Circuit training at home: 6 ready-made plans for men and women

There are many options for exercising at home, but one of the most popular regimens for losing weight and burning fat is circuit training. We offer you a ready-made exercise scheme for circuit training at home for men and women, which will help you lose weight, burn excess fat, strengthen the muscles of the whole body, and improve the quality of the body.

We offer you 6 options for circuit training:

  1. Circuit training for the whole body without equipment (for women)
  2. Full body circuit training without equipment (for men)
  3. Full body circuit training with dumbbells (for women)
  4. Full body circuit training with dumbbells (for men)
  5. Circuit training for belly fat loss (for women and men)
  6. Circuit training for buttocks and abdomen on the floor (for women)

How to do circuit training?

Circuit training is a set of 5-10 exercises for the whole body, which are repeated in several circles. You can independently choose for yourself a list of exercises, the duration of their implementation and the number of circles.

Circuit training at home takes place at a fast pace, the exercises are performed one after another without a break or with a short break, there is a stop only directly between the circles. You can train either with your own body weight or using additional equipment.

Circuit training at home for girls and men usually involves exercises for all muscle groups of the upper and lower body. Even if you only need to correct, for example, your hips, do not forget about exercises for your arms and abdomen. More varied exercises and loading as many muscles as possible will help you burn more calories, which means your workout will be more effective. If you have a particular problem area, you can add exercises to the circle that focus on that area.

Basic rules for circuit training at home:

  • Circuit training includes 5-10 strength or cardio exercises that target the entire body.
  • Exercises in circuit training are performed in one approach one after another without a break (or with a minimum break of 10-20 seconds).
  • The set of exercises is performed on a count or for a time at your discretion (at least 10 repetitions or at least 20 seconds in time).
  • Between circles in home circuit training, you are supposed to rest for 1-3 minutes.
  • Determine the number of laps yourself, but most often circuit training lasts about 30 minutes.

If you want to improve your body quality or lose weight, then do circuit training at home 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes (excluding warm-up and cool-down). Since you are working out at home without a trainer, adjust your load yourself. Don't overdo it, but don't forget that without progress there will be no result. Gradually increase the training time, increase the weight of the dumbbells, reduce the rest time between circles, and speed up the speed of the exercises.

Benefits of circuit training for weight loss:

  • Through circuit training you will burn fat and improve your body quality. Exercises for all muscle groups will make your body toned and elastic without problem areas.
  • Circuit training strengthens muscles and increases cardiac and muscular endurance. This is an excellent cardiovascular workout.
  • You can always independently adjust the duration and intensity of the circuit training. These programs are easy to follow, very flexible and convenient.
  • This is a great time saver, since circuit training at home has a high energy consumption. They help speed up metabolism and launch additional fat burning processes in the body.
  • You will need minimal additional equipment for classes.

Contraindications for circuit training:

  • Weak physical fitness (newcomers to sports).
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Recent surgery or injury.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system or joints.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period for women (minimum 2 months).

If you have any medical conditions that are incompatible with vigorous activity, consult your doctor before performing circuit training at home.

Tips for doing circuit training at home:

  • Be sure to start your workout with a warm-up and end with a cool-down (stretching), their duration should be at least 5 minutes.
  • Always do circuit training, even at home, wearing sports shoes (sneakers).
  • Don't forget about water! Drink 1 glass of water 30 minutes before your workout and 1 glass of water after your workout. During the lesson, try to be sure to drink water every 10 minutes, taking several small sips.
  • Do not train on a full stomach; food intake should be 1.5-2 hours before circuit training.
  • Circuit training at home should include exercises for all muscle groups. But you can include exercises only for the target area (for example, only for the legs or for the abdomen) if it is problematic for you.
  • Remember that to lose weight it is important not only to exercise regularly, but also to maintain your daily calorie intake. Even daily workouts will not lead you to results without proper nutrition.

Check out our 5 day Tabata plan:

  • Mon: Tabata workout for the abdomen
  • VT: Low Impact Tabata Full Body
  • SR: Intensive Tabata for legs and buttocks
  • CT: Full Standing Low Impact Tabata
  • PT: Intense Tabata Full Body

What is group training

Group training is a method of active learning for 2 or more people, which involves replenishing the existing knowledge base, developing existing skills in the field of communication, as well as their correction. The forms used during such a lesson are divided into 2 large categories:

  • aimed at improving social skills (conversation, optimal conflict resolution);
  • honing the ability to competently analyze communicative situations (adequate self-analysis, analysis of the interlocutor and the group of discussants).

In Russia, group trainings are used quite widely today. First of all, they are in demand as part of the training and advanced training of specialists in various fields of activity: psychologists, doctors, teachers, managers. In addition, they are used to teach employees to adjust their behavior during conflicts, improve relationships between children and their parents, help adolescents with social and psychological adaptation, and so on.

History of origin

In addition to Dale Carnegie, a significant contribution to the development of group training was made by the German and then American psychologist Kurt Zadek Lewin. In 1946, he and his colleagues became the founders of training groups (the so-called T-groups), the main goal of which was to increase the level of competence during communication. They were able to find out that the analysis of personal experiences brings more benefits to participants in a group format. The success of Kurt Lewin's followers became the foundation for the opening of the National Training Laboratory in the United States of America. Here, in T-groups, managers, executives and even political leaders were trained. They acquired and improved the skills of high-quality interpersonal interaction, effective conflict resolution within organizations, honed their ability to manage people and strengthen team cohesion.

In 1954, training groups appeared with a focus on defining human values, awakening and increasing self-understanding. They came to be called sensitivity groups . The main goals of the classes were the development of psychological observation, the ability to correctly interpret verbal and non-verbal signals received from the interlocutor, as well as predict the behavior of other people.

In the 1960s, trainings aimed at developing life and social skills (problem solving, critical thinking, self-management, communication, being persistent, self-confident) emerged as a separate movement. The developers of methods for such activities were based on the traditions of humanistic psychology created by Carl Rogers. They were most often used as part of professional training and advanced training for teachers, managers and consultants.

In the 1970s, socio-psychological training was “born”. It owes its appearance to the German philosopher and psychologist Manfred Vorwerg, who led the development of this teaching method. Its main form was special role-playing games interspersed with dramatization. They created favorable conditions for the successful development of communication skills.

Psychological trainings in the USSR were conducted in the “Little Prince” club, created in 1981 by Russian psychologist Arkady Egides. They were mainly devoted to the culture of communication. Psychologist and teacher Nikolai Kozlov conducted his first classes there. Later, in 1983, he founded his own training, which still operates today.

In 1989, personal growth training was brought to Russia from the United States by the wife of one of the founders of the Lifespring non-profit foundation, Candice Henley. The classes contained elements of psychotherapy and involved the trainer taking participants out of their so-called comfort zone. Some of them were extremely cruel and even ended tragically, which led to numerous lawsuits. In the States, Lifespring was recognized as a destructive cult in the 1990s and was closed due to the deaths of at least 6 people during the training process, proven in court. In the Russian Federation today this organization is also classified as a destructive psychocult.

In the 1990s, group trainings in Russia gained high popularity. Their demand does not decrease in the 2020s. Already open ones are developing and new ones are appearing: “Position” in Moscow, “Master Class” in St. Petersburg, “Your World” in Samara, “Alpha People” in Novosibirsk and so on).

Difference from other teaching methods

How does training differ from lecture, seminar and simulation methods? The fact that during the lesson the main emphasis is on the active development of a person’s ability to learn and acquire new communication skills. If you study the topics of the most popular business trainings, it will become clear that it is closely related to communication: negotiations, successful sales techniques, improving leadership skills.

Psychologists say that the productivity of group classes is higher than individual ones. It turns out that the whole point is the so-called herd effect - a person who is part of a group has higher suggestibility than those outside it. Its participants learn from each other: they share their own experiences and get the opportunity to practice their acquired skills on each other.

Within the group, team members can conduct experiments, trying out different styles of relationships. If you do this at work or in other real-life conditions, there is an extremely high risk of encountering at least misunderstanding, and at most aggressive rejection and penalties. A training group is a kind of training ground where you can practice different models of behavior and observe the results.


The group form gives the trainer or psychologist (ideal when it is the same person) advantages that are not available in an individual lesson. Its main advantages:

  1. The group is a mirror image of society with all its nuances. At the same time, its participants receive protection from the adverse influence of external society, since they are in special conditions that force them to reflect and comprehend their own behavior. Intragroup interactions also help hone various social skills.
  2. Each group member learns new ways of communication and contact with partners, and reaches a higher level of communication.
  3. During group training, you can give and receive feedback much better than in an individual lesson. This is most clearly expressed in mutual support: participants can empathize with each other, putting themselves in the partner’s place and trying on his role.
  4. The experience gained in the group helps to combat closedness and alienation, solve interpersonal problems, and “warm” relationships with others.
  5. During group training, it is easier for participants to open up and engage in self-knowledge. They gain the ability to compare their actions and feelings with the feelings and behavior of others. This encourages them to explore themselves and those around them.
  6. Due to the need to contact others, training participants experience tension, which helps them better cope with various psychological problems.
  7. Working in a group involves several people at the same time, so the results obtained will be more tangible and noticeable than after individual lessons.

Properties of the complex

There are several features of the circuit training method:

  • According to the form. This is a specially designed system for performing exercises in a continuous manner.
  • Within the meaning of. This is a combination of training programs aimed at developing physical qualities.
  • In fact. This is a physical exercise program that includes a set of strictly defined methods for performing tasks.
  • To perform physical exercises, trainees are divided into groups. Each of them is placed on an individual site, where sports equipment and necessary equipment are prepared in advance. It is advisable that each group consist of an even number of people, then they will be able to complete tasks in pairs.

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    According to the recommendations of experts, the complex of the circular training method should consist of 10-12 exercises. If this is a special focus, 6-8 is enough. The average time to complete each element is 30-40 seconds, and the same amount is the rest interval. All exercises take about 10-15 minutes.

    An important point is load dosing. Already from the first lesson, trainees are given a goal - to perform the maximum possible number of repetitions in a certain period of time. Load control is determined during breaks by measuring heart rate. Based on the indicators, an individual load is selected for each person.

History of origin and development

Initially, circuit training was created in England as an innovation in physical culture. It was developed by R. Morgan and G. Adamson in 1952-1958. The set of exercises involved the use of four main muscle groups. The technique was proposed to be used for training schoolchildren and students, but it has also become popular among athletes.

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In the Soviet Union, the circuit training method began to be practiced in 1955 with the goal of increasing motor density when performing physical exercises.

The new approach used in the training of professional athletes of various types has proven itself to be one of the most effective in increasing the degree of physical fitness. The introduction of such a set of exercises allows you to integrate general training into special training.

System of rules

As already mentioned, the use of the circular method in sports training is based on the constant cyclic repetition of a set of physical exercises in a limited period of time. It is important to note that these classes are subject to a set of rules, thanks to which performance is significantly increased:

  • The circuit can be considered completed only after all exercises have been completed in a certain sequence.
  • The rest period must be observed according to the method used.
  • After completing a full cycle of exercises and before starting a new circle, rest for at least 2-3 minutes. The exact respite time depends on the number of elements completed.
  • Each exercise should be repeated at least 10 times in each area. As the level of complexity of the training process increases, the number of repetitions increases to 30.
  • The training should be carried out with at least three rounds of exercises.
  • The use of a certain approach directly depends on the age of the trainee, goals and level of training.
  • Classes using this method can be implemented in several single or combined options.
  • Let's sum it up

    One of the prerequisites for successfully achieving production goals is team cohesion. Friendly, friendly communication during and after working hours, assistance, support and mutual assistance are the key to a healthy socio-psychological microclimate in it. Psychologists say that the quality of relationships between employees largely influences the attitude towards one’s field of activity, the level of motivation and the desire for professional growth. The better they are, the higher the performance of the whole team will be. That is why it is important to periodically conduct group trainings at the enterprise. After all, prevention is always cheaper than “treating” existing problems. In addition, such exercises allow you to avoid them in the future, maintaining the smooth functionality and efficiency of the team of workers.

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