What is more important when eating properly: counting calories or maintaining a balance of nutritional supplements?

With the arrival of cold weather, it is no coincidence that we are drawn to cinnamon rolls and spicy pumpkin soup. It turns out that spices can make winter much more pleasant.

Spices and seasonings are not taken seriously in our part of the world.
Is some fragrant dust on the tip of a knife capable of making us healthier and happier? But in the Middle East and Asia, spices have long been revered as medicine and are seriously prescribed along with medicines. This could be considered a funny cultural fact if not for the results of modern scientific research. Laboratory observations show that the usual spice powders are not just a tasty food additive, but also an effective way to influence the functioning of the body and a person’s well-being. It is known, for example, that the aromatic compounds in cinnamon can activate areas of the brain responsible for cognitive abilities and memory. This is probably why we remember good days with buns and cocoa for the rest of our lives (unlike important phone numbers). Another example is ginger: this root, among other skills, quickly copes with nausea of ​​any nature. Thanks to scientists, turmeric has become a real superstar of the spice world in recent years. The curcumin molecule in its composition actively fights inflammation and even cancer cells in laboratory conditions.

This all sounds great, but in fact, the authors of scientific papers themselves urge us to treat sensations with healthy skepticism. Situations simulated in laboratories are far from the same as the behavior of a product in a real human body with its individual characteristics. So far, scientists only understand that herbs and spices have medical potential and the possible benefits can be enormous. But it is also clear that a cancer cure based on turmeric or ginger will not appear in pharmacies tomorrow, and perhaps never will appear. Nevertheless, science recommends using spices every day, especially in the cold season, for everyone who has no contraindications or diagnoses incompatible with hot, spicy and aromatic additives. Here are just a few reasons to have a spice rack in your kitchen.

More benefits from regular food

The vast majority of roots and powders used in cooking are plants grown in the tropics and highlands. Life in a harsh climate would be impossible for them without reliable protection. Most often it is caused by rich yellow, red, green and brown antioxidant pigments. They make plants resistant to adversity such as the scorching sun, pests, and temperature changes. In the human body, these chemicals are also able to restore order: bind free radicals, improve blood circulation and metabolism, and stimulate detoxification. In addition, exotic and Mediterranean spices do not contain the same phytonutrients as the vegetables and fruits traditional to our region. And food variety is one of the pillars of proper nutrition, especially in winter, when the choice of fresh foods is limited.

Another great bonus of using spices is that their rich flavor and aroma allow you to cook with less or no salt. For residents of large cities, this is vital: according to WHO estimates, the average citizen eats almost twice as much sodium chlorine as is needed for health. For which he quickly pays with a tendency to edema, problems with the heart and blood vessels, joint diseases, etc.

Use the rainbow principle with your seasonings throughout the day. The more colorful your menu is, including through spices, the more beneficial nutrients will enter the body.

If you want to lose weight, stop counting calories - nutritionist from Moscow

The main mistake people make when losing weight is counting calories. To lose excess weight, a person should monitor how much fat, protein and carbohydrates he eats per day, and drink more water. And exhausting diets in this case are not an option. About this in an interview with the correspondent. Olga Dekker, a famous nutritionist from Moscow, told RIA PrimaMedia.

— What mistakes do people make who want to lose weight?

— The main mistake is counting calories. You can take a plate of porridge, which will have 700 calories, or a plate of fish, which will also have 700 calories. But if you eat porridge, you will not lose weight. And if you eat fish, you will definitely lose weight. So it's best to keep track of how much fat, protein and carbohydrates you consume per day. At the same time, it happens that people go to extremes: they either completely eliminate carbohydrates or eliminate fats. But it's harmful. After all, our body needs fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

The second mistake that people who are losing weight make is to look at the standards for fats, proteins and carbohydrates for ordinary people. And then ask why they can’t lose weight. But for people losing weight, for those who want to maintain weight, and for those who are healthy, the diet should be different.

— It turns out that you need to select a diet depending on how much a person weighs and how active his lifestyle is?

— The diet depends on how quickly a person wants to lose weight. Many people choose a mode of slow weight loss so that the skin has time to tighten and stretch marks go away. Sometimes a person has health problems, doctors restrict his diet. This all needs to be taken into account. Accordingly, you need to select the menu so as to maintain the norm for fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and in no case harm your health.

— How many times a day should you eat? Is three times enough, or do you need afternoon snacks and other snacks?

— When I conduct an individual consultation for a person, I pay attention to what time he wakes up, what his daily routine is, when it is convenient for him to eat. I look at how this relates to the physiology of his body. And I try to get at least four meals. But, if a person has an irregular working day, for example, he gets up at 06.00 in the morning and goes to bed long after 02.00 at night, then he should not starve in order to lose weight. He can eat seven or eight times. The main thing is to create a menu so that a person feels comfortable: he doesn’t go hungry and doesn’t overeat later.

Food, Thematic illustration. Photo by: RIA PrimaMedia

— Does portion size affect the rate of weight loss?

— The volume of the human stomach is 350 ml. At the same time, it has a certain structure: at the exit into the intestine it has a valve. And if a person eats no more than 350 ml, then the valve remains closed, gastric juice is produced, the food is crushed, for some time the valve opens, the food comes out and is absorbed in the intestines, then enters the blood and nourishes our cells. If a person decides to eat soup, a second course and wash it down with two mugs of tea, it turns out that it has exceeded 350 ml, the valve may not be able to withstand it. The first thing that happens is that the stomach stretches downward and forward. It begins to put pressure on our internal organs, especially the pancreas and intestines. Therefore, portions should be sufficient, but not exceed 350 ml. 350 ml is soup and main course. You can leave tea or coffee for later or drink it before meals if you really want to.

— When is it better to eat fruit: before meals or after? And is it possible to lose weight with their help?

— Fruits are carbohydrate foods. You won't be able to lose weight on fruits because there won't be a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, if we eat fruits, we need to eat protein. For example, I sometimes eat cottage cheese with peach for breakfast. Everything is balanced. Fruits are healthy, but if we go to extremes and eat only fruits in large quantities, in kilograms, then it doesn’t work out very well.

People also often eat grapes and melons, which cause fermentation in the stomach. It is better to eat them separately as an independent food. I don't recommend it after eating. I don’t recommend eating fruit in compotes, it’s pure carbohydrate. It is absorbed into the blood very quickly and increases sugar levels. It is better to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Fruits, Thematic illustration. Photo by: RIA PrimaMedia

— Many people, wanting to lose weight, squeeze lemon juice into water in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach. This is useful?

— I advise you to drink alkaline water on an empty stomach. And after eating, if you haven’t eaten much, you should definitely drink a sour drink: coffee or lemon water. It promotes digestion. After all, when a person is hungry, gastric juice is produced, and it is sour. If you drink something alkaline, the process of digesting food will go slower. If it's sour, it will speed up. You should not drink sour things on an empty stomach. We “acidify” our body. This leads to gallstones and kidney stones.

— What would you advise those who have already had dinner, but want to have a snack before going to bed because they are very hungry?

— It all depends on the amount of food you ate for dinner. If it’s 100 ml, then, of course, you can eat an apple or drink kefir at night. The big myth is that you can’t eat after 18.00. Of course, metabolism is faster in the first half of the day than in the second. But every person has a different schedule. Someone works at night and wakes up at 15.00. And how can he not eat after 18.00? Therefore, you need to select nutrition to suit each person’s daily routine. And there is nothing wrong with eating something at night if your body asks for it. But it is better to choose foods that will promote weight loss. Balance, make sure that your diet contains a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day. It doesn't matter what time you eat them.

— Is sports nutrition useful? Can it replace regular food?

— If you have the opportunity to fry an egg for breakfast, make it more protein, without the yolk, then it’s better to eat it. If you don't have time, you can drink a protein shake. You just need to pay attention that the composition of this protein shake is more natural, so that it includes vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Enzymes help digest protein.

When a person works out at the gym, he can’t bring scrambled eggs with him, so he drinks a protein shake. And that's okay if you want to build muscle. But there is no need to go to extremes and think that it is worth living only on sports nutrition.

- What about alcohol? For example, many people say that beer makes you fat. Is this really true?

- Any alcohol, including beer, is a diuretic. Roughly speaking, you drank one glass of beer and went to the toilet with two. Where did your body get the second glass of liquid? He took this water from your cells. Accordingly, alcohol is harmful. But it is harmful when we do not replenish this fluid. If you drank a shot of vodka or a glass of beer, but before that you drank an additional glass of water to your norm, you know that it is precisely that water that the beer will take away from you. Therefore, you can prepare. If you want to lose weight, you should know that alcohol contains no proteins, no fats, no carbohydrates. It's just calories. Accordingly, it does not affect our diet in any way. If you had an ideal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates during the day, and you have a supply of calories up to the recommended daily allowance, then you have the right to drink alcohol, knowing that you stocked up on water in advance.

Alcohol, Thematic illustration. Photo by: RIA PrimaMedia

Regarding the beer belly, very often people have fat on the outside within normal limits, but fat on the internal organs increases rapidly. This is due to simple carbohydrates. And the organs have nowhere to go, they rush down and forward, stretching the abdominal muscles. So getting rid of a beer belly is easy. You need to replace simple carbohydrates with complex ones, increase the amount of protein and the amount of water consumed per day.

—Are drinks for ladies, such as martinis and champagne, also harmful?

— Bubbles in champagne are carbon dioxide, which our body does not really need, because we exhale it. If your love for champagne is not strong, you can replace it. Martini is a sweet tasting drink. It contains a certain amount of carbohydrates. But you can adjust them based on your balance. Yes, you are losing weight now, but you counted that during the day you ate a certain amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. You have the right to drink a martini if ​​you have previously stocked up on water, that is, you have drunk it in excess of the norm.

— How much water should you drink a day?

— For a healthy person — 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. If you want to calculate your norm, multiply your weight by 0.03. If a person loses weight, during this process many toxins enter the blood, and in order to remove these substances, you need to increase the norm, just a little: 40 ml per 1 kg of weight. Count quickly: multiply all your kilograms by 0.04. And we get: some have 2.5 liters, others 3.5. If you get a very large number, for example 5 liters, you shouldn’t immediately fill yourself with a 5-liter bottle. You need to maintain a drinking regime. You need to add it little by little: today 1 liter, tomorrow another half a liter, then another. And look at the condition. When you increase the amount of water you drink per day, your weight will already go down. Fat is water and energy. Accordingly, the body understands that it does not need to stock up on this water. The water comes in and he starts giving it back. Weight decreases and water intake decreases. While you are increasing your norm, the weight is already going down, and perhaps you will stop at 3 liters.

It is also important to understand what should be considered water and what should not. Carbonated water is acidic for the body. And even fish cannot live in an acidic environment. And our cells, like fish, don't do well when we drink carbonated water. Sugar is also often added to carbonated drinks. Labels always indicate the energy value per 100 ml of product. You see that in Coca-Cola, in juice and in other drinks there will be zero protein, carbohydrates from 10 to 12 grams, zero fat. And some calories. If we take a glass of 250-300 ml and pour in this drink, which contains 11 grams of carbohydrates per 100 ml, multiply 11 grams by three, we get 33 grams of carbohydrates. For comparison, one teaspoon of sugar contains 4 grams of carbohydrates. Divide 33 by 4 and get approximately 8-9 tablespoons of sugar.

Sparkling water, Thematic illustration. Photo by: RIA PrimaMedia

The same applies to juice for children. After the kids drink the juice, they get a huge amount of energy, and the doctor says: hyperactivity, give the child pills. So isn’t it easier to control the amount of sugar, either give it clean water or make homemade fruit juice?

— As far as we know, you have a blog on the Internet, which is subscribed to by 160 thousand people.

— Yes, it’s called negoloday.ru. I give useful advice to those who want to lose weight. I'm currently working on an article about salads. I am writing about why, when we eat them, we cannot lose weight.

— Very often people who are losing weight eat nuts. Can I use them?

— Nuts are a good product if they are not salted or fried. It is better to eat them raw. Many people think that nuts are a protein product. In fact, you can squeeze oil out of the nut. We classify nuts as fatty foods along with seeds, olives and olives.

- What about seafood? On the one hand, they contain a lot of protein, but you can also get poisoned.

— You need to maintain the norm and try to eat no more than 30 grams of protein per meal. For example, 100 grams of mussels contain 30 grams of protein. So when I say eat 30 grams of protein per meal, I'm not talking about the volume of, say, whelk, but the volume of protein in the whelk. Seafood is a good product. Especially the Far Eastern squid. It contains a lot of protein, but it is cheaper compared to meat and fish, so you should pay special attention to it.

Squid, Thematic illustration. Photo by: RIA PrimaMedia

— How many kilograms do you need to lose per month so as not to harm your health?

— I am not a supporter of emergency weight loss. For example, someone who is overweight is 12 kg, they will go away in three months. If a person weighs significantly more, then about 20-30 kg can be lost in a month. The kilograms farthest from the spine go away faster. The closer to the spine, the more difficult it is for the body to release these reserves.

— For whom was therapeutic fasting developed?

— Such technologies exist, but, in my opinion, there are more gentle cleaning methods. And if we first prepare our body for this therapeutic fasting, it will be much better. A person weighing 140 kg, sharply starving, can release so many toxins into his blood, and then experience a crazy headache. There should be no weight loss without water. If your fasting includes water, great. But an overweight person should not plunge headlong into therapeutic fasting. First you need to bring your body closer to normal, and then cleanse yourself with therapeutic fasting.

— They say that exercise on exercise machines is not very useful for losing weight. Is it so?

— If a person is overweight by more than 10 kg and goes to the gym on his own without a trainer, he risks putting stress on his joints and heart. You need a gentle load or a trainer so that he can choose the appropriate exercises for you.

If a girl wants to gain muscle mass, the body understands: yeah, the load has increased. To pull this load, we need muscles. At the same time, the body thinks that a woman has a non-female task, and then why does she need female functions. The result is increased testosterone levels. And this affects health: early menopause, reproductive functions may decrease.

— Is it worth doing eco-food?

- If there is an opportunity, why not. It is much healthier to eat homemade vegetables, berries, etc. But if not, it makes sense to think about enriching your body with additional substances: vitamins and minerals.

Let us remind you that on May 23, Olga Dekker became a guest of the PrimaMediaLIVE live broadcast. Within an hour, the nutritionist revealed all the secrets of losing weight.

Higher mood and energy levels

The lack of sunlight affects literally all systems of the body. But thanks to spices grown under the bright sun of the tropics, you can live through the winter with a smile on your lips and a charged battery. The main thing in our good mood is chili pepper and other hot varieties. The active substance capsaicin promotes the synthesis of joy hormones endorphins, which means it reduces the risk of seasonal blues.

Almost all spices are characterized by the ability to speed up metabolic processes and tone the body. Of course, it would be naive to expect an energy boost from one serving of Indian curry, but regular use of spices is associated with better metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and overall vigor.

The ability to relieve anxiety and calm, which is also important in winter, is also attributed to cinnamon. It is no coincidence that the smell of apple pie with this spice has become a symbol of home comfort and is replicated in millions of scented candles every year. But most of all, scientists believe in color therapy. Seasonings of the red-yellow spectrum can have a beneficial effect on the brain, exhausted by the grayness outside the window, so cooking rice with a pinch of bright spices is a good winter idea for many reasons.

Contrary to the stereotype, cinnamon is good for more than just pies and cappuccino. Marinade for meat and poultry will only benefit if you add spice to it. For example, according to the scheme “salt, pepper, olive oil, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg.”

Amount recommended for carbohydrates and calories

According to doctors, all the nutrients are recommended for maximum growth of the vital organs of the body and prevent disease in the body. However, consuming any nutrient beyond the recommended level can lead to health problems.

One of the main differences between calories and carbohydrates is the amount recommended for consumption. It is important to emphasize that the amount of carbohydrates is significantly reduced, since carbohydrates are known to contain a large amount of calories.

Microbes won't be happy

By the standards of history, spices have only recently become a gourmet ingredient. Initially, they were widely used to veil products of dubious quality and for preservation. The first was dealt with well by volatile aromatic substances, which could overpower many other odors, while the second was dealt with by antibacterial agents in the composition of spices. Cloves, ginger, turmeric, garlic and rosemary top the list of spices that are harmful to pathogens and therefore beneficial for people during the cold season. Of course, ginger tea after this does not become a cure for pneumonia, but it is quite a means of prevention and support of the immune system.

The antioxidants and beneficial substances of most spices are better absorbed with fat. Surprisingly, people intuitively understood this even before the era of mass scientific research: in many gastronomic cultures, spices are usually fried in oil or taken with fatty foods. Fortunately, extra calories should not disrupt your slim figure: the active substances in spices usually stimulate blood flow and, therefore, the metabolic rate.

Calorie content

Calorie is a measure of energy; today it refers to the energy value of foods. Calories do not make you lose weight or gain weight. This is just a unit of measurement. But there is a direct connection between weight loss and calorie intake. In simple terms, a lack of calories leads to weight loss, and an excess leads to weight gain.

Balancing nutritional supplements when losing weight is as important as counting calories.

You can eat candies alone, keeping within your kcal norm. In this case, the person will not receive any benefit: the muscles will be weak, the skin will be flabby, and there will be no strength left for training and everyday activities. All this is fraught with serious disorders and disruptions in the body. Accordingly, fat burning processes will also be slowed down. Therefore, it is necessary to count BZHU!

Appetite and weight under control

Let's talk about cinnamon rolls again. According to research, the essential oils in the spice help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent sudden spikes. So, in theory, baking with cinnamon is almost not a crime against your figure, but a healthy compromise.

But seriously, spices can actually be good for keeping fit. During the cold season, we traditionally eat more “comfortable”, well-satisfying foods. But meat, thick soups, nuts, starchy vegetables and all kinds of pies are relatively difficult foods to digest. Spices can make it easier to digest. Rosemary, chili, turmeric, and paprika are traditionally used for marinating meat and preparing multi-ingredient dishes precisely because they soften proteins and help digest foods of different natures. And quality digestion is already half the battle in the fight for harmony.

No matter how useful seasonings are, the principle of moderation in use is not fraught with problems with the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

What to do if you are too lazy to calculate the BJU?

In this case, healthy food delivery in your city will help. There are a huge number of such services in large settlements. Freshly prepared food is delivered every day depending on your goals - weight maintenance, weight loss, detox or muscle gain, you just need to choose. But it's not cheap.

Another option is to cook according to recipes from the Internet, where everything is indicated by grams, calorie content and BJU are given. Recipes, for example, like this:

  • Fitness stuffed cabbage rolls for slim girls
  • Diet cake Napoleon

Diabetes and obesity with carbohydrates and calories

These two diseases have increased in incidence nowadays due to uncontrolled food consumption among people. Calories and carbohydrates play a significant role in the expansion or reduction of the two living conditions. While calorie burning is widely known for its effects in reducing obesity and reducing the obese person's chances of getting sick, excessive carbohydrate consumption contributes significantly to obesity and diabetic conditions.

All carbohydrates consumed by a person are converted into fats, which can sometimes accumulate to cause obesity. In addition, persistent carbohydrate consumption in the long term is attributed to emerging diabetes in the world.

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Weight gain and loss with carbohydrates and calories

Calories and carbohydrates play a significant role in determining a person's weight. It is important to note that consuming carbohydrates causes a person to gain weight, while calories can either increase or decrease weight. All carbohydrates consumed by people are converted into fats, which are deposited under the skin, leading to excess weight gain. On the other hand, eating fewer calories and burning more than you consume results in weight loss.

On the other hand, calories can lead to weight gain when some people consume more calories than what they burn. It is recommended that all people wishing to reduce their weight consume fewer carbohydrates, while at the same time ensuring that they burn more calories than their daily intake.

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