The quantitative side of nutrition. Human energy consumption. How to calculate your daily energy consumption

Human energy consumption. Energy consumption standards for adults

The quantitative side of nutrition is determined by the energy that is released from food substances in the process of biological oxidation and is expressed in kilocalories.
The equivalents of available energy released during the breakdown of the digestible part of food are the following values: 1 gram of protein - 4.0 kcal., 1 gram of fat - 9.0 kcal., 1 gram of carbohydrates -4.0 kcal., 1 gram of alcohol - 7 .0 kcal., 1 gram of organic acids - 3.0 kcal.

The daily energy requirement is related to the body's energy expenditure. A person’s energy consumption depends on physical activity, gender and age. In accordance with the size of energy consumption, 5 groups of the working population are distinguished. The division into groups is partially based on certain professions. Gradation into groups is carried out according to the value of the basal metabolic rate, taking into account the coefficient of physical activity.

The basal metabolic rate is the minimum amount of energy required to carry out life processes, that is, energy expenditure for the performance of all physiological, biochemical processes, for the functioning of organs and systems of the body in a state of temperature comfort (20 ° C), complete physical and mental rest on an empty stomach. The basal metabolic rate reflects the energy expended by the body on metabolic processes, maintaining blood flow and respiration at rest.

For a person of a certain gender, age and body weight, the basal metabolic rate has a constant rate. In this case, a person’s height does not play a special role.

Basic metabolic values ​​for an adult (kcal/day):

Body weight in kg AGE (years)
18-29 30-39 40-59 Over 60 years old
MEN (energy expenditure in kcalories)
50 1450 137012801180
55 1520 1430 1350 1240
60 1590 1500 1410 1300
65 1670 1570 1480 1360
70 1750 1650 1550 1430
75 1830 17201620 1500
80 1920 1810 1700 1570
85 2010 1900 1780 1640
90 2010 1990 1870 1720
WOMEN (Energy expenditure in kcalories)
40 1080 1050 1020 960
45 1150 1120 1080 1030
50 1230 1190 1160 1110
55 1300 1260 1220 1160
60 1380 1340 1300 1230
65 1450 1410 1370 1290
70 1530 1490 1440 1360
75 1600 1550 1510 1430
80 1680 1630 1580 1500

The ratio of energy consumption to the basal metabolic rate is defined as the coefficient of physical activity and is:

for group 1 - 1.4 (managers of enterprises, engineering and technical workers, doctors, teachers, educators, secretaries, scientists, dispatchers, control panel workers, etc.);

for the 2nd group - 1.6 (workers employed on automated lines, in the radio-electronic industry, agricultural specialists, nurses, orderlies, sellers of manufactured goods, communications workers, service workers, urban public transport drivers, garment workers, trainers, etc.);

for the 3rd group - 1.9 (machine operators, mechanics, surgeons, chemists, drivers of excavators, bulldozers, railway workers, textile workers, drillers, metallurgists, blast furnace workers, food industry workers, public catering workers, food sellers, etc.);

for the 4th group - 2.2 (builders, agricultural workers and machine operators, oil and gas industry workers, metallurgists, foundry workers, etc.);

for the 5th group - 2.5 (miners, steelworkers, masons, fellers, diggers, loaders, reindeer herders, etc.)

In order to calculate a person’s daily energy expenditure, the basal metabolic rate must be multiplied by the physical activity coefficient.

How to calculate your daily energy consumption

Example: You are a 35-year-old woman, your weight is 58 kg, and you are an accountant by profession. In the first table we find the column 30-39 years and the line 55 kg (2 kg is missing from 60, so you need to take the lower number), so your basal metabolic rate is 1260 kcal/day. The accountant profession most satisfies the first group, which means your physical activity coefficient will be 1.4.

We calculate daily energy consumption: 1260 ¤ 1.4 = 1764 kcal/day

In addition to dividing the population by energy consumption, each of the five groups is divided into three categories by age.

Men, especially young men, have the highest needs for energy and basic nutrients.

For pregnant and lactating women, an addition to the norm of the corresponding group of women is provided due to the additional need for energy and nutrients.

For persons engaged in active forms of recreation and living in areas with less developed public services, additions to the energy requirements are not provided.

Energy exchange. Determination of daily energy consumption

And nutritional needs

Various population groups


— to develop students’ skills in determining the daily energy consumption of various population groups and their needs for nutrients and energy.


determine your own daily energy costs and consumption


content in nutrients.

Guidelines Determination of energy consumption

A person's energy requirement determines the level of energy consumed from food, which should balance energy expenditure, maintain a stable state of health and ensure the maintenance of desired physical activity.

The energy requirement of children, pregnant and lactating women also includes additional needs associated with the formation of tissue or milk at a level that ensures normal life activities.

In general, daily energy expenditure consists of energy expenditure for basal metabolism, metabolic response to food intake (specific dynamic action of food - SDDP) and physical activity.

Energy consumption can be determined by various methods;

1) by direct calorimetry method.

The method is based on determining the amount of heat released by the body into a coolant (most often water) circulating in special chambers with
double walls (Shaternikov, Pashutin, Atwater-Benedict chambers, etc.);
2) by the method of indirect calorimetry (gasometric).

The method is based on determining the chemical composition of inhaled and exhaled air with the subsequent establishment of the respiratory coefficient. Based on the value of the respiratory coefficient, the energy equivalent of one liter of absorbed oxygen is determined and the energy consumption for the work performed or basal metabolism is calculated. The determination is made using different types of gas analyzers;

3) time-table method.

Using this method, the daily time budget is first timed; a chronogram of the day is compiled, and then, using tables and physical activity coefficients (PFA), energy consumption is calculated for individual types of activities and for the day as a whole;

4) nomographic method.

The amount of energy consumption and compliance with their needs can be determined using nomograms or nomographs.

In addition, there are nomographic rulers for calculating ideal weight taking into account height, chest circumference and gender. If you have an ideal weight, it is considered that the caloric content of the diet is adequate to the amount of daily energy expenditure.

The deviation of your actual weight from your ideal weight should not exceed 15%.



The nomogram of energy requirements and the determinant of the needs of various population groups for nutrients and energy according to the standards of the USSR Ministry of Health (1991) are widely used.

Nomographic methods for determining the caloric content of food consumed or necessary to satisfy the physiological need for energy are, like previous methods, indirect. With their help, the amount of energy consumption is determined approximately. More accurate calculation methods for determining energy consumption include the so-called chronometric methods, based on an accurate accounting of all types of human activities, their duration, as well as the value of the basal metabolic rate, gender, and age of the person.

Determination of the basal metabolic rate

The most important component of energy expenditure is the basal metabolic rate, which can be accurately measured under standardized conditions and used as a multiple to calculate all components of total energy expenditure.

Direct determination of BOO requires the creation of artificial conditions for the subject (measurement should be carried out no earlier than 14 hours after eating, with complete physical and mental rest of the subject, in a supine position, in conditions of thermal comfort).

BOO depends mainly on a person's body weight and age. BOO per unit mass changes with age (it is higher in children and lower in the elderly) and also with body weight (within any age range it will be higher in short and thin people and lower in tall and obese people). Based on this, the following formulas are proposed for calculating BOO (Tables 7, 8).

Table 7 Formulas for calculating BOO based on weight , height and gender1

Age range (years)MenZhsnshiny
10-1816.6MT' + 77P + 5727.4MT + 482R + 217
19-3015.4MT-27R + 71713,ZMT + 334R + 35
31-60IUMT+16P+9018.7MT-25R + 865
>608.8 MT+ 1128 R- 10719.2MT + 637R-302

Table Formulas for calculating BOO based on body weight and gender

Age range (years)MenWomen
10-1817.5 MT+ 65112.2MT + 746
19-3015.3 MT +67914.7 MT + 496
31-60I.bMT + 8798.7 MT + 829
>6013.5MT + 48710.5 MT+596

BOO can also be determined from the data given in table. 9 (for men) and in table. 10 (for women).

Table 9

Basal metabolic rate for men depending on body weight and age, kcal

MT, kg18-29 years old30-39 years old40-59 years old60-74 years
501 450137012801 180
551 520143013501 240
601 590150014101300
651 670157014801 360
701750165015501 430
751 8301 72016201 500
801 9201810I 7001 570
852 0101 90017801640
902 1101 9901 8701720

Table 10

Basal metabolic rate for women depending on body weight and age, kcal

MT, kg 18-29 years old30-39 years old40-59 jrc-i60-74 years
400901 0501020960
451501 1201 0801030
502301 190I 1601 100
55300126012201 160
60380134013001 230
80680163015801 500


1Regulated by WHO.

2MT - body weight, kg; R—height, m.


measured with an easel wooden stadiometer as follows. The subject stands on the stadiometer platform with his back to the stand with the scale and touches it with three points: heels, buttocks and the interscapular part of the body. The head should not touch the stadiometer, but should be slightly tilted so that the upper edge of the auditory



the passage and the lower edge of the orbit were located on the same line, parallel to the floor. The measurer stands on the side of the person being examined and lowers a bar sliding along a centimeter scale onto his head. The count is made at the lower level of the bar.

Body mass

determined by weighing on a medical scale. The subject stands in the middle of the scale platform. Determination of body weight should be carried out on an empty stomach, after emptying the bladder and bowels, without clothing. If it is impossible to weigh without clothing, then its approximate weight is subtracted from the total weight.

To determine BOO per minute, the indicators are divided by the number of minutes in a day, i.e. by 1,440 minutes.

The second component of daily energy expenditure is the specifically dynamic effect of food

(SDCP), i.e. metabolic reaction to food intake, characterized by the intensity of metabolism after eating and depends on its composition. When consuming predominantly carbohydrate foods, the metabolic rate increases by 4-7% of the basal metabolism, fatty foods - by 4-17% and protein foods - by 30-40% BOO. The average value of SDDP with a mixed diet is 10-15% of the basal metabolism.

The third component of daily energy expenditure is energy expenditure associated with physical activity.

According to WHO recommendations, the physical activity quotient (PFA) can serve as a criterion for physiological activity during various types of activities. O is defined as the quotient of total daily energy expenditure for all types of activity divided by the value of basal metabolic rate. Thus, CFA with energy consumption of 3.24 kcal/min and BOO = 1.08 kcal/min will be 3.84: 1.08 = 3.

Energy consumption for physical activity is determined by:

a) professional activity, depending on the nature of the profession, the length of the working day;

b) activity during non-working hours (housekeeping, gardening, home repairs and improvements, etc.);

c) socially desirable activity (attendance at public meetings, participation in sporting events or festivals, physical education and sports).

The structure of the daily time budget and the amount of daily energy consumption are characterized by the timing of activities (on duty and during non-working hours), i.e. a list of all types of activities and their duration. Since the same types of activities can be repeated during the day (eating, walking, traveling in transport, etc.), these types of activities can be combined. To determine the energy consumption


spending per day, you need to create a chronogram, i.e. list the weight of activities and their duration per day (taking into account the CFA for each). The chronogram and results of determining daily energy consumption are presented in the form of tables (Tables 11, 12).

Table 11

Chronogram example

Type of deyagelnoetiPeriodDuration, min
Bed cleaning, toilet6.00-6.1010
Walk at a normal pace until the Granenort stop6.25-6.3510
Help in transport6.35-7.0025
etc. until 24.00 1440

Table 12

Daily energy consumption

Gender - male; age - 40 years; body weight - 70 kg; height - 170 cm; BOO per day - 1,884 kcal; BOO per minute - 1.30
Kind of activityCFA * BOO/min * Time (min)kcal/day
Sleep Toilet, cleaning Eating…1 * 1.30>=360 1.8 x 1.30×10 1.7 x 1.30×60468 23,4 132.6


Taking into account the possible deviation from the average daily time budget, as well as energy costs for the SDDP, the resulting value of daily energy costs should be increased by 10%.

The most typical types of activities and KFA are given in table. 13 (for men) and table. 14 (for women).


Table 1 3

Table 14

Physical activity rates for men across different activities

Pitchfork activityand 1Kind of activityCoefficient
Dream1.0Digging the ground, digging holes6,2
Lying position1.2Operator job:
Rest:receiving and handing over shifts2,3
sitting1,2control ja technological operations:
ToiletUthe same standing2,7
Walking:same in motion4,0
around the house2,5Poultry farm operator job:
slow walk2,8feeding chickens2,2
at a
normal pace
3,2coop and egg laying2,8
with a load of 10 kg3,5manure cleaning3,7
uphill:Locksmith work;
slow4,7workplace cleaning2,2
at normal pace5,7Work of ball mill operators:
fast7,5receiving and handing over shifts2,6
at a normal pace with a load of 10 kg6,7equipment care4.6
downhill:monitoring the condition of technical equipment:
at normal pace3,1the same standing3,2
fast3,6same in motion3,2
Food1,5selection of scattering and throwing it onto the conveyor4,4
Riding in transport1.7cleaning the site with a water hose3,4
Making drinks, caring for children2,2Turner's work:
Reading, studying1.6shutter trimming2,7
Household chores3,3valve boring2,3
Student studies:pipe boring2,4
classes1.9grinding the rod body2,8
break between classes2,8rod turning3,7
Scientific activity:Various types of recreation:
browsing scientific literature1,8sedentary (playing cards, chess, checkers and other board games)2,2
abstracting scientific literature2,0light activity (exercise, table tennis, billiards, etc.)2,2-4,4
discussion of a scientific problem2,2moderate activity (dancing, swimming, tennis, etc.)4,4-5,6
performing a science experiment2,6heavy exercise (football, athletics, jogging, rowing, etc.)6,6
Fishing with a line2,1

Physical activity rates for women across different activities

Kind of activity| T Kind of activity•§■ about
Dream1.0Winder work:
Lying position1,2changing cob while sitting in a chair2,5
Rest:tying threads while sitting2,3
sitting1,4*weavers' work:
standing1,5elimination of thread breakage2,6
Toilet1,8clearing defects on canvasz, z
Walking:cleaning of prnoors2,8
home2,4The work of spinners:
slow walk3.0changing roving bobbins2,7
at normal pace3.4elimination of breaks2,8
with a load of 10 kg4.0cleaning machines with a brush2,8
uphill:The work of sewing machine operators:
at normal pace4,6loop tester1,9
fast6,6cleaning of finished products2,2
at a normal pace with a load of 10 kg6,0front to back connection3,7
downhill:side punching3,2
slow2,3pocket processing3,1
at normal pace3.0sewing on the liningbuilding
fast3,4preparation for work2,1
with load4,6Female paint factory workers
Rest while sitting1,2The work of the apparatchiks:
Food1,7production of analyzes1,9
Riding in transport1,5crossing stairs6,1
Cooking, childcare2,2observation, filling out documents1,5
Reading, studying1.6Work leaked:
Household chores3.3preparation for work2,1
Student studies:walking6.1
classes1,8container supply4,1
break between classes2,5pouring solutions and observation4,0
Laboratory assistants' work:emptying a full container3,0
washing promises3,1Chemical plant operators:
production of chemical analyzes2,6monitoring the operation of granulators and up26
non-production work1,8adjusting air and water supply, cleaning bins3,8
breaks from work2,7cleaning the workplace, picking up scatterings3.6
Sewing clothes1,4Various types of recreation:2,1
Washing clothes3,0sedentary (playing cards, chess, checkers and other board games)2,I,2
Ironing1.4light activity (exercise)4,4-5,6
Digging the ground 4,6moderate activity (dancing, swimming)6,6
more activity (athletics, jogging, rowing)



Some features of energy consumption and quantitative aspects of nutrition

People of retirement age experience weight loss, metabolic processes slow down, and the need for energy and nutrients decreases. Accordingly, lower figures for these indicators are proposed for persons over 60 years of age.

In some circumstances, energy consumption levels may be higher or lower than actual demand.

People with low physical activity are at risk of overeating and increased calorie intake. Excessive calorie consumption leads to obesity and decreased function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and immunity.

People with heavy physical labor often do not receive the required amount of calories from food and belong to a risk group with physical activity at the limit of physical capabilities. Eating insufficient amounts of food to cover energy expenditure leads to limited physical activity, reduced mobility in children and decreased performance in adults.

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