The evolution of bodybuilding: what jocks looked like 100 years ago (3 photos)

Popular male fitness models that few people know about on Instagram are increasingly appearing on social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, YouTube and becoming idols among girls and women! Beautiful, pumped-up body muscles are the result of strength training, where every athlete devoted years of effort to create an athlete’s figure!

Strength training regimen Fitness bodybuilding pumping means visiting the gym every week at least 3 times a week, this training regimen is considered optimal so as not to overtrain your muscles and allow them to recover between workouts!

Fitness bodybuilding models pitching at competitions

After years of training, the figure changes and a body transformation occurs where a thin physique begins to gain muscle mass and strength. As a result, after 5 - 10 years of training, many fitness bodybuilding athletes try to compete in competitions. Over the years, many fitness bodybuilding athletes have a desire to show themselves on stage, what he has achieved after years of training before and after, so that his efforts of hard training will be appreciated.


In a broad sense, jocks with laptops discussing something meaningful among themselves is a debunking of a popular stereotype. It is generally accepted that bodybuilders are deprived of intelligence. This message, for example, is found in memes about Gigachad.

Here, on the contrary, it is shown seriously or ironically how several jocks at once clearly and logically express their thoughts. But a schoolboy with glasses is an example of a poor vocabulary and little intelligence.

Very often in such memes, musclemen discuss a video game, anime or series, which also diverges from the stereotype. In the story, the characters talk lightly, for example, about “The Witcher,” and then a guy bursts into their chat and starts trashing everyone.

Fitness bodybuilding models muscle photo men guys gym Instagram

Every year, new names of athletes appear at competitions who become winners in competitions in their weight categories, where the parameters and proportions of muscles are important (weight, height, chest, biceps, thigh, shin, neck, waist) It is important that everything looks symmetrical! There are tables of ideal proportions in bodybuilding as an example of what body parameters you should have to look like a bodybuilder, but this information is very controversial since each person has his own type of build: ectomorph, mephomorph, endomorph, each type of figure has its own characteristics and disadvantages, as well as skeletal structure, therefore You don't need to believe in tables.


The first meme of a bodybuilder looking at a laptop appeared in February 2022. It all started with a post on Twitter. User @BitchAssBowie took a photo of the hunk and added the caption: “Cute anime girl, i'll set her as my avi” (“Cool anime girl, I’ll put her on my avatar”).

The basis for the meme was one of the stock photos from Shutterstock. In the collection you can find hundreds of similar photographs and videos with this model. They usually show a muscular man sitting in front of a computer and eating something (burger, salad, leg of chicken). Presumably, the photos and videos are used to advertise sports nutrition.

In the summer of 2022, memes with musclemen sitting with a laptop became popular in the West. This coincided with the rise in popularity of another male model meme, Gigachada.

Fitness bodybuilding muscle models (the path of a beginning athlete)

The path of every athlete in the world of bodybuilding and fitness begins with horizontal bars. With age, each athlete changes his views on muscle training in order to pump up his muscle mass. They change from a street rocking chair to a more professional gym (Gym - fitness club). The goal of training for men is to pump up muscle mass. like famous fitness bodybuilding idols from the 70s, 80s, 90s! Many people want a body and figure like Arnold Schwarzenegger, who created motivation for sports in the world of bodybuilding in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

Fat can be pumped into muscle

Yeah, and if you don’t exercise, your muscles will turn into fat! This is sarcasm, in case anyone doesn't understand. But let's look at the intriguing topics in order.

As some overweight people like to say, “there won’t be any excess fat, I’ll pump it into the muscles.” You won’t over-pump, because the body does not have mechanisms that directly convert fat tissue into muscle. You can lose fat and build muscle, but you can’t pump fat into muscle. In fact, fat in the body is accumulated energy reserves. When 1 g of fat is oxidized, the output is a portion of energy (37.7 kJ or 8–9 kcal), water and carbon dioxide, that’s all. Fat does not turn into muscle fibers.

As for the transformation of muscles into fat after you quit training (or significantly reduce the load), this is also nonsense. If a person continues to eat sensibly, then the muscles will simply decrease - the body will remove the excess ones as unnecessary, so as not to waste energy on their maintenance. Why keep a costly resource if it is not used. Muscle cells shrink, leaving glycogen, additional water and other substances necessary for high-volume and intense work.

Although it is, of course, possible to become fat, this has nothing to do with training in the past, but only with gluttony and consuming more calories than you burn.

Conclusion . You should not save fat for the future in order to turn it into muscle - this is a myth. The more fat you have, the more you will have to spend to lose it. And if you give up intense training, but continue to eat wisely and eat good foods, then the muscle volume will go away, but it’s easy to maintain a slender, toned body.

Fitness training program bodybuilding muscle fitness model men

To pump up a toned body, all famous athletes train in professional fitness bodybuilding gyms where there are professional exercise machines, as well as dumbbells and barbells! An outdoor rocking chair will never replace a professional fitness room where you can fully train all muscle groups: abs, legs, biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, chest. You can start your first workouts on the horizontal bars to form a muscular corset of the upper shoulder girdle, but you cannot pump up your legs on the horizontal bars since the horizontal bar is not designed to allow you to perform leg exercises on it, so if you do it professionally, you need to do it not at home and on the horizontal bars , and in the gym.

You can't get pumped up without steroids, but they will lead to impotence and death

Or, apparently, to death from impotence. This is sarcasm again.

Firstly, anyone can train very successfully without the use of anabolic steroids. Yes, he will not pump up to the level of his massive comrades from regional bodybuilding competitions, not to mention more serious events of this kind, but compared to ordinary people he will look like an athlete. And with really high-quality adherence to diet, sleep and training, many will suspect him of being a “chemist”. Believe me, pumping up an arm to 42–45 cm without the use of sports pharmacology is completely within the capabilities of almost any person with average physical characteristics. Yes, the hand will not be completely dried out, and in this case wild relief will not be achieved, but it is quite the level of an ordinary (non-competitive) beach bodybuilder.

As for impotence from anabolic steroids, this is fundamentally strange, considering that many of them were created to treat this very impotence. Becoming sterile - yes, this is possible, although in most cases everything can be restored. Becoming completely impotent is a myth, even with terrible abuse of sports pharmacology. Among the famous bodybuilders, it is worth remembering the same Arnold Schwarzenegger, who never hid the use of anabolic steroids during the competitive period. He has four children, not counting illegitimate ones.

Conclusion . You don’t die from steroids and don’t become impotent, but from alcohol it’s easy, which has been tested and proven more than once (but it’s not advertised, because it’s profitable to sell alcohol). It is real and possible to pump up without steroids, if only you have the desire and willpower, and the means will always be found.

Instagram page fitness bodybuilding muscled fitness model men

Everyone who wants to become popular, the first thing in the 21st century is to start an Instagram page to post their photos, videos from their workouts, how they work out and perform various sets of exercises, and also what they eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, in addition to nutritious meals, they also share with subscribers the secrets of what sports supplements they use to build up muscle mass quickly and effectively and talk about their personal experience of taking protein supplements, fat burners and other methods of how you can quickly build up your muscles using sports pharmacology so as not to harm your health.

Protein and other sports nutrition are “chemistry”

And protein is not worth it, but muscles grow a lot. To enhance the effect, it is injected into different loin parts of the body, or even sent through a vein, so that the muscles are completely torn apart.

It’s difficult to even say where the legs of this myth “grow” from. Obviously due to ignorance and misunderstanding of what protein and other sports nutrition are. By the way, the word “Protein” is translated from English as “Protein”. Yes, yes, all these hefty foreign cans, buckets and bags with bright labels say “protein”. It is the main component of protein. Protein for protein is obtained from whey . That is, the mentioned sports supplement is based on natural products.

To describe the process roughly, the whey is filtered through a special membrane that captures protein molecules. The resulting whey protein concentrate is used to produce protein. Actually, for the most part it consists of this very protein, plus flavoring additives, maybe a little carbohydrates, dyes, sweeteners. However, you will find a more natural product in a can of protein than in the sausage section of the store.

As you understand, good food cannot cause problems with erections, and the protein in a sports supplement like “Protein” is not a chemical. As for amino acids, this is the same protein, but already decomposed into components by special enzymes. Actually, protein consists of amino acids. Believe me, it’s better to drink a portion of protein than to eat a bun, a pie, a bite of chips or some other tasty treat.

If you are interested in the topic of sports nutrition, I recommend reading my feature article:

  • About the benefits of sports nutrition

Another thematic myth is described by the question: “How many centimeters will my biceps grow from a can of protein?” Not at all, my young friend who wants to get pumped up quickly. Protein is just a natural food supplement, nothing more. Using it wisely, you can improve your results, but good steak, cottage cheese, eggs, fish and other sources of protein work just as well, if not better than protein. Focus on good, quality food first and foremost and don't be afraid of sports nutrition. But use it wisely, otherwise your wallet will suffer in vain.

Conclusion : Protein is a natural nutritional supplement, like most other sports nutrition products.

There is no information about many athletes because they rarely participate in sporting events.

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  • Robin Balogh (Robin Balogh)
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  • Frank Wempe (Frank Wempe) in the gym
  • Big Galal (Big Galal) double biceps in front
  • David Lawson (David Lawson) fitness model
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  • David Harris
  • Issam Santos
  • Omar Pellejero (Omar Pelegero)
  • Victor Vitiaco (Victor Vitiaco)
  • Chris Elkins (Chris Elkins) before and after
  • Jeff Loagz (Jeff Loagz) model with tattoos all over his body
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  • Dragos Syko
  • Lex Griffin (Lex Griffin) bearded man
  • Christian Guzman (Christian Guzman) in the gym
  • Zac Aynsley before and after 10 years of training
  • Romane Lanceford (Roman Lansford) sculpted arms with six-pack abs
  • Andrei Deiu (Andrei Deiu) before and after 19 years 21 years transformation
  • Justin St Paul (Justin St. Paul) before and after figure transformation
  • Ross Dickerson (Ross Dickerson) genetics huge biceps, with tattoos
  • Devin Physique (Devin Physicist)
  • Matt Ogus (Matt Ogus)
  • Alan Valdez (Alan Valdez)
  • Steve Cook (Steve Cook)
  • Tom Coleman (Tom Coleman)
  • Lewis Harrison (Lewis Owen Harrison) two brothers
  • Roger Snipes (Roger Snipes) power and strength
  • logan franklin
  • Sergi Constance (Sergio Constance) 8 abs
  • Daniel Peyer (Daniel Peyer) young muscleman
  • Csaba Szigeti (Csaba Szigeti) powerful athlete
  • Jono Watson (John Watson)
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  • Fouad Abiad
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  • Daniel DANKO Majewski (Daniel Danko Majewski)
  • Eric Janicki (Eric Janicki)
  • Pawel Ladziak
  • Jon Skywalker (John Skywalker)

Gordon Kimbrough


The story about Gordon Kimbrough is not the happiest, but it is not a call to take up bodybuilding, quite the contrary. Kimbrough had a gentle disposition, described by some as a shy San Francisco boy who was kind to others and his family. Everything was going well at the very beginning of bodybuilding until he took up anabolic steroids - which radically changed him.

Kimbrough began a cycle of growth hormones, hoping for a significant increase in muscle size, musculature and definition, which would contribute to a huge leap in his career. The hormones had a negative effect on his personality, literally changing a calm, balanced person into a “rage machine.” The situation escalated in 1993, when he, in a fit of anger, grabbed and killed his fiancée, deciding that she was cheating on him. He was arrested by police the day after the incident. Kimbrough was caught attempting to commit suicide by injecting a lethal dose of the drug Lysol into his neck.

Bertil Fox

When you take growth hormone, you not only instantly gain weight, but you can also go crazy very quickly. Bertil Fox is an example of what ultimately happens to a person's mind as a result of taking growth hormone over a long period of time. Fox became famous thanks to his well-honed body, on which every muscle could be seen. Having won awards in the USA and Great Britain, he planned to return to St. Kitts to start a joint business with his wife - to open a fitness center.

In 1997, Fox lost everything after committing several murders. One day he went into a store owned by his mother-in-law and fired two shots - one at his mother-in-law, the other at his wife. Fox was found guilty and sent to prison for the rest of his life. The athlete's attempts to claim that the murder was committed in self-defense were unsuccessful. The impetus for the murders was given precisely by uncontrollable anger, which for many years was stimulated by growth hormone, gradually accumulated and “exploded” the person.

Andreas Münzer

When a bodybuilder's story gets too complicated, it often turns out that steroids were the cause. Bodybuilders use products to remove fluid from the body, for the “lean muscle” effect. The problem is that water is what makes up most of the body, it is simply necessary for existence!

Wanting to achieve a body with zero fat, Andreas decided that this would be the best path to success. While participating in competitions all year round, Münzer did not stop taking either steroids or diuretics. Later, the main cause of severe pain in the stomach became known, which literally sent him to the next world on the operating table in the clinic. After death, it was determined that the liver was susceptible to numerous tumor processes, the testicles were reduced, and the heart was enlarged - all this was directly related to the abuse of diuretics and other drugs.

Gregg Valentino

What happens when your muscles are so big that they start to tear? Wait a second, why are they bursting? A striking example of the owner of huge biceps is Gregg Valentino. One day he became a famous bodybuilder with not just big hands, but the biggest hands in the world. The biggest hands really sound impressive. It is impossible to say with certainty how the athlete managed to achieve such success, but is it known? what happened after. Valentino began injecting synthetic fatty acids called synthol. They contribute to a very rapid, unnatural increase in muscle volume. The bodybuilder’s biceps were not close to natural in appearance, but they looked immense.

It is not surprising that after a long time these injections had negative consequences. The muscles began to become inflamed and after that the process of suppuration of the biceps began. It's terrible, definitely the worst thing that could happen, isn't it? But it was a drop in the bucket. So, Valentino decided to solve this problem on his own and pierces his biceps with a syringe to drain the pus. But a rupture occurred inside the biceps, as a result of which I still had to go to the hospital! Let's give him one point for trying to fight his own body...

Aziz "Zizz" Shavershyan

Perhaps one of the most mysterious cases is associated with him, since it is unknown what exactly went wrong. After all, young people do not drop dead (as happened with Aziz Shavershyan), but the truth remained a secret. Aziz was from Moscow, where he lived with his family. Later, the whole family moved to Australia, where the young man began bodybuilding. However, he did not intend to simply become a “jock”; on the contrary, he focused on creating a sculpted and attractive body. And the result was not long in coming, as soon as he began releasing videos on the world-famous Youtube - he instantly earned national recognition and a large army of fans.

And this happened just shortly before his death from a heart attack. There was a lot of speculation about the cause of death and many began to think that it was drug related, although Aziz was never known to be involved in this. Accurate information about the cause of death was provided only to the athlete’s family, so we can only guess what actually happened. Aziz Shavershyan passed away at the very peak of conquering the peaks.

Chad Brothers

As the experience of real stories shows, bodybuilding and steroids are a dangerous combination that can lead to inevitable tragedy. What can happen when a "steroid rage" happens in a public place? Things have gotten out of control for Chad Brothers. It all happened at the Gold Jim gym in New York City in 2011. Brothers was working out on an elliptical trainer and suddenly fell off it. It is not entirely clear what exactly made him furious - perhaps someone was laughing at his mistake or he was embarrassed in front of a large number of people.

He started shouting at the people working out in the gym and then destroying the training equipment and throwing away large exercise equipment. Needless to say, the athlete was affected by steroids and phencyclicine (originally used as an anesthetic in veterinary medicine, later as a narcotic). Either way, the police arrived in time, used a stun gun twice to subdue him, but Chad died an hour later. After the incident, many people left classes in this room.

Ruben Arzu

Many people have favorite topics to watch on Youtube, right? For those who are passionate about bodybuilding, this is a demonstration of the so-called bench press exercise. The most exciting part of performing is how the mind and muscles come together in such a powerful way that the result is stunning. Most often it is directly related to steroids, which gives the body an increase in rage and strength. Unfortunately, Arzu did not try to vent his anger at the gym.

In California, in 2011, a married couple was returning home. When they approached the house, they saw Arzu on the lawn, he was without clothes and with angry eyes was waiting for the arrival of the owners. The man was the first to fall, he was severely beaten and suffered a broken jaw in the process. When the wife rushed home to call the police, Arzu managed to catch her and inflicted serious injuries to her skull with several blows. One way or another, fortunately Arzu was arrested before the murder, maybe even this would have saved another fifty lives... Remember, if you are prone to envy and jealousy, you should not provoke feelings with steroids.

Anthony D'Arezzo

The vast majority of bodybuilders are focused solely on their appearance, and they do not worry at all about their internal health. Not all, of course, but many. Anthony D'Arezzo is one example of such cases. After graduating from college, D'Arezzo trained until he could lift a barbell of 242 kg, which made him the winner of the 1992 American Free Weight Lifting Championships. The following years were difficult due to a huge number of injuries. Soon after, doctors diagnosed him with a congenital heart defect and banned bodybuilding, training and all use of steroids.

The need for a break took its toll and the athlete took a break until 2006. In 2006, training again entered his life, at the same time D'Arezzo began taking injections of growth hormones. He passed away in a hotel room in Pittsburgh the day before his next performance. My heart stopped during regular preparations for the competition.

Lyle Alzado

Most football players are muscular and toned, but Lyle Alzado, a defensive end for the Riders (who also played for the Broncos and Browns, but the Riders were the most famous during his time) was called the “God of Bodybuilding.” Alzado was more of a footballer than a bodybuilder, but he became one of the most important names and one of those who admitted to using steroids during his career. Alzado died at the age of 43 from brain cancer.

The athlete himself believes that the cancer was provoked by a steady intake of steroids, used to increase body weight and provide powerful energy, which was so necessary for victories on the football field. Alzado could become aggressive in a matter of seconds and tried to direct his anger towards the opposing team. He embodied the spirit of the Raiders, their devastating and fearsome power, and he will forever be a beloved player in the National Raiders League.

Gary Haiming

Bodybuilders “pump” their body to the maximum limit, sometimes even going beyond the limits of what is possible. Even when doping is not involved, athletes' training puts a lot of stress on the heart and other organs. The diet is so extreme, most often it consists of a large amount of protein and a smaller part - other nutrients that the body needs for the life process. Gary Himing had the worst fate a bodybuilder could ever have - dying on stage.

During a competition in Victoria, he collapsed immediately after his performance. What's most shocking is that after Gary was removed from the stage by medical staff, the exhibition competition continued! This was hardly the best decision. Could you imagine yourself as an athlete walking on stage after Gary? Most likely no. However, this show went on, think about it - you would have to feel relieved after each performance if the contestant remained alive.

Mohammed "Momo" Benaziza

In his youth, Mohammed was fond of football, began training, and eventually took part and won bodybuilding tournaments in Spain. He did not slow down and even won the “Night of Champions” event in 1990, this victory gave him the second name “Giant Killer”. In 1992, Benaziza took part in the Mr. Olympia tournament, where he took fifth place. Very soon after this competition, he was found dead in a hotel room.

The examination showed that there were a huge number of indicators of massive dehydration, which took his life at such a young age of 33 years. Means have also been found to remove fluid from the body. Before the show began (a year earlier), Benaziza made a statement that American bodybuilders were "weaklings." Because they refused to use doping.

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