How to pump up your abs at home: super-effective exercises for men and women

Author of the article

Andrey Belozertsev

Drawing up programs for effective muscle mass gain.

When there is very little time left before vacation, and we really want to look good on the beach, we ask ourselves the question: is it possible to pump up abs in three months?

With the proper desire, patience and self-discipline, this is truly possible.

During this time, it is impossible to get abs like an experienced bodybuilder, but tidying up your body at least a little is quite achievable.

After three months of training, you can feel much more confident on the beach or just in open and tight clothes.

Anatomy: structure of the press

Many people are interested in how to pump up their abs quickly and efficiently. In order to properly work out the abs, you need to know the anatomical structure of the muscles.

The abdominal press consists of four muscle groups:

  • The rectus muscle is responsible for the treasured cubes.
  • The oblique muscles of the abdomen are located on the sides of the torso and are responsible for the formation of a beautiful waist. That is why women pay special attention to them.
  • Internal oblique muscle - performs the same functions.
  • The transverse muscle is the internal support of the abs. It is this muscle that is responsible for the strength of the press and its endurance.


We are very grateful to all visitors to the site https:// for their moral support, as well as for their help in the development of our project and in the creation of this book.

We would like to say special thanks to Sergei Bibin, Maxim Voevodin, Alexey Krasavtsev, Alena Lantukh and Andrei Nikolaevich Shikhalev, who provided invaluable assistance in creating the book.

We personally thank Maxim Voevodin for his help in creating illustrations for our book.

And of course, we express our deep gratitude to our wonderful parents, without whom this book would never have been published!

We hope that each reader, having studied and adopted our experience, will be able to extract the maximum useful information for himself. And it will help you finally develop the beautiful abdominal muscles you dream of!

Vasily Ulyanov and Alexey Tolkachev http: / /

Stage one: fighting belly fat

So that pumping up the press is not pointless, it is necessary to prepare a springboard for the cubes. Pumping up your abs in 3 weeks is possible, but to do this you must first get rid of belly fat. It’s just that our body is designed in such a way that it is impossible to remove belly fat, but you can only reduce the overall percentage of fat in the body. And this can be achieved not only with the help of diets (if you use only them, the fat will soon return again), but by completely adjusting your diet.

Abs start in the kitchen

The saying about “70% of abs is done in the kitchen”, in general, is not a saying at all, but a truth cast in granite. The abdominal muscles are perhaps the most dependent on fat deposits. Historically, the lower abdomen accumulates the most strategic reserves, which the body aims to use in lean years. And since people, for the most part, left the cave a relatively long time ago, hunger still does not occur. But your body doesn’t realize that there’s a McDonald’s and a couple of shawarma shops across the street from you, so you no longer need to replenish the storage space around your waist. So you can endlessly hold a plank, do crunches and die on a Roman chair, but nothing will help you: no one, even the most pumped up abs, has ever coped with a ten-centimeter pillow on his stomach. You might as well buy a Maserati and put it in your grandfather's shell garage. So I’m sorry, but you’ll read about the abs themselves a little later, but for now let’s talk about nutrition.


You can normalize your diet only according to certain rules.

Calorie calculation

To prevent fat from accumulating in the body, you need to spend as many calories as you take in. Therefore, for fat to go away, you just need to burn more calories than you absorb.

Proper nutrition for the abs should be like this:

  • Divide your daily diet into five or six meals. But taking into account the fact that the portions will have to be made smaller. The main thing is to avoid long breaks between meals.
  • Stop consuming high-calorie foods. Eliminate fried, flour and sweets from your diet.
  • Avoid alcohol, it inhibits fat burning and increases appetite.
  • And most importantly, watch your calories. Calculating calories is not such a difficult process, especially since the latest technology allows you to do it online.

Preference for proteins

Having gotten rid of fat, it is necessary to supply the body with building material for muscles. And this is nothing more than protein. Therefore, priority in food should be given to protein products. 30% of the total diet should be protein foods.

And the most protein is found in foods such as:

  • dietary meat (poultry, rabbit, beef);
  • fish;
  • legumes;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dairy products.

Vegetables and fruits

Eat vegetables and fruits. They are an ideal substitute for junk food and will saturate the body when it demands food. And they will not only protect you from fat, but also add essential vitamins to your body. Some vegetables are a real storehouse of protein. In addition, they will improve your metabolism, which will become your main assistant in pumping up your abs.

Drinking regime

There are many videos on how to quickly pump up six-pack abs in 3 weeks at home. But nowhere is it said about the influence of water on this process. Consuming plenty of water is one of the main rules for losing weight. And, of course, this rule is perfect for pumping up the abs. You need to drink 2-3 liters of water per day. Naturally, not in one sitting. You need to distribute this process throughout the day.

Doctors recommend drinking two glasses of water before meals; this will help you eat less. It is also useful to drink water immediately after waking up; this ritual will “start” the body and intestines for the whole day. And, of course, drinking the last glass of water before bed, firstly, it will curb your appetite, and, secondly, it will not add calories in any way.

Sample menu

Here is an example of a menu that can become the basis for creating an individual diet “for yourself.”

With this menu, pumping up your abs will not be in vain:

  1. Breakfast - an omelet of 2-3 egg whites and one yolk, a piece of toasted bread, freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Lunch – 150-200 g of meat (preferably cooked in the oven), 200-300 g of vegetable salad, juice and fish oil.
  3. Lunch – 100-150 g of porridge (any), 200-300 g of vegetable salad, fruit.
  4. Afternoon snack – boiled or baked meat – 200 g, vegetable salad, juice.
  5. Dinner – 200 g of cottage cheese, some fruit (except bananas and grapes) or green vegetables, tea without sugar.

By following these simple rules, you can take a huge step towards sculpted cubes.

Lifestyle and genes

Now that we know that genes influence body composition and the amount of fat deposits on it, let's talk about something specific. Namely, about one specific gene that was discovered relatively recently in 2007, the fat gene.

This gene determines the number of fat cells in the body and where they will be distributed. By the end of puberty, this gene will almost complete its work, and your body will have as much fat as was programmed by nature.

So it should work normally.

Recent research has shown that lifestyle and environment have a direct impact on genes in general . In the case of the fat gene, diet and lifestyle can either increase or decrease the number of fat cells in the body.

An unhealthy diet and an inactive lifestyle can turn your body into a big bag of fat, with more fat than nature originally intended.

Knowing this, you can try to adjust your lifestyle and diet so that the fat gene works correctly.

In my opinion, the right diet is the key to getting six-pack abs at home. It doesn't matter how well you exercise if you eat a lot of fatty and sugary foods day after day.

Again, each of us needs a different meal plan to lose fat and lose weight. It will depend on your body type and body fat percentage. There are a great many diets to choose from, but I personally follow 5 rules that helped me lose weight and get rid of belly fat.

  • I eat a lot of protein foods.
  • My last meal is 3 hours before bed.
  • I do not eat foods containing large amounts of unhealthy carbohydrates, namely bread, buns, crackers and other fast food.
  • I eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts and other foods that are healthy and have been proven to reduce body fat, including belly fat.
  • I drink a lot of water.

Aerobic training

Strength training and regular abdominal exercises will help you build muscle, diet will help you burn fat, but there is a universal way to pump up your stomach. This method is aerobic training. They involve several muscle groups at the same time and under the same load, and also use a lot of oxygen. They are also called cardio training.

These include:

  1. Running is the most accessible type of aerobic exercise. Running 20 minutes a day or 40 minutes three times a week is enough to move towards your goal.
  2. Walking - moving over long distances is also quite suitable for primary purposes if for some reason you cannot run.
  3. Cycling allows you to increase the load compared to walking and diversify the exercises compared to running.
  4. Sports games - suitable for those who are completely bored with running, walking or cycling.

The right amount of exercise

Sometimes people, having decided to change their body and really pump up their abs, rush from one extreme to another. They spend hours on the treadmill or in the gym, sweating profusely.

This approach doesn't work.

First, the body will quickly adapt to long-term cardio training, which will become even longer over time. Here you can safely ask the question: in how many months can you pump up your abs, because you will have to wait a very long time for the result.

Excessively intense and/or long-term workouts increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

In small doses, cortisol promotes fat burning. But when its levels are too high for a long time, the exact opposite happens. The body begins not only to accumulate fat, but also to break down muscle.

Losing muscle mass can affect the body in a number of ways, weakening the body and increasing the risk of injury. Moreover, increased cortisol slows down metabolism.

Even while the muscles are burning calories.

And if you exercise correctly, your metabolism will occur faster, even after training and several days later.

Short, intense workouts that focus on strength put the body into a state called the afterburn effect (EROC). During and after exercise, muscles need oxygen to create fuel and to recover from exertion.

Interestingly, every liter of oxygen the body uses consumes 5 calories. This means that after a workout, muscles burn more calories than usual just because they are trying to recover.

This will only happen if the training plan is built correctly.

High intensity interval training has the greatest impact on EPOC.

You can do walking, running, aerobics, etc. It is better to train 3-4 times a week so that the muscles have time to rest and recover.

Hours of training in the gym will not bring the desired results for the abdominal muscles.

Stage two: Abdominal muscle training

Having dealt with fat deposits, you can finally get serious about training your abs. Here you need to immediately decide what goal to pursue: just pump up your abs and get a flat stomach, or you can pump up 4 abs in a month. And how to structure your training depends on this decision.

It should be said right away that any abdominal exercise pumps it up completely, even if it is stated as pumping up the lower abs, all groups of abdominal muscles will pump up. There is only one feature - the level of load, it can be different. If your goal is a flat stomach, then you can choose your favorite exercises and work until it becomes hard as a board. If the goal is cubes, then you need to divide the exercises into abdominal muscle groups and also pump them until relief appears.

Stage No. 2

Distinctive features of the next level:

  1. The workout increases in duration due to new abdominal exercises, the number of which at this stage will be six.
  2. The load must constantly increase. If you are not too tired after finishing the exercises, do an additional set with fewer repetitions.
  3. The pause between exercises should not exceed 5 seconds.
  4. Perform one set of each exercise.

Rules for home training

Building abs is not an easy process, but there is also a pleasant moment in it. And this point is that, apart from your body, you don’t need anything else for training. No machines, no partners, just you and your abs. And if so, then you can train at home.

Let's look at how a man can quickly and effectively pump up his abs at home. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  1. The room should be well ventilated; oxygen is required for training.
  2. You should not exercise immediately after eating. You need to wait at least an hour.
  3. After training, it is not advisable to binge on food; it is better to abstain from food for a couple of hours.

Features and training mode

Observe the following rules:

  1. Before training, warming up is mandatory.
  2. Perform the exercises at a calm, slow pace.
  3. Don't exercise on the couch, only a hard surface.
  4. Avoid performing exercises with straight legs to avoid injury.
  5. Build your workout in such a way that you first load the lower abs, then the oblique muscles, and then the upper ones.

It is advisable to exercise daily. But if it doesn’t work out every day, then you can do it three times a week, only with the condition of training until the muscles completely fail. In order to get flat abs at home, the load should increase with each new workout.

Genetics and body type

Each person loses weight or burns fat differently.

Depending on genetics, a person’s body parameters can be classified into one of three body types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.

Ectomorphs are naturally slender and have problems gaining weight, while endomorphs gain weight more easily and quickly and are prone to obesity. Mesomorphs are in between the first two types, they have an athletic build and can manage their weight without much effort.

Few of us have a specific body type. You are most likely a mixture of all three types, with a tendency towards one particular type.

Our genetics influences more than just our body composition.

It also affects how and where fat is stored in the body. So before your body decides to burn belly fat, you can lose weight in your arms and legs.

This means that the coveted 6 pack appears only after you have spent fat in other places on your body.

The news, of course, is not pleasant, but not everything is as hopeless as you think. Believe me.


Let's move on to exercises that will help you get sculpted abs on your stomach. And first we will look at the plank exercise. We highlight it separately for the simple reason that it is a universal exercise for the abs. And not only for the abs, but for the whole body: the muscles of the back, arms, shoulders and legs are also involved in the exercise.

And it’s quite simple to do: you just need to lie face down on the floor and rest on your outstretched, straight arms and toes. Stay in this position for several minutes. The main difficulty in the exercise lies in the static position - you cannot move or arch your back.

To increase the load on certain parts of the press, some plank options are possible. You can focus on one arm with your torso turned to the side, you can pull your legs up to one of your arms, etc.

Lower abs exercises

We offer several options that work well:

  • Reverse crunches are the most effective way to pump up your abs in 5 minutes a day. The technique is to lie on the floor on your back, stretch your arms along your torso and raise your straight legs up until they make an angle of 90 degrees with your torso. Next, you need to use your abdominal muscles to lift your pelvis and straight legs, so that your legs pull behind your head. Having reached the highest point of your capabilities, return to the starting position. Do the exercise at a slow pace, and maintain it in the negative phase. This is the most effective way to pump up your abs in 5 minutes.
  • Leg raises - this exercise is useful in the initial stages of training. You just need to lie on the floor and slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to your body. Then lower it just as slowly, but not all the way. After 10 centimeters remain between the legs and the floor, start a new repetition. To increase the load in this exercise, you can lift your legs while hanging on the bar. According to professionals, this exercise will help quickly pump up the six-pack on a girl’s stomach.
  • Bike. Take a horizontal position and place your hands behind your head. Starting the exercise, stretch your right knee to your left elbow, and vice versa. The unused leg should be straight and flat on the floor.
  • Scissors . Starting position, as in previous exercises. Start the exercise by raising your legs to a level of 40 degrees from the floor, and then alternately swing your right and left legs up and down. You cannot lower your feet to the floor until the end of the exercise.
  • V-shaped crunches . At the beginning of the exercise, take a horizontal position. Then perform a simultaneous lifting of straight legs and outstretched arms until they touch. This is a very hard exercise, but it is ideal for getting six-pack abs.
  • Burpees. Squat down so that your knees touch your chest and place your hands on the floor. The exercise consists of sharply pushing off with your legs and straightening them back, and then also sharply returning to the starting position.
  • Climber. Take a lying position and begin to alternately pull up and remove your left leg towards your left hand, and your right leg towards your right.

Pumping up your lower abs is the most difficult thing to do, and you can’t do it without a diet.

Exercise No. 5

Lying on your back, stretch your arms with your palms to the floor along your body, raise your slightly bent legs at a right angle. We use our hands as supports and relax our neck.

We lift the pelvis off the floor, straining the lower abdominals as much as possible, and lift it up. We hold the position for a few seconds. Then carefully and slowly lower the pelvis and return to the original position. As soon as the pelvis touches the floor, we begin a new repetition.

Let's look at some points to find out how to make a sculpted press with minimal physical and time expenditure by performing the above exercise:

  • the pelvis must be lifted using the lower abs, and not pushed out due to the force of the legs.
  • The arms are used only for balance, so you should not use them to push your body up.
  • Having reached the highest point in the positive phase of the exercise, we pause (the longer the pause, the more the lower abdominal section is worked out).

Sculpted abs in girls and boys always causes a flurry of various emotions - from envy to admiration. And the main secret of a perfect figure lies only in consistent, sometimes hard and correct training. But occasionally it’s worth allowing yourself to relax and enjoy the world around you.

Working on the upper abs

Do the following exercises:

  • Twisting. We lie down on the floor and bend our knees. We hold our hands behind our heads and raise our torso so that only the shoulder blades come off the floor and the back remains flat. Once a girl learns how to do this exercise, she will be able to pump up her abs from scratch.
  • Penknife . The essence of the exercise is to alternately lift the upper and lower parts of the body from a lying position until the chest rests on the knees.

Also, to pump up your upper abs, you can use various variations of crunches (with your torso turned in different directions, with your legs raised upside down, or hanging upside down on a wall bars).

We work the oblique muscles

Do the following exercises:

  • Side bends. Stand with your feet straight, shoulder-width apart, place the barbell on your shoulders and clasp it with your hands. Alternately bend to the right/left side at a slow pace until the muscles fail.
  • Oblique twists. Lie on the floor and put your hands behind your head, raise your legs up, bending them at the knees. Then raise your torso, turning it so that your right elbow reaches your left knee, and your left reaches your right.
  • Oblique twist. Take a horizontal position, bend your legs and place them on your feet. Raise your torso with your arms extended forward to your knees, then turn your torso to one side, return to the “sitting” position and turn to the other side. Take the starting position.

By doing all these exercises, you can properly and quickly pump up your abs in 2 weeks; you will see good results very quickly.

Program “Relief press in 3 months”

If you have significant excess fat on your stomach, then you will have to follow a long-term project (at least three months). Everything will depend on how you cope with the assigned tasks and whether you follow all the prescribed instructions.

Adjusting your diet is the first thing you need to do. Let's look at some important recommendations according to which you will need to plan your diet:

  • Eating should occur every 2.5-3 hours. A serving is 200-250 grams;
  • drink a glass of water 25-30 minutes before meals;
  • exclude chocolate and cakes. Instead, you should eat sweet fruits;
  • give up beer and its high-calorie “friends”, such as snacks;
  • lean on protein (chicken breast, shrimp, fish, veal, eggs and cottage cheese);
  • For breakfast, eat only healthy foods (porridge is the best option);
  • don't let your body starve.

Eating in accordance with these points maintains a constant level of sugar in the blood, so that food is instantly processed into energy. After some time, such nutritional control will make itself felt - you will feel lightness in your stomach and your general well-being will improve.

Even those who have relatively little subcutaneous fat mass should adhere to a proper diet, as this will significantly speed up the transformation process itself. The only difference between plump and skinny people is that the latter, in the absence of unnecessary substances, is able to acquire sculpted abs in 2 weeks (naturally, working hard). But ladies with curves in the first stages will have to remove excess fluid and burn the fat accumulated over many years, which prevents the appearance of cute cubes on the stomach, since otherwise their presence will be hidden by extra pounds.

Set of exercises

Many people dream of getting beautiful abs with cubes, like the guys in the photo in our article. This is possible if you do not neglect training and follow all the rules.

Abdominal training should last about 40 minutes; the abdominal muscles recover faster than other muscles, so you can take a short break between approaches. And at the beginning of each workout, it is necessary to do a good warm-up (10-15 minutes) - to warm up the whole body, since all muscle groups are indirectly involved in abdominal exercises.

The complex consists of:

  1. Reverse crunches – 3x12 (hereinafter 3 sets of 12 repetitions).
  2. Scissors – 3x25.
  3. Climber – 3x35.
  4. Penknife – 3x8.
  5. Side tilts – 3x30.
  6. Plank – 2-5 minutes.

Perfect abs in 8 minutes

All girls dream of effectively pumping up their abs in 1 week. Yes, this sounds unrealistic. But similar methods exist, one of which will allow you to spend only 8 minutes a day on training.

These programs are aimed at intense training with a specific set of exercises aimed at working both the upper and lower abs. The condition is the absence of approaches (that is, one exercise is performed once) and a certain number of repetitions. The exercise is performed for a certain time at an average pace, and the time between exercises is kept to a minimum.

Thus, it turns out to be a good intense workout, but I would like to warn you that without the help of cardio training and proper nutrition, it will not help you get a sculpted belly.

Features of abdominal training depending on goals

The answer to the question of how long it takes to pump up your abs is directly determined by your goals. Press can be different. Girls usually just want to find a slim and flat tummy, a thin waist and not too noticeable relief. Men, on the other hand, often work directly on their abs, which will be very voluminous and noticeable even under clothes. These goals are different, and the features of training for them, accordingly, will also be different.

pumping up a girl's abs

Those who want to gain precisely voluminous abs should do few approaches, but perform the maximum number of approaches. It is advisable to use additional weights. Do the repetitions slowly and measuredly, controlling every movement.

The general rule of bodybuilding will apply here - to increase muscles, they need a load with additional weights. When doing the exercises, do not rush.

Those who are working on a thin waist should perform many approaches - about 6-7. You need to work hard, perform the maximum number of repetitions. Unlike the previous case, here you need to perform the exercises quickly. Over time, you should feel a characteristic burning sensation in your abs.

Abdominal training should consist of different exercises according to its principle. The press is divided into upper, middle and lower. If you work on only one area, it will become more detailed, but the rest may not be noticeable at all. In view of this, create a training program so that it is aimed at working all the abdominal muscles - this way you will get a complete and harmonious result.

You can also find different opinions regarding how long an abdominal workout should last. Some people think that you need to study for at least 30 minutes, others think that five minutes will be enough. The best option is considered to be a workout lasting about 15 minutes . The abs are a small muscle, and you shouldn’t overload it either. It is better to spend 15 minutes on effective active exercises than to strain yourself for half an hour, periodically languishing from fatigue.

The press has one unpleasant feature - it quickly adapts to the load. Therefore, focus not on the number of repetitions, but on quality. The training program needs to be changed periodically and made more varied. Correct exercise technique is important. Pain in the abdominal area is a sign that the load is enough. However, they do not mean that the muscles are growing. Likewise, the absence of pain does not mean that the muscles have recovered.

Building abs is not easy. This process will require time, effort, and a number of restrictions . But if you have already set yourself such a goal, under no circumstances give up halfway. By devoting several months to this task, you will get results that will delight you and amaze those around you.

30-day abs pumping program for girls

ab pumping program for men for 30 days

The best complex for girls

Thanks to glossy magazines and television, most modern girls are simply obsessed with a flat stomach. But not everyone can afford it. Some due to natural laziness, and others due to simple ignorance of how to do this. But a flat stomach is, first of all, a lot of work, both physical and psychological.

So how can a girl quickly lose her belly and pump up sculpted abs in a month? Firstly, you need to adhere to a balanced diet, and secondly, perform a set of exercises. For example, like this:

  1. Twisting.
  2. Leg lift.
  3. Simultaneous lifting of the legs and body.
  4. Lifting the pelvis.
  5. Frog.
  6. Heel touching while lying on the floor.
  7. Plank.

How long it takes to pump up a girl’s abs depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Additional Information

Let's look at some points to figure out how to get sculpted abs in a minimum amount of time by doing this exercise:

  1. The torso should really bend towards the knee, so moving only the elbow or shoulder does not count. Keep your knee motionless.
  2. The positive and negative parts of the exercise should be performed carefully and slowly.

What to do to make cubes appear

How long does it take to pump up your abs to get six-packs? What do you need to do for this?

It takes a lot of work to get six-pack abs. This:

  1. Balance your diet.
  2. Get rid of fat. And not only from excess, but to bring its content in the body to 10%.
  3. Do hard training.
  4. Don't forget about cardio exercises.
  5. To live an active lifestyle.

What affects the appearance of the abs?

Pumping up your abs, or rather your six-pack, is not difficult when it comes to working out the muscles. The most difficult thing is to stick to the right diet so that the abs “break through” from under the layer of subcutaneous fat. The problem of lack of abs most often lies in poor nutrition, in which even the most well-developed abs are hidden under fat reserves. Therefore, before you start exercising, understand the importance of nutrition.

The main enemies of cubes are simple carbohydrates: all kinds of sweets, baked goods, fruits with a high glycemic index (GI), as well as excess amounts of complex (but healthy) carbohydrates, especially in the evening. Therefore, it is best to consume complex carbohydrates in the first half of the day, and allow yourself fruits with low GI for sweets. Table of foods with GI →

Most of the menu should consist of proteins of plant and animal origin, as well as vegetables with low GI. You don’t need to give up fats, but you should distinguish “good” fats from “bad” ones. By bad we mean refined oils, low-quality butter (or spread), margarine, as well as animal fats in the form of lard, large amounts of pork, lamb, and duck.

Diet is important for both beginners and advanced athletes, and for both, poor nutrition prevents them from finally seeing their desired shape.

The best exercises for six packs

How many abs does a person have? Typically models have 8 of them, but it is theoretically possible to pump up 10. This is very difficult, and many additional factors will influence this.

Exercises to pump up 10 abs:

  1. Crunches with legs raised.
  2. Body lift 90°.
  3. Straight crunches.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Reverse crunches.
  6. Penknife.

Monitor your progress

Last but not least, what you should do when pumping up your abdominal muscles is to monitor your results. Whatever your goals are, whether it’s how to pump up beautiful sculpted abs at home in 1 month, or simply lose weight and “remove your sides,” or become a sports model, you still need to keep a diary.

Nothing motivates more than personal progress. In order to monitor your progress, you need to keep a diary, take measurements of your waist and photograph your achievements for comparison.

Diary of nutrition and training

Keep a diary and write down everything you eat and what exercise you do. A diary will help you identify any mistakes you're making in your diet and exercise routine, as well as identify areas in your routine that need closer attention.

Waist circumference measurements

Weight measurements will not give you a clear picture or be a reliable representation of your progress. After all, you pump up your muscles, and they will become bigger. And muscles are heavier than fat. Therefore, it is better to measure your waist size. Measure your waist over your hips and don't try to pull your stomach in, be relaxed when taking measurements.

Before and after photos

Working on sculpted abs is quite a long process, and since you see yourself in the mirror every day, you may not visually catch your progress. In order to see it, take photos every two weeks and compare them, you will definitely notice how you have changed during this time. Well, you can also easily answer the question - in how many days can you build beautiful abs in men.

Low carb diet review

Hello, my darlings! I want to share with you my impressions of this diet. It all started with the fact that I was tired of attending group strength training, which took me two years, and there was no result, but I also ate incorrectly.

The trainer could give advice on nutrition and exercise technique only for a fee; I couldn’t afford it, and so there were big expenses for strength group and stretching, all this was paid for separately. The cost of one training session is 150 rubles. I allocated 4,200 rubles a month from my budget for training; it was expensive for me.

Once I talked to my boyfriend about this, he offered to help financially, but I refused, then he offered to change the fitness club, which has professionals.


In the end, everything happened by itself, I got a job as a sports nutrition consultant, the store was located next to a relatively new prestigious fitness club in our city, and the store’s regular customers worked out there. And many began to talk about a magical trainer who makes sweets out of girls in a short time.

Moreover, thanks only to nutrition and training in the gym. I really wanted to meet him.. I myself am thin, but fat accumulates only on my stomach ((and it’s not clear for me to gain or remove excess.

I came to the trainer, he looked at me with an appraising look, called my belly WHITE))) suggested that I first remove the fat, and then switch to gaining mass.

So, the essence of this diet: nutrition, which is based on foods low in carbohydrates and animal fats, and the individual protein requirement is calculated.

Low-carb or cutting has contraindications, you can read about this on the Internet. Personally, I ask you to pay attention to your kidneys to see if you have any pathologies.

First, download the Fat Secret calorie counter. Install the application, enter your parameters, choose a diet for weight loss (calorie deficit). Add foods and dishes that you ate during the day. It will show how much juice you consume. It is necessary to purchase a kitchen scale and weigh all products only in dry form!

What you can dry:

Protein with a low percentage of fat: Chicken breast (boiled, baked, fried in water), low-fat cottage cheese (I ate it with apple-flavored Fruto-Nanny puree; it has the lowest carbohydrate content, just don’t be rude!))) 200 g of puree per day maximum), beef, turkey, egg whites, low-fat cottage cheese, any white fish. When cutting, eat at least 3 g of protein per 1 kg of weight.

Fiber: A MUST! More vegetables!!!! ( it is advisable to exclude carrots and beets as they contain a lot of sugar, I didn’t eat them at all, but you can exclude them at the final stage of drying)

Fats: Flaxseed oil 1 tbsp. a spoon every day for women as it contains phytoestrogens, and omega-3 capsules for men. Any nuts every day! (I ate budget peanuts) Vegetable/animal fats in percentage 70/30. Be sure to eat fat! 2 g fat per 1 kg weight

Carbohydrates: no simple carbohydrates! Sugar, confectionery chocolate, fruit. To calmly switch to a low-carbohydrate diet, eat porridge with a low glycemic index (effect on glucose in the body) first in the morning and in the afternoon (the effect on glucose in the body) - buckwheat, bulgur, the rest can be found in the table on the Internet.

At the final stage, you exclude porridge at lunch, and after about another month you exclude porridge in the morning; only vegetables, protein, nuts, and butter remain in your diet. Carbohydrates are found in all foods, so don’t be afraid that you will be left without them completely.

Include cheat meals once every two weeks, once a week.

Water: be sure to drink 2-3 liters per day , depending on your weight, you can more accurately calculate it using the formula on the Internet.

Fruits: grapefruit between meals, GREEN apples, berries are low glycemic index, but the rest contain a lot of sugar.

On topic: How to pump up in a year

You would probably think that such a meager diet would consist of eating only vegetables, boiled breast meat and nuts. NO! MY DEARS! You can find various delicious recipes on the Internet on YouTube.

Before and after training, you can allow yourself to eat a banana; fast carbohydrates before and after will not hurt, but on the contrary, there will be a surge of energy, so necessary during training, or after training, close the carbohydrate window. delicious banana pancakes right in the locker room of a fitness club or in a fitness bar .

I also used to take boiled breast meat with me to eat after a workout, in case I ran out of whey protein. The main thing is variety in nutrition! Alternate foods, add spices, don’t be lazy to cook!

Cheat meals: my trainer allowed me to have a cheat meal only after 2 months of my diet. A cheat meal is a carbohydrate load. You can eat whatever you want, preferably before 3 pm, since after this time your metabolism slows down and it all goes to fat.

Personally, it was difficult for me to switch back to low-carb foods after a cheat meal, so I removed them altogether.


Yes Yes!!! That's how I held on toughly! I had a big motivation - a trip to the sea, where I wanted to show off my flat tummy, and of course my MCH motivated me with his athletic figure.

But as soon as I went to the seaside, I started to break down, I’ll eat a croissant, then bread, then pizza))) During the drying period, you will crave fatty and sweet things like crazy. This is due to the lack of vitamins and minerals .

You definitely need to take a vitamin-mineral complex!!!! You can buy the cheapest one - UNDEVIT! GOOD VITAMIN CONCENTRATION! True, there are no minerals there; for these purposes, purchase isotonics or mineral complexes.

Cellulite: Cellulite is an indicator of our ugly diet, it goes away only with low carb or proper nutrition. No amount of exercise will remove it, only nutrition!

Problem areas: big belly, plump legs, sides - all this can be removed mainly by DIET!!!! and a LITTLE workout.

Press: I’LL TELL YOU A SECRET: everyone has cubes! They are simply not visible due to the % body fat. You don’t need to pump up and kill your abs every day.

It is involved in almost all exercises! Once a week it is enough to pump up your bricks with 3 exercises. If you want to make your cubes more convex, pump them with a little weight.

Take a dumbbell in your hands; for really HARDCORD people , take a weight plate in your hands.

Training: Prepare to be hard. Strength will drop only this way, I sometimes drank l-carnitine for endurance, heart support and fat burning.

It only works during physical activity! The training began with a warm-up for 5 minutes on the treadmill, then joint exercises and a warm-up approach before weight training exercises.

I worked out 3 times a week, there was no cardio because there was only fat on my stomach and a little cellulite, but my trainer and I added PLYOMETRICS (jumping technique) in the rest between strength exercises, and then I rested quietly for 30 seconds.

If you want and think that there is too much fat, you can include 2 more cardio workouts per week for 20 minutes at a moderate pace on a treadmill, elliptical, or exercise bike, but it is better to consult with a specialist. The result is 5 workouts per week.

Weight: weight is not an INDICATOR! Take measurements every two weeks and write them down in a notebook to track your results)


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