled down.
  4. By turning the foot of the supporting leg, turn the body towards the opponent.
  5. Raising the knee of the striking leg as much as possible, sharply throw the shin forward and upward, striking with its lower third or ankle into the selected area of ​​the opponent.
  6. The movement of the lower leg must be accompanied by turning the foot of the supporting leg inward with the heel at an angle of 45-50 degrees.
  7. When striking, the supporting leg should be slightly bent at the knee and the torso tilted back. These actions are necessary to maintain balance and avoid falling.
  8. When performing a strike, the kicking leg must be tense to the limit.
  9. After the strike is completed, you must immediately return the leg back along the same trajectory.

Upon completion of the last action, you should immediately take a combat stance.

Elbow and knee strikes

Muay Thai fighters are rightfully considered true masters of striking with knees and elbows. In competitions, very often they literally cut the opponent’s skin with such blows.

Because of this, very often you can see a bloody spectacle, rather than a duel. Some people like it, some don't. Of course, due to less leverage the blow is more powerful.

But can everything be measured in kilograms per square centimeter? Impact force is a relative indicator that must be correlated with efficiency. The Thais prove that with a weight of 40-50 kilograms, you can deliver blows that can knock out your opponent the first time.

As a child, Francis fought with a rat over a rotten tomato.

Francis Ngannou was born on September 5, 1986, and fate immediately prepared a series of serious trials for him. He was born in, to put it mildly, the poor Cameroonian village of Batye, and his parents divorced soon after his birth. The family was supported by one mother. Little Francis knows firsthand what a hungry childhood and abject poverty are like. At school, which took two hours to get to, the children avoided him because he always looked ragged; his family didn’t even have enough money for new notebooks, so he had to write in old ones, finding free space in the corners.

And communication didn’t work out: parents gave other children food to school to refresh themselves, and they shared it with each other—the school fraternity in Cameroon was largely built on this. Ngannou never had anything with him, and he had nothing to share in response. So among his peers he became a black sheep.

Due to constant hunger, he was often forced to rummage through garbage dumps and even fight with local rats for the food he found there. As the fighter himself said: “You would have to go to the market at night to find food in the garbage. Sometimes you argue with a rat in a garbage dump: “Get away from this tomato, it’s mine, this rotten tomato is mine, not yours!”

Young Francis Ngannou

In order to at least somehow eat and have pocket money, ten-year-old Francis went to work in a sand quarry - loading sand with a shovel into approaching dump trucks. Unable to compete with adults, he was forced to work during the rainy season when other workers refused to come out. The boy had to move very quickly in order to at least warm up a little under the lashing rain.

So seven years passed; Later, Ngannou was able to buy himself a motorcycle and drive a taxi in order to somehow earn a living. All this time, his idol was Mike Tyson. In fact, Francis took up boxing to become like him. At the age of 26, he realized that Africa was too small for him and decided to move to Europe. But it turned out to be damn difficult.

What were the players able to celebrate?

Football is called the game of millions. Indeed, millions of television viewers gather to watch football matches, not to mention tens of thousands of fans on football fields.

Football is the most popular game. Football players must be able to kick the ball strongly and accurately to score a goal.

And in this field, football experts and journalists very often point out players who deliver blows that are simply incredible in strength.

Today, the holder of the title “The Strongest Shot of a Footballer” is the midfielder of the Brazilian national team Givanildo Vieira de Souza. He is known to everyone as the Hulk.

Incredibly, while playing against the Shakhtar Donetsk team, he was able to score a goal with a ball that flew into the net at a speed of 214 km/h. The goalkeeper, of course, could not do anything.

For example, the legendary football player Roberto Carlos, who was also a member of the Brazilian national team at one time, was able to hit the ball at a speed of 198 kilometers per hour. Since then, he has long been considered the player with the most powerful strike in the history of football.

Of course, such records of football players are not included in the Guinness Book of Records, but it is simply impossible not to talk about them.


According to the Guinness Book of Records, the brightest serve in tennis belongs to Horst Goepper. The ball, which the enemy failed to hit, flew at a speed of 320 km/h. This serve is considered the strongest in the history of tennis competition.

Serbian tennis player Milos Raonic, who showed impressive results in 2016, is not far behind Goepper. Thanks to strength, experience and a clearly planned strategy on the field, the athlete managed to hit the ball so that it picked up a speed of 250 km/h.

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Venus Williams accelerated the ball to 209 km/h with her serve.
Among the representatives of the fair sex, the only four-time women's tennis champion, Venus Williams, can safely boast of the power of her serve. The athlete holds a serve of 209 km/h, as well as records at Grand Slam tournaments.

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